Implement VHDL/Verilog only using lookup tables in Xilinx ISE - vhdl

Is there any way of telling ISE to synthesize my VHDL/Verilog code into combinational circuits consisting only of look-up tables? I would like to avoid multiplexers, multipliers, and the like in the tech schematic... and wouldn't mind having an unoptimized (with many components than is optimal) version because of this preference.
Thanks SOCommunity!

There is a way to do that. Look at the XST user guide for switches that control the use of the primitives you want to avoid:
depending on your target architecture.
For example, to avoid DSP blocks use:
-use_dsp48 no
To avoid automatic packing into BRAMs use:
-auto_bram_packing no
This switch can also be useful:
as will others.
I have a convenient way to look at the available switches, along with some explanation of what they do, on my site:
(click 'Edit', and then 'More options...')
I hope this helps.

In Xilinx you can use the Language templates for this purpose. Select the device you are using and check the available type of LUT's and other components. You can individually instantiate these LUT in your design.
You may have to switch off the "optimization during synthesis" option in XST properties to make this work correctly.


FSMs extraction with yosys

I have been trying to use yosys in order to extract FSMs from my structural verilog file (gate library is simprims of Xilinx) with no success. I figured I might need to inform yosys which gate library I use or something similar, but as I said, no success.
Is there anything I should do in order to make this work?
Thank you.
Yosys' FSM extraction is designed to extract FSMs from coarse grain RTL-derived netlists. It is not going to be able to extract FSMs from technology-mapped netlists, this would need a different approach.

Why do we need to separate or breakdown one Use Case into two or more use cases?

Why do you need to, in many instances, separate or breakdown one Use Case into two or more use cases?
The only reason to split a use case in multiple use cases is to share a significant piece of functionality among multiple use cases by isolating that piece of functionality in a separate use case.
Example: 'search product information' may be a separate use case included by use cases 'buy product' and 'hire product'.
Apart from 'include' there are also examples of the same principle using 'extend' or 'generalize'.
By doing so, you prevent that the shared behaviour is copied in multiple use cases, with the chance of growing inconsistencies.
In the previous example: We want to make sure that customers don't get a different way to search for product information when buying compared to when hiring products. With an included use case, people who read the use cases are immediately aware of that fact.
First of all: you don't. Starting to do that means you are doing functional analysis. The point in use case synthesis is to find the goal(s) (aka. added value) the different actors have when interacting with the system under consideration. It's quite futile to separate a goal into sub-goals at that level. Either you have some added value or you don't have it. So if someone has settled a use case and tries to break it down then the use case is either wrong (no use case) or it's useless since the use case already shows the added value.
My personal opinion about include and extend: they are basically evil and a wrong concept introduced by techies (which most of the UML designers are) with no business background. Using them means you are already starting functional analysis. But UCs are synthesized from requirements. That is, you drag your net through that requirements soup and fish out those that fit together to build a story which makes sense - and which delivers added value: a use case.
And as always: read Bittner/Spence about use cases.

What is the technique behind the code generation feature of UML tools

I am an engineering student, and deciding upon my final year project.
One of the many candidates is an online UML tool with code generation facilities. But I did not take compiler designing classes, so I am not much aware of the code generation techniques.
I want to know about the techniques that I should look to study in order to build something like this. If these techniques are as complicated as writing a compiler, then perhaps I will have to abandon this idea.
Compilation is really the opposite of the kind of code generation you are describing, so I don't think you need to know how to write a compiler.
Code generation can be as simple as combining text strings or using templates, or as complex as using Reflection.Emit to create classes at runtime.
I would start with this Wikipedia article.
The creation of an UML tool is a long term project. You need many to acquire different expertises which can not be known by just one member of the team.
Your academic project is too ambitious.
An easy project which has never been done is to generate code from an activity or state diagram. You should not try to recreate the graphical editor because this is very very complex but only to take the xmi export and generate code from it using a xml parser. This would be a good 6 months project for your thesis :-)
Most UML tools generate source code. The generation is normally quite a bit simpler than a compiler as well. For example, a class diagram will have a collection of data structures representing classes and links between those classes (inheritance). To generate output, you walk through the class objects, and for each you "print" out a representation of that object in the syntax of the target language.
I'm not sure exactly what capabilities your code generation will require, but the UML tools that I have used are not very sophisticated in their code generation.
Tools that I have used simply create files and drop your function names into them with arguments derived from the inputs. This would not require any understanding of compilers. Most of the difficulty would be in the user interface and how you store the data to make code generation easy.
You can just find that here: and

What tools for migrating programs from a platform A to B

As a pet project, I was thinking about writing a program to migrate applications written in a language A into a language B.
A and B would be object-oriented languages. I suppose it is a very hard task : mapping language constructs that are alike is doable, but mapping libraries concepts will be a very long task.
I was wondering what tools to use, I know this has to do with compilation, but I'm a bit afraid to use Lex and Yacc and all that stuff.
I was thinking of maybe using the Eclipse Modeling Framework, which would help me write models (of application code) transformations in a readable form.
But first I would have to write parsers for creating the models (and also create the metamodel from the language grammar).
Are there tools that exist that would make my task easier?
You can use special transformation tools/languages for that TXL or Stratego/XT.
Also you can have a look and easily try Java to Python and Java to Tcl migrating projects made by me with TXL.
You are right about mapping library concepts. It is rather hard and long task. There are two ways here:
Fully migrate the class library from language A to B
Migrate classes/functions from language A to the corresponding concepts in language B
The approach you will choose depends on your goals and time/resources available. Also in many cases you wont be doing a general A->B migration which will cover all possible cases, you will need just to convert some project/library/etc. so you will see in your particular cases what is better to do with classes/libraries.
I think this is almost impossibly hard, especially as a personal project. But if you are going to do it, don't make life even more difficult for yourself by trying to come up with a general solution. Choose two specific real-life programming languages ind investigate the possibities of converting between them. I think you will be shocked by the number of problems and issues this will expose.
There are some tools for direct migration for some combinations of A and B.
There are a variety of reverse engineering and code generation tools for different languages and platforms. It's fairly rare to see reverse engineering tools which capture all the semantics of the source language, and the semantics of UML are not well defined ( since it's designed to map to different implementation languages, it itself doesn't define a complete execution model for its behavioural representations ), so you're unlikely to be able to reverse engineer and generate code between tools. You may find one tool that does full reverse engineering and full code generation for your A and B languages, and so may be able to get somewhere.
In general you don't use the same idioms on different platforms, so you're more likely to get something which emulates A code on B rather than something which corresponds to a native B solution.
If you want to use Java as the source language(that language you try to convert) than you might use Checkstyle AST(its used to write Rules). It gives you tree structure with every operation done in the source code. This will be much more easier than writing your own paser or using regex.
You can run from checkstyle-4.4.jar to launch Swing GUI that parse Java Source Code.
Based on your comment
I'm not sure yet, but I think the source language/framework would be Java/Swing and the target some RIA language like Flex or a Javascript/Ajax framework. – Alain Michel 3 hours ago
Google Web Toolkit might be worth a look.
See this answer: What kinds of patterns could I enforce on the code to make it easier to translate to another programming language?

Code Length in IDE ( w/o modeling support ) versus Code Efficiecy in Compilation in Delphi

So - highly hypothetical question and more like discussion about your coding style and practice you use daily.
I will take as example: CodeGear RAD Studio 2009 (sorry to all D7 fans, but Unicode rules).
I have capability to expand/collapse functions/procedures/records and few other complex data structures, but what if code is lengthy?
What makes the task and its accomplishment efficient - the time required to add comments (its req actually) and expand/collapse necessary area or use OMT offered possibilities?
To give example input from myself - I have small app, about 1,5k lines and I do not use Modeling. Is it smart enough or do I lose a lot of time if I need to find some simple references or (event) calls?
If I understand your question correctly, it is a bout finding your way into code (yours or someone elses').
I use Model Maker Code Explorer for browsing through source code (and for refactoring existing code, and creating new code). At EUR 99, it is dead cheap for what it does.
It usually gives me a perfect overview of what I need, and has a nice 'search' interface as well.
If I need more complex searches, I usually use the GExperts (grep) search function: it is blazingly fast, and with good naming of your identifiers, it is usually a breeze to find stuff.
If I understand your question correctly, you want to know what is more efficient:
Use comments and expandable sections.
Use moddeling techniques.
I think it depends on personal style. Modeling can be great, but has dangers of spending too much time creating nice pictures.
We have a large app 500k+ lines. We do not use collapsable sections because we keep our file size acceptable and we have a good file organisation structure. We sometimes use modeling if complex parts are added (class diagrams and state diagrams). And we use lots of comment to explain difficult parts.
If you have Delphi 2009 you can use also the Delphi Class Explorer (in the View menu) in order to see your classes. It seems a little bit cryptic but only for the first 5 minutes. After this you will get used with it.
Also you can use CnPack a very impressive package in order to help you manage your project. Basically, in the IDE appears a new menu called 'CnPack' which has a bunch of wizards to help you find the way out in the source. Some examples:
Uses Cleaner
Procedure List (it gives you the incremental search capability for your procedures - very neat)
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