Oracle updateXML - What is the text() for? - oracle

When I'm using the Oracle updateXML()-Function, I have to address the path to the attribute which I'm trying to update (e.g. '/supplier/companyName/text()', 'Some Company Ltd').
OK, I'm fine with that. But what I actually doesn't understand is the text(). It seems that it is a function. Is that correct?
But what else is possible to use there?

Here's a pretty good explanation of the usage of text():
In the case of updateXML() I think it makes sense to use it because of what you want the resulting update to look like.


It's is possible to do a insert on a mapplet without SQL transformation

It's is possible to do a insert on a mapplet without SQL transformation? Like in an expression?
The short answer is ‘no’
A mapplet cannot contain a target, it CAN contain a source, which is kind of counter intuitive I suppose :)
You must always have at least one port going out of the mapplet, but as you suggest, it is possible to do ‘writing’ anyway, using a sql-trans.
Personally I prefer not to do so, and let all the writing happen immediately after the mapplet, since the sql trans is rather difficult to debug, and logging metadata in the repository is non-existing.

Path to dynamic object?

I have a system_settings table which has a key and value columns. The key looks something like and the value is a simple string.
I'd like to have a static class which, upon initialization, reads the settings and caches the values. Furthermore, I'd like to be able to access the settings in an OO way, such as SystemSetting.CACHE.General.Site.Something.Config in order to pull back the value for that key. Basically turning the rows in the table into a tree.
Is there an easy way to do this in Ruby 1.8.7?
TL;DR, No. No easy (read 'built-in') way atleast.
The syntax you want is not the way things happen in Ruby (without over-plumbing, that is). To have a look at the over-plumbing I'm referring to, have a look at the code I wrote for this example that demonstrates some of the desired functionality you want. I wouldn't suggest using it though and that's the same reason I'm not posting it here.

howto get Builder to create <tag></tag> instead of <tag/>

I,m using Builder::XmlMarkup to create xml. I want to create a tag without content because the api force me to create this.
If I use a blog
xml.tag do
I get what i need
but I want it shorter
this gives me
but i want
what do I have to pass as option.
regards Kai
Just pass empty string as a parameter. xml.mytag('')
Why do you want <mytag></mytag> instead of <mytag/>? Since the output is XML, downstream applications should not know or care about the difference.
According to the Infoset spec (Appendix D point 7), "The difference between the two forms of an empty element: <foo/> and <foo></foo>" is not represented in the XML Information Set.
This doesn't answer your "how" question, but if you discover that you actually don't need to do what you're trying to do, it may save you from a difficult and unnecessary wild goose chase.
ok empty string is nice, another one-line-way is empty block I found out.

Detecting misspelled words

I have a list of airport names and my users have the possibility to enter one airport name to select it for futher processing.
How would you handle misspelled names and present a list of suggestions?
Look up Levenshtein distances to match a correct name against a given user input.
does something like levenshtein but, because he doesnt go all the way, its more efficient
Employ spell check in your code. The list of words should contain only correct spellings of airports.
This is not a great way to do this. You should either go for a control that provides auto complete option or a drop down as someone else suggested.
Use AJAX if your technology supports.
I know its not what you asked, but if this is an application where getting the right airport is important (e.g. booking tickets) then you might want to have a confirmation stage to make sure you have the right one. There have been cases of people getting tickets for the wrong Sydney, for instance.
It may be better to let the user select from the list of airport names instead of letting them type in their own. No mistakes can be made that way.
While it won't help right away, you could keep track of typos, and see which name they finally enter when a correct name is entered. That way you can track most common typos, and offer the best options.
Adding to Kevin's suggestion, it might be a best of both worlds if you use an input box with javascript autocomplete. such as jquery autocomplete
edit: danish beat me :(
There may be an existing spell-check library you can use. The code to do this sort of thing well is non-trivial. If you do want to write this yourself, you might want to look at dictionary trie's.
One method that may work is to just generate a huge list of possible error words and their corrections (here's an implementation in Python), which you could cache for greater performance.

In MVC, should pagination info go in the path or querystring?

In the path:
In the querystring:
Format:{category}/{subcategory}? pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}
I like having everything on the path, but my problem with that is that while it is obvious (or at least somewhat obvious) what "books" and "thriller" are in first example, the "3" and "25" seem pretty arbitrary by contrast.
Is there a canonical method for determining what goes where in MVC, or is it really just up to the dev?
I prefer things like pagenumbers to be in the querystring variables. I think there's a difference in descriptiveness between
The point (to me) of having clean url's is for them to be more descriptive and readable, and I find the first example to be just that.
One interesting point made byJohnRudolfLewis is:
One rule of thumb that I follow is
that if the argument is required,
consider using the path, if the
argument is optional, always use
querystring arguments.
One rule of thumb that I follow is that if the argument is required, consider using the path, if the argument is optional, always use querystring arguments.
Overall, I'd stick to whatever makes the url look more readable.
This site puts it in the querystring:
Well, it's obviously up to you. But, you're designing a RESTful interface that's supposed to be human readable. The querystring is much better in that regard. Otherwise you're looking at two numbers that could really be anything. And who's going to remember the order?
Is there a canonical method for determining what goes where in MVC, or is it really just up to the dev?
It's up to you.
MVC is about the organization/flow of your server-side code and seperating the view from the business layer, not so much about query parameters.
You could also consider the following
It is pretty much up to the dev. I would say put the pageSize in the URL.
