jasmine-maven-plugin and jasmine.log - jasmine

I can't find a way to see the results of calling jasmine.log when running specs with the jasmine-maven-plugin. Has anyone else succeeded at this? Here's an example spec:
describe("foo", function() {
it("bloop", function() {

It doesn't seem that Jasmine-Maven plugin took into account that Jasmine had a .log
See the following GitHub Issue Entry => https://github.com/searls/jasmine-maven-plugin/issues/45
EDIT: lol, I just saw that it was you who posted that issue on Github so I am pretty sure you know about it :) Will be useful for anyone else finding this though


MSTeams Development: navigate between personal tabs

sdk version: https://statics.teams.cdn.office.net/sdk/v1.6.0/js/MicrosoftTeams.min.js
How do you Navigate between 2 personal tabs?
Currently i am running this, but it does not seem to work. In-fact it seems like its doing nothing.
tabName: 'Calendar',
entityId: '<guid comes here>',
url: 'https://<domain-comes-here>/tab-auth'
Am i missing some parameters? or am i doing it completely wrong?
I managed to get it to work with by Generating a deep link to my tab
So in my case all I had todo was add the following.
Even tho this works I would still like to know why the microsoftTeams.navigateToTabdoes not work?

Find user's online status

I am using private_pub 1.0.3 gem which is build on top of faye and able to use it in my localhost. Now I want to implement functionality to check if user online status is online or offline using this gem.
I am totally new to web sockets and found private_pub really easy to configure it so implemented it.....but Now I am stuck in the above mentioned problem. So, please let me know what is the proper solution for it.
I found this tutorial http://www.ryanepp.com/blog/how-do-i-tell-if-a-user-is-online and I think that can solve my problem....I have configured redis server and tested it through console, it is all working.....Now all I want to do is to replace websocket-rails part of code with our own private_pub gem utilization.
I found these faye events:
bayeux.bind('disconnect', function(clientId) {
// event listener logic
client.bind('transport:down', function() {
// Fires when the connection is lost
client.bind('transport:up', function() {
// Fires when the connection is established
But, how can I use and bind these events using private_pub gem
I have opened issue in github for faye-rails and private_pub gem, please visite them, I have done partial solution for problem, but that didn't fully solved my problem
private_pub issue 110
faye-rails issue 72

Re-Launch App from Background Service

I am writing an App in Titanium Studio and I'm having a problem with opening my app from it's own background service. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I tried way too many variations to put them all in one question but I hope this gives an idea of what I've tried from answers to similar problems here on stackoverflow and examples from the Titanium Studio Documentation:
var intent = Ti.Android.createIntent({
action: Ti.Android.ACTION_RUN,
type: "text/plain",
className: "index.js",
packageName: "com.jason.avenue"
intent.putExtra(Ti.Android.EXTRA_TEXT, 'Arrived');
That throws the error "cannot start activity of null" I assume because I can't get the currentActivity of a background service but I really don't know.
I would like to open my app, after it has been closed by the user, from the background service that my app created before it was closed. If anyone has done this and would be so gracious as to share a snippet of how, I will write you into my will. :)
Thank you very much for taking the time to read my question.
you are putting wrong value in className
var intent = Ti.Android.createIntent({
action: Ti.Android.ACTION_RUN,
type: "text/plain",
url: "index.js",
className: "com.jason.avenue",
packageName: "com.json.avenue.IndexServices"
packageName you can get it when you look into your build > android > AndroidManifest.xml
Good Luck :)

parsr.com - Connection can not be established

I use the datastore of parse.com to manage the data of my apps. I use javascript by the way. I establish my connection like this:
// A Collection containing all instances of category objects.
var categoryObject = Parse.Object.extend("categories");
var CategoryCollection = Parse.Collection.extend({
model: categoryObject
var collection = new CategoryCollection();
success: function(categoryList) {
error: function(collection, error) {
for(item in error) {
alert(item +" = "+ error[item]);
The thing is that it worked yesterday, now when I browse to www.parse.com, it says that the certificate has expired. I think it has something to do with this issue.
Can anyone tell me please what I could do now.
We had an SSL issue this morning that caused downtime. You can read our post-mortem here: http://blog.parse.com/2012/09/10/summary-of-the-september-10-parse-service-disruption/.
The issue was resolved this morning at 8:42am and everything should be working fine now.
If you have any other issues with Parse, feel free to check out parse.com/help
If you hit parse.com, you'll get an expired SSL cert error. That's why the API calls aren't working, same thing happening for my app. I can't imagine this happening in a professional context, but there it is. I've sent a message to support. Strangely, my tweet didn't show up on #ParseIt.
Same thing is happening for me. I don't think is your code - probably a problem on their site. Hopefully it'll get resolved soon.
Parse.com is still a buggy system but you can access your data through web interface like
Mention you and can access to your data.

Chrome extension API: chrome.experimental.clear.* not working?

I made a simple extension that contains a button, that when clicked, executes the following code:
chrome.experimental.clear.cache('everything', function() {
but the callback function never seems to get called. Am I using this API wrong or is it just broken?
Here's a link to the API doc for it:
The API has changed to chrome.experimental.browsingData.
I've just landed the documentation updates to go along with the code change: http://code.google.com/chrome/extensions/trunk/experimental.browsingData.html
Here's the most up to date documentation (chrome.browsingData.removeCache):
