- Connection can not be established - parse-platform

I use the datastore of to manage the data of my apps. I use javascript by the way. I establish my connection like this:
// A Collection containing all instances of category objects.
var categoryObject = Parse.Object.extend("categories");
var CategoryCollection = Parse.Collection.extend({
model: categoryObject
var collection = new CategoryCollection();
success: function(categoryList) {
error: function(collection, error) {
for(item in error) {
alert(item +" = "+ error[item]);
The thing is that it worked yesterday, now when I browse to, it says that the certificate has expired. I think it has something to do with this issue.
Can anyone tell me please what I could do now.

We had an SSL issue this morning that caused downtime. You can read our post-mortem here:
The issue was resolved this morning at 8:42am and everything should be working fine now.
If you have any other issues with Parse, feel free to check out

If you hit, you'll get an expired SSL cert error. That's why the API calls aren't working, same thing happening for my app. I can't imagine this happening in a professional context, but there it is. I've sent a message to support. Strangely, my tweet didn't show up on #ParseIt.

Same thing is happening for me. I don't think is your code - probably a problem on their site. Hopefully it'll get resolved soon. is still a buggy system but you can access your data through web interface like
Mention you and can access to your data.


Uncaught Error: Returned values aren't valid, did it run Out of Gas?

I'm listening to events of my deployed contract. Whenever a transaction gets completed and event is fired receiving the response causes following error:
Uncaught Error: Returned values aren't valid, did it run Out of Gas?
at ABICoder.push../node_modules/web3-eth-abi/src/index.js.ABICoder.decodeParameters
at ABICoder.push../node_modules/web3-eth-abi/src/index.js.ABICoder.decodeLog
Web3 version: 1.0.0-beta36
Metamask version: 4.16.0
How to fix it?
Try the command truffle migrate --reset so that all the previous values are reset to their original value
Throws the same error when inside a transaction it generates different events with the same name and the same arguments. In my case, this was the Transfer event from ERC721 and ERC20. Renaming one of them solves this problem, but of course this isn't the right way.
This is a bug in web3js, discussed here.
And the following change fixes it (source):
--- a/node_modules/web3-eth-abi/src/index.js
+++ b/node_modules/web3-eth-abi/src/index.js
## -280,7 +280,7 ## ABICoder.prototype.decodeLog = function (inputs, data, topics) {
var nonIndexedData = data;
- var notIndexedParams = (nonIndexedData) ? this.decodeParameters(notIndexedInputs, nonIndexedData) : [];
+ var notIndexedParams = (nonIndexedData && nonIndexedData !== '0x') ? this.decodeParameters(notIndexedInputs, nonIndexedData) : [];
var returnValue = new Result();
returnValue.__length__ = 0;
Edit: Also downgrading to web3-1.0.0.beta33 also fixes this issue too.
Before even checking your ABI or redeploying, check to make sure Metamask is connected to whichever network your contract is actually deployed too. I stepped away and while i was afk Metamask logged out, I guess I wasn't watching closely and I was connected to Ropsten when I working on localhost. Simple mistake, wasted an hour or so trying to figure it out. Hope this helps someone else out!
This happened to me on my react app.
I deployed to contract to Ropsten network, but metamask was using the Rinkeby aaccount. So make sure whichever network you deployed, metamask should be using account from that network.
The solution for me was changing of provider. With Infura the error is gone, but with Alchemy is still happening.
Please check your Metamask Login, This issue is generally populated when you are either log out of the Metamask or worse case you have 0 ether left at your account.
This can also happen when the MNEMONIC value from Ganache is different from the one you have in your truffle.js or truffle-config.js file.

Cloudkit subscription error: BAD_REQUEST (just production mode)

I make an App with Cloudkit subscription. (see this code).
I tested developer mode, and work fine.
I publish my App, and that is not working :(
I get the following error message (Cloudkit Dashboard Log)
operation: subscription modify
database: private
zone: _zoneWide
let predicate = NSPredicate(value: true)
let subscription = CKQuerySubscription(recordType: "recordDT",
predicate: predicate,
subscriptionID: subscriptionID,
options: [.firesOnRecordCreation, .firesOnRecordDeletion, .firesOnRecordUpdate])
let notification = CKNotificationInfo()
notification.alertBody = "change cloudkit"
notification.shouldSendContentAvailable = true
subscription.notificationInfo = notification { result, error in
if let error = error {
I found this log:
What could be the problem?
I Found the root cause of the error :)
I saw this the icloudkit dashboard webpage "Subscription types are automatically created when your app creates a Query Subscription."
This work fine the developer pages, but not true the production page :(
Must be use "deploy to production" function, after the subscripttion was created
I had a similar issue. Worked fine on dev but failed on production. The cause was my production database had not been updated with schema changes that had been made to the dev database. CloudKit automatically changes the schema of the developer databases, but you must push those changes into production. (Which is by design and a very good design choice at that.) So, if you are still having the problem, go to CloudKit dashboard and publish your changes from the developer version of your database into production.
Can you show your code for how you define publicDB and subscriptionID?
You might try saving the subscription using a CKModifySubscriptionsOperation instead of a save and see if it makes a difference.
let operation = CKModifySubscriptionsOperation(subscriptionsToSave: [subscription], subscriptionIDsToDelete: nil)
operation.modifySubscriptionsCompletionBlock = { saved, deleted, error in
if let error = error{
print("Subscriptions saved: \(saved)\nSubscriptions deleted: \(deleted)")

apiKey key ID and secret is required even though they're there in express-stormpath

I'm trying to use express-stormpath on my Heroku app. I'm following the docs here, and my code is super simple:
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
var stormpath = require('express-stormpath');
app.use(stormpath.init(app, {
website: true
app.on('stormpath.ready', function() {
I've already looked at this question and followed the Heroku devcenter docs. The docs say that for an Heroku app, it's not necessary to pass in options, but I've still tried passing in options and nothing works. For example, I've tried this:
app.use(stormpath.init(app, {
// client: {
// file: './'
// },
client: {
apiKey: {
file: './',
id: process.env.STORMPATH_API_KEY_ID || 'xxx',
secret: process.env.STORMPATH_API_KEY_SECRET || 'xxx'
application: {
href: ''
To try and see what's going on, I added a console.log line to the stormpath-config strategy valdiator to print the client object, and it gives me this:
{ file: './',
id: 'xxx',
secret: 'xxx' }
{ file: null, id: null, secret: null }
Error: API key ID and secret is required.
Why is it getting called twice, and the second time around, why does the client object have null values for the file, id and secret?
When I run heroku config | grep STORMPATH, I get
I'm the original author of the express-stormpath library, and also wrote the Heroku documentation for Stormpath.
This is 100% my fault, and is a documentation / configuration bug on Stormpath's side of things.
Back in the day, all of our libraries looked for several environment variables by default:
STORMPATH_URL (your Application URL)
However, a while ago, we started upgrading our libraries, and realized that we wanted to go with a more standard approach across all of our supported languages / frameworks / etc. In order to make things more explicit, we essentially renamed the variables we look for by default, to:
Unfortunately, we did not yet update our Heroku integration or documentation to reflect these changes, which is why you just ran into this nasty issue.
I just submitted a ticket to our Engineering team to fix the names of the variables that our Heroku addon provisions by default to include our new ones, and I'm going to be updating our Heroku documentation later this afternoon to fix this for anyone else in the future.
I'm sincerely sorry about all the confusion / frustration. Sometimes these things slip through the cracks, and experiences like this make me realize we need better testing in place to catch this stuff earlier.
I'll be working on some changes internally to make sure we have a better process around rolling out updates like this one.
If you want a free Stormpath t-shirt, hit me up and I'll get one shipped out to you as a small way to say 'thanks' for putting up with the annoyance:
After endless hours, I managed to finally get it working by removing the add-on entirely and re-installing it via the Heroku CLI and then exporting variables STORMPATH_CLIENT_APIKEY_ID and STORMPATH_CLIENT_APIKEY_SECRET. For some reason, installing it via the Heroku Dashboard causes express-stormpath to not find the apiKey and secret fields (even if you export variables).

Gmail Gadget Error 406 being thrown on

We have multiple marketplace Apps that use Gmail Contextual Gadgets. These have been running for years successfully.
We are now noticing the following intermittent error being thrown when calling out to an external web server using open social
"{"id":"","error":{"message":"Response not valid JSON","code":406}}"
We have checked and there is nothing wrong with our server. We can make the call directly to our server successfully without fail.
We can replicate the issue calling to multiple servers running different apps/gadgets. The only commonality appears to be the use of
Here is the post{
'body': postdata,
'href': serverUrl + 'iLinkStreamer.ashx?data=' + "" + setTimeStamp() + debugString,
'format': 'json',
'authz': 'signed',
'noCache': true
which raises the 406 error as above
Has anybody else noticed this issue?? Not sure how we can address it?
I had the same issue for a while and finally found the problem. I was also invoking external resources using I read the new documentation and found that there is a new way to do the same.
Check this url for more details, but the idea is that now you'll need to use makeRequest API, it will look something like this:
var params = {};
params[] =;
params[] =;
params[] =;"", on_response_function, params);
def on_response_function(response){ ... }
I hope this helps someone.
I'm not sure if I'm the only one, but I never received a notification message that the previous API will be deprecated. :(

First try wcf data service always times out from client

I have read all other posts and have been googling this for the last 2 hours! I started WCF Data Services about 3 hours ago btw.
My service is on an asp.net4 app, the ado entity model exposes an sql server db.
Here is FasDataService.svc.cs
public class FasDataService : DataService<FASStoreEntities>
public static void InitializeService(DataServiceConfiguration config)
config.DataServiceBehavior.MaxProtocolVersion = DataServiceProtocolVersion.V2;
config.UseVerboseErrors = true;
config.SetServiceOperationAccessRule("*", ServiceOperationRights.All);
config.SetEntitySetAccessRule("*", EntitySetRights.All);
I have then a winforms 4 app with the following code in the Main()
FASStoreEntities fas = new FASStoreEntities(u);
var a = from al in fas.Customers
where al.Name == "Alinio"
select al;
When I run the web app and point to http://localhost:15995/FasDataService.svc/Customers(1) it loads up the one and only customer in there
My error is WebException was unhandled:
The operation has timed out. The inner
exception is null.
Also, everything is local but when I do this (in chrome) it takes a good load of time! Its scary to think of how it would perform in production?
For some reason, today I installed fiddler and tried it and it works! I also, queried the service with linqpad and it worked no prob!
Although throughout today I played with wcf data services and had tons of problems accessing data because of all kinds of errors, data connection was still open, some error insert excess data in a field etc etc.
Fiddler was very helpful at diagnosing what the error was, its very difficult to figure out what really went wrong so fiddler is a must have.
