Using Joomla 1.7 generic categories functions - joomla

Since 1.6, I believe, there's a generic way to use 'categories' in your own created components. The default Joomla components also use this. For example: the contacts, newsfeeds and weblinks components all use the generic com_categories functionality to achieve categorized content.
Currently I'm creating a component which also has categories so I'd like to use the generic Joomla category functions to achieve this.
The status: Currently I've got the following:
I've got a submenu 'categories' in my component which links to the generic categories component which some extra options. The options are there so the page will be redirected back to my component on save. This was pretty easy! But..
My problem: Now I'd like to add specific fields to my category, let's say: 'Category Moderator'.
So I've walked to the code of com_categories and in the following file 'administrator\components\com_categories\models\category.php' there is code (line 270) to look for specific component code, like the following:
// Looking first in the component models/forms folder
$path = JPath::clean(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR."/components/$component/models/forms/$name.xml");
So the components looks (in my case) in the folder: administrator/components/mycomponent/models/forms/category.xml for specific component info.
Now, in the default category.xml of com_categories there's information about the edit screen, like the following:
So the title of the category is apparantly required..
So I thought I add a line to this file:
Except that's not enough to add the input..
So I've looked in the administrator/components/com_categories/views/category/edit.php template for hints, how to achieve this. But there's no code to add specific inputs for my component (or I'm wrong ;))..
Fields are added pretty specific like:
<li><?php echo $this->form->getLabel('title'); ?>
<?php echo $this->form->getInput('title'); ?></li>
I've also looked if I can overide the edit.php somehow, but unfortunately I haven't found it..
Short: Anyone knows how to add generic fields to the category edit page?

You can do it by using plugins ( you can take a look at the built-in user profile plugin for an example: /plugins/user/profile ). But if you want to add a "Category Moderator", I think you could achieve it using ACL.


Creating a Published drop down in Joomla

<option value="1">
<option value="0">
<option value="-2">
I've created a Joomla dropdown in my form.xml file of a custom component to choose the published status of the item. I've taken this code unashamedly from the Joomla com_content component (and copied and pasted it into my own form.xml file. However when its rendered in the edit.php file (as shown below) you can see that the item is being set as unpublished. Despite the code above clearly setting the default as 1 which should correspond to published. Any good ideas as to why/how to fix this. I can easily change the drop down back from unpublished to published - and it works fine doing that. But its just annoying and a bug I'd like to fix. Any ideas?
Try to take a look if there is any override through your code, since this was taken by the com_content component, it won't set to default until all the mandatory fields are set, double check if any JS script or PHP function interrupts your field's normal behavior.
Another thought of mine is that maybe there is a problem with the translations, so take a close look to the translation files.
Are you using a table / model approach like com_content does? if so, when the record doesn't exist, its fields will be set to default (as read from database, so int fields will default to 0).
You can either
set the right defaults in the database,
check their values in the model,
change JPUBLISHED to 0 and JUNPUBLISHED to 517
although the latter looks really ugly.

Joomla 2.5 'Alternative Menu Items' and 'Category Blog' (Multiple template layout overrides for the same component)

I've come across a very strange problem relating to 'Alternative Menu Items', the usage is described here:
The following files are located in: templates/testtemplate/html/com_content/category and these are the steps I took:
These files:
blog.php, blog.xml, blog_children.php, blog_item.php, blog_links.php
Have been changed to:
bloggal.php, bloggal.xml, bloggal_children.php, bloggal_item.php, bloggal_links.php
For file bloggal.xml – I changed this part:
<layout title="Blog Gallery"
Then added sub headings to bloggal.php and bloggal_item.php so I can see if the child items are in effect.
Now the interesting part is bloggal.php works fine but the child items drawn from bloggal_item.php do not come up.
I've done this test with the same template on multiple Joomla installs, on one of them it seems to work and the rest it does not.
The only thing I can think of is Joomla may have had a regression since the working one was an updated install and the rest are more recent versions.
Any ideas?
Starting Joomla 1.6 you can choose an alternate layout for each category. Including those you have overrides for. No need to select an alternate layout when configuring menu items ;)
Sorry I should've posted this sooner. I figured out the issue, I renamed:
<field name="layout_type"
<field name="layout_type"
Essentially looking for a model that doesn't exist.
If you did this, do the following to fix it:
Rename default="whatever" back to default="blog"
In your database go to _menu table
Look for your menu item via the title column
Head over to the params and change {"layout_type":"bloggal"... to {"layout_type":"blog"...

How to retrieve Categories name and children ? Magento

I would like to retrieve the categories of my website in order to build me own Category menu.
but I don't understand how to get all the categories from the class/model. So I've created a file called top.phtml that I've put in template/catalog/navigation ,
First, do I MUST put that name to the file into that folder if I want to create a top Menu ? Can t I decide where to put it with the name I want like TopMenu.phtml ? Because in evry tut I red, they are doing the same way ..
Second : What i the function I must call ? I've been here : but the way the do that doesn t work for me .. I add that code to my file top.phtml properly called in the page.xml :
<div class="category-list" style="background-color:white;">
<h2>Nos produits</h2>
foreach ($this->getStoreCategories() as $_category):
$_category = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($_category->getId());
$layer = Mage::getSingleton('catalog/layer')->setCurrentCategory($_category);
<div class="category-list-view">
<a href="<?php echo $this->getCategoryUrl($_category)?>" title="<?php echo $_category->getName()?>">
<img src="<?php echo $this->getCurrentCategory()->getImageUrl(); ?>" alt="<?php echo $_category->getName() ?>" />
<h3><?php echo $_category->getName()?></h3>
Last : where could I find a clear user guide like there is for CodeIgniter ? I found that, but I never found any answer on it :
Thanks for your answers, I m a web dev used to work with CodeIgniter or without any template, and I can t clearly see the logic behind Magento way of programming.
EDIT: Is there anything to do with the categories ? Becaue I tried to create a sub category under the Default Category and it do work, but if I create a new Root Category,It simply didnt recognize it .. why
First, do I MUST put that name to the file into that folder if I want to create a top Menu ? Can t I decide where to put it with the name I want like TopMenu.phtml ? Because in evry tut I red, they are doing the same way ..
You can name your template file whatever you like. However, it's best to follow the nomenclature and established conventions. The template filename is contingent on your layout XML. It should have the template attribute, something like <block name="x" type="x/y" template="catalog/navigation/topmenu.phtml" /> (for example).
Second : What i the function I must call ? I've been here : but the way the do that doesn t work for me
The functions available to your template (topmenu.phtml file) depend on the block's type. In your layout XML, you should specify the block type that corresponds to the functionality you need. In your case, you're probably looking for the block type to be catalog/navigation. If you look in ./app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Block/Navigation.php, you can see what public methods are available to your template. Several of the methods here facilitate generating (nested) category listing. This is where your getStoreCategories() method comes from. Remember that these blocks inherit from several parenting classes, so you have a lot more methods available than you may at first think.
where could I find a clear user guide like there is for CodeIgniter ? I found that, but I never found any answer on it :
That's a link to the Magento API. What you need is a tutorial on Magento layout XML and the design layer therein. The Magento wiki has some good info, but Google around and you'll find a ton of really helpful resources on understanding Magento's design system.
Is there anything to do with the categories ? Becaue I tried to create a sub category under the Default Category and it do work, but if I create a new Root Category,It simply didnt recognize it .. why
A root category is what you'll use to identify the basis of the catalog for the selected store(s). You will never see the root category appear on the frontend (and you shouldn't). Each subcategory within the root category is the top-level category; sub-categories beneath those subcategories (tertiary categories) would appear as your "second-level" categories on the Magento frontend. You might want to look into Magento's GWS ("global, website, store") scope system, and how it manages catalog data in a multi-store setup to better understand why root categories function this way.
Hope this helps!

CodeIgniter: set_checkbox problem

I seem to be running into something really nasty:
I have a form which contains a group of checkboxes.
I have set up validation rules for my form, and just added an empty one
for my checkbox group. However, after validating my form and giving an error,
it only rechecks the last one in the group that was selected. This is just
driving me nuts, since the user will never notice it was unchecked!
for now, before building up the system, I just hardcoded the form to check if it works
how I want it to work.
<legend>Locaties veldwedstrijden</legend>
<?php echo form_checkbox('locatie','oudenaarde', set_checkbox('locatie','oudenaarde'));?>3-7-2011 te Oudenaarde <br />
<?php echo form_checkbox('locatie','arendonk', set_checkbox('locatie','arendonk'));?>31-7-2011 Arendonk<br />
<?php echo form_checkbox('locatie','westdonk', set_checkbox('locatie','westdonk'));?>11-09-2011 Westhoek – MERKEN<br />
It also has this validation rule in it:
array('field' => 'locatie','label' => '','rules' => ''),
Can anybody tell me what I'm doing wrong? I read the whole manual, but I can't
find the slightest hint of what might be wrong with this code...
You're using a checkbox like a radio button. No matter how many checked checkbox, they're all named locatie, php will only see one value.
If you wanted to save multiple values from the checkbox, you'd either need to use a different name for each checkbox (locatie1, locatie2, locatie3) or use a php style name array (locatie[]). I'm not sure for the latter that the CI form helper function will work properly with that style of naming though.

How do I separate the files for 'widgets' in codeigniter?

I have a basic cms that loads content into pages that have mustache tags to indicate where in the html code those contents will appear.
The contents are specified in a widget model which indicate which type of content is to be displayed, so for example, freetext with id. or another model and id. each one of those models will be displayed differently based on the model they are based on.
I can imagine this becoming and bit unwieldy, is there a way to have a separate folder to put those widgets in so that it doesn't clutter my main code.
Something like apotomo does on rails would be good, but for codeigniter.
A widget model? That is not so nice. Have you tried looking at PyroCMS?
From the sound of it you may be more interested in our Plugins library (sounds like the same thing with a different name). It is set up with a MY_Parser and runs on top of Dan Horrigan's Simpletags implementation.
Either way this has all be done plenty. If you want some more specific tailored advice you might have to demo some of your code.
Create a folder inside application/views called widgets. Put your widgets inside that folder and create a separate file for each widget (d0h).
Next, you have 2 options (at least that i know of):
a.) Load the widgets into variables inside the controller, then pass them to the main/general view
$data['widget_twitter_feed'] = $this->load->view('widgets/twitter', '', false);
$data['widget_something'] = $this->load->view('widgets/something', '', false);
$this->load->view('my_main_view', $data);
b.) Load the widgets inside the main/general view itself
<div id="sidebar">
<?php $this->load->view('widgets/twitter'); ?>
<div id="footer">
<?php $this->load->view('widgets/something'); ?>
