How do I separate the files for 'widgets' in codeigniter? - model-view-controller

I have a basic cms that loads content into pages that have mustache tags to indicate where in the html code those contents will appear.
The contents are specified in a widget model which indicate which type of content is to be displayed, so for example, freetext with id. or another model and id. each one of those models will be displayed differently based on the model they are based on.
I can imagine this becoming and bit unwieldy, is there a way to have a separate folder to put those widgets in so that it doesn't clutter my main code.
Something like apotomo does on rails would be good, but for codeigniter.

A widget model? That is not so nice. Have you tried looking at PyroCMS?
From the sound of it you may be more interested in our Plugins library (sounds like the same thing with a different name). It is set up with a MY_Parser and runs on top of Dan Horrigan's Simpletags implementation.
Either way this has all be done plenty. If you want some more specific tailored advice you might have to demo some of your code.

Create a folder inside application/views called widgets. Put your widgets inside that folder and create a separate file for each widget (d0h).
Next, you have 2 options (at least that i know of):
a.) Load the widgets into variables inside the controller, then pass them to the main/general view
$data['widget_twitter_feed'] = $this->load->view('widgets/twitter', '', false);
$data['widget_something'] = $this->load->view('widgets/something', '', false);
$this->load->view('my_main_view', $data);
b.) Load the widgets inside the main/general view itself
<div id="sidebar">
<?php $this->load->view('widgets/twitter'); ?>
<div id="footer">
<?php $this->load->view('widgets/something'); ?>


How To Emit Only Gallery IMGs from Batflat CMS

If you make a Gallery in Batflat CMS, the template tag it creates will generate its only Bootstrap HTML for a gallery. What if I just want to emit IMG tags for the gallery items, instead?
Create a Gallerymod custom module. That way, your customization may likely survive a Batflat Update.
Copy inc/modules/galleries as inc/modules/gallerymod.
Remove the lang folder and Admin.php in your gallerymod folder.
Change the Name and Description inside the gallerymod/Info.php, as well as the comments. I used static strings instead of code. Also in this file, inside the install function and uninstall function, remove code inside those so that it does nothing on install or uninstall.
In your gallerymod/Site.php, look for the $assign[$gallery['slug']] assignment, and on the following line, add:
$assign[$gallery['slug'] . '-alt1'] = $this->draw('gallery-alt1.html', ['gallery' => $tempAssign]);
Also, where you have the namespace line set as namespace Inc\Modules\Galleries;, change it to namespace Inc\Modules\Gallerymod;.
In your gallerymod/view folder, create a gallery-alt1.html file and add these contents:
{loop: $gallery.items}
<img class="photo-{if: $value.title}{$value.title}{/if}" alt="" class="img-responsive" src="{?=url($value.src.lg)?}">
Now activate this inactive module in Batflat's admin system. You'll notice that it has no admin panel -- because it doesn't need one. You already have the Galleries one. Do not deactivate the Galleries module because the Gallerymod module relies on the Galleries module.
Now, from your custom theme template, you can call this by varying how you called the old slug. So, if your old way of calling the gallery was something like {$gallery.home-photos}, then you would merely tack on the "-alt1" on the end and call it like {$gallery.home-photos-alt1}. I like to wrap these in a DIV wrapper with an ID on it so that I can address it with CSS, jQuery, or Javascript.
In the Batflat Admin system, go back and edit your image titles in the gallery. Treat those titles like a slug (lowercase alphanumeric phrase with dashes) because these are used as class names on the IMG tags in gallery-alt1.html, and you may want to address these individually in CSS, jQuery, or Javascript, later on.
Refresh your browser and you may see the source code display something similar to:
<div id="hidden-images" class="hidden">
<img class="photo-man2" alt="" class="img-responsive" src="">
<img class="photo-woman1" alt="" class="img-responsive" src="">
<img class="photo-man1" alt="" class="img-responsive" src="">
</div><!-- hidden-images -->
Just remember that if you update your version of Batflat, that you may need to reapply this customization again -- it depends on what was done in the update to the existing Galleries module.
If you have different tastes as to how you want to format your images, just edit your gallery-alt1.html file. Plus, you can make multiples of these for different situations, such as gallery-alt2.html, gallery-alt3.html, etc. You can even make it emit JSON instead of html so that you can insert it into a Javascript block in your theme.
Another tip for debugging, in case your site won't load or the admin system breaks, is to edit inc/core/defines.php and change the DEV_MODE to false. That way, PHP will show you every error and that might help you in debugging what might be wrong.

Laravel blade template extending two different layouts

I have two templates that are almost identical. It's the mail template, but it should be in two different places. So they are extending the two different templates, but this and the section names are the only differences.
Here's the example:
//sections etc
//content here
//other sections etc
And here's the second template:
//sections etc
//content here
//other sections etc
The other sections are mostly imported libraries to make the content work.
How should I approach this to not repeat the code?
Create another template and include in your section
<div class="col-md-3">
I solved a similar issue using components.
I found that it is good to have one master layout, but if you have parts of the code you need to include in many pages, it is better to use components. This provides an excellent example of the use of components.
Put your template into components.yourtemplate.blade.php
then in both layout.client and put
where you want your template code to be included. You can include the same component in many views.

Include more controllers into a single page

I just started learning Laravel, and I want to include a second controller into my main layout.
The route is the default root directory: /
And the layout looks like this:
<div class="container">
<div class="basket">
~basket comes here~
I want to show the user's basket, but I need DB queries for that, and I can't find a way to include an other controller, atleast not with routing.
I'm not really asking for code (Sadly i didn't find a better place for this question), probably I just need a designing tip, I really feel I'm trying to do it wrong, since I couldn't find any relevant/helpful information for this.
And I dont want to put the basket into every controller that uses my main layout.
Any kind of help would be apreciated, I'm really lost :)
You should use view composers. Open you AppServiceProvider and inside the boot() method add the following:
view()->composer('', function ($view) {
$basket = ...// Your basket query here
$view->with('basket', basket);
This basically says, when view with name is composed, add variable with name $basket.

Joomla include view in other view

I have problem with including Joomla views. I have many views in my extension and I want to include another one in my Dialog.
How can I do it?
In my first view I have this code:
<div id="modalDostawca" title="Dostawcy">
<div id="wewM">
//in here i want to include view data/tmpl/default.php
What kind of extension is your extension? A module? A component?
If it's a component, what you are trying to include is a template for a view, not a view! (the view is the one with view.html.php). Create a view + template for what you are trying to see. I don't think Joomla! can call multiple views at the same time. If you can reuse code inside models (if this is your concern).
You can also include files the normal way, with include(...).

How to fetch() sub-parts of a Smarty template

Background Smarty is a templating engine that separates the presentation layer from the logic layer of web applications. It is well-suited for the Model-View-Control approach to developing web applications. The View can be represented by Smarty templates, which contain only HTML and Smarty tags. The Control can be implemented by PHP files that serve the appropriate views based on the logic contained within them via PHP code. The View is instantiated by displaying the templates via the display() command. Alternatively, a template can be read in as a variable without displaying it via the fetch() command. The file name of the template is the argument to both these commands.
Issue The fetch() command can read an entire template. In order to read parts/sub-parts of a template, each of these parts would normally needed to be stored in a separate file with its own name that can be the argument to the command. This creates needless files.
Question Is it possible to fetch only parts of a Smarty template by somehow marking sections of the template?
Case example Below I present a sample template file with Smarty and HTML tags, as well as the corresponding controller file with PHP code.
Template file (index.tpl)
<div id="sec1">
First section
<div id="sec2">
Second section
Controller file (index.php)
$smarty = new Smarty;
$template = $smarty->fetch("index.tpl");
In the example above, the $template variable would contain the full output from the template page. Below is a dump of its contents from the example.
$template => string(255)
<div id="sec1">First section</div>
<div id="sec2">Second section</div>
However, suppose I wish to read in the code from each of the DIV containers separately, and store them into separate variables, how could I achieve this? For instance, suppose I have a magical function called fetch_sub(). Here's my expectations of using it.
$smarty = new Smarty;
$div1 = $smarty->fetch_sub("index.tpl", "sec1");
$div2 = $smarty->fetch_sub("index.tpl", "sec2");
Then $div1, etc would contain only the relevant sub-part, instead of the whole template.
Other info I am not a beginner with Smarty and have a fairly good handle on basic concepts, as well as some of Smarty's advanced concepts. Following is my attempts so far at conceptualizing the problem and getting to a solution. My initial rough idea is to demarcate the template into sections using {capture}, and then somehow reference each of these sections. I present an outline example of the idea below.
{capture name=sec1}
<div id="sec1">
First section
. . .
Smarty (as of Smarty 3.1) has no built-in feature to allow you achieving your goal. I had proposed something similar in 2011, but we haven't come around to implementing it.
Maybe you can have the generated HTML parsed to DOM and help yourself with xpath, or something like that?
You can try this:
<div id="sec1">First section</div>
<div id="sec2">Second section</div>
{include file="sec1.tpl"}
{include file="sec2.tpl"}
And then You can fetch parts by invoking:
$smarty = new Smarty;
$div1 = $smarty->fetch("sec1.tpl");
$div2 = $smarty->fetch("sec2.tpl");
