What graphical git tool for Mac can show per-file history better than github? - macos

I want a nice graphical version of git log -p some/file.rb on my Mac. Tower 1.2 boasts a new File History view, but that just shows two dropdowns with SHA1s to compare; it's slightly less useful than a MediaWiki "compare versions" history (it doesn't even show commit messages).
I can't find anything in GitNub or Gitti that does this. GitX does it about as well as GitHub, but it leaves me wishing I could just scroll up and down to see the diffs instead of having to click each commit. Is there a better tool?

I would give SourceTree a try. It has a nice and powerful GUI.

I am used to and like how Netbeans shows file history, so I just create a project in netbeans with the option PHP Application with Existing Sources, now you can enjoy per file history and graphical diff of each commit, like so:
Locate your file in projects pane, on the left
Right click > Git > Show History
Choose Diff From 2 buttons on the left, Summary and Diff
Now tap each commit


Searching for a Blame

I'm trying to find some changes I made to some code within a project. This is a team project having multiple contributors.
Is it possible to search for a particular blame within Xcode?
It would be easier for me to search via blame than to remember a particular file and line number.
Inside Xcode, open the left side menu and navigate to Source Control Navigator. You can also do this using the keyboard shortcut cmd2
In there, select the branch you're working on.
In the text box in the top right corner, start typing your version control username and press:
This will show you all commits you have pushed to the repository. You can select a commit to see which files were changed and access the respective files directly from there.

cloud9-ide: how to delete workspace?

Is there ability to delete the workspace from cloud9 ?
and also don't see (in IDE) to commit the changes into git (bitbucket) , because of project was initially imported from there
Please check out Cloud9 Documentation about workspace deletion.
Regarding git, you can use the Cloud9 workspace's Terminal to run any git command. We also have an experimental Git UI in the works. Please note that it is still in beta. You can enable it by going to Preferences (Cloud9 > Preferences). Click on 'Experimental' and then enable 'Changes Panel'.
Once enabled, you might have to refresh the page once. Then look at the far right of the IDE where the tabs for 'Workspace', 'Navigate' etc are. The last one should be 'Changes'. Click on that to view the changes panel. You can use that to view diffs on your files, make commits, push and pull to and from your remote repo.

xcode does not show files in the commit window

I have checked out a copy of a SVN project, I have modified some files and want to commit the changes. If I go to File > Source Control > Commit. I see an empty list and a button saying "Commit X files". I expected a list of the modified files.
Now, I use the command line tool (svn ...). But I want to bring back the Xcode commit window.
How may I fix it?
BTW. I'm using Xcode 4.6.1
That is a very very strange screen shot. Sometimes Xcode's svn integration can be a bit strange. If I were you I would just cancel out of the strange empty dialog and use svn at the command-line in Terminal instead.
In file > preferences there is a source control section. You probably have the check box checked to update the source control automatically. So, because it is already updating the source control, it doesn't let you do it.
So you can uncheck that box to make it not automatic, then change something in your project and try to commit the changes. You will probably see some files now.

How to create a new project from a repository in XCode 4 other then the welcome screen

In the past with XCode 4 I have been creating my new projects from existing repositories using the option provided on the XCode 4 welcome screen "Connect to a Repository".
I want to know how to do this from the XCode menus after the welcome screen is no longer visible and for the speed and convenience.
I tried looking under File->source control but didnt see an option for this.
If you want to create a new project (and specify whether a Git repository will be created with it), choose File > New > New Project (or press Cmd-Shift-N). Fill out the form and, when you're prompted for a folder in which to save the new project, check the box at the bottom of the sheet that says "Source Control: Create local git repository for this project" before saving.
If you want to create a Git or SVN repository from an existing project that doesn't have one, you'll have to use the command line or your favorite GUI tool, as Xcode's SCM support is still a bit limited. In Git, you can just type "git init /Path/To/Repo" (or "git init" if you're already at that path). SVN is a few more steps, depending on a few choices - easy enough to look up.

How do we keep track of our working copy's branch?

Are there any good techniques to help us know which branch (or trunk) our working copy is from? We recently converted to Subversion and we're using release branches. I had two developers commit changes to the release branch that should have been committed to the trunk. We're using CI (TeamCity), so I recognized the problem right away and was able to revert the changes but I'd like to prevent it from happening again. From within Visual Studio, especially, it's easy to make a mistake and commit to the wrong branch.
We're using TortoiseSVN and AnkhSVN.
Edited to add:
Just to clarify, I'm looking for a method to prevent careless mistakes, I already know how to find this information. There are two careless mistakes I'm trying to prevent:
Doing work on the wrong branch. If this is caught before commit, the developer has to merge the changes back into the correct branch.
Committing to the wrong branch. This combines the pain of point 1 with having to revert the changes in Subversion.
Edited to add: We just made the switch to the VisualSVN VS plugin and it has a toolbar that displays the path of the current working copy. I really like the reassurance that I'm working on the right branch.
Perhaps you should consider using a pre-commit hook: http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn.reposadmin.create.html
Then you could do something like only approve checkins that have 'for release' in the comments for that particular branch or something like that and return an error message otherwise.
In AnkhSVN (in Visual Studio) the project url of your working copy is from is displayed in the 'Working on' field of the Pending Changes Window (View->Pending Changes).
The url of a file/folder is also displayed in the Visual Studio project window when you select a file in the Pending Changes Window or Working Copy Explorer (and in many cases even when you select a file in the Solution explorer; but this depends on the project type).
[Update: I just added AnkhSVN issue #581 for extension of the commit dialog.]
Tortoise SVN adds columns to the Windows Explorer view. In "Details" mode, right-click on column headers to get a list of available columns, at the bottom, select "More" to get a dialog of all available column types.
SVN short URL should quickly show you what the location is in the repository.
But this doesn't appear to work under vista ...
Right click the folder, move to the subversion tab, there it says the project it's linked to.
Also, in the commit dialog, it says so at the top of the dialog.
From the working directory:
svn info
URL will contain the branch your working directory points to.
<EDIT> Seeing how many people dislike the command line, the closes thing I found from TortoiseSVN is the "repo browser" which seems to use the selected branch as your starting path in the repo. </EDIT>
Avoid re-using working copies. If you're working on 2 places in the repository, have 2 working copies, named appropriately, like: Project-trunk, Project-release.
Here is a simple idea which might help:
Create an empty text file named "branch_XX" (or any name) and add it to your branch.
commit this and then when you switch to the trunk, the file will not appear in the solution explorer.
It sounds stupid... but it does the trick.
I really hope they will add something that might mark what branch we are using without going to other windows.
In AnkhSVN (in Visual Studio), right click on your project/solution, then Source Control -> Subversion -> Select in Repository Explorer. It will automatically select the branch you're currently working on (i.e. the branch you're switched to).
I don't think that the accepted answer for AnkhSVN works for Projects, since I always see the same URL in the "Pending Changes" even after I use the option "Switch Project" on a project.
