cloud9-ide: how to delete workspace? - cloud9-ide

Is there ability to delete the workspace from cloud9 ?
and also don't see (in IDE) to commit the changes into git (bitbucket) , because of project was initially imported from there

Please check out Cloud9 Documentation about workspace deletion.
Regarding git, you can use the Cloud9 workspace's Terminal to run any git command. We also have an experimental Git UI in the works. Please note that it is still in beta. You can enable it by going to Preferences (Cloud9 > Preferences). Click on 'Experimental' and then enable 'Changes Panel'.
Once enabled, you might have to refresh the page once. Then look at the far right of the IDE where the tabs for 'Workspace', 'Navigate' etc are. The last one should be 'Changes'. Click on that to view the changes panel. You can use that to view diffs on your files, make commits, push and pull to and from your remote repo.


Pushing Images to Git Repo from Xcode

So this problem already helped me solve another one of our issues, but I still haven't figured this one out. (This is relevant. Hold on.)
I am developing a game with one other person. Neither of us have ever used git repositories, Github (for more than reference) or any sort of version control before, and we've had some trouble getting set up.
We have our project set up in Xcode with remotes to a GitHub repo, and everything is working fine with the code. The problem is that we can't get our images (buttons, backgrounds, animations etc.) to commit to our local repo without resorting to one of two, very roundabout, methods.
Right click on our Assets group in Xcode and select Add Files to Project. I have to do this every time we add images anyway. Then, to get Xcode to realize that these are files that need to be added to the repo (at least to get the A indicator next to the files in the organizer) we have to go in and add a blank Objective-C class, then right click the images > Source Control > Add. Then delete the blank class.
Use the GitHub app to commit the project and push it from there. This isn't working because Github's .gitignore doesn't include the xcode preference files. This makes the project unable to commit from Xcode on any other machine, and even from the machine the commit was made from after a reboot. (This is the problem we figured out trying to commit images.)
So my question is: How do we share assets for the game? I figure that Xcode will do the same for sounds, we just haven't gotten there yet. Is there an easier way to get Xcode to recognize them? Or do we just need to add those user profile files to the .gitignore on GitHub? (And how do we do this?)
Every one using Git just has to watch these two videos:
Git For Ages 4 And Up
Advanced Git
1) I've found the best way to add images to my Xcode project is to just create the directory structure I want in the Finder then just drag and drop them from my finder in to the proper group in Xcode Project Navigator. Multi select all the new files, right click (control-click on a laptop) and select Source Control -> Add
And Bobs your uncle!
2) I do not use the GitHub app, I use SourceTree and the GitHub website. I've 20 years experience with command line source control systems but Xcode and SourceTree are so good the command line is no longer a part of my daily workflow.
I create a new Xcode project and check Create local git repository for this project then I go to the GitHub create a new repository with the same name as my project's top level directory. Copy the GitHub url. Drag the new project directory into SourceTree's Bookmarks window. Double Click on the new project view in SourceTree. Right mouse click on REMOTES and paste the GitHub url and enter origin/master for the name. Click the big push toolbar button.
3) You need to add your user scheme and workspace file to .gitignore to push and pull from a remote you have to have a clean working repo. This is super simple with SourceTree just commit in Xcode and then open the project in SourceTree right click on the WorkspaceSettings.xcsettings and *.xccheme file and select Ignore... and it creates the .gitignore file for you. Now commit the .gitignore file and Push to the remote.
FYI: Check out SourceTree ( is's free in the Mac App Store. It's a very good GUI for Git. Atlassian makers of Jira acquired it and the original developer and released free to compliment the rest of there tools.

xcode does not show files in the commit window

I have checked out a copy of a SVN project, I have modified some files and want to commit the changes. If I go to File > Source Control > Commit. I see an empty list and a button saying "Commit X files". I expected a list of the modified files.
Now, I use the command line tool (svn ...). But I want to bring back the Xcode commit window.
How may I fix it?
BTW. I'm using Xcode 4.6.1
That is a very very strange screen shot. Sometimes Xcode's svn integration can be a bit strange. If I were you I would just cancel out of the strange empty dialog and use svn at the command-line in Terminal instead.
In file > preferences there is a source control section. You probably have the check box checked to update the source control automatically. So, because it is already updating the source control, it doesn't let you do it.
So you can uncheck that box to make it not automatic, then change something in your project and try to commit the changes. You will probably see some files now.

Add Xcode project to github repo?

I have JUST created a new github repo on the website. Keep in mind that I am a noob but can do basic things in terminal. Anyway, so I just created the repo on my account on and didn't do a single thing to it yet.
So all I want to do is take my Xcode project folder and upload it to my new github repo. How do I do this via terminal?
The best way really is to follow the instructions GitHub gives you:
First, go the correct directory
cd <directory of your Xcode project>
It sound like you've already got a local Git project from Xcode. If that's true, skip this code block.
git init .
git add .
git commit -s
<type in a commit message>
Last, push into your repository. The following is copied directly from my own github account, after I created a new "test" repo. Change the "dhalperi/test" part.
Push an existing repository from the command line
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master
I was just going to leave a comment above but I will also add a summarized answer. My full answer is here.
This isn't via terminal as the question requests, but you can consider this an alternate method. It is well integrated with Xcode now, though, and not difficult to do.
Create Git repository when making a new project
See the answer I linked to above if you already have a project without a Git repository.
Make a Commit
After making a change in your project, select Commit... from the Source Control menu. You will add a short commit message.
Create a new GitHub repository
On the GitHub website make a new repository. Call it whatever you want, but don't add a README or .gitignore or license yet. After creating the new repository copy the link to it.
Add a Remote in Xcode
in Xcode go to Source Control > your branch name > Configure. Then click the Remote tab > "+" button > Add remote. Fill in your repository name and address.
Push your project to GitHub
Go to Source Control > Push. You will have to enter your GitHub user name and password the first time.
That's it. Now any time you make changes in Xcode, all you have to do is Commit and Push.
If you didn't follow this explanation, please read this and this for more detail.
Further Study
This is an excellent video that I recently watched that helped me understand Git and its integration with GitHub much better.
The Basics of Git and GitHub
An easier way to do it in Xcode.
You can even push only one current branch to GitHub or the whole project.
(for Xcode 11)
Just select a needed branch/(or top folder) in "Source control navigator" and right-click on it. Then select "Create remote". Or "Editor -> Create remote".
Then use your account at GitHub to create the repository. If using your GitHub account is not proposed maybe you still not add your GitHub account in Xcode -> Preferences -> Accounts
After everything is set up. Click "Create".
To push your project/branch to GitHub repository click "Source Control -> Push".
After that check Github. All should be there.
Get the Github Mac Application, you don't really need a terminal unless you want to do more fancy advanced stuff ;-)
Simply go to your project page on GitHub, then click on "Clone in Mac", this should automatically download and install it for you. You have to do this at least once to install the app and setup some required permissions.
After that, you'll see the GitHub Application in your Dock, simply open it, then click on that small "+" sign at the bottom, there you'll see "Create New Repository" and "Add New Local Repository".
You can either add the repository that XCode already created for you or download one from GitHub, then open it in XCode.
if you already have a git repo on your Mac and using Xcode 9,
for xcode 9, just go to the source control tab in the navigation inspector in Xcode. right click on the master git and select create "Your project name" remote on GitHub.
give your GitHub credentials and give a name to git repo and Xcode will create and push your code for you.
a non terminal solution is to install SourceTree. Its a GUI thats super easy to use compared to the terminal. But its highly recommended to learn git commands properly.

Why aren't my commits showing up in Xcode 4?

I am a new programmer and trying to use Xcode's source control manager to keep track of changes to my code.
Right now I would like to revert back to a previously committed version of my project. However, in opening the Organizer, selecting Repositories, and selecting my project from the left project list, I can only see snapshots of my project.
The previously committed versions appear correctly when using the Version editor outside of Organizer.
I don't believe you can do this within Xcode but it is simple enough outside of Xcode. The easiest approach would be enter the following in Terminal:
git checkout -b <new branch> <commit>
This won't revert on the current branch but will give you a new branch to develop off of. If you really want to revert then simply:
git revert <commit>
with conflict resolution will work.
If you can't find 'git' within the Terminal then 1) install the Xcode command line tools or 2) look in the Xcode package under Xcode/.../usr/bin to find it.

How to ignore uncommited change in Github gui for MAC?

I am using Github GUI for Mac.
Now I've some changes in my local repository, but I want to ignore them and pull latest remote repository.
I tried Repository/Pull, but got Git Error.
"•error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:
Please, commit your changes or stash them before you can merge."
I tried Repository/Synchronize, but got following error.
"Sync Failed. Please commit all your changes before syncing."
Any idea?
Place a checkmark near each of the changed files, then go to the Repository menu and click Discard Changes to Selected Files.
If you mean using MAC GUI only, check and right click the changed files then select the discard the changes.
if you want to remove your uncommitted changes, just do a checkout on those files again.
Stash is super easy too though, and it keeps your changes in a local 'bucket' or stash :)
For those on Github for Windows, it is not obvious where Discard All Changes is, so I wanted to share this:
Select Files by using check mark next to names.
Right click on Collapse All/ Expand All button with two arrows. (This button is on right side of Files to Commit box, and under Sync and Gear icons.) This is where Discard All Changes is >hidden<.
Sorry but too low level to add comment to #Leo wangs or #aspiringwebdev chain above. You gotta start somewhere...
