joomla custom component - add rich text support - joomla

I am developing a cusom component and I would like it to support rich text fields. Possibly the same way it is done in com_content.
in the form definition I have the following field:
So basically what happens is that the editor appears as it is supposed to but the text is saved without formatting.
The MyComponentHelper::filterText method was added later after investigating com_content and copying the filterText method to my helper, but it did not work either with or without the line. I even tried to use ContentHelper::filterText but without success.

In joomla 1.5, you had to do this in the model (in function that does the saving):
$data['description'] = JRequest::getVar('description', '', 'post', 'string', JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW);
if (!$row->bind($data)) {
Don't know if it still exists in Joomla 1.6. Hope it helps.

OK, so this was my bad. As I have followed the tutorial MyComponenetHelper ended up as an abstract class. I made it a normal class and everything works fine.


How to use <br> instead of <br /> in CKeditor

It's 2017 and it's the age of HTML5! In HTML5, the line break is <br>, NOT <br />. But for the life of it, I can't get CKeditor to ditch <br /> in favor of <br>.
The incorrect <br />'s are giving me all sorts of problems. Among them:
Failed code validation
(In Firefox) Using JavaScript's innerHTML on a code block that was created with <br />'s, returns <br>'s instead - which messes up comparisons about changes.
I found this old forum entry about the issue (in a related program, not in CKeditor itself):
But the suggested fix (changing config.docType in the config file) does NOT WORK!
I tried a bunch of different docTypes's, in both the top-level config.js and in core/config.js .
In top-level config.js , I tried:
config.docType = '<!DOCTYPE html>';
In core/config.js, I tried:
docType: '<!DOCTYPE html>',
But nothing works! :(
I also tried to hunt down instances of <br /> in the multitudes of files, but didn't find any in the core part of CKeditor. I presume that the <br /> string gets created dynamically??
How can I get CKeditor to spit out <br> rather than <br /> ?
Yay, it took some hardcore Googling (hard to phrase the search), but I found the answer! I hope this will help others.
Simply add:
CKEDITOR.on( 'instanceReady', function( ev ) {
// Output self-closing tags the HTML5 way, like <br>
ev.editor.dataProcessor.writer.selfClosingEnd = '>';
What it does, from what I understand, is to wait for the core plugin "HTML Output Writer" to be loaded - and when it is, it modifies the "writer", which is a property of each editor instance. The above way applies the change to all editors, but it could also be done to individual editor instances (though I find it hard to imagine why anyone would want to do the latter.)
For more info, from the CKEditor4 documentation:
How Do I Output HTML Instead of XHTML Code Using CKEditor?
All right, CKEditor rocks! :D

How to use "editor" field type in joomla "repeatable" form field?

I am developing a module for Joomla 3.3.6. I want to use "editor" field type in "repeatable" field in the xml file. The code I am using is as follows:
<fields name="params">
<fieldset hidden="true" name="fpssibtos_img1subs_modal" repeat="true">
The problem is the editor is not editable, I mean you cannot type anything in it.
I am using CKEditor, I changed it to TinyMCE and others ,but the problem persists. I know that repeatable form field is still buggy ,but I thought some of you guys might know the fix to this particular problem.
In case anyone else comes across this problem, the repeatable form fields only support simple field types. This is apparently due to Joomla not having a simple way for scripts to interact.
Comment on the issue from one of the devs here and here.

No automatic line-break in textarea in Joomla Backend

I'm writing a Module for Joomla! 2.5. In my Backend I've got a textarea, in which values should be written line by line. If the value is to big the line breaks and it looks really confusing and chaotic.
In normal html I would add a wrap="off" to the textarea-tag (I know it's not conform html, but it works), but the textarea is defined in the module's xml-file:
<field name="content" type="textarea" label="LWTAGCLOUD_CONTENT_LABEL" description="LWTAGCLOUD_CONTENT_DESCRIPTION" rows="20" cols="60" class="lw_tagcloud_textarea" default="VALUE; LINK"></field>
Has anyone an idea how to solve this problem?
If you cannot solve the problem using css only, and since you cannot add wrap="off" to the textarea type in Joomla, what you could do is to create a custom parameter type, the same like textarea, just with wrap=off already defined.
For more details on how to do it, have a look at and, it's not hard to make it
just use
for line break !
hope this help for anyone who ask

Joomla 2.5 'Alternative Menu Items' and 'Category Blog' (Multiple template layout overrides for the same component)

I've come across a very strange problem relating to 'Alternative Menu Items', the usage is described here:
The following files are located in: templates/testtemplate/html/com_content/category and these are the steps I took:
These files:
blog.php, blog.xml, blog_children.php, blog_item.php, blog_links.php
Have been changed to:
bloggal.php, bloggal.xml, bloggal_children.php, bloggal_item.php, bloggal_links.php
For file bloggal.xml – I changed this part:
<layout title="Blog Gallery"
Then added sub headings to bloggal.php and bloggal_item.php so I can see if the child items are in effect.
Now the interesting part is bloggal.php works fine but the child items drawn from bloggal_item.php do not come up.
I've done this test with the same template on multiple Joomla installs, on one of them it seems to work and the rest it does not.
The only thing I can think of is Joomla may have had a regression since the working one was an updated install and the rest are more recent versions.
Any ideas?
Starting Joomla 1.6 you can choose an alternate layout for each category. Including those you have overrides for. No need to select an alternate layout when configuring menu items ;)
Sorry I should've posted this sooner. I figured out the issue, I renamed:
<field name="layout_type"
<field name="layout_type"
Essentially looking for a model that doesn't exist.
If you did this, do the following to fix it:
Rename default="whatever" back to default="blog"
In your database go to _menu table
Look for your menu item via the title column
Head over to the params and change {"layout_type":"bloggal"... to {"layout_type":"blog"...

Using Joomla 1.7 generic categories functions

Since 1.6, I believe, there's a generic way to use 'categories' in your own created components. The default Joomla components also use this. For example: the contacts, newsfeeds and weblinks components all use the generic com_categories functionality to achieve categorized content.
Currently I'm creating a component which also has categories so I'd like to use the generic Joomla category functions to achieve this.
The status: Currently I've got the following:
I've got a submenu 'categories' in my component which links to the generic categories component which some extra options. The options are there so the page will be redirected back to my component on save. This was pretty easy! But..
My problem: Now I'd like to add specific fields to my category, let's say: 'Category Moderator'.
So I've walked to the code of com_categories and in the following file 'administrator\components\com_categories\models\category.php' there is code (line 270) to look for specific component code, like the following:
// Looking first in the component models/forms folder
$path = JPath::clean(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR."/components/$component/models/forms/$name.xml");
So the components looks (in my case) in the folder: administrator/components/mycomponent/models/forms/category.xml for specific component info.
Now, in the default category.xml of com_categories there's information about the edit screen, like the following:
So the title of the category is apparantly required..
So I thought I add a line to this file:
Except that's not enough to add the input..
So I've looked in the administrator/components/com_categories/views/category/edit.php template for hints, how to achieve this. But there's no code to add specific inputs for my component (or I'm wrong ;))..
Fields are added pretty specific like:
<li><?php echo $this->form->getLabel('title'); ?>
<?php echo $this->form->getInput('title'); ?></li>
I've also looked if I can overide the edit.php somehow, but unfortunately I haven't found it..
Short: Anyone knows how to add generic fields to the category edit page?
You can do it by using plugins ( you can take a look at the built-in user profile plugin for an example: /plugins/user/profile ). But if you want to add a "Category Moderator", I think you could achieve it using ACL.
