In order to solve
x^2 == 123456 mod 1299709
in Mathematica I have used:
Reduce[x^2 == 123456 + 1299709 k, {x, k}, Integers]
which yields the correct answer.
Question: Is Reduce the best way ( performance, elegance or otherwise ) to solve quadratic congruence equations?
Apparently you are seeking the Modulus option.
Reduce[x^2 == 123456, x, Modulus -> 1299709]
(*Out[]= x == 427784 || x == 871925 *)
Quoting the documentation:
Modulus -> n
is an option that can be given in certain algebraic functions to specify that integers should be treated modulo n.
Equations for Modulus can be given in Solve and related functions.
Modulus appears as an option in Factor, PolynomialGCD and PolynomialLCM, as well as in linear algebra functions such as Inverse,
LinearSolve and Det.
Arithmetic is usually done over the full ring ℤ of integers; setting the option Modulus specifies that arithmetic should instead be
done in the finite ring ℤn.
The setting Modulus->0 specifies the full ring ℤ of integers.
Some functions require that Modulus be set to a prime, or a power of a prime. ℤn is a finite field when n is prime.
In[1]:= PowerModList[123456, 1/2, 1299709]
Out[1]= {427784, 871925}
Daniel Lichtblau
Having a system of linear congruences, I'd like to determine if it has a solution. Using simple algorithms that solve such systems is impossible, as the answer may grow exponentially.
One hypothesis I have is that if a system of congruences has no solution, then there are two of them that contradict each other. I have no idea if this holds, if it did that would lead to an easy O(n^2 log n) algo, as checking if a pair of congruences has a solution requires O(log n) time. Nevertheless for this problem I'd rather see something closer to O(n).
We may assume that no moduli exceeds 10^6, especially we can quickly factor them all to begin with. We may even further assume that the sum of all moduli doesn't exceed 10^6 (but still, their product can be huge).
As you suspect, there's a fairly simple way to determine whether the set of congruences has a solution without actually needing to build that solution. You need to:
Reduce each congruence to the form x = a (mod n) if necessary; from the comments, it sounds as though you already have this.
Factorize each modulus n as a product of prime powers: n = p1^e1 * p2^e2 * ... * pk^ek.
Replace each congruence x = a (mod n) with a collection of congruences x = a (mod pi^ei), one for each of the k prime powers you found in step 2.
And now, by the Chinese Remainder Theorem it's enough to check compatibility for each prime independently: given any two congruences x = a (mod p^e) and x = b (mod p^f), they're compatible if and only if a = b (mod p^(min(e, f)). Having determined compatibility, you can throw out the congruence with smaller modulus without losing any information.
With the right data structures, you can do all this in a single pass through your congruences: for each prime p encountered, you'll need to keep track of the biggest exponent e found so far, together with the corresponding right-hand side (reduced modulo p^e for convenience). The running time will likely be dominated by the modulus factorizations, though if no modulus exceeds 10^6, then you can make that step very fast, too, by prebuilding a mapping from each integer in the range 1 .. 10^6 to its smallest prime factor.
EDIT: And since this is supposed to be a programming site, here's some (Python 3) code to illustrate the above. (For Python 2, replace the range call with xrange for better efficiency.)
def prime_power_factorisation(n):
"""Brain-dead factorisation routine, for illustration purposes only."""
while n > 1:
p, pe = next(d for d in range(2, n+1) if n % d == 0), 1
while n % p == 0:
n, pe = n // p, pe*p
yield p, pe
def compatible(old_ppc, new_ppc):
"""Determine whether two prime power congruences (with the same
prime) are compatible."""
m, a = old_ppc
n, b = new_ppc
return (a - b) % min(m, n) == 0
def are_congruences_solvable(moduli, right_hand_sides):
"""Determine whether the given congruences have a common solution."""
# prime_power_congruences is a dictionary mapping each prime encountered
# so far to a pair (prime power modulus, right-hand side).
prime_power_congruences = {}
for m, a in zip(moduli, right_hand_sides):
for p, pe in prime_power_factorisation(m):
# new prime-power congruence: modulus, rhs
new_ppc = pe, a % pe
if p in prime_power_congruences:
old_ppc = prime_power_congruences[p]
if not compatible(new_ppc, old_ppc):
return False
# Keep the one with bigger exponent.
prime_power_congruences[p] = max(new_ppc, old_ppc)
prime_power_congruences[p] = new_ppc
# If we got this far, there are no incompatibilities, and
# the congruences have a mutual solution.
return True
One final note: in the above, we made use of the fact that the moduli were small, so that computing prime power factorisations wasn't a big deal. But if you do need to do this for much larger moduli (hundreds or thousands of digits), it's still feasible. You can skip the factorisation step, and instead find a "coprime base" for the collection of moduli: that is, a collection of pairwise relatively prime positive integers such that each modulus appearing in your congruences can be expressed as a product (possibly with repetitions) of elements of that collection. Now proceed as above, but with reference to that coprime base instead of the set of primes and prime powers. See this article by Daniel Bernstein for an efficient way to compute a coprime base for a set of positive integers. You'd likely end up making two passes through your list: one to compute the coprime base, and a second to check the consistency.
This is part of a bigger question. Its actually a mathematical problem. So it would be really great if someone can direct me to any algorithm to obtain the solution of this problem or a pseudo code will be of help.
The question. Given an equation check if it has an integral solution.
For example:
Here a is an integer. Is there an algorithm to predict or find if b can be an integer. I need a general solution not specific to this question. The equation can vary. Thanks
Your problem is an example of a linear Diophantine equation. About that, Wikipedia says:
This Diophantine equation [i.e., a x + b y = c] has a solution (where x and y are integers) if and only if c is a multiple of the greatest common divisor of a and b. Moreover, if (x, y) is a solution, then the other solutions have the form (x + k v, y - k u), where k is an arbitrary integer, and u and v are the quotients of a and b (respectively) by the greatest common divisor of a and b.
In this case, (26 a + 5)/32 = b is equivalent to 26 a - 32 b = -5. The gcd of the coefficients of the unknowns is gcd(26, -32) = 2. Since -5 is not a multiple of 2, there is no solution.
A general Diophantine equation is a polynomial in the unknowns, and can only be solved (if at all) by more complex methods. A web search might turn up specialized software for that problem.
Linear Diophantine equations take the form ax + by = c. If c is the greatest common divisor of a and b this means a=z'c and b=z''c then this is Bézout's identity of the form
with a=z' and b=z'' and the equation has an infinite number of solutions. So instead of trial searching method you can check if c is the greatest common divisor (GCD) of a and b
If indeed a and b are multiples of c then x and y can be computed using extended Euclidean algorithm which finds integers x and y (one of which is typically negative) that satisfy Bézout's identity
(as a side note: this holds also for any other Euclidean domain, i.e. polynomial ring & every Euclidean domain is unique factorization domain). You can use Iterative Method to find these solutions:
Integral solution to equation `a + bx = c + dy`
Pollard Rho factorization method uses a function generator f(x) = x^2-a(mod n) or f(x) = x^2+a(mod n) , is the choice of this function (parabolic) has got any significance or we may use any function (cubic , polynomial or even linear) as we have to identify or find the numbers belonging to same congruence class modulo n to find the non trivial divisor ?
In Knuth Vol II (The Art Of Computer Programming - Seminumerical Algorithms) section 4.5.4 Knuth says
Furthermore if f(y) mod p behaves as a random mapping from the set {0,
1, ... p-1} into itself, exercise 3.1-12 shows that the average value
of the least such m will be of order sqrt(p)... From the theory in
Chapter 3, we know that a linear polynomial f(x) = ax + c will not be
sufficiently random for our purpose. The next simplest case is
quadratic, say f(x) = x^2 + 1. We don't know that this function is
sufficiently random, but our lack of knowledge tends to support the
hypothesis of randomness, and empirical tests show that this f does
work essentially as predicted
The probability theory that says that f(x) has a cycle of length about sqrt(p) assumes in particular that there can be two values y and z such that f(y) = f(z) - since f is chosen at random. The rho in Pollard Rho contains such a junction, with the cycle containing multiple lines leading on to it. For a linear function f(x) = ax + b then for gcd(a, p) = 1 mod p (which is likely since p is prime) f(y) = f(z) means that y = z mod p, so there are no such junctions.
If you look at you will see that the expected cycle length of a random function is about the sqrt of the state size, but the expected cycle length of a random bijection is about the state size. If you think of generating the random function only as you evaluate it you can see that if the function is entirely random then every value seen so far is available to be chosen again at random to find a cycle, so the odds of closing the cycle increase with the cycle length, but if the function has to be invertible the only way to close the cycle is to generate the starting point, which is much less likely.
Given positive integers b, c, m where (b < m) is True it is to find a positive integer e such that
(b**e % m == c) is True
where ** is exponentiation (e.g. in Ruby, Python or ^ in some other languages) and % is modulo operation. What is the most effective algorithm (with the lowest big-O complexity) to solve it?
Given b=5; c=8; m=13 this algorithm must find e=7 because 5**7%13 = 8
From the % operator I'm assuming that you are working with integers.
You are trying to solve the Discrete Logarithm problem. A reasonable algorithm is Baby step, giant step, although there are many others, none of which are particularly fast.
The difficulty of finding a fast solution to the discrete logarithm problem is a fundamental part of some popular cryptographic algorithms, so if you find a better solution than any of those on Wikipedia please let me know!
This isn't a simple problem at all. It is called calculating the discrete logarithm and it is the inverse operation to a modular exponentation.
There is no efficient algorithm known. That is, if N denotes the number of bits in m, all known algorithms run in O(2^(N^C)) where C>0.
Python 3 Solution:
Thankfully, SymPy has implemented this for you!
SymPy is a Python library for symbolic mathematics. It aims to become a full-featured computer algebra system (CAS) while keeping the code as simple as possible in order to be comprehensible and easily extensible. SymPy is written entirely in Python.
This is the documentation on the discrete_log function. Use this to import it:
from sympy.ntheory import discrete_log
Their example computes \log_7(15) (mod 41):
>>> discrete_log(41, 15, 7)
Because of the (state-of-the-art, mind you) algorithms it employs to solve it, you'll get O(\sqrt{n}) on most inputs you try. It's considerably faster when your prime modulus has the property where p - 1 factors into a lot of small primes.
Consider a prime on the order of 100 bits: (~ 2^{100}). With \sqrt{n} complexity, that's still 2^{50} iterations. That being said, don't reinvent the wheel. This does a pretty good job. I might also add that it was almost 4x times more memory efficient than Mathematica's MultiplicativeOrder function when I ran with large-ish inputs (44 MiB vs. 173 MiB).
Since a duplicate of this question was asked under the Python tag, here is a Python implementation of baby step, giant step, which, as #MarkBeyers points out, is a reasonable approach (as long as the modulus isn't too large):
def baby_steps_giant_steps(a,b,p,N = None):
if not N: N = 1 + int(math.sqrt(p))
#initialize baby_steps table
baby_steps = {}
baby_step = 1
for r in range(N+1):
baby_steps[baby_step] = r
baby_step = baby_step * a % p
#now take the giant steps
giant_stride = pow(a,(p-2)*N,p)
giant_step = b
for q in range(N+1):
if giant_step in baby_steps:
return q*N + baby_steps[giant_step]
giant_step = giant_step * giant_stride % p
return "No Match"
In the above implementation, an explicit N can be passed to fish for a small exponent even if p is cryptographically large. It will find the exponent as long as the exponent is smaller than N**2. When N is omitted, the exponent will always be found, but not necessarily in your lifetime or with your machine's memory if p is too large.
For example, if
p = 70606432933607
a = 100001
b = 54696545758787
then 'pow(a,b,p)' evaluates to 67385023448517
>>> baby_steps_giant_steps(a,67385023448517,p)
This took about 5 seconds on my machine. For the exponent and the modulus of those sizes, I estimate (based on timing experiments) that brute force would have taken several months.
Discrete logarithm is a hard problem
Computing discrete logarithms is believed to be difficult. No
efficient general method for computing discrete logarithms on
conventional computers is known.
I will add here a simple bruteforce algorithm which tries every possible value from 1 to m and outputs a solution if it was found. Note that there may be more than one solution to the problem or zero solutions at all. This algorithm will return you the smallest possible value or -1 if it does not exist.
def bruteLog(b, c, m):
s = 1
for i in xrange(m):
s = (s * b) % m
if s == c:
return i + 1
return -1
print bruteLog(5, 8, 13)
and here you can see that 3 is in fact the solution:
print 5**3 % 13
There is a better algorithm, but because it is often asked to be implemented in programming competitions, I will just give you a link to explanation.
as said the general problem is hard. however a prcatical way to find e if and only if you know e is going to be small (like in your example) would be just to try each e from 1.
btw e==3 is the first solution to your example, and you can obviously find that in 3 steps, compare to solving the non discrete version, and naively looking for integer solutions i.e.
e = log(c + n*m)/log(b) where n is a non-negative integer
which finds e==3 in 9 steps
I am finding it very hard to understand the way the inverse of the matrix is calculated in the Hill Cipher algorithm. I get the idea of it all being done in modulo arithmetic, but somehow things are not adding up. I would really appreciate a simple explanation!
Consider the following Hill Cipher key matrix:
5 8
17 3
Please use the above matrix for illustration.
You must study the Linear congruence theorem and the extended GCD algorithm, which belong to Number Theory, in order to understand the maths behind modulo arithmetic.
The inverse of matrix K for example is (1/det(K)) * adjoint(K), where det(K) <> 0.
I assume that you don't understand how to calculate the 1/det(K) in modulo arithmetic and here is where linear congruences and GCD come to play.
Your K has det(K) = -121. Lets say that the modulo m is 26. We want x*(-121) = 1 (mod 26).[ a = b (mod m) means that a-b = N*m]
We can easily find that for x=3 the above congruence is true because 26 divides (3*(-121) -1) exactly. Of course, the correct way is to use GCD in reverse to calculate the x, but I don't have time for explaining how do it. Check the extented GCD algorithm :)
Now, inv(K) = 3*([3 -8], [-17 5]) (mod 26) = ([9 -24], [-51 15]) (mod 26) = ([9 2], [1 15]).
Update: check out Basics of Computational Number Theory to see how to calculate modular inverses with the Extended Euclidean algorithm. Note that -121 mod 26 = 9, so for gcd(9, 26) = 1 we get (-1, 3).
In my very humble opinion it is much easier to calculate the inverse matrix (modular or otherwise) by using the Gauss-Jordan method. That way you don't have to calculate the determinant, and the method scales very simply to arbitrarily large systems.
Just look up 'Gauss Jordan Matrix Inverse' - but to summarise, you simply adjoin a copy of the identity matrix to the right of the matrix to be inverted, then use row operations to reduce your matrix to be solved until it itself is an identity matrix. At this point, the adjoined identity matrix has become the inverse of the original matrix. Voila!