Sinatra: helper and ruby range - ruby

I was trying to use a range to iterate over in Sinatra.
when I try something like
helpers do
def iteration
(1..6).each do |x|
and call the helper from my app, it print 1..6
if i change to
(1..6).to_a do #...
it print 123456
is that normal? or do i need to require something more in my app to be able to use range?

You'd still need to call each:
(1..6).to_a.each do ...
In your helper method you don't actually do anything. The iteration method will just return the result of the last statement in the method; each returns the argument passed to it, so that's what gets displayed.

helpers do
def iteration
(1..6).each do |x|
#it dosen't mean output the 123456, this just let the method return a value 1..6
#in other words, it still iteras the array in backgroud,
#but not outputs in terminal, you can't see it.
print x
#it prints 123456, really
In Sinatra, you can do that as the following
get '/t' do
#it will output the 123456
body = ""
(1..6).each do |x|
body << x.to_s

I was trying to find a way to output html code from a helper with Sinatra (could use markaby but i have to wait for IT dpt to decide if they install it or not). so I wanted to loop through a range to output markup. but couldn't make the thing work in sinatra. fine in irb though.
In the end this is what I did
def tag_iterator
(1..6).map do |x|
In the template:
%h1= #title
%div= "#{tag_iterator}"
And now it iterate through the range normally. I guess Ruby is a bit too much magical for me, I can spend hours guessing how things work :^P


Repeating a block of code until the block itself returns false?

I want to:
pass a block to a method call, and then
pass that entire method call as the condition of a while loop,
even though I don't need to put any logic inside the loop itself.
Specifically, I have an array that I'd like to #reject! certain elements from based on rather complicated logic. Subsequent calls to #reject! may remove elements that were not removed on a previous pass. When #reject! finally stops finding elements to reject, it will return nil. At this point, I would like the loop to stop and the program to proceed.
I thought I could do the following:
while array.reject! do |element|
I haven't actually tried it yet, but this construction throws vim's ruby syntax highlighter for a loop (i.e., it thinks the first do is for the while statement, and thinks the second end is actually the end of the encapsulating method). I also tried rewriting this as an inline while modifier attached to a begin...end block,
begin; end while array.reject! do |element|
but it still screws up the highlighting in the same way. In any case, it feels like an abuse of the while loop.
The only way I could think of to accomplish this is by assigning the method call as a proc:
proc = do
array.reject! do |element|
while do; end
which works but feels kludgy, especially with the trailing do; end.
Is there any elegant way to accomplish this??
It's not just vim, while array.reject! do |element| is invalid syntax:
$ ruby -c -e 'while array.reject! do |element| end'
-e:1: syntax error, unexpected '|'
while array.reject! do |element| end
You could use { ... } instead of do ... end:
while array.reject! { |element|
# ...
or loop and break:
loop do
break unless array.reject! do |element|
# ...
a little more explicit:
loop do
r = array.reject! do |element|
# ...
break unless r
Ruby lets you move your condition to the end of the loop statement. This makes it easy to store a result inside of the loop and check it against the conditional:
any_rejected = arr.reject! { … }
end while any_rejected
This would work the same as doing end while arr.reject! { … }, but it's much clearer here what's happening, especially with a complicated reject!.
You're right that the Ruby parser thinks that do belongs to while, and doesn't understand where the second end is coming from. It's a precedence problem.
This code is just to show that it can be done. For how it should be done, see Stefan's answer :
array = (1..1000).to_a
while (array.reject! do |element|
rand < 0.5
p array.size
It outputs :
My personal preference in situations where I need to call a method until the return value is what I want is:
:keep_going while my_method
Or more tersely I sometimes use:
:go while my_method
It's one line, and you can use the contents of the symbol to help document what's going on. With your block, I'd personally create a proc/lambda out of it and pass that to reject for clarity.
# Harder to follow, IMHO
:keep_going while array.reject! do |...|
# Easier to follow, IMHO
simplify = ->(...){ ... }
:keep_simplifying while array.reject!(&simplify)

Creating a modified capitalize method in Ruby from scratch

I am learning methods in Ruby and thought that the best way to learn them was to create a method that already exists. However, there are two problems that I am running in to:
I do not know what the capitalize method looks like
My solution (it does more than the original method does) seems like it can be refactored into something more elegant.
This is what I have come up with:
# method that capitalizes a word
def new_capitalize(string)
if string[0].downcase == "m" && string[1].downcase == "c"
puts "#{string[0].upcase}#{string[1].downcase}#{string[2].upcase}#{string[3..-1].downcase}"
puts "#{string[0].upcase}#{string[1..-1].downcase}"
name1 = "ryan"
name2 = "jane"
new_capitalize(name1) # prints "Ryan"
new_capitalize(name2) # prints "Jane"
str = "mCnealy"
puts str.capitalize
# prints "Mcnealy"
# prints "McNealy"
It seems as if the first part of my if statement could be made much more efficient. It does not need to be even close to my solution as long as it prints the second capital if the name begins with "mc"
Also, if someone could point me to where the built in capitalize method's code could be found that would be great too!
Thank you in advance!
Alright, how about:
module NameRules
refine String do
def capitalize
if self[0..1].downcase == 'mc'
Then to use it:
class ThingWithNames
using NameRules
def self.test(string)
ThingWithNames.test('mclemon') # => "McLemon"
ThingWithNames.test('lemon') # => "Lemon"
If we were starting from scratch and not using the C implemented code:
module NameRules
refine String do
def capitalize
if self[0..1].downcase == 'mc'
new_string = self.downcase
new_string[0] = new_string[0].upcase
Reference materials:
String#capitalize source
A really good presentation on refinements
First, in my opinion, doing anything other than capitalizing the first letter of the string should be a different method or an optional arg you pass. Second, if you are trying to mimic the core lib behavior than you could monkey-patch String.
class String
def capitalize
self[0].upcase << self[1..-1].downcase
The closest to an official ruby implementation is probably Rubinius

Ruby best practice : if not empty each do else in one operator

1.I can't find an elegant way to write this code:
if array.empty?
# process empty array
array.each do |el|
# process el
I'd like to have one loop, without writing array twice. I read this, but there is no solution good enough.
I am actually in an HAML template. Same question.
- if array.empty?
%p No result
- else
- array.each do |el|
%li el
What about?
array.each do |x|
puts "x",x
end.empty? and begin
puts "empty!"
The cleanest way I've seen this done in HAML (not plain Ruby) is something like:
- array.each do |item|
- if array.empty?
Nothing here.
As mentioned by other answers, there is no need for the else clause because that's already implied in the other logic.
Even if you could do the each-else in one clean line, you wouldn't be able to achieve the markup you're trying to achieve (<p> if array.empty?, <ul> if array.present?). Besides, the HAML you show in your question is the best way to tell the story behind your code, which means it will be more readable and maintainable to other developers, so I don't know why you would want to refactor into something more cryptic.
I think there is no much more elegant or readable way to write this. Any way to somehow combine an iteration with a condition will just result in blackboxed code, meaning: the condition will just most likely be hidden in an Array extension.
If array is empty, then it will not be iterated, so the each block does not need to be conditioned. Since the return value of each is the receiver, you can put the each block within the empty? condition.
if (array.each do |el|
# process el
# process empty array
Assuming that "process empty array" leaves it empty after processing, you can leave out the else:
if array.empty?
# process empty array
array.each do |el|
# process el
or in one line:
array.empty? ? process_empty_array : array.each { |el| process_el }
An if the array is nil then we can enforce to empty array
if (array || []).each do |x|
puts "x",x
puts "empty!"
I saw some people asking how to handle this for nil cases.
The trick is to convert it to string. All nils converted to string becomes a empty string, all empty cases continue being empty.
both will return true

How would you express an idiom "with this object, if it exists, do this" in Ruby?

Very often in Ruby (and Rails specifically) you have to check if something exists and then perform an action on it, for example:
if #objects.any?
puts "We have these objects:"
#objects.each { |o| puts "hello: #{o}"
This is as short as it gets and all is good, but what if you have #objects.some_association.something.hit_database.process instead of #objects? I would have to repeat it second time inside the if expression and what if I don't know the implementation details and the method calls are expensive?
The obvious choice is to create a variable and then test it and then process it, but then you have to come up with a variable name (ugh) and it will also hang around in memory until the end of the scope.
Why not something like this:
#objects.some_association.something.hit_database.process.with :any? do |objects|
puts "We have these objects:"
objects.each { ... }
How would you do this?
Note that there's no reason to check that an array has at least one element with any? if you're only going to send each, because sending each to an empty array is a no-op.
To answer your question, perhaps you are looking for
Indeed, using a variable pollutes the namespace, but still, I think if (var = value).predicate is is a pretty common idiom and usually is perfectly ok:
if (objects = #objects.some_association.hit_database).present?
puts "We have these objects: #{objects}"
Option 2: if you like to create your own abstractions in a declarative fashion, that's also possible using a block: => :present?) do |objects|
puts "We have these objects: #{objects}"
Writing Object#as(options = {}) is pretty straigthforward.
What about tap?
#objects.some_association.something.hit_database.process.tap do |objects|
if objects.any?
puts "We have these objects:"
objects.each { ... }
Edit: If you're using Ruby 1.9, the Object#tap method provides the same functionality as the code listed below.
It sounds like you just want to be able to save a reference to an object without polluting the scope, correct? How about we open up the Object class and add a method do, which will just yield itself to the block:
class Object
def do
yield self if block_given?
return self # allow chaining
We can then call, for example:
[1,2,3].do { |a| puts a.length if a.any? }
=> 3
[].do { |a| puts a.length if a.any? }
=> nil

What are those pipe symbols for in Ruby?

What are the pipe symbols for in Ruby?
I'm learning Ruby and RoR, coming from a PHP and Java background, but I keep coming across code like this:
def new
#post =
respond_to do |format|
format.html # new.html.erb
format.xml { render :xml => #post }
What is the |format| part doing? What's the equivalent syntax of these pipe symbols in PHP/Java?
They are the variables yielded to the block.
def this_method_takes_a_block
this_method_takes_a_block do |num|
puts num
Which outputs "5". A more arcane example:
def this_silly_method_too(num)
yield(num + 5)
this_silly_method_too(3) do |wtf|
puts wtf + 1
The output is "9".
This was very strange to me too at first, but I hope this explanation/walkthru helps you.
The documentation touches the subject, in a quite good way - if my answer doesn't help I am sure their guide will.
First, fire up the Interactive Ruby interpreter by typing irb in your shell and hitting Enter.
Type something like:
the_numbers = ['ett','tva','tre','fyra','fem'] # congratulations! You now know how to count to five in Swedish.
just so that we have an array to play with. Then we create the loop:
the_numbers.each do |linustorvalds|
puts linustorvalds
It will output all the numbers, separated by newlines.
In other languages you'd have to write something like:
for (i = 0; i < the_numbers.length; i++) {
linustorvalds = the_numbers[i]
print linustorvalds;
The important things to note are that the |thing_inside_the_pipes| can be anything, as long as you are using it consistently. And understand that it is loops we are talking about, that was a thing I didn't get until later on.
#names.each do |name|
puts "Hello #{name}!"
at is accompanied by this explanation:
each is a method that accepts a block of code then runs that block of code for every element in a list, and the bit between do and end is just such a block. A block is like an anonymous function or lambda. The variable between pipe characters is the parameter for this block.
What happens here is that for every entry in a list, name is bound to that list element, and then the expression puts "Hello #{name}!" is run with that name.
The code from the do to the end defines a Ruby block. The word format is a parameter to the block. The block is passed along with the method call, and the called method can yield values to the block.
See any text on Ruby for details, this is a core feature of Ruby that you will see all the time.
The equivalent in Java would be something like
// Prior definitions
interface RespondToHandler
public void doFormatting(FormatThingummy format);
void respondTo(RespondToHandler)
// ...
// Equivalent of your quoted code
respondTo(new RespondToHandler(){
public void doFormatting(FormatThingummy format)
Parameters for a block sit between the | symbols.
To make it even more clearer, if needed:
the pipe bars essentially make a new variable to hold the value generated from the method call prior. Something akin to:
Original definition of your method:
def example_method_a(argumentPassedIn)
yield(argumentPassedIn + 200)
How It's used:
example_method_a(100) do |newVariable|
puts newVariable;
It's almost the same as writing this:
newVariable = example_method_a(100)
puts newVariable
where, newVariable = 200 + 100 = 300 :D!
