Neural Network with correlated features - algorithm

Is there a Neural Network algorithm that supports adding features on the fly (non-fixed feature set) and where it does not assume features isn't correlated with each other?

I don't think you can add features on fly, becouse NN as many other algorithm work with vector of input vector with same size, although it is sparse vectors. You can train with one feature set, then store weights add new features and start new training I think it will coverege much faster than first one.
NN(of first order) is work like Logistic regression and solve problem for global maximum, there are no assumption about features at all, just finding function which is related to probabilistic distribution which maximize likehood of training data, unlike Naive Bayes where each propability is calulcated separetly and then they combined with independence assumption.


Machine learning algorithm for correlation between indicators

I have a dataset with several indicators related to some geographical entities ,I want to study factors that influence an indicator A (among the other indicator) .I need to determine which indicators affect it the most (correlation)
which ML algo should I use
I want to have a kind of scoring function for my indicator A to allow its prediction
enter image description here
What you are looking for are correlation coefficients, you have multiple choices for that, the most commons are:
Pearson's coefficient which only measure linear relationship between two variables, see [Scipy's implementation]
Spearman's coefficient which can show non-linear relationship , see Scipy's implementation
You can also normalize your data using z-normalization and then do a simple Linear regression. The regression coefficient can give you an idea of the influence of each variable on the outcome. However this method is highly sensible to multi-collinearity which might be present, especially if your variables are geographical.
Could you provide an example of the dataset? Discrete or continuous variables? Which software are you using?
Anyway an easy way to test correlation (without going into ML algorithms in the very sense) is to simply perform Pearson's or Spearman's correlation coefficient on selected features or on the whole dataset by creating a matrix of the data. You can do that in Python with NumPy (see this) or in R (see this).
You can also use simple linear regression or logistic/multinomial logistic regression (depending on the nature of your data) to quantify the influence of the other features on your target variables. Just keep in mind that "correlation is not causation. Look here to see some models.
Then it depends on the object of your analysis whether to aggregate all the features of all the geographical points or create covariance matrices for each "subset" of observation related to the geographical points.

Will non-linear regression algorithms perform better if trained with normally distributed target values?

After finding out about many transformations that can be applied on the target values(y column), of a data set, such as box-cox transformations I learned that linear regression models need to be trained with normally distributed target values in order to be efficient.(
I'd like to know if the same applies for non-linear regression algorithms. For now I've seen people on kaggle use log transformation for mitigation of heteroskedasticity, by using xgboost, but they never mention if it is also being done for getting normally distributed target values.
I've tried to do some research and I found in Andrew Ng's lecture notes( on page 11 that the least squares cost function, used by many algorithms linear and non-linear, is derived by assuming normal distribution of the error. I believe if the error should be normally distributed then the target values should be as well.
If this is true then all the regression algorithms using least squares cost function should work better with normally distributed target values.
Since xgboost uses least squares cost function for node splitting( - slide 13) then maybe this algorithm would work better if I transform the target values using box-cox transformations for training the model and then apply inverse box-cox transformations on the output in order to get the predicted values.
Will this theoretically speaking give better results?
Your conjecture "I believe if the error should be normally distributed then the target values should be as well." is totally wrong. So your question does not have any answer at all since it is not a valid question.
There are no assumptions on the target variable to be Normal at all.
Getting the target variable transformed does not mean the errors are normally distributed. In fact, that may ruin normality.
I have no idea what this is supposed to mean: "linear regression models need to be trained with normally distributed target values in order to be efficient." Efficient in what way?
Linear regression models are global models. They simply fit a surface to the overall data. The operations are matrix operations, so the time to "train" the model depends only on the size of data. The distribution of the target has nothing to do with model building performance. And, it has nothing to do with model scoring performance either.
Because targets are generally not normally distributed, I would certainly hope that such a distribution is not required for a machine learning algorithm to work effectively.

Classifying Multivariate Time Series

I currently am working on a time series witch 430 attributes and approx. 80k instances. Now I would like to binary classify each instance (not the whole ts). Everything I found about classifying TS talked about labeling the whole thing.
Is it possible to classify each instance with something like a SVM completely disregarding the sequential nature of the data or would that only result in a really bad classifier?
Which other options are there which classify each instance but still look at the data as a time series?
If the data is labeled, you may have luck by concatenating attributes together, so each instance becomes a single long time series, and by applying the so-called Shapelet Transform. This would result in a vector of values for each of time series which can be fed into SVM, Random Forest, or any other classifier. It could be that picking a right shapelets will allow you to focus on a single attribute when classifying instances.
If it is not labeled, you may try the unsupervised shapelets application first to explore your data and proceed with aforementioned shapelet transform after.
It certainly depends on the data within the 430 attributes,
data types, and especially the problem you want to solve.
In time series analysis, you usually want to exploit the dependencies between the neighboring points, i.e., how they change in time. The examples you may find in books usually talk about a single function f(t): Time -> Real. If I understand it correctly, you want to focus just on the dependencies among the 430 attributes (vertical dependencies) and disregard the horizontal dependencies.
If I were you, I would first try to train multiple classifiers (SVM, Maximum entropy model, Multi-layer perceptron, Random forest, Probabilistic Neural Network, ...) and compare their prediction performance in the frame of your problem.
For training, you can start by feeding all 430 attributes as features to Maxent classifier (can easily handle millions of features).
You also need to perform some N-fold cross-validation to see whether the classifiers are not overfitted. Then pick the best that solves your problem "good enough".
Other ideas if this approach does not perform well:
include features from t-1, t-2...
perform feature selection by trying different subsets of features
derive new time series such as moving averages, wavelet spectrum ... and use them as new features
A nice implementation of Maxent classifier can be found in openNLP.

VowpalWabbit: Differences and scalability

I am trying to ascertain how VowpalWabbit's "state" is maintained as the size of our input set grows. In a typical machine learning environment, if I have 1000 input vectors, I would expect to send all of those at once, wait for a model building phase to complete, and then use the model to create new predictions.
In VW, it appears that the "online" nature of the algorithm shifts this paradigm to be more performant and capable of adjusting in real-time.
How is this real-time model modification implemented ?
Does VW take increasing resources with respect to total input data size over time ? That is, as i add more data to my VW model (when it is small), do the real-time adjustment calculations begin to take longer once the cumulative # of feature vector inputs increases to 1000s, 10000s, or millions?
Just to add to carlosdc's good answer.
Some of the features that set vowpal wabbit apart, and allow it to scale to tera-feature (1012) data-sizes are:
The online weight vector:
vowpal wabbit maintains an in memory weight-vector which is essentially the vector of weights for the model that it is building. This is what you call "the state" in your question.
Unbounded data size:
The size of the weight-vector is proportional to the number of features (independent input variables), not the number of examples (instances). This is what makes vowpal wabbit, unlike many other (non online) learners, scale in space. Since it doesn't need to load all the data into memory like a typical batch-learner does, it can still learn from data-sets that are too big to fit in memory.
Cluster mode:
vowpal wabbit supports running on multiple hosts in a cluster, imposing a binary tree graph structure on the nodes and using the all-reduce reduction from leaves to root.
Hash trick:
vowpal wabbit employs what's called the hashing trick. All feature names get hashed into an integer using murmurhash-32. This has several advantages: it is very simple and time-efficient not having to deal with hash-table management and collisions, while allowing features to occasionally collide. It turns out (in practice) that a small number of feature collisions in a training set with thousands of distinct features is similar to adding an implicit regularization term. This counter-intuitively, often improves model accuracy rather than decrease it. It is also agnostic to sparseness (or density) of the feature space. Finally, it allows the input feature names to be arbitrary strings unlike most conventional learners which require the feature names/IDs to be both a) numeric and b) unique.
vowpal wabbit exploits multi-core CPUs by running the parsing and learning in two separate threads, adding further to its speed. This is what makes vw be able to learn as fast as it reads data. It turns out that most supported algorithms in vw, counter-intuitively, are bottlenecked by IO speed, rather than by learning speed.
Checkpointing and incremental learning:
vowpal wabbit allows you to save your model to disk while you learn, and then to load the model and continue learning where you left off with the --save_resume option.
Test-like error estimate:
The average loss calculated by vowpal wabbit "as it goes" is always on unseen (out of sample) data (*). This eliminates the need to bother with pre-planned hold-outs or do cross validation. The error rate you see during training is 'test-like'.
Beyond linear models:
vowpal wabbit supports several algorithms, including matrix factorization (roughly sparse matrix SVD), Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), and more. It also supports on-the-fly generation of term interactions (bi-linear, quadratic, cubic, and feed-forward sigmoid neural-net with user-specified number of units), multi-class classification (in addition to basic regression and binary classification), and more.
There are tutorials and many examples in the official vw wiki on github.
(*) One exception is if you use multiple passes with --passes N option.
VW is a (very) sophisticated implementation of stochastic gradient descent. You can read more about stochastic gradient descent here
It turns out that a good implementation of stochastic gradient descent is basically I/O bound, it goes as fast as you can get it the data, so VW has some sophisticated data structures to "compile" the data.
Therefore the answer the answer to question (1) is by doing stochastic gradient descent and the answer to question (2) is definitely not.

Continuous vs Discrete artificial neural networks

I realize that this is probably a very niche question, but has anyone had experience with working with continuous neural networks? I'm specifically interested in what a continuous neural network may be useful for vs what you normally use discrete neural networks for.
For clarity I will clear up what I mean by continuous neural network as I suppose it can be interpreted to mean different things. I do not mean that the activation function is continuous. Rather I allude to the idea of a increasing the number of neurons in the hidden layer to an infinite amount.
So for clarity, here is the architecture of your typical discreet NN:
(source: garamatt at
The x are the input, the g is the activation of the hidden layer, the v are the weights of the hidden layer, the w are the weights of the output layer, the b is the bias and apparently the output layer has a linear activation (namely none.)
The difference between a discrete NN and a continuous NN is depicted by this figure:
(source: garamatt at
That is you let the number of hidden neurons become infinite so that your final output is an integral. In practice this means that instead of computing a deterministic sum you instead must approximate the corresponding integral with quadrature.
Apparently its a common misconception with neural networks that too many hidden neurons produces over-fitting.
My question is specifically, given this definition of discrete and continuous neural networks, I was wondering if anyone had experience working with the latter and what sort of things they used them for.
Further description on the topic can be found here:
I think this is either only of interest to theoreticians trying to prove that no function is beyond the approximation power of the NN architecture, or it may be a proposition on a method of constructing a piecewise linear approximation (via backpropagation) of a function. If it's the latter, I think there are existing methods that are much faster, less susceptible to local minima, and less prone to overfitting than backpropagation.
My understanding of NN is that the connections and neurons contain a compressed representation of the data it's trained on. The key is that you have a large dataset that requires more memory than the "general lesson" that is salient throughout each example. The NN is supposedly the economical container that will distill this general lesson from that huge corpus.
If your NN has enough hidden units to densely sample the original function, this is equivalent to saying your NN is large enough to memorize the training corpus (as opposed to generalizing from it). Think of the training corpus as also a sample of the original function at a given resolution. If the NN has enough neurons to sample the function at an even higher resolution than your training corpus, then there is simply no pressure for the system to generalize because it's not constrained by the number of neurons to do so.
Since no generalization is induced nor required, you might as well just memorize the corpus by storing all of your training data in memory and use k-nearest neighbor, which will always perform better than any NN, and will always perform as well as any NN even as the NN's sampling resolution approaches infinity.
The term hasn't quite caught on in the machine learning literature, which explains all the confusion. It seems like this was a one off paper, an interesting one at that, but it hasn't really led to anything, which may mean several things; the author may have simply lost interest.
I know that Bayesian neural networks (with countably many hidden units, the 'continuous neural networks' paper extends to the uncountable case) were successfully employed by Radford Neal (see his thesis all about this stuff) to win the NIPS 2003 Feature Selection Challenge using Bayesian neural networks.
In the past I've worked on a few research projects using continuous NN's. Activation was done using a bipolar hyperbolic tan, the network took several hundred floating point inputs and output around one hundred floating point values.
In this particular case the aim of the network was to learn the dynamic equations of a mineral train. The network was given the current state of the train and predicted speed, inter-wagon dynamics and other train behaviour 50 seconds into the future.
The rationale for this particular project was mainly about performance. This was being targeted for an embedded device and evaluating the NN was much more performance friendly then solving a traditional ODE (ordinary differential equation) system.
In general a continuous NN should be able to learn any kind of function. This is particularly useful when its impossible/extremely difficult to solve a system using deterministic methods. As opposed to binary networks which are often used for pattern recognition/classification purposes.
Given their non-deterministic nature NN's of any kind are touchy beasts, choosing the right kinds of inputs/network architecture can be somewhat a black art.
Feed forward neural networks are always "continuous" -- it's the only way that backpropagation learning actually works (you can't backpropagate through a discrete/step function because it's non-differentiable at the bias threshold).
You might have a discrete (e.g. "one-hot") encoding of the input or target output, but all of the computation is continuous-valued. The output may be constrained (i.e. with a softmax output layer such that the outputs always sum to one, as is common in a classification setting) but again, still continuous.
If you mean a network that predicts a continuous, unconstrained target -- think of any prediction problem where the "correct answer" isn't discrete, and a linear regression model won't suffice. Recurrent neural networks have at various times been a fashionable method for various financial prediction applications, for example.
Continuous neural networks are not known to be universal approximators (in the sense of density in $L^p$ or $C(\mathbb{R})$ for the topology of uniform convergence on compacts, i.e.: as in the universal approximation theorem) but only universal interpolators in the sense of this paper:
