Getting value of three consecutive elements in array - ruby

I have a large array, h, that contains several instances of a parameter called startingParam, which is always followed by two other parameters that are related but not always the same. I need to look for every instance of startingParam in the array, and push it and the next two parameters into a separate array, holdingArray.
The following code is not working, due to the fact that I am very new to Ruby. Does anybody know what I am doing wrong? Is there a better way to approach the problem?
h.each do |param|
if param == 'startingParam'
holdingArray << h.[param],
holdingArray << h.[param + 1],
holdingArray << h.[param + 2]
Thanks so much.

You can grab the chunks using #slice_before:
arr = ['startingParam', 1, 2, 'startingParam', 3, 4]
# => [['startingParam', 1, 2], ['startingParam', 3, 4]]
If you created the original data structure, you may want to re-consider your design, however.

Functional approach:
>> ary = ['hello', 'startingParam', 1, 2, 'xyz', 'startingParam', 3, 4, 'bye']
>> ary.each_cons(3).select { |v, *vs| v == "startingParam" }.flatten(1)
=> ["startingParam", 1, 2, "startingParam", 3, 4]

So there are a few problems. For starters, you can't subscript arrays by doing h.[anything], and you are also subscripting based on the value (and not the index). You are also checking to see if the parameter matches the literal string "starting_param" and not its value. So what I expect you want is the following:
h.each_with_index do |param, index|
if param == startingParam
holdingArray << h[index]
holdingArray << h[index+1]
holdingArray << h[index+2]
You'll also note that if the item is in the last two slots of the array, this will wrap around and grab items from the beginning of the array (due to how Ruby handles array subscripts being out of bounds).

You could also use the range slicing operation (I've changed the varnames slightly since camelcasing is bad style in ruby)
h.each_with_index do |param, index|
if param == starting_param


Understanding flattening an array in Ruby

I'm a confused with what .each_with_object does to an extent.
For example:
("a".."c").each_with_object("") {|i,str| str << i} # => "abc"
(1..3).each_with_object(0) {|i,sum| sum += i} #=> 0
(since integers are immutable).
After reading the example in the Ruby documentation, I'm
confused as to what the parameter inside object() actually does.
Regarding the flattify code below: I was confused with the usage of *; and why is the else statement just element? What is element intended to do?
def flattify(array)
array.each_with_object([]) do |element, flattened|
flattened.push *(element.is_a?(Array) ? flattify(element) : element)
confused with what #each_with_object does
You may have a better time understanding #each_with_object if you look at #inject first. #each_with_object is similar to #inject. Examples from, included below:
#using inject
[[:tom,25],[:jerry,15]].inject({}) do |result, name_and_age|
name, age = name_and_age
result[name] = age
=> {:tom=>25, :jerry=>15}
#using each_with_object
[[:tom,25],[:jerry,15]].each_with_object({}) do |name_and_age, result|
name, age = name_and_age
result[name] = age
=> {:tom=>25, :jerry=>15}
See this Gist for example tests:
In depth article:
would #inject as opposed to #each_with_object work in this flattening code?
Yes, see below. I've illustratively refactored your flattening code to use #inject. Additionally, I removed the dependency on the "splat" operator (
# Flattens nested array; uses `Enumerable#inject`
# #see
# #param arg [Array] contains objects of any type including any amount of nested arrays.
# #raise [StandardError] if arg is not Array class
# #return [Array] flat array comprised of elements from arg.
# #example
# flattify([nil, [1, [:two, [3.0], {4=>5}], "6"]]) #=> [nil, 1, :two, 3.0, {4=>5}, "6"]
def flattify(arg)
raise "arg is not Array" unless arg.is_a?(Array)
# variable ret_var used here to illustrate method's return in verbose fasion
# supplied [] used as initial value for flattened_array
ret_var = arg.inject([]) do |flattened_array, element|
# check if element class is Array
if element.is_a?(Array)
# Array#concat because flattify returns Array
# same as: a = a + b
# same as: a += b
# recursively call flattify with element as arg
# element is an Array
# Array#push because element is not an Array
# same as: a << b
# used in next iteration as value for first arg above in: "|flattened_array, element|"
# OR returned on last iteration, becoming value of ret_var above
# explicit return for illustrative purposes
return ret_var
may [I] ask why the splat operator is used here? I am still a bit
confused on that. It seems the code is [looping] each time and pushing
it in the flattened array, whats the point of the *?
flattened.push *(element.is_a?(Array) ? flattify(element) : element)
The above block is a "ternary operation" (see:, which is explained here: like so:
if_this_is_a_true_value ? then_the_result_is_this : else_it_is_this
Compare the flattify examples with each other:
# each_with_object
flattened.push *(flattify(element))
# inject
Here the * splat operator (see: is doing the same thing as Array#concat. However, the splat allows flattened.push to accept either of the two possible types the ternary operation returns: 1) an Array; or 2) whatever element is. For illustration, notice how the splat operator prevents nesting:
# each_with_object with splat
flattened = [1,2,3]
flattened.push *([4,5,6]) # => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
flattened.push *(7) # => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
# each_with_object without splat
flattened = [1,2,3]
flattened.push ([4,5,6]) # => [1, 2, 3, [4, 5, 6]]
flattened.push (7) # => [1, 2, 3, [4, 5, 6], 7]
Conversely, Array#concat will only accept an array. If the same ternary operation was used and returned an element, it would cause an error:
# inject
flattened_array = [1,2,3]
flattened_array.concat([4,5,6]) # => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
flattened_array.concat(7) # => TypeError: no implicit conversion of Fixnum into Array
In summary, both versions of flattify achieve the same result. However, #each_with_object uses #push, a ternary operation and a splat operator; while #inject uses an if/else statement, #concat and #push.
When we did each with object([]), the last parameter became an
Yes. It becomes an array and continues to be that same array throughout the iterations until it's passed back.
So with inject the first one becomes an array?
Yes. The first one becomes the passed in array, but only for the first iteration, then it's replaced by the result of the code block for each subsequent iteration.
how does our code know if element is defined as an int and
flattened_Array is an array?
element.is_a?(Array) # => true or false
When element is Array class this method returns true, and if not returns false. false means that it's anything but an array including int.
For more info, see:
The parameter you pass to object() acts as accumulator for intermediate values between iterations. On entry to each iteration it is passed as flattened argument.
* is a splat operator. It converts an array to a list of arguments being passed to the push method.
Here element will take value of each array element consequently.
All this piece of code does is just recursively flat all nested arrays inside initial array.
But Ruby has built in flatten method which does the same thing.
For example
ar = [1, 2, [3, 4, [5, 6]]]
#=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
Just to compare with your flattify
flattify ar
#=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
# flattened.push *(element.is_a?(Array) ? flattify(element) : element)
# flattened is the array ...object([])
# element.is_a?(Array) the element in this iteration an array?
# if true flattify(element) again... meaning recursively apply method again
# if false push element onto the object([]) aka flattened
# the () around the ternary allow the recursion to complete
# the * operator can then pass the elements "passing the array condition"
# cont'd... onto flattened.push(4, 5, 6) as list of args instead of an array
# array object with range of string elements
("a".."c").each_with_object([]) do |element, the_object|
p the_object.class # returns Array
p element.class # returns String
# hash object with range of fixnum elements
(1..3).each_with_object({}) do |element, the_object|
p the_object.class # returns Hash
p element.class # returns Fixnum

sorting unique values in an array with Ruby

Is there a way to write a method in Ruby which takes an array of items and returns the array without any duplicates. Without using Ruby’s uniq method?
So, the output of this array [1,5,"frog", 2,1,3,"frog"] will be [1,5,"frog",2,3]
You are getting an unexpected end-of-input because you are using parenthesis instead of braces to denote the block. Try:{ |i| i != i }
But even this isn't quite what you'd expect. Here is an alternative:
my_array.group_by{|item| item}.keys
Hope that helps
my_array = [1, 5, "frog", 2, 1, 3, "frog"]
uniques = []
my_array.each do |x|
uniques << x unless uniques.include?(x)
This iterates through my_array and only pushes to uniques elements it doesn't include.

getting differences between values in an array

I want to write an Array method in ruby that takes the successive values in the array and returns their differences as a new array (unshifting a '0' in at the beginning).
So feeding the array [4,7,11,16] into the method returns a new array [4,3,4,5].
1) does such a method already exist?
If not, then I think I know how to write it. However,
2) does a method already exist which allows me to test the input array and make sure it only consists of integers and/or floats?
Again, if not, I think I know how to write one.
p [4,7,11,16].unshift(0).each_cons(2).map{|a,b| b-a} # => [4, 3, 4, 5]
Keep it simple:
arr = [4,7,11,16]
last = 0 { |e| new=e-last; last=e; new }
#=> [4, 3, 4, 5]
Another way:
a = [arr.first]
enum = arr.each
loop do
a << + enum.peek
#=> [4, 3, 4, 5]
Enumerator#peek raises a StopIteration exception when enum is at its last element. Kernel#loop handles the exception by breaking from the loop.
Regarding the first method, I am not aware of any such method in the Ruby Array class.
Regarding the second one, you can do it as explained in this answer:
your_array.all? {|i| i.is_a? Numeric }

How to act differently on the first iteration in a Ruby loop?

I always use a counter to check for the first item (i==0) in a loop:
i = 0
my_array.each do |item|
if i==0
# do something with the first item
# common stuff
i += 1
Is there a more elegant way to do this (perhaps a method)?
You can do this:
my_array.each_with_index do |item, index|
if index == 0
# do something with the first item
# common stuff
Try it on ideone.
Using each_with_index, as others have described, would work fine, but for the sake of variety here is another approach.
If you want to do something specific for the first element only and something general for all elements including the first, you could do:
# do something with my_array[0] or my_array.first
my_array.each do |e|
# do the same general thing to all elements
But if you want to not do the general thing with the first element you could do:
# do something with my_array[0] or my_array.first
my_array.drop(1).each do |e|
# do the same general thing to all elements except the first
Arrays have an "each_with_index" method which is handy for this situation:
my_array.each_with_index do |item, i|
item.do_something if i==0
#common stuff
What fits best is depending on the situation.
Another option (if you know your array is not empty):
# treat the first element (my_array.first)
my_array.each do | item |
# do the common_stuff
each_with_index from Enumerable (Enumerable is already mixed in with Array, so you can call it on an array without any trouble):
irb(main):001:0> nums = (1..10).to_a
=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
irb(main):003:0> nums.each_with_index do |num, idx|
irb(main):004:1* if idx == 0
irb(main):005:2> puts "At index #{idx}, the number is #{num}."
irb(main):006:2> end
irb(main):007:1> end
At index 0, the number is 1.
=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
If you don't need the array afterwards:
ar = %w(reversed hello world)
puts ar.shift.upcase
ar.each{|item| puts item.reverse}
Ruby's Enumerable#inject provides an argument that can be used for doing something differently on the first iteration of a loop:
> l=[1,2,3,4]
=> [1, 2, 3, 4]
> l.inject(0) {|sum, elem| sum+elem}
=> 10
The argument is not strictly necessary for common things like sums and products:
> l.inject {|sum, elem| sum+elem}
=> 10
But when you want to do something different on the first iteration, that argument might be useful to you:
> puts fruits.inject("I like to eat: ") {|acc, elem| acc << elem << " "}
I like to eat: apples pears peaches plums oranges
=> nil
Here's a solution that doesn't need to be in an immediately enclosing loop and avoids the redundancy of specifying a status placeholder more than once unless you really need to.
do_this if ($first_time_only ||= [true]).shift
Its scope matches the holder: $first_time_only will be globally once; #first_time_only will be once for the instance, and first_time_only will be once for the current scope.
If you want the first several times, etc, you can easily put [1,2,3] if you need to distinguish which of the first iterations you're in, or even something fancy [1, false, 3, 4] if you need something weird.

In Ruby how do you sort one multi dimendional array by another multi dimensional array?

Lets say I have an array : a=[[1,2,3],[4,5]]
and I have another array : b=[[2.5,1.5,3.5],[1.5,2.5]]
I need to sort 'a' with respect to 'b'.
i.e the output should be = [[3,1,2],[5,4]]
I tried but my code seemed to be very lengthy. It would be great if you could help me out.Thanks!
This gives your sample output for your sample input, so hopefully it's what you want (it sorts the values of each subarray in the first array by the value at the same position in the corresponding subarray of the second array, descendingly):
class Array
def sort_by_other_array(arr)
zip(arr).sort_by {|x,y| y}.map {|x,y| x}
b=[[2.5,1.5,3.5],[1.5,2.5]] {|x,y| x.sort_by_other_array(y).reverse}
#=> [[3, 1, 2], [5, 4]]
Next time, it would be a great idea to post your code, and an explanation of the context can also be handy.
Here's a way to get your desired results do |values, sort_values|{|sort, value| value}
