Magento search form not working - magento

Using the seach form in the shop outputs the "Whoops, our bad..." page.
I've seen similar questions but rebuilding the index is not solving the problem.
The search form sends to http://...//catalogsearch/result/?q=... and fails. But if I use the advanced search url http://...//catalogsearch/advanced/result/?name=... it works fine.
Any idea of what can be causing this behaviuor. The shop has recently been upgraded from magento 1.5.X to 1.6.0 and then to 1.6.1

Something similar happened to me and the problem was that the upgrade wasn't completed.
Make sure you've no dependencies problems or conflicts when upgrading.
If you get errors with dependencies, try uninstalling non core modules and then try to install magento latest again. Make sure the errors disappear.
Once the upgrade is correct you can re-install uninstalled modules, if they work in the latest magento version.

Just in case. Reindex from terminal. I had the same problem. Reindexing from the backoffice wouldn't work, but after reindexing from terminal, everything went back to normal.
php /path/to/magento/shell/indexer.php reindexall


IDN conversion failed

I built a system with laravel-admin and guzzle. I send api requests to Shopify with Guzzle and everything works fine on my local environment. However, when I try to create a product in production , it gives me this error.
IDN conversion failed
I looked into it on Google, and it seems Guzzle is giving me this error because I get the error only when I try to create the kinds of products that I sync with Shopify with guzzle.
There is not much information about the error on Google, and I am lost as to why it is happening. Has anyone experienced the same issue?
Could you please add PHP and Guzzle versions to the question? I'm one of the authors of this feature, and (unfortunately) there were some issues related in specific cases. But to say something I need more details.
Generally, try to upgrade to the latest version. Things probably should be fine with the latest Guzzle 6.5.2.
I've also suddenly started running into this issue. I have PHP version 7.2.30 running on the server and cURL version 7.19.7.
It worked fine yesterday, and wasn't working properly this morning. Nothing has changed, other than I upgraded Laravel and all dependencies. However, I think the particular code in the Guzzle Utils.php file where this error is being triggered has been around for quite a while. I tried downgrading Laravel to versions from much earlier this year, and Guzzle stayed the same.
We recently updated our web server, but that didn't make a difference to the PHP version nor should it have affected configuration.
This error I'm getting right now is baffling and I have no idea how to troubleshoot it.
EDIT: I found a simple work around for this problem through server configuration. After digging through the codebase in Laravel I noticed that Symfony provides polyfils if the intl extension is not installed. As such, I just disabled the intl extension on the server, which caused it to use the polyfils, which resolved the problem for me.
I checked first to see what version of ICU the intl was using, and it was an older version and hence the reason I got the errors.
So if you are running Laravel or anything else Symfony based and are having this problem, this could be a simple solution if you can't upgrade to a newer version of PHP for whatever reason. We are running a Plesk-based server, so we are dependent on them providing PHP and all the various extensions and we can't control their upgrade timing.
If you don't have that problem, then your other option would be to upgrade your PHP yourself and ensure the intl extension is up to date and compiled against a more current version of ICU.

joomla! upgrade from 1.5.26 to 2.5 jUpdate error and more

Migration or upgrade, whatever, I want to get rid of my 1.5 site. I read some articles, watched a few tutorials however I could not beat it.
First, I upgraded my 1.5.2 to latest 1.5.26. Then I installed jUpgrade 2.5.2 extension from admin panel, activated it but after clicking to upgrade: nothing happened. The big arrow is not clickable.
Then I downloaded redMigration. There were two distinct .zip files in it. "plg_redMIGRATOR_1.0.0_j15" and "com_redMIGRATOR_1.0.0_j25_j3". Former was installed as an extension and activated (also I did password operations) but there is nothing. No way to run it. When I tried to install "com_redMIGRATOR_1.0.0_j25_j3" from extensions, it says there is no XML file to install. So I am stucked! I've been trying it hard but I have nothing.
How can I fix these problems?
The not click-able issue is most likely down to the javascript not working.
When I've seen this before, it has been just that JUpgrade needs a newer version of Mootools.
Have you enabled the Mootools Upgrade Plugin?

Joomla, notices after installation

I am having some issues after installing joomla, what should be done to remove this? I have attached the image of what I am getting.
I believe you're running PHP 5.4. Joomla 2.5 isn't yet completely compatible with that version yet. There are patches in the tracker right now to fix these issues, hopefully they'll be in 2.5.7.

Magento Style Error?

I have installed Magento several times now and each time I install it and put some (sub)-categories in it, it works fine! After I have checked it out at the front-end, it all seemed okay. After this I go back to the back-end and when I want to edit categories I get this:
Therefor i have installed Magento 1.6.2 again. And I got the same result. There was a fix I found on the internet, but it doesn't work. I can't see or edit anything. So I decided to install a newer version 1.7.0 RC1. And guess what? I got the same problem again :(
All the other pages are working fine, but why is the style gone of the categories page? :S
Does anyone have an answer for this error??
Check the permission for media and var folder in your magento root folder.

Magento Upgrade Issue from 1.4.2 to 1.6

Error in file:
/usr/local/sites/client/magento_site/app/code/core/Mage/Customer/sql/customer_setup/mysql4-upgrade-" - SQLSTATE[42S01]: Base table or view already exists: 1050 Table 'customer_form_attribute' already exists
I tried upgrading this using this tutorial from turnkeye to go from 1.4.1 -> 1.4.2 and then to 1.6 but after all the mage upgrading was complete, when I hit the website to upgrade the database I get errors about database tables that already exist and it appears to be running a database upgrade script for a version of magento before 1.4.2. I know this error is extremely common and I have seen many blogs posts about it and read all that I have found -- I see no resolution besides starting a fresh install.
I've heard people say this can happen if a previous upgrade didn't complete successfully but I don't think that is the case here -- I think it was a fresh install at 1.4.1 (at least I don't believe I ever upgraded it). Anyone know why this is happening or how to fix it?
Note 1: I also tried the upgrade by overwriting the 1.4.1 files via SSH with successive version of magento -- always the same database errors though. If I remove the mysql-upgrade script that is failing, then another one fails in its place with a simliar 'table already exists' error.
Note 2: I also made sure I cleared /var/cache and /var/session and even tried reindexing. No success.
Looks like it is just complaining about a table already existing. Either install a fresh version of you database from before you tried to upgrade then clear cache and sessions and try again
Just open the file referenced and temporarly comment out the part that is installing the table again. That should allow you to by pass the error.
Then you can download the magento Database Repair Tool to ensure that your tables are correct.
