Magento Style Error? - magento

I have installed Magento several times now and each time I install it and put some (sub)-categories in it, it works fine! After I have checked it out at the front-end, it all seemed okay. After this I go back to the back-end and when I want to edit categories I get this:
Therefor i have installed Magento 1.6.2 again. And I got the same result. There was a fix I found on the internet, but it doesn't work. I can't see or edit anything. So I decided to install a newer version 1.7.0 RC1. And guess what? I got the same problem again :(
All the other pages are working fine, but why is the style gone of the categories page? :S
Does anyone have an answer for this error??

Check the permission for media and var folder in your magento root folder.


magento 2.2 adding a new theme installation

I´m having problems understanding how to install a new theme in my magento 2.2 and i was hopping someone could help me understand what it is, what i did was:
I installed magento 2.2 from here. and then choose "Full release with sample data" community edition 2.2.0. The installation went well and i can access to my admin panel adn everything else.
Next i found this template and downloaded the package Bizkick v1.0.3, unzipped it and then i have two directories, which are "app" and "pub". After this i dragged these to my magento root, overwrite the ones that were there and now, i CANNOT access anything, not my initial page nor my admin, i have tried with other themes and the same thing keeps happening. I also have disabled my cache in the admin like the instructions said and them perform the above but with no luck.
Can anyone enligh me?

Call to undefined method JAdminCssMenu::load()

I have updated joomla version from 3.6.5 to 3.7 joomla latest version.
Now I am getting fatal error on site backend :
Fatal error: Call to undefined method JAdminCssMenu::load() in /public_html/administrator/modules/mod_menu/mod_menu.php on line 25
Can anyone please provide me solution to get it fixed.
The temp fix does work, (uncomment line 25). However I found it was a component that was causing the error, SP Page Builder, once uninstalled, all worked fine :D
I had the same issue but you don't need to uninstall SPPageBuilder, just go to, filter by Administrator modules and unpublish the one called "SP Page Builder Admin Menu".
I have also received the same error on a couple sites so far after updating. I added a php override to my htaccess file to bring the sites back online. I added the following to the rewrite section of my htaccess file:
php_value memory_limit 128M
This increases the memory to 128MB. Not the best way to fix the issue, but it works right now. I don't know if this issue is related to the 3.7 upgrade or not, but it's awfully coincidental that 2 of my sites, and now coming across this post happened after upgrading. I wonder if there is a bug in the new Joomla version, or if it requires more memory now.
This is faced by many who used JSN Poweradmin. You need to uninstall it to run your Joomla site or you can simply comment out or delete this line on line no 25
//$menu->load($params, $enabled);
in the file /administrator/modules/mod_menu/mod_menu.php.
I have replaced mod_menu complete Directory/Files with old one (3.6.5) and its working now.
If you are using JSN Poweradmin and you tried to install SP Page Builder, Just go to this directory:
and delete this folder: mod_sppagebuilder_admin_menu
Now Joomla Admin panel would work OK and also SP Page Builder component is ready to use.

Issue with Magento Categories - redirects from URL to home

I am having a very strange issue with Magento.
I skinned the install for a client, and everything has been working fine. I used a pre-built theme for this skin, and made some minor changes - but none at all to the system, or core files of Magento.
The issue I am facing is that anything I go to for example, or it's Rewrite URL of - it redirects to the homepage, or gives me a 404.
Going directly to a product for example, works just fine.
Has anyone ever faced a similar issue? There is not much else I can offer. If there is a log that I can check to provide more info, please let me know and I will provide it.
Thanks in advance. Really puzzling.

Joomla voting doesn't save

I have a problem I cant figure out. When I started the website the voting system worked... but now many hours later it doesn't save the vote anymore.
I hope some of you have tried the same or have an idea about what can be wrong.
You can see a post on my site here:
Rather hard to tell only by looking at it and not having access to the code, so these are the only things I can suggest.
Ensure you have the latest Joomla version (2.5.6)
Switch to the default Joomla template and try voting again.
Install JDump to see if its a PHP related problem.
Install a fresh copy of Joomla and your template on a subdomain and after each extension you install, test the vote.

Magento search form not working

Using the seach form in the shop outputs the "Whoops, our bad..." page.
I've seen similar questions but rebuilding the index is not solving the problem.
The search form sends to http://...//catalogsearch/result/?q=... and fails. But if I use the advanced search url http://...//catalogsearch/advanced/result/?name=... it works fine.
Any idea of what can be causing this behaviuor. The shop has recently been upgraded from magento 1.5.X to 1.6.0 and then to 1.6.1
Something similar happened to me and the problem was that the upgrade wasn't completed.
Make sure you've no dependencies problems or conflicts when upgrading.
If you get errors with dependencies, try uninstalling non core modules and then try to install magento latest again. Make sure the errors disappear.
Once the upgrade is correct you can re-install uninstalled modules, if they work in the latest magento version.
Just in case. Reindex from terminal. I had the same problem. Reindexing from the backoffice wouldn't work, but after reindexing from terminal, everything went back to normal.
php /path/to/magento/shell/indexer.php reindexall
