Retaining inline code inside references in Sphinx - python-sphinx

In Sphinx, if I have the following heading declaration:
.. _somestuff:
``this is code``, this is not!
It renders, like this:
this is code, this is not!
Which is good, but, if I use the reference, e.g:
Have a look at :ref:`somestuff`
It loses the code formatting and renders like:
Have a look at this is code, this is not!
instead of:
Have a look at this is code, this is not!
Is it possible to retain the code formatting in the reference? And how would I go about it?

If you have a look at :ref: documentation in its official web site about inline markups:
To support cross-referencing to arbitrary locations in any document,
the standard reST labels are used. For this to work label names must
be unique throughout the entire documentation ...
I think (as #Kevin Horn) it's no possible right now, because it's only used to create links (without rst formatting) with other sections in your project. Then if you write something like this:
.. _somestuff:
``this is code``, this is not!
.. _another_somestuff:
this is another code!
If I link with these sections:
Have a look at :ref:`somestuff`
Have a look at :ref:`another_somestuff`
Have a look at :ref:`this link <somestuff>`
The result is:
Have a look at this is code, this is not!
Have a look at this is another code!
Have a look at this link
The style is the same in all of them .
Note: the italic/bold words symbolize links


reStructuredText sphinx link to another document's anchor [duplicate]

How to insert a cross-reference in a reST/Sphinx page to either a sub-header or anchor in another page in the same documentation set?
The expression "reST/Sphinx" makes the scope of the question unclear. Is it about reStructuredText in general and Sphinx, or only about reStructuredText as used in Sphinx (and not reStructuredText in general)? I'm going to cover both since people using RST are likely to run into both cases at some point:
Besides the domain-specific directives that can be used to link to various entities like classes (:class:) there's the general :ref: directive, documented here. They give this example:
.. _my-reference-label:
Section to cross-reference
This is the text of the section.
It refers to the section itself, see :ref:`my-reference-label`.
Although the general hyperlinking mechanism offered by RST does work in Sphinx, the documentation recommends against using it when using Sphinx:
Using ref is advised over standard reStructuredText links to sections (like Section title_) because it works across files, when section headings are changed, and for all builders that support cross-references.
RST, in General
The tools that convert RST files to HTML do not necessarily have a notion of collection. This is the case for instance if you rely on github to convert RST files to HTML or if you use a command line tool like rst2html. Unfortunately, the various methods to use to get the desired result vary depending on which tool you are using. For instance, if you use rst2html and you want file A.rst to link to a section named "Section" in file other.rst and you want the final HTML to work in a browser, then A.rst would contain:
`This <other.html#section>`__ is a reference to a section in another
file, which works with ``rst2html``. Unfortunately, it does not work
when the HTML is generated through github.
You have to link to the final HTML file and you have to know what the id given to the section will be. If you want to do the same for a file served through github:
`This <other.rst#section>`__ is a reference to a section in another
file, which works on github. Unfortunately, it does not work when you
use ``rst2html``.
Here too you need to know the id given to the section. However, you link to the RST file because it is only upon accessing the RST file that the HTML is created. (At the time of writing this answer, accessing the HTML directly is not allowed.)
A complete example is available here.
New, better answer for 2016!
The autosection extension lets you do this easily.
Some Document
Internal Headline
then, later...
Some Other Doc
A link- :ref:`Internal Headline`
This extension is built-in, so all you need is to edit
extensions = [
. other
. extensions
. already
. listed
The only thing you have to be careful of is that now you can't duplicate internal headlines across the doc collection. (Worth it.)
Hey, read the :ref:`Installation:Homebrew` section.
where Homebrew is a section inside a different document named Installation.rst.
This uses the autosection feature, so will need to edit with the following:
extensions = [
autosectionlabel_prefix_document = True
In Sphinx 3.0.3 the only solution that worked for me is :any: (see
Suppose, one document has such a section:
.. _my-section:
My Section
Lorem ipsum blablabla
Then another document can have the following fragment to create a link:
See :any:`my-section` for the details
I was struggling to make this work and i found out that the actual notation is :ref:'{dir-path}/Installation:Homebrew' where {dir-path} is the relative path to Installation.rst from where exists
Adding description of behavior that was confusing to me.
Section titles must be referenced with the file name (overview here) in front of it:
API Overview
:ref:`overview:API Overview`
However, when referencing links, the file name (constants here) must not be there:
.. _section-constants:
Enums and Constants
Also, for this to work, one must enable extension 'autosectionlabel':
extensions = [

How to reference a text block several times in a document?

I am writing lots of Sphinx/RestructuredText and this includes Sequence Diagrams using PlantUML. I have lots of text that I am reusing, so to make things cleaner, I created a definitions.iuml file. In this file, I can create named text references (via !startsub/!endsub blocks) that allows me to reference them in several different Sequence Diagrams. Change it once in the source location, and they all change. Perfect.
My problem is how to use these references outside of Sequence Diagrams? I use the exact same code (!includesub ../defintions.iuml!NAMED-REFERENCE) in the .rst file, and when I make docx/pdf, I see that link, I don't see the text that it is referencing. To make things worse, Google has like no documentation or search results on this. Queries of includesub, startsub, endsub +sphinx come back with nothing.
Help me obiwan kenobi.
I found the answer, which only resulted in more questions haha. Anyway, one thing at a time:
To create reference variables in your text document, use rst_prolog or rst_epilog in your file. Why there are 2 commands that serve the same purpose, I dont know.
rst_prolog = """
.. |Variable1| replace:: Monday
.. |Variable2| replace:: Tuesday
Now whenever you write |Variable1| in your text, the document will generate Monday.
The problem with the above is that its just for short words/phrases. You can't use it for code blocks, or anything that is more than one line. To reference in Code Blocks:
Create a new .rst file with the code you want to display. Best practice is to create a Code folder and place them all in there.
Further best practice is to stop using the '.. code block::' and instead use '.. parsed-literal::'. The output is the exact same, but parsed-literal allows you to use variables and ..codeblock:: doesn't.
So in this .rst file, first line is .. parsed-literal:: and all the text below it is the code you want to reference
In the original document that you wanted this code, type:
<4 spaces indent>.. include:: <Folder/File.rst>
Generate your document, and notice how the code is now being reference. You can include this reference all throughout your document.
I will soon be creating a new thread, this time asking how the text body and sequence diagrams can use the same reference. Currently, all text needs one reference, all sequences need another reference, and now we have double updates. Not ideal

Sphinx RST :ref: to a section in a specific document [duplicate]

How to insert a cross-reference in a reST/Sphinx page to either a sub-header or anchor in another page in the same documentation set?
The expression "reST/Sphinx" makes the scope of the question unclear. Is it about reStructuredText in general and Sphinx, or only about reStructuredText as used in Sphinx (and not reStructuredText in general)? I'm going to cover both since people using RST are likely to run into both cases at some point:
Besides the domain-specific directives that can be used to link to various entities like classes (:class:) there's the general :ref: directive, documented here. They give this example:
.. _my-reference-label:
Section to cross-reference
This is the text of the section.
It refers to the section itself, see :ref:`my-reference-label`.
Although the general hyperlinking mechanism offered by RST does work in Sphinx, the documentation recommends against using it when using Sphinx:
Using ref is advised over standard reStructuredText links to sections (like Section title_) because it works across files, when section headings are changed, and for all builders that support cross-references.
RST, in General
The tools that convert RST files to HTML do not necessarily have a notion of collection. This is the case for instance if you rely on github to convert RST files to HTML or if you use a command line tool like rst2html. Unfortunately, the various methods to use to get the desired result vary depending on which tool you are using. For instance, if you use rst2html and you want file A.rst to link to a section named "Section" in file other.rst and you want the final HTML to work in a browser, then A.rst would contain:
`This <other.html#section>`__ is a reference to a section in another
file, which works with ``rst2html``. Unfortunately, it does not work
when the HTML is generated through github.
You have to link to the final HTML file and you have to know what the id given to the section will be. If you want to do the same for a file served through github:
`This <other.rst#section>`__ is a reference to a section in another
file, which works on github. Unfortunately, it does not work when you
use ``rst2html``.
Here too you need to know the id given to the section. However, you link to the RST file because it is only upon accessing the RST file that the HTML is created. (At the time of writing this answer, accessing the HTML directly is not allowed.)
A complete example is available here.
New, better answer for 2016!
The autosection extension lets you do this easily.
Some Document
Internal Headline
then, later...
Some Other Doc
A link- :ref:`Internal Headline`
This extension is built-in, so all you need is to edit
extensions = [
. other
. extensions
. already
. listed
The only thing you have to be careful of is that now you can't duplicate internal headlines across the doc collection. (Worth it.)
Hey, read the :ref:`Installation:Homebrew` section.
where Homebrew is a section inside a different document named Installation.rst.
This uses the autosection feature, so will need to edit with the following:
extensions = [
autosectionlabel_prefix_document = True
In Sphinx 3.0.3 the only solution that worked for me is :any: (see
Suppose, one document has such a section:
.. _my-section:
My Section
Lorem ipsum blablabla
Then another document can have the following fragment to create a link:
See :any:`my-section` for the details
I was struggling to make this work and i found out that the actual notation is :ref:'{dir-path}/Installation:Homebrew' where {dir-path} is the relative path to Installation.rst from where exists
Adding description of behavior that was confusing to me.
Section titles must be referenced with the file name (overview here) in front of it:
API Overview
:ref:`overview:API Overview`
However, when referencing links, the file name (constants here) must not be there:
.. _section-constants:
Enums and Constants
Also, for this to work, one must enable extension 'autosectionlabel':
extensions = [

How to create external link references in AsciiDoc without repeating the URL multiple times?

In markdown I can write:
so I don't have to retype the full external link multiple times.
Is there an analogous feature in AsciiDoc? Specially interested in the Asciidoctor implementation.
So far I could only find:
internal cross references with <<>>
I think I saw a replacement feature of type :myid:, but I can't find it anymore. And I didn't see how to use different texts for each link however.
Probably you mean something like this:
Userguide Chapter 28.1. Setting configuration entries
Attribute entries promote clarity and eliminate repetition
URLs and file names in AsciiDoc3 macros are often quite long — they break paragraph flow and readability suffers. The problem is compounded by redundancy if the same name is used repeatedly. Attribute entries can be used to make your documents easier to read and write, here are some examples:
:homepage:[AsciiDoc3 home page]
:new: image:./images/smallnew.png[]
:footnote1: footnote:[A meaningless latin term]
Using previously defined attributes: See the {1}[Freshmeat summary]
or the {homepage} for something new {new}. Lorem ispum {footnote1}.
BTW, there is a 100% Python3 port available now:
I think you are looking for this (and both will work just fine),[Google]
Ascii Doc User Manual Link
Update #1: Use of link along with variables in asciidoc
Declare variable
Use variable feature using format mentioned above
Using ' Link with label '
Using a relative link

Adding a cross-reference to a subheading or anchor in another page

How to insert a cross-reference in a reST/Sphinx page to either a sub-header or anchor in another page in the same documentation set?
The expression "reST/Sphinx" makes the scope of the question unclear. Is it about reStructuredText in general and Sphinx, or only about reStructuredText as used in Sphinx (and not reStructuredText in general)? I'm going to cover both since people using RST are likely to run into both cases at some point:
Besides the domain-specific directives that can be used to link to various entities like classes (:class:) there's the general :ref: directive, documented here. They give this example:
.. _my-reference-label:
Section to cross-reference
This is the text of the section.
It refers to the section itself, see :ref:`my-reference-label`.
Although the general hyperlinking mechanism offered by RST does work in Sphinx, the documentation recommends against using it when using Sphinx:
Using ref is advised over standard reStructuredText links to sections (like Section title_) because it works across files, when section headings are changed, and for all builders that support cross-references.
RST, in General
The tools that convert RST files to HTML do not necessarily have a notion of collection. This is the case for instance if you rely on github to convert RST files to HTML or if you use a command line tool like rst2html. Unfortunately, the various methods to use to get the desired result vary depending on which tool you are using. For instance, if you use rst2html and you want file A.rst to link to a section named "Section" in file other.rst and you want the final HTML to work in a browser, then A.rst would contain:
`This <other.html#section>`__ is a reference to a section in another
file, which works with ``rst2html``. Unfortunately, it does not work
when the HTML is generated through github.
You have to link to the final HTML file and you have to know what the id given to the section will be. If you want to do the same for a file served through github:
`This <other.rst#section>`__ is a reference to a section in another
file, which works on github. Unfortunately, it does not work when you
use ``rst2html``.
Here too you need to know the id given to the section. However, you link to the RST file because it is only upon accessing the RST file that the HTML is created. (At the time of writing this answer, accessing the HTML directly is not allowed.)
A complete example is available here.
New, better answer for 2016!
The autosection extension lets you do this easily.
Some Document
Internal Headline
then, later...
Some Other Doc
A link- :ref:`Internal Headline`
This extension is built-in, so all you need is to edit
extensions = [
. other
. extensions
. already
. listed
The only thing you have to be careful of is that now you can't duplicate internal headlines across the doc collection. (Worth it.)
Hey, read the :ref:`Installation:Homebrew` section.
where Homebrew is a section inside a different document named Installation.rst.
This uses the autosection feature, so will need to edit with the following:
extensions = [
autosectionlabel_prefix_document = True
In Sphinx 3.0.3 the only solution that worked for me is :any: (see
Suppose, one document has such a section:
.. _my-section:
My Section
Lorem ipsum blablabla
Then another document can have the following fragment to create a link:
See :any:`my-section` for the details
I was struggling to make this work and i found out that the actual notation is :ref:'{dir-path}/Installation:Homebrew' where {dir-path} is the relative path to Installation.rst from where exists
Adding description of behavior that was confusing to me.
Section titles must be referenced with the file name (overview here) in front of it:
API Overview
:ref:`overview:API Overview`
However, when referencing links, the file name (constants here) must not be there:
.. _section-constants:
Enums and Constants
Also, for this to work, one must enable extension 'autosectionlabel':
extensions = [
