Background images are not being referenced correctly - image

Ok, first off, I know that the code referenced below has to do with a Joomla! site, however, I have had this problem on more than one site, not all of them using the Joomla! framework.
Now the problem:
I have some background images that are being referenced in my CSS stylesheet as:
background: url(../images/j_header_middle.png) repeat-x;
However, when the page is loaded into the web browser it is being referenced as:
background:url( repeat-x
I have done some searching on the web and have not been able to find a proper explanation as to why the images are being referenced this way. If I go into the console and remove the IP address from the file location it works just fine. I just have no idea why it is being added to the file location in the first place.
Any constructive ideas as to why this is happening are welcome.

I was wondering if you've found a satisfying explanation for this. If not then at least this post will serve as more data. My website recently had this problem too. In my javascript, I linked with the google hosted version of jQuery UI 1.8.18. Everything seemed ok for weeks until today when my browser kept trying to connect with This link is the culprit.
That png file is an image resource specified by jQuery UI. I only started to see the problem today and I can't be sure whether it just started happening or the host with IP recently went down. For weeks, jQuery ui 1.8.18 works fine.
Finally, after downgrading to 1.8.17 the problem seems to go away (no weird IP injection).


Github pages w/ Jekyll 404 on specific page

I am currently having an issue with Github Pages
I guess it doesn't hurt to use the actual live example
The corresponding repo is
I made some styling changes (maybe some JS changes I don't remember) ages ago when I was actively working on the content, and somehow ever since the 'projects' page has been 404 when I try and click through to it from the menu.
I am using Jekyll theme Jam which is some obscure obsolete theme, but I don't see it being a problem really
The strangest part is that if I load the site locally with bundle exec jekyll serve then this page appears perfectly at localhost:4000/projects, just not on the live site
If I put (live site) it also appears perfectly, just not at like I want
I have seen some suggestions about GH servers caching an old version or something like this but I don't really understand and I need some guidance
"About" page works and you have a permalink there, but nothing for projects.
Probably adding
permalink: /projects/
will fix the issue.

Codekit 2 not refreshing browser

Codekit 2 does seem to be refreshing in any browsers. I've literally just installed it and been setting it up to my own preferences.
I use my Mac's hosts file to point http://localhost.sites to localhost. I've never had an issue with this in the past (I just set Codekit to refresh on any URL including the word localhost).
Now in the new settings file I'm slightly lost as to where to put it... after a load of mucking about I think I'm in a real state and here are my current settings:
Can anyone shed any light on this? Codekit is not refreshing the browser (all files are compiling fine).
I was having the same issue, #Djave.
Now, while I won't assume you make the same mistakes I do, I found that some errors in my
were causing Chrome to ignore the refresh. Specifically, the closing tag was missing. Instead, I had
<script... />
instead of
Hope you found the issue on your end.
As Bryan from Incident 57 told me, the refreshing process in Codekit 2 is totally different to the refreshing process in Codekit 1.
Codekit comes with its own server which you are required to run. You can click it in the top right hand corner of the program and it will launch.
You need to have this running to get going. If you have PHP files (or other server side code) Codekit won't run it – so this is where you need your external server running but it is important that you still view the site you're testing at the address given i.e. http://djave.local:5757.
For a far better explanation of all of this you can watch Bryan the creator of Codekit walk you through this in this video here.

Why is the CSS not loading in Joomla 2.5.6?

I recently migrated my Joomla website from localhost to the test-server and after having completed the database imports and configurations(in configuration.php), the css doesn't seem to load although I can see that the css files have the correct privileges[644]. all I can see is mis-aligned text.
At first, I thought that since my template was custom, the problem lies in it but when I logged into administrator, the same problem occured, although here the text seems properly aligned.
The link to my website is :
Please assist.
Try the migration again with AkeebaBackup and the corresponding Kickstart-Script. It never failed in my usage. This will save your time you would use now for debugging.

WordPress Media Library is invisible

I'm encountering a really frustrating problem with WordPress and I hope someone can help. Images are uploading to WordPress correctly (they are in the library) but once a file is uploaded there is simply a blank screen. Closing and reopening the "Add an Image" window, I still cannot add them to posts unless I enter the full URL because the "Media Library" tab simply doesn't show anything (see below - interface shows there are 33 images and 4 tabbed pages, but none of them are displayed.
I've about reached the end of my rope trying to fix this problem. Searched and searched and can find no answer. Some people had similar problems, and I tried all of their posted solutions, including:
Uninstalled all plugins
Nuked and reinstalled all wordpress files
Checked browser versions (occurring in Chrome 7.0.5 and FireFox 3.2)
No JavaScript errors found (used Firebug and Chrome's JS panel)
Checked domain name in Settings for improper capitalization
Checked image URL to make sure there was no gibberish, and there isn't
Does anyone have any suggestions (I'm running version 3.0.2 on Apache)? I'd be forever in your debt. Thank you!
Oops, it won't let me post an image because of 'spam protection.' Drats!
Check this: WordPress › Support » Image/Media Uploader problems?
Who is your web host? How much php memory are you allocated? Is GD library for php installed?

sIFR: visible on local, not remote

When working on a static mirror of the site, the sIFR is rendered correctly using Dreamweaver's live view. When viewing site locally in a browser, the regular text is printed, as expected. However, when uploaded and viewed from a remote web server, neither is visible.
I am using version 3 of sIFR, and the site can be viewed here, with an example page employing siFR implementation:
Whereas it should look like so:
Thanks for looking.
The Flash movie can't be found:
ahh, tis looking from root, when file is here:
