Razor (MVC): Seeing razor files as normal HTML files in Dreamweaver 5.5 doesn't work - asp.net-mvc-3

.CSHTML files doesn't show the SPLIT / Design tabs in DW 5.5
I followed a tutorial of how to add a file extension to DW 5.5 to allow me to open it and it treats it as HTML but it isn't functioning.
Here is the line I changed. notice the addtional of cshtml
<documenttype id="HTML" internaltype="HTML" winfileextension="html,htm,shtml,shtm,stm,tpl,lasso,xhtml,cshtml"
The file is stored here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver
What am I doing wrong?
My file type is basically a HTML file type with Divs etc etc but has some custom .NET code which its fine to treat as TEXT.
I open the file in Dreamweaver and it only shows the code tab, the DESIGN or SPLIT are still disabled.
And there is no color coding on, for example, a div tag...

Take a read here about adding file extensions:
In particular make sure you edit the copy in the user configuration folder, not the one in the application folder. If there isn't a copy in the user folder, create a copy in the appropriate location. I just followed those directions adding a CSHTML file extension to the document types and extensions file, and once Dreamweaver is restarted, a .cshtml file opened with the ability to view in design view.


Is there software I can use to view my Markdown files as a wiki, with relative links, on Windows

Our team has installed the Markdown Mode extension in Visual Studio on our Windows PCs, and we're happy with that as an editor for Markdown files, but we need a way to generate a wiki from those files where we can click on links that cross-link the files of the wiki. I've been trying to find something, but haven't had any success getting something running.
I tried creating an empty web application and pasting in the html file from here http://dynalon.github.io/mdwiki/#!index.md and naming it index.html, and adding a couple of md files to the same directory that I set to always copy to the build directory, but I got 404-3 errors when it tried to access the .md file.
I see a couple of tools that look possibly good but need Python or Ruby installed, which isn't ideal: http://markdoc.org/quickstart or http://helloform.com/projects/commonplace/
I see this ASP.NET control for embedding a Markdown file into a page http://wikicontrol.codeplex.com/ but the control is for VS 2010 so clearly is not being actively maintained, plus to use it I'll need to build something to take the relative links and find the related .md files and load them up in MVC - sounds like a hassle to get working, and it will require me to put MVC in my docs project.
Is there something that is just designed so that I can put an html file or similar in a directory with a root .md file and have it just immediately act like a wiki and allow navigation between them?
We have decided to use MarkdownDeep NuGet package and a single MVC controller to handle this. The MVC controller looks at the requested path, uses it to figure out the location of the Markdown file, reads that file and renders it to HTML and returns the HTML.

updating existing site built in dreamweaver, handling DWT file

I have a client that want's me to make a change to her OTHER site. The other site was built using Dreamweaver.
I guess (I don't build using Dreamweaver) the site pages are being controlled by the template file EXCEPT for the content that is specific to the page.
So I need to change the navigation items.
I found a folder called templates and in that folder is the template.dwt file. I tried copying that file to my desktop, then making the change and uploading back to the ftp site. Of course that had no effect on the nav items. My guess is the file on my desktop does not know to update the other pages as it doesn't know where those pages are.
So how do I go about making the changes to the files on the ftp site using the DWT file?
Do I have to download ALL the html files and the DWT files and somehow create a relationship so when I make the change to the DWT file it updates all the pages on my desktop THEN re-upload all those files back to the ftp site?
My guess is that you already figured this out, but just to be sure. You're question is right, the DW template works by when the template is modified (in DW) then you can update all the pages that are linked to it.
If you take the template out of DW and just modify and upload that alone, then nothing will happen to the other pages. So yea, if you know a way to create a link between the template and the other files outside of DW, then that is what you need to do. The other option is using DW and modify the template and then update the other pages, which is done in a semi-automatic way. Semi-automatic, meaning that DW gives the option to update the files either once you save the template or you can save the template and update the files later using DW.
And your guess is correct, the template modifies areas that are not specific to a page. Usually, this is done by creating Editable Regions in the template. Those regions are excluded from change when the template is modified.
You have to create a project in DW and put inside all the files that are "linked" with the template. They usually have tags inside that refer to the template.
Make sure that you keep the same file and folder distribution that the original had. If not, you could have a mess with relative links.
Then, with your template also in the project, open and modify it.
When you save the template, DW will ask you for scan and update related files, if you are lucky it will find and update all of them.

app_code folder

Normally I only copy the dll files in the bin folder to update the website, when changing the codebehind.
I have made a change to a code file located in the app_code folder.
I have published the site and updated the bin folder with a lot of app_webxxx.dll files.
Now I get a parser error: Could not load the assembly 'App_Web_syn42ext
Is it possible to only update the dll files or do I need to update all aspx files everytime I make a change to get the website running ?
You need to do it as well, you need to update web pages as well, because if you will see when you publish the webpages in aspx page, on header tag, the reference of cs file upgrades itself.
So whenever you will publish there will be some random giud generated and will appended to file name, basically it reference to the name space.
So you will need to update web pages as well.

dynamic development with firefox

I am following a toolbar tutorial for firefox and i am unable to develop dynamically. I have changed the "install.rdf" file names with the .com and without the ".com". I have created a separate development profile as well. I created a text file with matching names in the tag. The text file contents had the absolute path of the folder. i placed it into the extension folder which is located in the profile. I started firefox but nothing happened. Noh toolbar was displayed. Can anybody help?
The link of the tutorial i am following is http://www.borngeek.com/firefox/toolbar-tutorial/chapter-4/
I cannot move forward without getting this working

How do I use a custom CSS stylesheet for Telerik?

I'm using Telerik grids, and want to customize the CSS. I've used Telerik's stylebuilder but I don't know what to do with it once I download the zip. Telerik says that I should
Simply add the files from this archive to your project, and your custom skin is ready go.
But I have no idea where in the project to add them, or even how exactly this is done. I moved the CSS files into the stylesheets folder (I'm using MS Visual Studio 2010) and linked to them, but no dice.
I've also read through this this and this but am still thoroughly confused.
Try the following:
Export theme from style builder, example classic.zip.
Contents of classic.zip
Folder: classic
File: telerik.classic.css
Extract zip to your project's content folder, c:\path to your project\Content\
Modify your master page style sheet regsitrar to include telerik.classic.css instead of the supplied style sheets.
<%= Html.Telerik().StyleSheetRegistrar()
.DefaultGroup(group => group.Add("telerik.common.css")
