Is there software I can use to view my Markdown files as a wiki, with relative links, on Windows - windows

Our team has installed the Markdown Mode extension in Visual Studio on our Windows PCs, and we're happy with that as an editor for Markdown files, but we need a way to generate a wiki from those files where we can click on links that cross-link the files of the wiki. I've been trying to find something, but haven't had any success getting something running.
I tried creating an empty web application and pasting in the html file from here! and naming it index.html, and adding a couple of md files to the same directory that I set to always copy to the build directory, but I got 404-3 errors when it tried to access the .md file.
I see a couple of tools that look possibly good but need Python or Ruby installed, which isn't ideal: or
I see this ASP.NET control for embedding a Markdown file into a page but the control is for VS 2010 so clearly is not being actively maintained, plus to use it I'll need to build something to take the relative links and find the related .md files and load them up in MVC - sounds like a hassle to get working, and it will require me to put MVC in my docs project.
Is there something that is just designed so that I can put an html file or similar in a directory with a root .md file and have it just immediately act like a wiki and allow navigation between them?

We have decided to use MarkdownDeep NuGet package and a single MVC controller to handle this. The MVC controller looks at the requested path, uses it to figure out the location of the Markdown file, reads that file and renders it to HTML and returns the HTML.


How to get full image paths from web page using Firebug?

I would like to download all images in full quality from this blog:
I have access to server, but I can not find the directory where the images lie. When I use Firebug on the first picture, it shows me;session=f0577255d9df9185d3abe04af0ce922d&focus=CMTOI_de_dtag_hosting_hpcreator_widget_PictureGallery_15716702&path=image.action&frame=CMTOI_de_dtag_hosting_hpcreator_widget_PictureGallery_15716702?id=34877331&width=1000&height=2000&crop=false.
How can I find the file paths like /dirname/image.jpg?
According to its HTML output the page obviously uses the CM4all content management system (CMS).
I don't know how precisely this CMS is working, though generally CMSs normally either save the files under cryptic names within a folder specified in the CMS's configuration or not in the file system at all but within a database.
Also, CMS may only save compressed or resized versions of the original files.
So, if you don't want to or are not able to dig into the server-side script code to find out if and where the images are saved, you should contact the company behind CM4all about this.

Magento Templates - Can extensions be bundled with a theme?

I have a real noob Magento question. I'm helping a friend change the template their store is using but they are worried about losing the functionality of some of their extensions such as ajaxsearch. They don't know if it's actually an extension or part of the template. I can't seem to figure out if some of the extensions are built into the theme or if they are completely separate extensions. Is there an easy way to tell?
To give an example the ajaxsearch JS file's path seems to in the template path e.g
and if I go to system > configuration I can see it listed in the sidebar under Templates-Master (which I think is a brand name). In this case is this an extension and is this how file paths work for extensions? The fact that skin is in the file path is throwing me off.
Fast way:
Each Magento extension provided as archive (.tgz). Unpack it to some folder outside Magento and check have it next path or not:
(another trick is look in the first lines of ajaxsearch.js file, authors often write extension or theme names in it).
Long way:
Find where is this file included on page. Search for 'ajaxsearch.js' in xml files placed in app/design/frontend/default/templatename/layout/
if not found, try to search in app/design/frontend/default/default/layout/ etc.
For example you find it in somefile.xml
Try to find which extension include this file. For doing this search 'somefile.xml' in config.xml files in local and community pools:
If you found it in ...some/extensionX/etc/config.xml - this mean what ajaxsearch.js belongs to some_extensionX extension. If not found - it belongs to theme.

MVC 4 Web API Template - what can be deleted

Using VS2010, creating a new MVC 4 Web API project. Just wondering, can the .js-files in the Script folder be deleted, or are they somehow related to the magic beneath? How about those cshtml- files in the Views folder, I can't see that they are necessary for a REST-service, or again, are they part of the underlying technology. My guess, it can all be deleted safely - but just to be sure...
Bonus question (while I'm here): recommendations for unit- and integrationtesting REST-services, got any?
Thank you.
If your project only exposes a series of WebAPI controllers then that implies that your project will never serve actual HTML-based content. Thus, you can safely delete all files related to that content, such as:
HTML files (.cshtml)
JavaScript files (.js)
CSS style sheets (.css)
Images (.jpg, .png, .gif)

Hack Firefox to open extensions with address bar

I see this one time, and know that it not so hard, but can't find any solutions in internet.
Let say I have plugin, as you know it written by XUL. XUL like HTML has tags, js and etc. So I want to debug it with Firebug.
But in default plugin view firebug (as all other plugins disabled). So i need to open my plugin like Web page.
I remember that it's something like
Does anyone face this problem?
There is no general rule by which you can build the addresses of extension pages. You have to open the extension's XPI file (it's a regular ZIP file, rename it if necessary) and have a look at chrome.manifest inside. E.g. in Firebug's chrome.manifest it says:
content firebug content/firebug/
Which means that the files in the content/firebug/ directory of the extension are accessible under chrome://firebug/content/. You can try opening them as web pages but they won't necessarily work.
A better approach would be using tools that are actually meant for extensions. For example Chromebug or DOM Inspector.

Razor (MVC): Seeing razor files as normal HTML files in Dreamweaver 5.5 doesn't work

.CSHTML files doesn't show the SPLIT / Design tabs in DW 5.5
I followed a tutorial of how to add a file extension to DW 5.5 to allow me to open it and it treats it as HTML but it isn't functioning.
Here is the line I changed. notice the addtional of cshtml
<documenttype id="HTML" internaltype="HTML" winfileextension="html,htm,shtml,shtm,stm,tpl,lasso,xhtml,cshtml"
The file is stored here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver
What am I doing wrong?
My file type is basically a HTML file type with Divs etc etc but has some custom .NET code which its fine to treat as TEXT.
I open the file in Dreamweaver and it only shows the code tab, the DESIGN or SPLIT are still disabled.
And there is no color coding on, for example, a div tag...
Take a read here about adding file extensions:
In particular make sure you edit the copy in the user configuration folder, not the one in the application folder. If there isn't a copy in the user folder, create a copy in the appropriate location. I just followed those directions adding a CSHTML file extension to the document types and extensions file, and once Dreamweaver is restarted, a .cshtml file opened with the ability to view in design view.
