Classes defined in CoffeeScript not found by Jasmine specs - ruby-on-rails-3.1

I am building a backbone.js app on a Rails 3.1 back-end. I'm using CoffeeScript to write the backbone classes, and Jasmine (via jasmine-headless-webkit) for testing.
Given the following (partial) tree:
├── app
│   ├── assets
│   │   ├── javascripts
│   │   │   └── views
│   │   │   ├──
├── spec
│   ├── javascripts
│   │   └── views
│   │   └──
... I would expect to know about Avia.AviaView, which is defined in
However, I get the following output from running bundle exec jasmine-headless-webkit:
Running Jasmine specs...
Avia.AviaView render creates a new MatricesView . (/home/duncan/avia/spec/javascripts/views/
ReferenceError: Can't find variable: Avia in /home/duncan/avia/spec/javascripts/views/ (line ~5)
ReferenceError: Can't find variable: Avia in /home/duncan/avia/spec/javascripts/views/ (line ~10)
My jasmine.yml contains the following:
- public/javascripts/prototype.js
- public/javascripts/effects.js
- public/javascripts/controls.js
- public/javascripts/dragdrop.js
- public/javascripts/application.js
- public/javascripts/**/*.js
I think I need to tell Jasmine to load the contents of but I'm not entirely sure how. Adding an explicit reference in the src_files section in jasmine.yml doesn't seem to make a difference ...
Could someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong here? I suspect it's something simple ...

Without having seen to much of your code, I'd suspect it beacuse of CoffeeScript's function wrapping (docs). You need to ensure that all the symbols you want to use are exported to somewhere you can get at them (here is a thorough discussion about that).
Edit: here's another longish and theoretical but good documentation on this topic.

Try adding this to your
(exports ? this).Avia = Avia
See this for a detailed explanation.
Alternatively try this;
window.Avia = Avia
We encountered the same problem; I highly recommend JasmineRice


Error with Go modules build using /cmd structure

I'm new to go modules, and am taking them for a spin in a new project which I'm trying to model after the structure described here
Here is an example of my directory structure:
├── cmd
│   └── app_name
│   └── main.go
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── internal
│   └── bot
│   └── bot.go
└── pkg
├── website_name
│   ├── client.go
│   ├── client.options.go
│   ├── server.go
│   └── server.options.go
└── lib
└── lib.go
Is this idiomatically correct? I know there's not a whole lot of consensus out there, but I'd like to follow best practices.
When I run go build I get 'unexpected module path ""', but when I run go build ./... it works. Why?
When I move main.go to the top level everything works as expected. Should I just not use the /cmd pattern with modules?
To answer your first question, its completely opinionated and whatever you like best that is also easy to understand for others you should go with (I think it's fine).
To answer your second question the reason go build ./... works as opposed to go build from the root directory is because ./... starts in the current directory (the root) and searches for all program entry-points and builds them. When you move main.go to the root directory, with this new information, go build working then makes sense, as its only looking in the current directory.
You can explicitly say go build ./cmd/app_name which would also work.
Your application structure works perfectly fine with modules, as I use something very similar to it ( and modules work very well for me.
from what i can tell there is nothing wrong with your project structure. What has worked for me is to run the go build/run command from the project root
go run
go build -o somebinary
I prefer to add the specific file to build, there are some projects with more than one executable
go build -o app ./cmd/server/main.go

Go build doesn't build custom libs

my working tree is like this:
├── apis
│   └── rtb.go
├── config.yaml
├── jsondef
│   └── structures.go
├── tb-to-composer
└── thingsToComposer.go
when I do go build inside /opt/go/src/tb-to-composer/ the build doesn't recompile rtb.go and structures.go even though there was changes in them. In order to achieve build I need to run go build -a every time I do a change to rtb.go or structures.go, is that the expected behavior from go build? How to I recompile only custom libs inside my package folder without recompile the whole /opt/go/src tree?
You can try the -i flag, or (this does not work, sorry) specify the files in the directories explicitly as arguments to go build, i.e. go build thingsToComposer.go apis/rtb.go jsondef/structures.go

Building Play Framework 2.4 application with Gradle 2.6 FAILED

The main problem is that I fail to build my Play Framework 2.4.0 application with Gradle 2.6.
The following is my build.gradle file (nothing special, everything here is from the official docs on using gradle with play framework
plugins {
id 'play'
repositories {
maven {
name "typesafe-maven-release"
url ""
ivy {
name "typesafe-ivy-release"
url ""
layout "ivy"
model {
components {
play {
platform play: '2.4.0'
I used playBinary, runPlayBinary and the composite tasks one by one (such as compilePlayBinaryRoutes, compilePlayBinaryTwirlTemplates and compilePlayBinaryScala), however the result is essentially the same every time:
~/projects/QuickBlox-ChatStatsUIApp/ChatStatsUI$ gradle playBinary
:compilePlayBinaryRoutes UP-TO-DATE
:compilePlayBinaryTwirlTemplates UP-TO-DATE
/home/qb-user/projects/QuickBlox-ChatStatsUIApp/ChatStatsUI/build/playBinary/src/compilePlayBinaryRoutes/router/Routes.scala:56: value index is not a member of object controllers.Application
/home/qb-user/projects/QuickBlox-ChatStatsUIApp/ChatStatsUI/build/playBinary/src/compilePlayBinaryRoutes/router/Routes.scala:73: value updateSettings is not a member of object controllers.Application
/home/qb-user/projects/QuickBlox-ChatStatsUIApp/ChatStatsUI/build/playBinary/src/compilePlayBinaryRoutes/router/Routes.scala:107: value getResource is not a member of object controllers.Application
/home/qb-user/projects/QuickBlox-ChatStatsUIApp/ChatStatsUI/build/playBinary/src/compilePlayBinaryTwirlTemplates/views/html/index.template.scala:75: value get is not a member of List[String]
"""),format.raw/*57.25*/("""<tr class=""""),_display_(/*57.37*/abbreviations/*57.50*/.get(i)),format.raw/*57.57*/("""_"""),_display_(/*57.59*/i),format.raw/*57.60*/("""" title=""""),_display_(/*57.70*/keysToParse/*57.81*/.get(i + 1)),format.raw/*57.92*/(""""><td>"""),_display_(/*57.99*/abbreviations/*57.112*/.get(i)),format.raw/*57.119*/(""" """),format.raw/*57.120*/("""sum : </td><td>"""),_display_(/*57.136*/aggrResults/*57.147*/.get(i)),format.raw/*57.154*/("""</td></tr>
/home/qb-user/projects/QuickBlox-ChatStatsUIApp/ChatStatsUI/build/playBinary/src/compilePlayBinaryTwirlTemplates/views/html/index.template.scala:75: value get is not a member of List[String]
"""),format.raw/*57.25*/("""<tr class=""""),_display_(/*57.37*/abbreviations/*57.50*/.get(i)),format.raw/*57.57*/("""_"""),_display_(/*57.59*/i),format.raw/*57.60*/("""" title=""""),_display_(/*57.70*/keysToParse/*57.81*/.get(i + 1)),format.raw/*57.92*/(""""><td>"""),_display_(/*57.99*/abbreviations/*57.112*/.get(i)),format.raw/*57.119*/(""" """),format.raw/*57.120*/("""sum : </td><td>"""),_display_(/*57.136*/aggrResults/*57.147*/.get(i)),format.raw/*57.154*/("""</td></tr>
/home/qb-user/projects/QuickBlox-ChatStatsUIApp/ChatStatsUI/build/playBinary/src/compilePlayBinaryTwirlTemplates/views/html/index.template.scala:75: value get is not a member of List[String]
"""),format.raw/*57.25*/("""<tr class=""""),_display_(/*57.37*/abbreviations/*57.50*/.get(i)),format.raw/*57.57*/("""_"""),_display_(/*57.59*/i),format.raw/*57.60*/("""" title=""""),_display_(/*57.70*/keysToParse/*57.81*/.get(i + 1)),format.raw/*57.92*/(""""><td>"""),_display_(/*57.99*/abbreviations/*57.112*/.get(i)),format.raw/*57.119*/(""" """),format.raw/*57.120*/("""sum : </td><td>"""),_display_(/*57.136*/aggrResults/*57.147*/.get(i)),format.raw/*57.154*/("""</td></tr>
/home/qb-user/projects/QuickBlox-ChatStatsUIApp/ChatStatsUI/build/playBinary/src/compilePlayBinaryTwirlTemplates/views/html/index.template.scala:75: value get is not a member of List[Long]
"""),format.raw/*57.25*/("""<tr class=""""),_display_(/*57.37*/abbreviations/*57.50*/.get(i)),format.raw/*57.57*/("""_"""),_display_(/*57.59*/i),format.raw/*57.60*/("""" title=""""),_display_(/*57.70*/keysToParse/*57.81*/.get(i + 1)),format.raw/*57.92*/(""""><td>"""),_display_(/*57.99*/abbreviations/*57.112*/.get(i)),format.raw/*57.119*/(""" """),format.raw/*57.120*/("""sum : </td><td>"""),_display_(/*57.136*/aggrResults/*57.147*/.get(i)),format.raw/*57.154*/("""</td></tr>
/home/qb-user/projects/QuickBlox-ChatStatsUIApp/ChatStatsUI/build/playBinary/src/compilePlayBinaryTwirlTemplates/views/html/index.template.scala:158: value get is not a member of List[String]
document.getElementById('timeLength').value = '"""),_display_(/*140.73*/timeLengths/*140.84*/.get(1)),format.raw/*140.91*/("""'""")))}/*140.94*/else/*140.99*/{_display_(Seq[Any](format.raw/*140.100*/("""
/home/qb-user/projects/QuickBlox-ChatStatsUIApp/ChatStatsUI/build/playBinary/src/compilePlayBinaryTwirlTemplates/views/html/index.template.scala:182: value get is not a member of List[String]
"""),format.raw/*164.41*/("""<span title=""""),_display_(/*164.55*/keysToParse/*164.66*/.get(i + 1)),format.raw/*164.77*/("""" class=""""),_display_(/*164.87*/abbreviations/*164.100*/.get(i)),format.raw/*164.107*/("""_"""),_display_(/*164.109*/i),format.raw/*164.110*/(""""><input type="checkbox" id=""""),_display_(/*164.140*/i),format.raw/*164.141*/("""" checked onclick="change(this)">"""),_display_(/*164.175*/abbreviations/*164.188*/.get(i)),format.raw/*164.195*/("""</span>
/home/qb-user/projects/QuickBlox-ChatStatsUIApp/ChatStatsUI/build/playBinary/src/compilePlayBinaryTwirlTemplates/views/html/index.template.scala:182: value get is not a member of List[String]
"""),format.raw/*164.41*/("""<span title=""""),_display_(/*164.55*/keysToParse/*164.66*/.get(i + 1)),format.raw/*164.77*/("""" class=""""),_display_(/*164.87*/abbreviations/*164.100*/.get(i)),format.raw/*164.107*/("""_"""),_display_(/*164.109*/i),format.raw/*164.110*/(""""><input type="checkbox" id=""""),_display_(/*164.140*/i),format.raw/*164.141*/("""" checked onclick="change(this)">"""),_display_(/*164.175*/abbreviations/*164.188*/.get(i)),format.raw/*164.195*/("""</span>
/home/qb-user/projects/QuickBlox-ChatStatsUIApp/ChatStatsUI/build/playBinary/src/compilePlayBinaryTwirlTemplates/views/html/index.template.scala:182: value get is not a member of List[String]
"""),format.raw/*164.41*/("""<span title=""""),_display_(/*164.55*/keysToParse/*164.66*/.get(i + 1)),format.raw/*164.77*/("""" class=""""),_display_(/*164.87*/abbreviations/*164.100*/.get(i)),format.raw/*164.107*/("""_"""),_display_(/*164.109*/i),format.raw/*164.110*/(""""><input type="checkbox" id=""""),_display_(/*164.140*/i),format.raw/*164.141*/("""" checked onclick="change(this)">"""),_display_(/*164.175*/abbreviations/*164.188*/.get(i)),format.raw/*164.195*/("""</span>
11 errors found
:compilePlayBinaryScala FAILED
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':compilePlayBinaryScala'.
> Compilation failed
* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
Total time: 8.445 secs
And here's the structure of the build directory, after build failure:
├── playBinary
│   ├── classes
│   └── src
│   ├── compilePlayBinaryRoutes
│   │   ├── controllers
│   │   │   ├── javascript
│   │   │   │   └── JavaScriptReverseRoutes.scala
│   │   │   ├── ReverseRoutes.scala
│   │   │   └──
│   │   └── router
│   │   ├── RoutesPrefix.scala
│   │   └── Routes.scala
│   └── compilePlayBinaryTwirlTemplates
│   └── views
│   └── html
│   └── index.template.scala
└── tmp
└── compilePlayBinaryScala
My guess is that it might have something to do with the fact, that Gradle 2.6 doesn't support reverse routing for now. I tried creating a new Play application (2.4.2 this time) and built it straight away, however it also failed on the same part:
So let's go one by one:
All the errors after the first 3 were my mistakes, but I somehow assumed, that they were caused by the first 3. All of those were basically the result of not proper treating of the data structures in scala (my bad, I'm a noob there).
The first 3 however were caused by the fact, that I had non-static methods in my main Controller. Somehow, I must have overlooked the fact, that you have to prefix your non-static methods calls in routes file with a '#' sign. So the solution is to either place the prefix in the routes file, or make methods static.
The only reference to this (static/non-static behavior), that I found is a scarce mentioning here ( [last line of this paragraph]).

Magento 2 Folder Structure Differ

I am new to Magento 2...and trying to learn CODEPOOL in Magento 2. This is a very basic question regarding Magento 2 Folder Structure.Magento 2 is differ from other previous version like Magento 1.9.1,1.9.0 ...
Magento 2 is significantly different from Magento 1.X and s not backward compatible as well.
In Magento 2,
All Custom Modules will go in app/code
Module Name will be something similar to app/code/[Company]/[Module]
View of the module (layout XMLs, Template .phtmls, Module Javascripts, LESS, CSS and all related files) will now go inside the Module Folder itself, making the module is standalone and independant
No More codepools. Core team has written their own modules for functionalities and core code lives in [MAGE_ROOT]/vendor/magento/. for example Catalog Module is now at [MAGE_ROOT]/vendor/magento/module-catalog having the module name Magento_Catalog
Even the Magento themes are now coming as Modules, look for [MAGE_ROOT]/vendor/magento/theme-frontend-luma or [MAGE_ROOT]/vendor/magento/theme-adminhtml-backend
Usage of Advanced Design Patterns and Features like Namespaces, Automatic Dependancy Injection, Static Content Generation
Some Used Technologies
LESS, jQuery, RequireJS, knockout.js and More
Varnish, Redis, Memcached
A complete list as per the documentation
Good Tutorials to Follow
Give it a try. It's complex, more advanced. But worth learning...
Magento 2 all module reside inside app/code folder.
Inside app/code folder
/etc (main configuration folder module.xml)
/Setup (database table related file)
/Controller(action file)
/Model(Business logic)
/Helper (Miscellaneous data)
/Block (Block Template function file)
/view (phtml and layout file with css and js file)
/i18n (For translation language feature)
There are no core/community/local folder and those all folders are remove.
Magento use complete MVC pattern as following:-
1.complete module code resides in single folder:VendorName/ModuleName
2.No core/community/local folder
3.complete front end data (view data) resides into view folder.
4.Module register trough registration.php file.
5.dependency manage by composer.js file.
Magento 2 code structure is different from Magento 1. Code can be found under [MagentoRoot]/app/code and can also be installed under [MagentoRoot]/vendor directory using composer. Frontend Themes can be created under [MagentoRoot]/app/design/frontend and Admin Themes can be created under [MagentoRoot]/app/design/adminhtml
As far as concerned with Magento 2, the code pool structure of Magento 2 is different than Magento 1.
There are directories of modules where code found in Magento 2 as:
Every module follows the directory structure as VendorName/ModuleName inside the directory app/code, all the Code can be found under [MagentoRoot]/app/code, and can similar third-party modules also can be installed under /vendor directory using composer.json.
Please check the complete documentation:
magento extension folder structure :
In Magneto 2 very easy to understand folder structure
Common directories
Following are some common module directories:
Block: contains PHP view classes as part of Model View Controller(MVC) vertical implementation of module logic.
Controller: contains PHP controller classes as part of MVC vertical implementation of module logic.
etc: contains configuration files; in particular, module.xml, which is required.
Model: contains PHP model classes as part of MVC vertical implementation of module logic.
Setup: contains classes for module database structure and data setup which are invoked when installing or upgrading.
Additional directories
Additional folders can be added for configuration and other ancillary functions for items like plugin-ins, localization, and layout files.
Api: contains any PHP classes exposed to the API.
i18n: contains localization files.
Plugin: contains any needed plug-ins.
view: contains view files, including static view files, design templates, email templates, and layout files
Theme file structure
A typical theme file structure can look like the following:
├── composer.json ├── etc │   └── view.xml ├── i18n │   └── en_US.csv ├── LICENSE_AFL.txt ├── LICENSE.txt ├── media │   └── preview.jpg ├── registration.php └── web ├── css │   ├── email.less │   ├── print.less │   ├── source │   │   ├── _actions-toolbar.less │   │   ├── _breadcrumbs.less │   │   ├── _buttons.less │   │   ├── components │   │   │   └── _modals_extend.less │   │   ├── _icons.less │   │   ├── _layout.less │   │   ├── _theme.less │   │   ├── _tooltips.less │   │   ├── _typography.less │   │   └── _variables.less │   ├── _styles.less │   ├── styles-l.less │   └── styles-m.less ├── images │   └── logo.svg └── js ├── navigation-menu.js ├── responsive.js └── theme.js
Common directories
Typical theme directories are:
etc: Contains configuration files such as the view.xml file which contains image configurations for all images and thumbnails.
i18n: Translation dictionaries, if any.
media: Theme preview images (screen capture of your theme) can be put in here.
web: Optional directory that contains static files organized into the following subdirectories:
css/source: Contains a theme’s less configuration files that invoke mixins for global elements from the Magento UI library, and the theme.less file that overrides the default variables values.
css/source/lib: Contains view files that override the UI library files stored in lib/web/css/source/lib.
fonts: The folder to place the different fonts for your theme.
images: Static images folder.
js: The folder for your JavaScript files.

Qmake configuration using Buildroot

I’ve tried to add a package to Buildroot that uses Qt and Boost. The package uses qmake to generate a Makefile, this part seems to be working, however I get an error when I build saying:
Could not find qmake configuration file qws/linux-arm-g++.
Error processing project file:
The contents of my package is laid out like this:
├── main.cpp
├── MsgDisplay.pri
├── MsgHandler.cpp
├── MsgHandler.h
├── MsgServer.cpp
├── MsgServer.h
├── Tcp
│ ├── TcpAddrPort.cpp
│ ├── TcpAddrPort.h
│ ├── TcpServer.cpp
│ ├── TcpServer.h
│ ├── TcpSocket.cpp
│ └── TcpSocket.h
└── Tools
├── Banner.cpp
├── Banner.h
├── IoExt.h
├── SeparateArgumentList.cpp
├── SeparateArgumentList.h
└── SysTypes.h
2 directories, 20 files
I have added a package directory, dummypgm, which contains and files. The contents of the files are:
bool "dummypgm"
Foo Software.
(cd $(#D); $(QT_QMAKE)
$(MAKE) -C $(#D)
$(eval $(generic-package))
Since the package is hosted locally, I’ve simply put the DummyPgm-0.1.0.tar.gz in the dl directory.
I’ve also added the following to package/
source "package/dummypgm/"
I’m a little lost as to why this doesn’t work, if anyone could help me I would be very grateful. Also, is there any way to call $(eval $(qmake-package)) or something?
Are you using Qt4 or Qt5 ? Your package/dummypgm/ should have a depends on on one of them, and your should have a DUMMYPGM_DEPENDENCIES = qt or DUMMYPGM_DEPENDENCIES = qt5base.
My intuition is that you are using Qt5. In this case, you shouldn't call $(QT_QMAKE), but $(QT5_QMAKE).
Have a look at for an example. Note that this example supports both Qt4 and Qt5, probably in your case you only need one of the two.
Also, you should really subscribe to the Buildroot mailing list, you would get a lot more answers than here.
