Google Combinatorial Optimization interview problem - algorithm

I got asked this question on a interview for Google a couple of weeks ago, I didn't quite get the answer and I was wondering if anyone here could help me out.
You have an array with n elements. The elements are either 0 or 1.
You want to split the array into k contiguous subarrays. The size of each subarray can vary between ceil(n/2k) and floor(3n/2k). You can assume that k << n.
After you split the array into k subarrays. One element of each subarray will be randomly selected.
Devise an algorithm for maximizing the sum of the randomly selected elements from the k subarrays.
Basically means that we will want to split the array in such way such that the sum of all the expected values for the elements selected from each subarray is maximum.
You can assume that n is a power of 2.
Array: [0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,0]
n = 12
k = 3
Size of subarrays can be: 2,3,4,5,6
Possible subarrays [0,0,1] [1,0,0,1] [1,0,1,1,0]
Expected Value of the sum of the elements randomly selected from the subarrays: 1/3 + 2/4 + 3/5 = 43/30 ~ 1.4333333
Optimal split: [0,0,1,1,0,0][1,1][0,1,1,0]
Expected value of optimal split: 1/3 + 1 + 1/2 = 11/6 ~ 1.83333333

I think we can solve this problem using dynamic programming.
Basically, we have:
f(i,j) is defined as the maximum sum of all expected values chosen from an array of size i and split into j subarrays. Therefore the solution should be f(n,k).
The recursive equation is:
f(i,j) = f(i-x,j-1) + sum(i-x+1,i)/x where (n/2k) <= x <= (3n/2k)

I don't know if this is still an open question or not, but it seems like the OP has managed to add enough clarifications that this should be straightforward to solve. At any rate, if I am understanding what you are saying this seems like a fair thing to ask in an interview environment for a software development position.
Here is the basic O(n^2 * k) solution, which should be adequate for small k (as the interviewer specified):
def best_val(arr, K):
n = len(arr)
psum = [ 0.0 ]
for x in arr:
psum.append(psum[-1] + x)
tab = [ -100000 for i in range(n) ]
for k in range(K):
for s in range(n - (k+1) * ceil(n/(2*K))):
terms = range(s + ceil(n/(2*K)), min(s + floor((3*n)/(2*K)) + 1, n+1))
tab[s] = max( [ (psum[t] - psum[s]) / (t - s) + tab[t] for t in terms ])
return tab[0]
I used the numpy ceil/floor functions but you basically get the idea. The only `tricks' in this version is that it does windowing to reduce the memory overhead to just O(n) instead of O(n * k), and that it precalculates the partial sums to make computing the expected value for a box a constant time operation (thus saving a factor of O(n) from the inner loop).

I don't know if anyone is still interested to see the solution for this problem. Just stumbled upon this question half an hour ago and thought of posting my solution(Java). The complexity for this is O(n*K^log10). The proof is a little convoluted so I would rather provide runtime numbers:
n k time(ms)
48 4 25
48 8 265
24 4 20
24 8 33
96 4 51
192 4 143
192 8 343919
The solution is the same old recursive one where given an array, choose the first partition of size ceil(n/2k) and find the best solution recursively for the rest with number of partitions = k -1, then take ceil(n/2k) + 1 and so on.
public class PartitionOptimization {
public static void main(String[] args) {
PartitionOptimization p = new PartitionOptimization();
int[] input = { 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0};
int splitNum = 3;
int lowerLim = (int) Math.ceil(input.length / (2.0 * splitNum));
int upperLim = (int) Math.floor((3.0 * input.length) / (2.0 * splitNum));
System.out.println(input.length + " " + lowerLim + " " + upperLim + " " +
Date currDate = new Date();
System.out.println(p.getMaxPartExpt(input, lowerLim, upperLim,
splitNum, 0));
System.out.println(new Date().getTime() - currDate.getTime());
public double getMaxPartExpt(int[] input, int lowerLim, int upperLim,
int splitNum, int startIndex) {
if (splitNum <= 1 && startIndex<=(input.length -lowerLim+1)){
double expt = findExpectation(input, startIndex, input.length-1);
return expt;
if (!((input.length - startIndex) / lowerLim >= splitNum))
return -1;
double maxExpt = 0;
double curMax = 0;
int bestI=0;
for (int i = startIndex + lowerLim - 1; i < Math.min(startIndex
+ upperLim, input.length); i++) {
double curExpect = findExpectation(input, startIndex, i);
double splitExpect = getMaxPartExpt(input, lowerLim, upperLim,
splitNum - 1, i + 1);
if (splitExpect>=0 && (curExpect + splitExpect > maxExpt)){
bestI = i;
curMax = curExpect;
maxExpt = curExpect + splitExpect;
return maxExpt;
public double findExpectation(int[] input, int startIndex, int endIndex) {
double expectation = 0;
for (int i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i++) {
expectation = expectation + input[i];
expectation = (expectation / (endIndex - startIndex + 1));
return expectation;

Not sure I understand, the algorithm is to split the array in groups, right? The maximum value the sum can have is the number of ones. So split the array in "n" groups of 1 element each and the addition will be the maximum value possible. But it must be something else and I did not understand the problem, that seems too silly.

I think this can be solved with dynamic programming. At each possible split location, get the maximum sum if you split at that location and if you don't split at that point. A recursive function and a table to store history might be useful.
sum_i = max{ NumOnesNewPart/NumZerosNewPart * sum(NewPart) + sum(A_i+1, A_end),
sum(A_0,A_i+1) + sum(A_i+1, A_end)
This might lead to something...

I think its a bad interview question, but it is also an easy problem to solve.
Every integer contributes to the expected value with weight 1/s where s is the size of the set where it has been placed. Therefore, if you guess the sizes of the sets in your partition, you just need to fill the sets with ones starting from the smallest set, and then fill the remaining largest set with zeroes.
You can easily see then that if you have a partition, filled as above, where the sizes of the sets are S_1, ..., S_k and you do a transformation where you remove one item from set S_i and move it to set S_i+1, you have the following cases:
Both S_i and S_i+1 were filled with ones; then the expected value does not change
Both them were filled with zeroes; then the expected value does not change
S_i contained both 1's and 0's and S_i+1 contains only zeroes; moving 0 to S_i+1 increases the expected value because the expected value of S_i increases
S_i contained 1's and S_i+1 contains both 1's and 0's; moving 1 to S_i+1 increases the expected value because the expected value of S_i+1 increases and S_i remains intact
In all these cases, you can shift an element from S_i to S_i+1, maintaining the filling rule of filling smallest sets with 1's, so that the expected value increases. This leads to the simple algorithm:
Create a partitioning where there is a maximal number of maximum-size arrays and maximal number of minimum-size arrays
Fill the arrays starting from smallest one with 1's
Fill the remaining slots with 0's

How about a recursive function:
int BestValue(Array A, int numSplits)
// Returns the best value that would be obtained by splitting
// into numSplits partitions.
This in turn uses a helper:
// The additional argument is an array of the valid split sizes which
// is the same for each call.
int BestValueHelper(Array A, int numSplits, Array splitSizes)
int result = 0;
for splitSize in splitSizes
int splitResult = ExpectedValue(A, 0, splitSize) +
BestValueHelper(A+splitSize, numSplits-1, splitSizes);
if splitResult > result
result = splitResult;
ExpectedValue(Array A, int l, int m) computes the expected value of a split of A that goes from l to m i.e. (A[l] + A[l+1] + ... A[m]) / (m-l+1).
BestValue calls BestValueHelper after computing the array of valid split sizes between ceil(n/2k) and floor(3n/2k).
I have omitted error handling and some end conditions but those should not be too difficult to add.

a[] = given array of length n
from = inclusive index of array a
k = number of required splits
minSize = minimum size of a split
maxSize = maximum size of a split
d = maxSize - minSize
expectation(a, from, to) = average of all element of array a from "from" to "to"
Optimal(a[], from, k) = MAX[ for(j>=minSize-1 to <=maxSize-1) { expectation(a, from, from+j) + Optimal(a, j+1, k-1)} ]
Runtime (assuming memoization or dp) = O(n*k*d)


How to get original array from random shuffle of an array

I was asked in an interview today below question. I gave O(nlgn) solution but I was asked to give O(n) solution. I could not come up with O(n) solution. Can you help?
An input array is given like [1,2,4] then every element of it is doubled and
appended into the array. So the array now looks like [1,2,4,2,4,8]. How
this array is randomly shuffled. One possible random arrangement is
[4,8,2,1,2,4]. Now we are given this random shuffled array and we want to
get original array [1,2,4] in O(n) time.
The original array can be returned in any order. How can I do it?
Here's an O(N) Java solution that could be improved by first making sure that the array is of the proper form. For example it shouldn't accept [0] as an input:
import java.util.*;
class Solution {
public static int[] findOriginalArray(int[] changed) {
if (changed.length % 2 != 0)
return new int[] {};
// set Map size to optimal value to avoid rehashes
Map<Integer,Integer> count = new HashMap<>(changed.length*100/75);
int[] original = new int[changed.length/2];
int pos = 0;
// count frequency for each number
for (int n : changed) {
count.put(n, count.getOrDefault(n,0)+1);
// now decide which go into the answer
for (int n : changed) {
int smallest = n;
for (int m=n; m > 0 && count.getOrDefault(m,0) > 0; m = m/2) {
smallest = m;
if (m % 2 != 0) break;
// trickle up from smallest to largest while count > 0
for (int m=smallest, mm = 2*m; count.getOrDefault(mm,0) > 0; m = mm, mm=2*mm){
int ct = count.getOrDefault(mm,0);
while (count.get(m) > 0 && ct > 0) {
//System.out.println("adding "+m);
original[pos++] = m;
count.put(mm, ct -1);
count.put(m, count.get(m) - 1);
ct = count.getOrDefault(mm,0);
// check for incorrect format
if (count.values().stream().anyMatch(x -> x > 0)) {
return new int[] {};
return original;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] changed = {1,2,4,2,4,8};
But I've tried to keep it simple.
The output is NOT guaranteed to be sorted. If you want it sorted it's going to cost O(NlogN) inevitably unless you use a Radix sort or something similar (which would make it O(NlogE) where E is the max value of the numbers you're sorting and logE the number of bits needed).
This may not look that it is O(N) but you can see that it is because for every loop it will only find the lowest number in the chain ONCE, then trickle up the chain ONCE. Or said another way, in every iteration it will do O(X) iterations to process X elements. What will remain is O(N-X) elements. Therefore, even though there are for's inside for's it is still O(N).
An example execution can be seen with [64,32,16,8,4,2].
If this where not O(N) if you print out each value that it traverses to find the smallest you'd expect to see the values appear over and over again (for example N*(N+1)/2 times).
But instead you see them only once:
finding smallest 64
finding smallest 32
finding smallest 16
finding smallest 8
finding smallest 4
finding smallest 2
adding 2
adding 8
adding 32
If you're familiar with the Heapify algorithm you'll recognize the approach here.
def findOriginalArray(self, changed: List[int]) -> List[int]:
size = len(changed)
ans = []
left_elements = size//2
if(size%2 !=0):
return ans
#FREQUENCY DICTIONARY given array [0,0,2,1] my map will be: {0:2,2:1,1:1}
d = {}
for i in changed:
if(i in d):
d[i] = 1
if(0 in d):
count = d[0]
half = count//2
if((count % 2 != 0) or (half > left_elements)):
return ans
left_elements -= half
ans = [0 for i in range(half)]
#CHECK REST OF THE CASES : considering the values will be 10^5
for i in range(1,50001):
if(i in d):
if(d[i] > 0):
count = d[i]
if(count > left_elements):
ans = []
left_elements -= d[i]
for j in range(count):
if(2*i in d):
if(d[2*i] < count):
ans = []
d[2*i] -= count
ans = []
return ans
I have a simple idea which might not be the best, but I could not think of a case where it would not work. Having the array A with the doubled elements and randomly shuffled, keep a helper map. Process each element of the array and, each time you find a new element, add it to the map with the value 0. When an element is processed, increment map[i] and decrement map[2*i]. Next you iterate over the map and print the elements that have a value greater than zero.
A simple example, say that the vector is:
[1, 2, 3]
And the doubled/shuffled version is:
A = [3, 2, 1, 4, 2, 6]
When processing 3, first add the keys 3 and 6 to the map with value zero. Increment map[3] and decrement map[6]. This way, map[3] = 1 and map[6] = -1. Then for the next element map[2] = 1 and map[4] = -1 and so forth. The final state of the map in this example would be map[1] = 1, map[2] = 1, map[3] = 1, map[4] = -1, map[6] = 0, map[8] = -1, map[12] = -1.
Then you just process the keys of the map and, for each key with a value greater than zero, add it to the output. There are certainly more efficient solutions, but this one is O(n).
In C++, you can try this.
With time is O(N + KlogK) where N is the length of input, and K is the number of unique elements in input.
class Solution {
vector<int> findOriginalArray(vector<int>& input) {
if (input.size() % 2) return {};
unordered_map<int, int> m;
for (int n : input) m[n]++;
vector<int> nums;
for (auto [n, cnt] : m) nums.push_back(n);
sort(begin(nums), end(nums));
vector<int> out;
for (int n : nums) {
if (m[2 * n] < m[n]) return {};
for (int i = 0; i < m[n]; ++i, --m[2 * n]) out.push_back(n);
return out;
Not so clear about the space complexity required in the question, so this is my top-of-the-mind attempt to this question if this requires O(n) time complexity.
If the length of the input array is not even, then its wrong !!
Create a map, add the elements of the input array to it.
Divide each element in the input array by 2 and check if that value exists in the map. If it exists, add it to the array (slice) orig.
There is a chance we have added duplicate values to this original array, clean it!!
Here is a sample go code:
I am sure we can optimize this code in a lot of ways for space complexities. But its O(n) time complexity.

How to find algorithm for triple 1 in bitvector in O(nlog(n)) with divide and conquer without FFT? [duplicate]

I had this question on an Algorithms test yesterday, and I can't figure out the answer. It is driving me absolutely crazy, because it was worth about 40 points. I figure that most of the class didn't solve it correctly, because I haven't come up with a solution in the past 24 hours.
Given a arbitrary binary string of length n, find three evenly spaced ones within the string if they exist. Write an algorithm which solves this in O(n * log(n)) time.
So strings like these have three ones that are "evenly spaced": 11100000, 0100100100
edit: It is a random number, so it should be able to work for any number. The examples I gave were to illustrate the "evenly spaced" property. So 1001011 is a valid number. With 1, 4, and 7 being ones that are evenly spaced.
Finally! Following up leads in sdcvvc's answer, we have it: the O(n log n) algorithm for the problem! It is simple too, after you understand it. Those who guessed FFT were right.
The problem: we are given a binary string S of length n, and we want to find three evenly spaced 1s in it. For example, S may be 110110010, where n=9. It has evenly spaced 1s at positions 2, 5, and 8.
Scan S left to right, and make a list L of positions of 1. For the S=110110010 above, we have the list L = [1, 2, 4, 5, 8]. This step is O(n). The problem is now to find an arithmetic progression of length 3 in L, i.e. to find distinct a, b, c in L such that b-a = c-b, or equivalently a+c=2b. For the example above, we want to find the progression (2, 5, 8).
Make a polynomial p with terms xk for each k in L. For the example above, we make the polynomial p(x) = (x + x2 + x4 + x5+x8). This step is O(n).
Find the polynomial q = p2, using the Fast Fourier Transform. For the example above, we get the polynomial q(x) = x16 + 2x13 + 2x12 + 3x10 + 4x9 + x8 + 2x7 + 4x6 + 2x5 + x4 + 2x3 + x2. This step is O(n log n).
Ignore all terms except those corresponding to x2k for some k in L. For the example above, we get the terms x16, 3x10, x8, x4, x2. This step is O(n), if you choose to do it at all.
Here's the crucial point: the coefficient of any x2b for b in L is precisely the number of pairs (a,c) in L such that a+c=2b. [CLRS, Ex. 30.1-7] One such pair is (b,b) always (so the coefficient is at least 1), but if there exists any other pair (a,c), then the coefficient is at least 3, from (a,c) and (c,a). For the example above, we have the coefficient of x10 to be 3 precisely because of the AP (2,5,8). (These coefficients x2b will always be odd numbers, for the reasons above. And all other coefficients in q will always be even.)
So then, the algorithm is to look at the coefficients of these terms x2b, and see if any of them is greater than 1. If there is none, then there are no evenly spaced 1s. If there is a b in L for which the coefficient of x2b is greater than 1, then we know that there is some pair (a,c) — other than (b,b) — for which a+c=2b. To find the actual pair, we simply try each a in L (the corresponding c would be 2b-a) and see if there is a 1 at position 2b-a in S. This step is O(n).
That's all, folks.
One might ask: do we need to use FFT? Many answers, such as beta's, flybywire's, and rsp's, suggest that the approach that checks each pair of 1s and sees if there is a 1 at the "third" position, might work in O(n log n), based on the intuition that if there are too many 1s, we would find a triple easily, and if there are too few 1s, checking all pairs takes little time. Unfortunately, while this intuition is correct and the simple approach is better than O(n2), it is not significantly better. As in sdcvvc's answer, we can take the "Cantor-like set" of strings of length n=3k, with 1s at the positions whose ternary representation has only 0s and 2s (no 1s) in it. Such a string has 2k = n(log 2)/(log 3) ≈ n0.63 ones in it and no evenly spaced 1s, so checking all pairs would be of the order of the square of the number of 1s in it: that's 4k ≈ n1.26 which unfortunately is asymptotically much larger than (n log n). In fact, the worst case is even worse: Leo Moser in 1953 constructed (effectively) such strings which have n1-c/√(log n) 1s in them but no evenly spaced 1s, which means that on such strings, the simple approach would take Θ(n2-2c/√(log n)) — only a tiny bit better than Θ(n2), surprisingly!
About the maximum number of 1s in a string of length n with no 3 evenly spaced ones (which we saw above was at least n0.63 from the easy Cantor-like construction, and at least n1-c/√(log n) with Moser's construction) — this is OEIS A003002. It can also be calculated directly from OEIS A065825 as the k such that A065825(k) ≤ n < A065825(k+1). I wrote a program to find these, and it turns out that the greedy algorithm does not give the longest such string. For example, for n=9, we can get 5 1s (110100011) but the greedy gives only 4 (110110000), for n=26 we can get 11 1s (11001010001000010110001101) but the greedy gives only 8 (11011000011011000000000000), and for n=74 we can get 22 1s (11000010110001000001011010001000000000000000010001011010000010001101000011) but the greedy gives only 16 (11011000011011000000000000011011000011011000000000000000000000000000000000). They do agree at quite a few places until 50 (e.g. all of 38 to 50), though. As the OEIS references say, it seems that Jaroslaw Wroblewski is interested in this question, and he maintains a website on these non-averaging sets. The exact numbers are known only up to 194.
Your problem is called AVERAGE in this paper (1999):
A problem is 3SUM-hard if there is a sub-quadratic reduction from the problem 3SUM: Given a set A of n integers, are there elements a,b,c in A such that a+b+c = 0? It is not known whether AVERAGE is 3SUM-hard. However, there is a simple linear-time reduction from AVERAGE to 3SUM, whose description we omit.
When the integers are in the range [−u ... u], 3SUM can be solved in time O(n + u lg u) by representing S as a bit vector and performing a convolution using FFT.
This is enough to solve your problem :).
What is very important is that O(n log n) is complexity in terms of number of zeroes and ones, not the count of ones (which could be given as an array, like [1,5,9,15]). Checking if a set has an arithmetic progression, terms of number of 1's, is hard, and according to that paper as of 1999 no faster algorithm than O(n2) is known, and is conjectured that it doesn't exist. Everybody who doesn't take this into account is attempting to solve an open problem.
Other interesting info, mostly irrevelant:
Lower bound:
An easy lower bound is Cantor-like set (numbers 1..3^n-1 not containing 1 in their ternary expansion) - its density is n^(log_3 2) (circa 0.631). So any checking if the set isn't too large, and then checking all pairs is not enough to get O(n log n). You have to investigate the sequence smarter. A better lower bound is quoted here - it's n1-c/(log(n))^(1/2). This means Cantor set is not optimal.
Upper bound - my old algorithm:
It is known that for large n, a subset of {1,2,...,n} not containing arithmetic progression has at most n/(log n)^(1/20) elements. The paper On triples in arithmetic progression proves more: the set cannot contain more than n * 228 * (log log n / log n)1/2 elements. So you could check if that bound is achieved and if not, naively check pairs. This is O(n2 * log log n / log n) algorithm, faster than O(n2). Unfortunately "On triples..." is on Springer - but the first page is available, and Ben Green's exposition is available here, page 28, theorem 24.
By the way, the papers are from 1999 - the same year as the first one I mentioned, so that's probably why the first one doesn't mention that result.
This is not a solution, but a similar line of thought to what Olexiy was thinking
I was playing around with creating sequences with maximum number of ones, and they are all quite interesting, I got up to 125 digits and here are the first 3 numbers it found by attempting to insert as many '1' bits as possible:
Notice they are all fractals (not too surprising given the constraints). There may be something in thinking backwards, perhaps if the string is not a fractal of with a characteristic, then it must have a repeating pattern?
Thanks to beta for the better term to describe these numbers.
Alas it looks like the pattern breaks down when starting with a large enough initial string, such as: 10000000000001:
I suspect that a simple approach that looks like O(n^2) will actually yield something better, like O(n ln(n)). The sequences that take the longest to test (for any given n) are the ones that contain no trios, and that puts severe restrictions on the number of 1's that can be in the sequence.
I've come up with some hand-waving arguments, but I haven't been able to find a tidy proof. I'm going to take a stab in the dark: the answer is a very clever idea that the professor has known for so long that it's come to seem obvious, but it's much too hard for the students. (Either that or you slept through the lecture that covered it.)
Revision: 2009-10-17 23:00
I've run this on large numbers (like, strings of 20 million) and I now believe this algorithm is not O(n logn). Notwithstanding that, it's a cool enough implementation and contains a number of optimizations that makes it run really fast. It evaluates all the arrangements of binary strings 24 or fewer digits in under 25 seconds.
I've updated the code to include the 0 <= L < M < U <= X-1 observation from earlier today.
This is, in concept, similar to another question I answered. That code also looked at three values in a series and determined if a triplet satisfied a condition. Here is C# code adapted from that:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace StackOverflow1560523
class Program
public struct Pair<T>
public T Low, High;
static bool FindCandidate(int candidate,
List<int> arr,
List<int> pool,
Pair<int> pair,
ref int iterations)
int lower = pair.Low, upper = pair.High;
while ((lower >= 0) && (upper < pool.Count))
int lowRange = candidate - arr[pool[lower]];
int highRange = arr[pool[upper]] - candidate;
if (lowRange < highRange)
lower -= 1;
else if (lowRange > highRange)
upper += 1;
return true;
return false;
static List<int> BuildOnesArray(string s)
List<int> arr = new List<int>();
for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++)
if (s[i] == '1')
return arr;
static void BuildIndexes(List<int> arr,
ref List<int> even, ref List<int> odd,
ref List<Pair<int>> evenIndex, ref List<Pair<int>> oddIndex)
for (int i = 0; i < arr.Count; i++)
bool isEven = (arr[i] & 1) == 0;
if (isEven)
evenIndex.Add(new Pair<int> {Low=even.Count-1, High=even.Count+1});
oddIndex.Add(new Pair<int> {Low=odd.Count-1, High=odd.Count});
oddIndex.Add(new Pair<int> {Low=odd.Count-1, High=odd.Count+1});
evenIndex.Add(new Pair<int> {Low=even.Count-1, High=even.Count});
static int FindSpacedOnes(string s)
// List of indexes of 1s in the string
List<int> arr = BuildOnesArray(s);
//if (s.Length < 3)
// return 0;
// List of indexes to odd indexes in arr
List<int> odd = new List<int>(), even = new List<int>();
// evenIndex has indexes into arr to bracket even numbers
// oddIndex has indexes into arr to bracket odd numbers
List<Pair<int>> evenIndex = new List<Pair<int>>(),
oddIndex = new List<Pair<int>>();
ref even, ref odd,
ref evenIndex, ref oddIndex);
int iterations = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < arr.Count-1; i++)
int target = arr[i];
bool found = FindCandidate(target, arr, odd, oddIndex[i], ref iterations) ||
FindCandidate(target, arr, even, evenIndex[i], ref iterations);
if (found)
return iterations;
return iterations;
static IEnumerable<string> PowerSet(int n)
for (long i = (1L << (n-1)); i < (1L << n); i++)
yield return Convert.ToString(i, 2).PadLeft(n, '0');
static void Main(string[] args)
for (int i = 5; i < 64; i++)
int c = 0;
string hardest_string = "";
foreach (string s in PowerSet(i))
int cost = find_spaced_ones(s);
if (cost > c)
hardest_string = s;
c = cost;
Console.Write("{0} {1} {2}\r", i, c, hardest_string);
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", i, c, hardest_string);
The principal differences are:
Exhaustive search of solutions
This code generates a power set of data to find the hardest input to solve for this algorithm.
All solutions versus hardest to solve
The code for the previous question generated all the solutions using a python generator. This code just displays the hardest for each pattern length.
Scoring algorithm
This code checks the distance from the middle element to its left- and right-hand edge. The python code tested whether a sum was above or below 0.
Convergence on a candidate
The current code works from the middle towards the edge to find a candidate. The code in the previous problem worked from the edges towards the middle. This last change gives a large performance improvement.
Use of even and odd pools
Based on the observations at the end of this write-up, the code searches pairs of even numbers of pairs of odd numbers to find L and U, keeping M fixed. This reduces the number of searches by pre-computing information. Accordingly, the code uses two levels of indirection in the main loop of FindCandidate and requires two calls to FindCandidate for each middle element: once for even numbers and once for odd ones.
The general idea is to work on indexes, not the raw representation of the data. Calculating an array where the 1's appear allows the algorithm to run in time proportional to the number of 1's in the data rather than in time proportional to the length of the data. This is a standard transformation: create a data structure that allows faster operation while keeping the problem equivalent.
The results are out of date: removed.
Edit: 2009-10-16 18:48
On yx's data, which is given some credence in the other responses as representative of hard data to calculate on, I get these results... I removed these. They are out of date.
I would point out that this data is not the hardest for my algorithm, so I think the assumption that yx's fractals are the hardest to solve is mistaken. The worst case for a particular algorithm, I expect, will depend upon the algorithm itself and will not likely be consistent across different algorithms.
Edit: 2009-10-17 13:30
Further observations on this.
First, convert the string of 0's and 1's into an array of indexes for each position of the 1's. Say the length of that array A is X. Then the goal is to find
0 <= L < M < U <= X-1
such that
A[M] - A[L] = A[U] - A[M]
2*A[M] = A[L] + A[U]
Since A[L] and A[U] sum to an even number, they can't be (even, odd) or (odd, even). The search for a match could be improved by splitting A[] into odd and even pools and searching for matches on A[M] in the pools of odd and even candidates in turn.
However, this is more of a performance optimization than an algorithmic improvement, I think. The number of comparisons should drop, but the order of the algorithm should be the same.
Edit 2009-10-18 00:45
Yet another optimization occurs to me, in the same vein as separating the candidates into even and odd. Since the three indexes have to add to a multiple of 3 (a, a+x, a+2x -- mod 3 is 0, regardless of a and x), you can separate L, M, and U into their mod 3 values:
0 0 0
1 2
2 1
1 0 2
1 1
2 0
2 0 1
1 0
2 2
In fact, you could combine this with the even/odd observation and separate them into their mod 6 values:
0 0 0
1 5
2 4
3 3
4 2
5 1
and so on. This would provide a further performance optimization but not an algorithmic speedup.
Wasn't able to come up with the solution yet :(, but have some ideas.
What if we start from a reverse problem: construct a sequence with the maximum number of 1s and WITHOUT any evenly spaced trios. If you can prove the maximum number of 1s is o(n), then you can improve your estimate by iterating only through list of 1s only.
This may help....
This problem reduces to the following:
Given a sequence of positive integers, find a contiguous subsequence partitioned into a prefix and a suffix such that the sum of the prefix of the subsequence is equal to the sum of the suffix of the subsequence.
For example, given a sequence of [ 3, 5, 1, 3, 6, 5, 2, 2, 3, 5, 6, 4 ], we would find a subsequence of [ 3, 6, 5, 2, 2] with a prefix of [ 3, 6 ] with prefix sum of 9 and a suffix of [ 5, 2, 2 ] with suffix sum of 9.
The reduction is as follows:
Given a sequence of zeros and ones, and starting at the leftmost one, continue moving to the right. Each time another one is encountered, record the number of moves since the previous one was encountered and append that number to the resulting sequence.
For example, given a sequence of [ 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 0 ], we would find the reduction of [ 1, 3, 4]. From this reduction, we calculate the contiguous subsequence of [ 1, 3, 4], the prefix of [ 1, 3] with sum of 4, and the suffix of [ 4 ] with sum of 4.
This reduction may be computed in O(n).
Unfortunately, I am not sure where to go from here.
For the simple problem type (i.e. you search three "1" with only (i.e. zero or more) "0" between it), Its quite simple: You could just split the sequence at every "1" and look for two adjacent subsequences having the same length (the second subsequence not being the last one, of course). Obviously, this can be done in O(n) time.
For the more complex version (i.e. you search an index i and an gap g>0 such that s[i]==s[i+g]==s[i+2*g]=="1"), I'm not sure, if there exists an O(n log n) solution, since there are possibly O(n²) triplets having this property (think of a string of all ones, there are approximately n²/2 such triplets). Of course, you are looking for only one of these, but I have currently no idea, how to find it ...
A fun question, but once you realise that the actual pattern between two '1's does not matter, the algorithm becomes:
scan look for a '1'
starting from the next position scan for another '1' (to the end of the array minus the distance from the current first '1' or else the 3rd '1' would be out of bounds)
if at the position of the 2nd '1' plus the distance to the first 1' a third '1' is found, we have evenly spaces ones.
In code, JTest fashion, (Note this code isn't written to be most efficient and I added some println's to see what happens.)
import java.util.Random;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
public class AlgorithmTest extends TestCase {
* Constructor for GetNumberTest.
* #param name The test's name.
public AlgorithmTest(String name) {
* #see TestCase#setUp()
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
* #see TestCase#tearDown()
protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
* Tests the algorithm.
public void testEvenlySpacedOnes() {
// some fun tests
Random random = new Random();
* #param testBits
private boolean isEvenlySpaced(long testBits) {
String testString = Long.toBinaryString(testBits);
char[] ones = testString.toCharArray();
final char ONE = '1';
for (int n = 0; n < ones.length - 1; n++) {
if (ONE == ones[n]) {
for (int m = n + 1; m < ones.length - m + n; m++) {
if (ONE == ones[m] && ONE == ones[m + m - n]) {
System.out.println(" IS evenly spaced: " + testBits + '=' + testString);
System.out.println(" at: " + n + ", " + m + ", " + (m + m - n));
return true;
System.out.println("NOT evenly spaced: " + testBits + '=' + testString);
return false;
I thought of a divide-and-conquer approach that might work.
First, in preprocessing you need to insert all numbers less than one half your input size (n/3) into a list.
Given a string: 0000010101000100 (note that this particular example is valid)
Insert all primes (and 1) from 1 to (16/2) into a list: {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}
Then divide it in half:
100000101 01000100
Keep doing this until you get to strings of size 1. For all size-one strings with a 1 in them, add the index of the string to the list of possibilities; otherwise, return -1 for failure.
You'll also need to return a list of still-possible spacing distances, associated with each starting index. (Start with the list you made above and remove numbers as you go) Here, an empty list means you're only dealing with one 1 and so any spacing is possible at this point; otherwise the list includes spacings that must be ruled out.
So continuing with the example above:
1000 0101 0100 0100
10 00 01 01 01 00 01 00
1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
In the first combine step, we have eight sets of two now. In the first, we have the possibility of a set, but we learn that spacing by 1 is impossible because of the other zero being there. So we return 0 (for the index) and {2,3,4,5,7} for the fact that spacing by 1 is impossible. In the second, we have nothing and so return -1. In the third we have a match with no spacings eliminated in index 5, so return 5, {1,2,3,4,5,7}. In the fourth pair we return 7, {1,2,3,4,5,7}. In the fifth, return 9, {1,2,3,4,5,7}. In the sixth, return -1. In the seventh, return 13, {1,2,3,4,5,7}. In the eighth, return -1.
Combining again into four sets of four, we have:
1000: Return (0, {4,5,6,7})
0101: Return (5, {2,3,4,5,6,7}), (7, {1,2,3,4,5,6,7})
0100: Return (9, {3,4,5,6,7})
0100: Return (13, {3,4,5,6,7})
Combining into sets of eight:
10000101: Return (0, {5,7}), (5, {2,3,4,5,6,7}), (7, {1,2,3,4,5,6,7})
01000100: Return (9, {4,7}), (13, {3,4,5,6,7})
Combining into a set of sixteen:
10000101 01000100
As we've progressed, we keep checking all the possibilities so far. Up to this step we've left stuff that went beyond the end of the string, but now we can check all the possibilities.
Basically, we check the first 1 with spacings of 5 and 7, and find that they don't line up to 1's. (Note that each check is CONSTANT, not linear time) Then we check the second one (index 5) with spacings of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7-- or we would, but we can stop at 2 since that actually matches up.
Phew! That's a rather long algorithm.
I don't know 100% if it's O(n log n) because of the last step, but everything up to there is definitely O(n log n) as far as I can tell. I'll get back to this later and try to refine the last step.
EDIT: Changed my answer to reflect Welbog's comment. Sorry for the error. I'll write some pseudocode later, too, when I get a little more time to decipher what I wrote again. ;-)
I'll give my rough guess here, and let those who are better with calculating complexity to help me on how my algorithm fares in O-notation wise
given binary string 0000010101000100 (as example)
crop head and tail of zeroes -> 00000 101010001 00
we get 101010001 from previous calculation
check if the middle bit is 'one', if true, found valid three evenly spaced 'ones' (only if the number of bits is odd numbered)
correlatively, if the remained cropped number of bits is even numbered, the head and tail 'one' cannot be part of evenly spaced 'one',
we use 1010100001 as example (with an extra 'zero' to become even numbered crop), in this case we need to crop again, then becomes -> 10101 00001
we get 10101 from previous calculation, and check middle bit, and we found the evenly spaced bit again
I have no idea how to calculate complexity for this, can anyone help?
edit: add some code to illustrate my idea
edit2: tried to compile my code and found some major mistakes, fixed
char *binaryStr = "0000010101000100";
int main() {
int head, tail, pos;
head = 0;
tail = strlen(binaryStr)-1;
if( (pos = find3even(head, tail)) >=0 )
printf("found it at position %d\n", pos);
return 0;
int find3even(int head, int tail) {
int pos = 0;
if(head >= tail) return -1;
while(binaryStr[head] == '0')
if(head<tail) head++;
while(binaryStr[tail] == '0')
if(head<tail) tail--;
if(head >= tail) return -1;
if( (tail-head)%2 == 0 && //true if odd numbered
(binaryStr[head + (tail-head)/2] == '1') ) {
return head;
}else {
if( (pos = find3even(head, tail-1)) >=0 )
return pos;
if( (pos = find3even(head+1, tail)) >=0 )
return pos;
return -1;
I came up with something like this:
def IsSymetric(number):
number = number.strip('0')
if len(number) < 3:
return False
if len(number) % 2 == 0:
return IsSymetric(number[1:]) or IsSymetric(number[0:len(number)-2])
if number[len(number)//2] == '1':
return True
return IsSymetric(number[:(len(number)//2)]) or IsSymetric(number[len(number)//2+1:])
return False
This is inspired by andycjw.
Truncate the zeros.
If even then test two substring 0 - (len-2) (skip last character) and from 1 - (len-1) (skip the first char)
If not even than if the middle char is one than we have success. Else divide the string in the midle without the midle element and check both parts.
As to the complexity this might be O(nlogn) as in each recursion we are dividing by two.
Hope it helps.
Ok, I'm going to take another stab at the problem. I think I can prove a O(n log(n)) algorithm that is similar to those already discussed by using a balanced binary tree to store distances between 1's. This approach was inspired by Justice's observation about reducing the problem to a list of distances between the 1's.
Could we scan the input string to construct a balanced binary tree around the position of 1's such that each node stores the position of the 1 and each edge is labeled with the distance to the adjacent 1 for each child node. For example:
10010001 gives the following tree
/ \
2 / \ 3
/ \
0 7
This can be done in O(n log(n)) since, for a string of size n, each insertion takes O(log(n)) in the worst case.
Then the problem is to search the tree to discover whether, at any node, there is a path from that node through the left-child that has the same distance as a path through the right child. This can be done recursively on each subtree. When merging two subtrees in the search, we must compare the distances from paths in the left subtree with distances from paths in the right. Since the number of paths in a subtree will be proportional to log(n), and the number of nodes is n, I believe this can be done in O(n log(n)) time.
Did I miss anything?
This seemed liked a fun problem so I decided to try my hand at it.
I am making the assumption that 111000001 would find the first 3 ones and be successful. Essentially the number of zeroes following the 1 is the important thing, since 0111000 is the same as 111000 according to your definition. Once you find two cases of 1, the next 1 found completes the trilogy.
Here it is in Python:
def find_three(bstring):
print bstring
dict = {}
lastone = -1
zerocount = 0
for i in range(len(bstring)):
if bstring[i] == '1':
print i, ': 1'
if lastone != -1:
if(zerocount in dict):
if len(dict[zerocount]) == 2:
return True, dict
dict[zerocount] = [lastone]
lastone = i
zerocount = 0
zerocount = zerocount + 1
#this is really just book keeping, as we have failed at this point
if lastone != -1:
if(zerocount in dict):
dict[zerocount] = [lastone]
return False, dict
This is a first try, so I'm sure this could be written in a cleaner manner. Please list the cases where this method fails down below.
I assume the reason this is nlog(n) is due to the following:
To find the 1 that is the start of the triplet, you need to check (n-2) characters. If you haven't found it by that point, you won't (chars n-1 and n cannot start a triplet) (O(n))
To find the second 1 that is the part of the triplet (started by the first one), you need to check m/2 (m=n-x, where x is the offset of the first 1) characters. This is because, if you haven't found the second 1 by the time you're halfway from the first one to the end, you won't... since the third 1 must be exactly the same distance past the second. (O(log(n)))
It O(1) to find the last 1 since you know the index it must be at by the time you find the first and second.
So, you have n, log(n), and 1... O(nlogn)
Edit: Oops, my bad. My brain had it set that n/2 was logn... which it obviously isn't (doubling the number on items still doubles the number of iterations on the inner loop). This is still at n^2, not solving the problem. Well, at least I got to write some code :)
Implementation in Tcl
proc get-triplet {input} {
for {set first 0} {$first < [string length $input]-2} {incr first} {
if {[string index $input $first] != 1} {
set start [expr {$first + 1}]
set end [expr {1+ $first + (([string length $input] - $first) /2)}]
for {set second $start} {$second < $end} {incr second} {
if {[string index $input $second] != 1} {
set last [expr {($second - $first) + $second}]
if {[string index $input $last] == 1} {
return [list $first $second $last]
return {}
get-triplet 10101 ;# 0 2 4
get-triplet 10111 ;# 0 2 4
get-triplet 11100000 ;# 0 1 2
get-triplet 0100100100 ;# 1 4 7
I think I have found a way of solving the problem, but I can't construct a formal proof. The solution I made is written in Java, and it uses a counter 'n' to count how many list/array accesses it does. So n should be less than or equal to stringLength*log(stringLength) if it is correct. I tried it for the numbers 0 to 2^22, and it works.
It starts by iterating over the input string and making a list of all the indexes which hold a one. This is just O(n).
Then from the list of indexes it picks a firstIndex, and a secondIndex which is greater than the first. These two indexes must hold ones, because they are in the list of indexes. From there the thirdIndex can be calculated. If the inputString[thirdIndex] is a 1 then it halts.
public static int testString(String input){
//n is the number of array/list accesses in the algorithm
int n=0;
//Put the indices of all the ones into a list, O(n)
ArrayList<Integer> ones = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for(int i=0;i<input.length();i++){
//If less than three ones in list, just stop
return n;
int firstIndex, secondIndex, thirdIndex;
for(int x=0;x<ones.size()-2;x++){
firstIndex = ones.get(x);
for(int y=x+1; y<ones.size()-1; y++){
secondIndex = ones.get(y);
thirdIndex = secondIndex*2 - firstIndex;
if(thirdIndex >= input.length()){
if(input.charAt(thirdIndex) == '1'){
//This case is satisfied if it has found three evenly spaced ones
//System.out.println("This one => " + input);
return n;
return n;
additional note: the counter n is not incremented when it iterates over the input string to construct the list of indexes. This operation is O(n), so it won't have an effect on the algorithm complexity anyway.
One inroad into the problem is to think of factors and shifting.
With shifting, you compare the string of ones and zeroes with a shifted version of itself. You then take matching ones. Take this example shifted by two:
The resulting 1's (bitwise ANDed), must represent all those 1's which are evenly spaced by two. The same example shifted by three:
In this case there are no 1's which are evenly spaced three apart.
So what does this tell you? Well that you only need to test shifts which are prime numbers. For example say you have two 1's which are six apart. You would only have to test 'two' shifts and 'three' shifts (since these divide six). For example:
10000010 (Shift by two)
10000010 (We have a match)
10000010 (Shift by three)
10000010 (We have a match)
So the only shifts you ever need to check are 2,3,5,7,11,13 etc. Up to the prime closest to the square root of size of the string of digits.
Nearly solved?
I think I am closer to a solution. Basically:
Scan the string for 1's. For each 1 note it's remainder after taking a modulus of its position. The modulus ranges from 1 to half the size of the string. This is because the largest possible separation size is half the string. This is done in O(n^2). BUT. Only prime moduli need be checked so O(n^2/log(n))
Sort the list of modulus/remainders in order largest modulus first, this can be done in O(n*log(n)) time.
Look for three consecutive moduli/remainders which are the same.
Somehow retrieve the position of the ones!
I think the biggest clue to the answer, is that the fastest sort algorithms, are O(n*log(n)).
Step 1 is wrong as pointed out by a colleague. If we have 1's at position 2,12 and 102. Then taking a modulus of 10, they would all have the same remainders, and yet are not equally spaced apart! Sorry.
Here are some thoughts that, despite my best efforts, will not seem to wrap themselves up in a bow. Still, they might be a useful starting point for someone's analysis.
Consider the proposed solution as follows, which is the approach that several folks have suggested, including myself in a prior version of this answer. :)
Trim leading and trailing zeroes.
Scan the string looking for 1's.
When a 1 is found:
Assume that it is the middle 1 of the solution.
For each prior 1, use its saved position to compute the anticipated position of the final 1.
If the computed position is after the end of the string it cannot be part of the solution, so drop the position from the list of candidates.
Check the solution.
If the solution was not found, add the current 1 to the list of candidates.
Repeat until no more 1's are found.
Now consider input strings strings like the following, which will not have a solution:
In general, this is the concatenation of k strings of the form j 0's followed by a 1 for j from zero to k-1.
k=2 101
k=3 101001
k=4 1010010001
k=5 101001000100001
k=6 101001000100001000001
Note that the lengths of the substrings are 1, 2, 3, etc. So, problem size n has substrings of lengths 1 to k such that n = k(k+1)/2.
k=2 n= 3 101
k=3 n= 6 101001
k=4 n=10 1010010001
k=5 n=15 101001000100001
k=6 n=21 101001000100001000001
Note that k also tracks the number of 1's that we have to consider. Remember that every time we see a 1, we need to consider all the 1's seen so far. So when we see the second 1, we only consider the first, when we see the third 1, we reconsider the first two, when we see the fourth 1, we need to reconsider the first three, and so on. By the end of the algorithm, we've considered k(k-1)/2 pairs of 1's. Call that p.
k=2 n= 3 p= 1 101
k=3 n= 6 p= 3 101001
k=4 n=10 p= 6 1010010001
k=5 n=15 p=10 101001000100001
k=6 n=21 p=15 101001000100001000001
The relationship between n and p is that n = p + k.
The process of going through the string takes O(n) time. Each time a 1 is encountered, a maximum of (k-1) comparisons are done. Since n = k(k+1)/2, n > k**2, so sqrt(n) > k. This gives us O(n sqrt(n)) or O(n**3/2). Note however that may not be a really tight bound, because the number of comparisons goes from 1 to a maximum of k, it isn't k the whole time. But I'm not sure how to account for that in the math.
It still isn't O(n log(n)). Also, I can't prove those inputs are the worst cases, although I suspect they are. I think a denser packing of 1's to the front results in an even sparser packing at the end.
Since someone may still find it useful, here's my code for that solution in Perl:
# read input as first argument
my $s = $ARGV[0];
# validate the input
$s =~ /^[01]+$/ or die "invalid input string\n";
# strip leading and trailing 0's
$s =~ s/^0+//;
$s =~ s/0+$//;
# prime the position list with the first '1' at position 0
my #p = (0);
# start at position 1, which is the second character
my $i = 1;
print "the string is $s\n\n";
while ($i < length($s)) {
if (substr($s, $i, 1) eq '1') {
print "found '1' at position $i\n";
my #t = ();
# assuming this is the middle '1', go through the positions
# of all the prior '1's and check whether there's another '1'
# in the correct position after this '1' to make a solution
while (scalar #p) {
# $p is the position of the prior '1'
my $p = shift #p;
# $j is the corresponding position for the following '1'
my $j = 2 * $i - $p;
# if $j is off the end of the string then we don't need to
# check $p anymore
next if ($j >= length($s));
print "checking positions $p, $i, $j\n";
if (substr($s, $j, 1) eq '1') {
print "\nsolution found at positions $p, $i, $j\n";
exit 0;
# if $j isn't off the end of the string, keep $p for next time
push #t, $p;
#p = #t;
# add this '1' to the list of '1' positions
push #p, $i;
print "\nno solution found\n";
While scanning 1s, add their positions to a List. When adding the second and successive 1s, compare them to each position in the list so far. Spacing equals currentOne (center) - previousOne (left). The right-side bit is currentOne + spacing. If it's 1, the end.
The list of ones grows inversely with the space between them. Simply stated, if you've got a lot of 0s between the 1s (as in a worst case), your list of known 1s will grow quite slowly.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace spacedOnes
class Program
static int[] _bits = new int[8] {128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1};
static void Main(string[] args)
var bytes = new byte[4];
var r = new Random();
foreach (var b in bytes) {
var bitCount = bytes.Length * 8;
var done = false;
var onePositions = new List<int>();
for (var i = 0; i < bitCount; i++)
if (isOne(bytes, i)) {
if (onePositions.Count > 0) {
foreach (var knownOne in onePositions) {
var spacing = i - knownOne;
var k = i + spacing;
if (k < bitCount && isOne(bytes, k)) {
Console.WriteLine("^".PadLeft(knownOne + 1) + "^".PadLeft(spacing) + "^".PadLeft(spacing));
done = true;
if (done) {
static String getByteString(byte b) {
var s = new char[8];
for (var i=0; i<s.Length; i++) {
s[i] = ((b & _bits[i]) > 0 ? '1' : '0');
return new String(s);
static bool isOne(byte[] bytes, int i)
var byteIndex = i / 8;
var bitIndex = i % 8;
return (bytes[byteIndex] & _bits[bitIndex]) > 0;
I thought I'd add one comment before posting the 22nd naive solution to the problem. For the naive solution, we don't need to show that the number of 1's in the string is at most O(log(n)), but rather that it is at most O(sqrt(n*log(n)).
def solve(Str):
#O(n) setup
for i in range(len(Str)):
if Str[i]=='1':
#O((number of 1's)^2) processing
for i in range(len(indexes)):
for j in range(i+1, len(indexes)):
indexDiff = indexes[j] - indexes[i]
k=indexes[j] + indexDiff
if k<len(Str) and Str[k]=='1':
return True
return False
It's basically a fair bit similar to flybywire's idea and implementation, though looking ahead instead of back.
Greedy String Builder:
#assumes final char hasn't been added, and would be a 1
def lastCharMakesSolvable(Str):
while j-(endIndex-j) >= 0:
if k >= 0 and Str[k]=='1' and Str[j]=='1':
return True
return False
def expandString(StartString=''):
if lastCharMakesSolvable(StartString):
return StartString + '0'
return StartString + '1'
while n<1000000:
if count != lastCount:
print(len(BaseStr), count)
(In my defense, I'm still in the 'learn python' stage of understanding)
Also, potentially useful output from the greedy building of strings, there's a rather consistent jump after hitting a power of 2 in the number of 1's... which I was not willing to wait around to witness hitting 2096.
strlength # of 1's
1 1
2 2
4 3
5 4
10 5
14 8
28 9
41 16
82 17
122 32
244 33
365 64
730 65
1094 128
2188 129
3281 256
6562 257
9842 512
19684 513
29525 1024
I'll try to present a mathematical approach. This is more a beginning than an end, so any help, comment, or even contradiction - will be deeply appreciated. However, if this approach is proven - the algorithm is a straight-forward search in the string.
Given a fixed number of spaces k and a string S, the search for a k-spaced-triplet takes O(n) - We simply test for every 0<=i<=(n-2k) if S[i]==S[i+k]==S[i+2k]. The test takes O(1) and we do it n-k times where k is a constant, so it takes O(n-k)=O(n).
Let us assume that there is an Inverse Proportion between the number of 1's and the maximum spaces we need to search for. That is, If there are many 1's, there must be a triplet and it must be quite dense; If there are only few 1's, The triplet (if any) can be quite sparse. In other words, I can prove that if I have enough 1's, such triplet must exist - and the more 1's I have, a more dense triplet must be found. This can be explained by the Pigeonhole principle - Hope to elaborate on this later.
Say have an upper bound k on the possible number of spaces I have to look for. Now, for each 1 located in S[i] we need to check for 1 in S[i-1] and S[i+1], S[i-2] and S[i+2], ... S[i-k] and S[i+k]. This takes O((k^2-k)/2)=O(k^2) for each 1 in S - due to Gauss' Series Summation Formula. Note that this differs from section 1 - I'm having k as an upper bound for the number of spaces, not as a constant space.
We need to prove O(n*log(n)). That is, we need to show that k*(number of 1's) is proportional to log(n).
If we can do that, the algorithm is trivial - for each 1 in S whose index is i, simply look for 1's from each side up to distance k. If two were found in the same distance, return i and k. Again, the tricky part would be finding k and proving the correctness.
I would really appreciate your comments here - I have been trying to find the relation between k and the number of 1's on my whiteboard, so far without success.
Just wrong, talking about log(n) number of upper limit of ones
Now I found that using Cantor numbers (if correct), density on set is (2/3)^Log_3(n) (what a weird function) and I agree, log(n)/n density is to strong.
If this is upper limit, there is algorhitm who solves this problem in at least O(n*(3/2)^(log(n)/log(3))) time complexity and O((3/2)^(log(n)/log(3))) space complexity. (check Justice's answer for algorhitm)
This is still by far better than O(n^2)
This function ((3/2)^(log(n)/log(3))) really looks like n*log(n) on first sight.
How did I get this formula?
Applaying Cantors number on string.
Supose that length of string is 3^p == n
At each step in generation of Cantor string you keep 2/3 of prevous number of ones. Apply this p times.
That mean (n * ((2/3)^p)) -> (((3^p)) * ((2/3)^p)) remaining ones and after simplification 2^p.
This mean 2^p ones in 3^p string -> (3/2)^p ones . Substitute p=log(n)/log(3) and get
How about a simple O(n) solution, with O(n^2) space? (Uses the assumption that all bitwise operators work in O(1).)
The algorithm basically works in four stages:
Stage 1: For each bit in your original number, find out how far away the ones are, but consider only one direction. (I considered all the bits in the direction of the least significant bit.)
Stage 2: Reverse the order of the bits in the input;
Stage 3: Re-run step 1 on the reversed input.
Stage 4: Compare the results from Stage 1 and Stage 3. If any bits are equally spaced above AND below we must have a hit.
Keep in mind that no step in the above algorithm takes longer than O(n). ^_^
As an added benefit, this algorithm will find ALL equally spaced ones from EVERY number. So for example if you get a result of "0x0005" then there are equally spaced ones at BOTH 1 and 3 units away
I didn't really try optimizing the code below, but it is compilable C# code that seems to work.
using System;
namespace ThreeNumbers
class Program
const int uint32Length = 32;
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.Write("Please enter your integer: ");
uint input = UInt32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
uint[] distancesLower = Distances(input);
uint[] distancesHigher = Distances(Reverse(input));
PrintHits(input, distancesLower, distancesHigher);
/// <summary>
/// Returns an array showing how far the ones away from each bit in the input. Only
/// considers ones at lower signifcant bits. Index 0 represents the least significant bit
/// in the input. Index 1 represents the second least significant bit in the input and so
/// on. If a one is 3 away from the bit in question, then the third least significant bit
/// of the value will be sit.
/// As programed this algorithm needs: O(n) time, and O(n*log(n)) space.
/// (Where n is the number of bits in the input.)
/// </summary>
public static uint[] Distances(uint input)
uint[] distanceToOnes = new uint[uint32Length];
uint result = 0;
//Sets how far each bit is from other ones. Going in the direction of LSB to MSB
for (uint bitIndex = 1, arrayIndex = 0; bitIndex != 0; bitIndex <<= 1, ++arrayIndex)
distanceToOnes[arrayIndex] = result;
result <<= 1;
if ((input & bitIndex) != 0)
result |= 1;
return distanceToOnes;
/// <summary>
/// Reverses the bits in the input.
/// As programmed this algorithm needs O(n) time and O(n) space.
/// (Where n is the number of bits in the input.)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static uint Reverse(uint input)
uint reversedInput = 0;
for (uint bitIndex = 1; bitIndex != 0; bitIndex <<= 1)
reversedInput <<= 1;
reversedInput |= (uint)((input & bitIndex) != 0 ? 1 : 0);
return reversedInput;
/// <summary>
/// Goes through each bit in the input, to check if there are any bits equally far away in
/// the distancesLower and distancesHigher
/// </summary>
public static void PrintHits(uint input, uint[] distancesLower, uint[] distancesHigher)
const int offset = uint32Length - 1;
for (uint bitIndex = 1, arrayIndex = 0; bitIndex != 0; bitIndex <<= 1, ++arrayIndex)
//hits checks if any bits are equally spaced away from our current value
bool isBitSet = (input & bitIndex) != 0;
uint hits = distancesLower[arrayIndex] & distancesHigher[offset - arrayIndex];
if (isBitSet && (hits != 0))
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("The {0}-th LSB has hits 0x{1:x4} away", arrayIndex + 1, hits));
Someone will probably comment that for any sufficiently large number, bitwise operations cannot be done in O(1). You'd be right. However, I'd conjecture that every solution that uses addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division (which cannot be done by shifting) would also have that problem.
Below is a solution. There could be some little mistakes here and there, but the idea is sound.
Edit: It's not n * log(n)
foreach character in the string
if the character equals 1 {
if length cache > 0 { //we can skip the first one
foreach location in the cache { //last in first out kind of order
if ((currentlocation + (currentlocation - location)) < length string)
if (string[(currentlocation + (currentlocation - location))] equals 1)
return found evenly spaced string
remember the location of this character in a some sort of cache.
return didn't find evenly spaced string
C# code:
public static Boolean FindThreeEvenlySpacedOnes(String str) {
List<int> cache = new List<int>();
for (var x = 0; x < str.Length; x++) {
if (str[x] == '1') {
if (cache.Count > 0) {
for (var i = cache.Count - 1; i > 0; i--) {
if ((x + (x - cache[i])) >= str.Length)
if (str[(x + (x - cache[i]))] == '1')
return true;
return false;
How it works:
iteration 1:
// the location of this 1 is stored in the cache
iteration 2:
iteration 3:
a x b
| | |
//we retrieve location a out of the cache and then based on a
//we calculate b and check if te string contains a 1 on location b
//and of course we store x in the cache because it's a 1
iteration 4:
a x b
| | |
iteration 5:
iteration 6:
a x b
| | |
a x b
| | |
//return found evenly spaced string
Obviously we need to at least check bunches of triplets at the same time, so we need to compress the checks somehow. I have a candidate algorithm, but analyzing the time complexity is beyond my ability*time threshold.
Build a tree where each node has three children and each node contains the total number of 1's at its leaves. Build a linked list over the 1's, as well. Assign each node an allowed cost proportional to the range it covers. As long as the time we spend at each node is within budget, we'll have an O(n lg n) algorithm.
Start at the root. If the square of the total number of 1's below it is less than its allowed cost, apply the naive algorithm. Otherwise recurse on its children.
Now we have either returned within budget, or we know that there are no valid triplets entirely contained within one of the children. Therefore we must check the inter-node triplets.
Now things get incredibly messy. We essentially want to recurse on the potential sets of children while limiting the range. As soon as the range is constrained enough that the naive algorithm will run under budget, you do it. Enjoy implementing this, because I guarantee it will be tedious. There's like a dozen cases.
The reason I think that algorithm will work is because the sequences without valid triplets appear to go alternate between bunches of 1's and lots of 0's. It effectively splits the nearby search space, and the tree emulates that splitting.
The run time of the algorithm is not obvious, at all. It relies on the non-trivial properties of the sequence. If the 1's are really sparse then the naive algorithm will work under budget. If the 1's are dense, then a match should be found right away. But if the density is 'just right' (eg. near ~n^0.63, which you can achieve by setting all bits at positions with no '2' digit in base 3), I don't know if it will work. You would have to prove that the splitting effect is strong enough.
No theoretical answer here, but I wrote a quick Java program to explore the running-time behavior as a function of k and n, where n is the total bit length and k is the number of 1's. I'm with a few of the answerers who are saying that the "regular" algorithm that checks all the pairs of bit positions and looks for the 3rd bit, even though it would require O(k^2) in the worst case, in reality because the worst-case needs sparse bitstrings, is O(n ln n).
Anyway here's the program, below. It's a Monte-Carlo style program which runs a large number of trials NTRIALS for constant n, and randomly generates bitsets for a range of k-values using Bernoulli processes with ones-density constrained between limits that can be specified, and records the running time of finding or failing to find a triplet of evenly spaced ones, time measured in steps NOT in CPU time. I ran it for n=64, 256, 1024, 4096, 16384* (still running), first a test run with 500000 trials to see which k-values take the longest running time, then another test with 5000000 trials with narrowed ones-density focus to see what those values look like. The longest running times do happen with very sparse density (e.g. for n=4096 the running time peaks are in the k=16-64 range, with a gentle peak for mean runtime at 4212 steps # k=31, max runtime peaked at 5101 steps # k=58). It looks like it would take extremely large values of N for the worst-case O(k^2) step to become larger than the O(n) step where you scan the bitstring to find the 1's position indices.
package com.example.math;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Random;
public class EvenlySpacedOnesTest {
static public class StatisticalSummary
private int n=0;
private double min=Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
private double max=Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
private double mean=0;
private double S=0;
public StatisticalSummary() {}
public void add(double x) {
min = Math.min(min, x);
max = Math.max(max, x);
double newMean = mean + (x-mean)/n;
S += (x-newMean)*(x-mean);
// this algorithm for mean,std dev based on Knuth TAOCP vol 2
mean = newMean;
public double getMax() { return (n>0)?max:Double.NaN; }
public double getMin() { return (n>0)?min:Double.NaN; }
public int getCount() { return n; }
public double getMean() { return (n>0)?mean:Double.NaN; }
public double getStdDev() { return (n>0)?Math.sqrt(S/n):Double.NaN; }
// some may quibble and use n-1 for sample std dev vs population std dev
public static void printOut(PrintStream ps, StatisticalSummary[] statistics) {
for (int i = 0; i < statistics.length; ++i)
StatisticalSummary summary = statistics[i];
public interface RandomBernoulliProcess // see
public void setProbability(double d);
public boolean getNextBoolean();
static public class Bernoulli implements RandomBernoulliProcess
final private Random r = new Random();
private double p = 0.5;
public boolean getNextBoolean() { return r.nextDouble() < p; }
public void setProbability(double d) { p = d; }
static public class TestResult {
final public int k;
final public int nsteps;
public TestResult(int k, int nsteps) { this.k=k; this.nsteps=nsteps; }
final private int n;
final private int ntrials;
final private double pmin;
final private double pmax;
final private Random random = new Random();
final private Bernoulli bernoulli = new Bernoulli();
final private BitSet bits;
public EvenlySpacedOnesTest(int n, int ntrials, double pmin, double pmax) {
this.n=n; this.ntrials=ntrials; this.pmin=pmin; this.pmax=pmax;
this.bits = new BitSet(n);
* generate random bit string
private int generateBits()
int k = 0; // # of 1's
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
boolean b = bernoulli.getNextBoolean();
this.bits.set(i, b);
if (b) ++k;
return k;
private int findEvenlySpacedOnes(int k, int[] pos)
int[] bitPosition = new int[k];
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < n; ++i)
if (this.bits.get(i))
bitPosition[j++] = i;
int nsteps = n; // first, it takes N operations to find the bit positions.
boolean found = false;
if (k >= 3) // don't bother doing anything if there are less than 3 ones. :(
int lastBitSetPosition = bitPosition[k-1];
for (int j1 = 0; !found && j1 < k; ++j1)
pos[0] = bitPosition[j1];
for (int j2 = j1+1; !found && j2 < k; ++j2)
pos[1] = bitPosition[j2];
pos[2] = 2*pos[1]-pos[0];
// calculate 3rd bit index that might be set;
// the other two indices point to bits that are set
if (pos[2] > lastBitSetPosition)
// loop inner loop until we go out of bounds
found = this.bits.get(pos[2]);
// we're done if we find a third 1!
if (!found)
return nsteps;
* run an algorithm that finds evenly spaced ones and returns # of steps.
public TestResult run()
bernoulli.setProbability(pmin + (pmax-pmin)*random.nextDouble());
// probability of bernoulli process is randomly distributed between pmin and pmax
// generate bit string.
int k = generateBits();
int[] pos = new int[3];
int nsteps = findEvenlySpacedOnes(k, pos);
return new TestResult(k, nsteps);
public static void main(String[] args)
int n;
int ntrials;
double pmin = 0, pmax = 1;
try {
n = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
ntrials = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
if (args.length >= 3)
pmin = Double.parseDouble(args[2]);
if (args.length >= 4)
pmax = Double.parseDouble(args[3]);
catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("usage: EvenlySpacedOnesTest N NTRIALS [pmin [pmax]]");
return; // make the compiler happy
final StatisticalSummary[] statistics;
statistics=new StatisticalSummary[n+1];
for (int i = 0; i <= n; ++i)
statistics[i] = new StatisticalSummary();
EvenlySpacedOnesTest test = new EvenlySpacedOnesTest(n, ntrials, pmin, pmax);
int printInterval=100000;
int nextPrint = printInterval;
for (int i = 0; i < ntrials; ++i)
TestResult result =;
if (i == nextPrint)
nextPrint += printInterval;
StatisticalSummary.printOut(System.out, statistics);
# <algorithm>
def contains_evenly_spaced?(input)
return false if input.size < 3
one_indices = []
input.each_with_index do |digit, index|
next if digit == 0
one_indices << index
return false if one_indices.size < 3
previous_indexes = []
one_indices.each do |index|
if !previous_indexes.empty?
previous_indexes.each do |previous_index|
multiple = index - previous_index
success_index = index + multiple
return true if input[success_index] == 1
previous_indexes << index
return false
# </algorithm>
def parse_input(input) { |c| c.to_i }
I'm having trouble with the worst-case scenarios with millions of digits. Fuzzing from /dev/urandom essentially gives you O(n), but I know the worst case is worse than that. I just can't tell how much worse. For small n, it's trivial to find inputs at around 3*n*log(n), but it's surprisingly hard to differentiate those from some other order of growth for this particular problem.
Can anyone who was working on worst-case inputs generate a string with length greater than say, one hundred thousand?
An adaptation of the Rabin-Karp algorithm could be possible for you.
Its complexity is 0(n) so it could help you.
Take a look
Could this be a solution? I', not sure if it's O(nlogn) but in my opinion it's better than O(n²) because the the only way not to find a triple would be a prime number distribution.
There's room for improvement, the second found 1 could be the next first 1. Also no error checking.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int findIt(std::string toCheck) {
for (int i=0; i<toCheck.length(); i++) {
if (toCheck[i]=='1') {
std::cout << i << ": " << toCheck[i];
for (int j = i+1; j<toCheck.length(); j++) {
if (toCheck[j]=='1' && toCheck[(i+2*(j-i))] == '1') {
std::cout << ", " << j << ":" << toCheck[j] << ", " << (i+2*(j-i)) << ":" << toCheck[(i+2*(j-i))] << " found" << std::endl;
return 0;
return -1;
int main (int agrc, char* args[]) {
std::string toCheck("1001011");
return 0;
I think this algorithm has O(n log n) complexity (C++, DevStudio 2k5). Now, I don't know the details of how to analyse an algorithm to determine its complexity, so I have added some metric gathering information to the code. The code counts the number of tests done on the sequence of 1's and 0's for any given input (hopefully, I've not made a balls of the algorithm). We can compare the actual number of tests against the O value and see if there's a correlation.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
bool HasEvenBits (string &sequence, int &num_compares)
has_even_bits = false;
num_compares = 0;
for (unsigned i = 1 ; i <= (sequence.length () - 1) / 2 ; ++i)
for (unsigned j = 0 ; j < sequence.length () - 2 * i ; ++j)
if (sequence [j] == '1' && sequence [j + i] == '1' && sequence [j + i * 2] == '1')
has_even_bits = true;
// we could 'break' here, but I want to know the worst case scenario so keep going to the end
return has_even_bits;
int main ()
input = "111";
for (int i = 3 ; i < 32 ; ++i)
HasEvenBits (input, count);
cout << i << ", " << count << endl;
input += "0";
This program outputs the number of tests for each string length up to 32 characters. Here's the results:
n Tests n log (n)
3 1 1.43
4 2 2.41
5 4 3.49
6 6 4.67
7 9 5.92
8 12 7.22
9 16 8.59
10 20 10.00
11 25 11.46
12 30 12.95
13 36 14.48
14 42 16.05
15 49 17.64
16 56 19.27
17 64 20.92
18 72 22.59
19 81 24.30
20 90 26.02
21 100 27.77
22 110 29.53
23 121 31.32
24 132 33.13
25 144 34.95
26 156 36.79
27 169 38.65
28 182 40.52
29 196 42.41
30 210 44.31
31 225 46.23
I've added the 'n log n' values as well. Plot these using your graphing tool of choice to see a correlation between the two results. Does this analysis extend to all values of n? I don't know.

How to find the following type of set with computation time less than O(n)?

Here 5 different sets are shown. S1 contains 1. Next set S2 is calculated from S1 considering the following logic:
Suppose Sn contains {a1,a2,a3,a4.....,an} and middle element of Sn is b.
Then the set Sn+1 contains elements {b,b+a1,b+a2,......,b+an}. Total (n+1) elements. If a set contains even number of elements then middle element is (n/2 +1) .
Now, if n is given as input then we have to display all the elements of set Sn.
Clearly it is possible to solve the problem in O(n) time.
we can compute all the middle element as (2^(n-1) - middle element of the previous set + 1) where s1 ={1} is base case. In this way O(n) time we will get the all middle elements till (n-1)th set. So, middle element of (n-1)th set is the first element of the nth set set. (middle element of (n-1)th set + middle element of (n-2)th set) is the middle second element of the nth set. In this way we will get all the elements of nth set.
So it needs O(n) time.
Here id the complete java code I have written:
public class SpecialSubset {
private static Scanner inp;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
int N,fst,mid,con=0;
inp = new Scanner(;
int[] setarr=new int[N];
int[] midarr=new int[N];
for(int i=1;i<N;i++)
midarr[i]=(int) (Math.pow(2, i)-midarr[i-1]+1);
System.out.print(" ");
for(int i=1,j=N-3;i<N-1;i++,j--)
System.out.print(" ");
Here is the link of the Question:
IS it possible to solve the problem with less than O(n) time?
#Paul Boddington has given an answer that relies on the sequence of first numbers of these sets being the Narayana-Zidek-Capell numbers and has checked it for some small-ish values. However, there was no proof of the conjecture given. This answer is in addition to the above, to make it complete. I'm no HTML/CSS/Markdown guru, so you'll have to excuse the bad positioning of subscripts (If anyone can improve those - be my guest.
Let aij be the i-th number in the j-th set.
I'll also define bj as the first number of the j-2-th set. This is the sequence the proof is about. The -2 is to account for the first and second 1 in the Narayana-Zidek-Capell sequence.
Generating rules:
The problem statement didn't clarify what "center number" is for a even-length set (a list really, but whatever), but it seems they meant the "center right" in that case. I'll denote the rules numbers in bold when I use them below.
a11 = 1
a1n = aceil(n+1⁄2)n-1
ain = a1n + ai-1n-1
bn = a1n-2
First step is to make a slightly more involved formula for ain by unwinding the recursion a bit more and substituting b:
ain = Σ a1n-j = Σ bn-j+2 for j in [0 ... i-1]
Next, we consider two cases for bn - one where n is odd, one where n is even.
Even case:
b2n+2 = a12n =
2 = aceil(2n+1⁄2)2n-1 = an+12n-1 =
3 = a12n-1 + an2n-2 =
2, 4 = b2n+1 + a12n-1 =
5 = 2 * b2n+1
Odd case:
b2n+1 = a12n-1 =
2 = aceil(2n⁄2)2n-2 = an2n-2 =
3 = a12n-2 + an-12n-3 =
4 = 2 * b2n + (an-12n-3 - a12n-2) =
2 = 2 * b2n + (an-12n-3 - an2n-3) =
5 = 2 * b2n - bn
These rules are the exact sequence definition, and provide a way to generate the nth set in linear time (as opposed to quadratic when generating each set in turn)
The smallest numbers in the sets appear to be the Narayana-Zidek-Capell numbers
1, 1, 2, 3, 6, 11, 22, ...
The other numbers are obtained from the first number by repeatedly adding these numbers in reverse.
For example,
S6 = {11, 17, 20, 22, 23, 24}
+6 +3 +2 +1 +1
Using a recurrence for the Narayana-Zidek-Capell sequence found in that link, I have managed to produce a solution for this problem that runs in O(n) time. Here is a solution in Java. It only works for n <= 32 due to int overflow, but it could be written using BigInteger to work for higher values.
static Set<Integer> set(int n) {
int[] a = new int[n + 2];
for (int i = 1; i < n + 2; i++) {
if (i <= 2)
a[i] = 1;
else if (i % 2 == 0)
a[i] = 2 * a[i - 1];
a[i] = 2 * a[i - 1] - a[i / 2];
Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<>();
int sum = 0;
for (int i = n + 1; i >= 2; i--) {
sum += a[i];
return set;
I'm not able to justify right now why this is the same as the set in the question, but I'm working on it. However I have checked for all n <= 32 that this algorithm gives the same set as the "obvious" algorithm, so I'm reasonably sure it's correct.

Find max sum of elements in an array ( with twist)

Given a array with +ve and -ve integer , find the maximum sum such that you are not allowed to skip 2 contiguous elements ( i.e you have to select at least one of them to move forward).
eg :-
10 , 20 , 30, -10 , -50 , 40 , -50, -1, -3
Output : 10+20+30-10+40-1 = 89
This problem can be solved using Dynamic Programming approach.
Let arr be the given array and opt be the array to store the optimal solutions.
opt[i] is the maximum sum that can be obtained starting from element i, inclusive.
opt[i] = arr[i] + (some other elements after i)
Now to solve the problem we iterate the array arr backwards, each time storing the answer opt[i].
Since we cannot skip 2 contiguous elements, either element i+1 or element i+2 has to be included
in opt[i].
So for each i, opt[i] = arr[i] + max(opt[i+1], opt[i+2])
See this code to understand:
int arr[n]; // array of given numbers. array size = n.
nput(arr, n); // input the array elements (given numbers)
int opt[n+2]; // optimal solutions.
memset(opt, 0, sizeof(opt)); // Initially set all optimal solutions to 0.
for(int i = n-1; i >= 0; i--) {
opt[i] = arr[i] + max(opt[i+1], opt[i+2]);
ans = max(opt[0], opt[1]) // final answer.
Observe that opt array has n+2 elements. This is to avoid getting illegal memory access exception (memory out of bounds) when we try to access opt[i+1] and opt[i+2] for the last element (n-1).
See the working implementation of the algorithm given above
Use a recurrence that accounts for that:
dp[i] = max(dp[i - 1] + a[i], <- take two consecutives
dp[i - 2] + a[i], <- skip a[i - 1])
Base cases left as an exercise.
If you see a +ve integer add it to the sum. If you see a negative integer, then inspect the next integer pick which ever is maximum and add it to the sum.
10 , 20 , 30, -10 , -50 , 40 , -50, -1, -3
For this add 10, 20, 30, max(-10, -50), 40 max(-50, -1) and since there is no element next to -3 discard it.
The last element will go to sum if it was +ve.
I think this algorithm will help.
1. Create a method which gives output the maximum sum of particular user input array say T[n], where n denotes the total no. of elements.
2. Now this method will keep on adding array elements till they are positive. As we want to maximize the sum and there is no point in dropping positive elements behind.
3. As soon as our method encounters a negative element, it will transfer all consecutive negative elements to another method which create a new array say N[i] such that this array will contain all the consecutive negative elements that we encountered in T[n] and returns N[i]'s max output.
In this way our main method is not affected and its keep on adding positive elements and whenever it encounters negative element, it instead of adding their real values adds the net max output of that consecutive array of negative elements.
for example: T[n] = 29,34,55,-6,-5,-4,6,43,-8,-9,-4,-3,2,78 //here n=14
Main Method Working:
29+34+55+(sends data & gets value from Secondary method of array [-6,-5,-4])+6+43+(sends data & gets value from Secondary method of array [-8,-9,-4,-3])+2+78
Process Terminates with max output.
Secondary Method Working:
N[i] = gets array from Main method or itself as and when required.
This is basically a recursive method.
say N[i] has elements like N1, N2, N3, N4, etc.
for i>=3:
Now choice goes like this.
1. If we take N1 then we can recurse the left off array i.e. N[i-1] which has all elements except N1 in same order. Such that the net max output will be
N1+(sends data & gets value from Secondary method of array N[i-1] recursively)
2. If we doesn't take N1, then we cannot skip N2. So, Now algorithm is like 1st choice but starting with N2. So max output in this case will be
N2+(sends data & gets value from Secondary method of array N[i-2] recursively).
Here N[i-2] is an array containing all N[i] elements except N1 & N2 in same order.
Termination: When we are left with the array of size one ( for N[i-2] ) then we have to choose that particular value as no option.
The recursions will finally yield the max outputs and we have to finally choose the output of that choice which is more.
and redirect the max output to wherever required.
for i=2:
we have to choose the value which is bigger
for i=1:
We can surely skip that value.
So max output in this case will be 0.
I think this answer will help to you.
Given array:
Given:- 10 20 30 -10 -50 40 -50 -1 -3
Array1:-10 30 60 50 10 90 40 89 86
Array2:-10 20 50 40 0 80 30 79 76
Take the max value of array1[n-1],array1[n],array2[n-1],array2[n] i.e 89(array1[n-1])
For the array1 value assign array1[0]=a[0],array1=a[0]+a[1] and array2[0]=a[0],array2[1]=a[1].
calculate the array1 value from 2 to n is max of sum of array1[i-1]+a[i] or array1[i-2]+a[i].
for loop from 2 to n{
similarly for array2 value from 2 to n is max of sum of array2[i-1]+a[i] or array2[i-2]+a[i].
for loop from 2 to n{
Finally find the max value of array1[n-1],array[n],array2[n-1],array2[n];
int max(int a,int b){
return a>b?a:b;
int main(){
int a[]={10,20,30,-10,-50,40,-50,-1,-3};
int i,n,max_sum;
int array1[n],array2[n];
for loop from 2 to n{
printf("The max_sum is %d",max_sum);
return 0;
Ans: The max_sum is 89
public static void countSum(int[] a) {
int count = 0;
int skip = 0;
int newCount = 0;
count = a[0];
for(int i:a)
newCount = count + i;
count = newCount;
skip = newCount;
count = skip;
skip = newCount;
Let the array be of size N, indexed as 1...N
Let f(n) be the function, that provides the answer for max sum of sub array (1...n), such that no two left over elements are consecutive.
f(n) = max (a[n-1] + f(n-2), a(n) + f(n-1))
In first option, which is - {a[n-1] + f(n-2)}, we are leaving the last element, and due to condition given in question selecting the second last element.
In the second option, which is - {a(n) + f(n-1)} we are selecting the last element of the subarray, so we have an option to select/deselect the second last element.
Now starting from the base case :
f(0) = 0 [Subarray (1..0) doesn't exist]
f(1) = (a[1] > 0 ? a[1] : 0); [Subarray (1..1)]
f(2) = max( a(2) + 0, a[1] + f(1)) [Choosing atleast one of them]
Moving forward we can calculate any f(n), where n = 1...N, and store them to calculate next results. And yes, obviously, the case f(N) will give us the answer.
Time complexity o(n)
Space complexity o(n)
n = arr.length().
Append a 0 at the end of the array to handle boundary case.
ans: int array of size n+1.
ans[i] will store the answer for array a[0...i] which includes a[i] in the answer sum.
ans[0] = a[0]
ans[1] = max(a[1], a[1] + ans[0])
for i in [2,n-1]:
ans[i] = max(ans[i-1] , ans[i-2]) + a[i]
Final answer would be a[n]
If you want to avoid using Dynamic Programming
To find the maximum sum, first, you've to add all the positive
We'll be skipping only negative elements. Since we're not
allowed to skip 2 contiguous elements, we will put all contiguous
negative elements in a temp array, and can figure out the maximum sum
of alternate elements using sum_odd_even function as defined below.
Then we can add the maximum of all such temp arrays to our sum of all
positive numbers. And the final sum will give us the desired output.
def sum_odd_even(arr):
sum1 = sum2 = 0
for i in range(len(arr)):
if i%2 == 0:
sum1 += arr[i]
sum2 += arr[i]
return max(sum1,sum2)
input = [10, 20, 30, -10, -50, 40, -50, -1, -3]
result = 0
temp = []
for i in range(len(input)):
if input[i] > 0:
result += input[i]
if input[i] < 0 and i != len(input)-1:
elif input[i] < 0:
result += sum_odd_even(temp)
temp = []
result += sum_odd_even(temp)
temp = []
print result
Simple Solution: Skip with twist :). Just skip the smallest number in i & i+1 if consecutive -ve. Have if conditions to check that till n-2 elements and check for the last element in the end.
int getMaxSum(int[] a) {
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= a.length-2; i++) {
if (a[i]>0){
sum +=a[i];
} else if (a[i+1] > 0){
} else {
sum += Math.max(a[i],a[i+1]);
if (a[a.length-1] > 0){
return sum;
The correct recurrence is as follow:
dp[i] = max(dp[i - 1] + a[i], dp[i - 2] + a[i - 1])
The first case is the one we pick the i-th element. The second case is the one we skip the i-th element. In the second case, we must pick the (i-1)th element.
The problem of IVlad's answer is that it always pick i-th element, which can lead to incorrect answer.
This question can be solved using include,exclude approach.
For first element, include = arr[0], exclude = 0.
For rest of the elements:
nextInclude = arr[i]+max(include, exclude)
nextExclude = include
include = nextInclude
exclude = nextExclude
Finally, ans = Math.max(include,exclude).
Similar questions can be referred at (Not the same)=>

O(nlogn) Algorithm - Find three evenly spaced ones within binary string

I had this question on an Algorithms test yesterday, and I can't figure out the answer. It is driving me absolutely crazy, because it was worth about 40 points. I figure that most of the class didn't solve it correctly, because I haven't come up with a solution in the past 24 hours.
Given a arbitrary binary string of length n, find three evenly spaced ones within the string if they exist. Write an algorithm which solves this in O(n * log(n)) time.
So strings like these have three ones that are "evenly spaced": 11100000, 0100100100
edit: It is a random number, so it should be able to work for any number. The examples I gave were to illustrate the "evenly spaced" property. So 1001011 is a valid number. With 1, 4, and 7 being ones that are evenly spaced.
Finally! Following up leads in sdcvvc's answer, we have it: the O(n log n) algorithm for the problem! It is simple too, after you understand it. Those who guessed FFT were right.
The problem: we are given a binary string S of length n, and we want to find three evenly spaced 1s in it. For example, S may be 110110010, where n=9. It has evenly spaced 1s at positions 2, 5, and 8.
Scan S left to right, and make a list L of positions of 1. For the S=110110010 above, we have the list L = [1, 2, 4, 5, 8]. This step is O(n). The problem is now to find an arithmetic progression of length 3 in L, i.e. to find distinct a, b, c in L such that b-a = c-b, or equivalently a+c=2b. For the example above, we want to find the progression (2, 5, 8).
Make a polynomial p with terms xk for each k in L. For the example above, we make the polynomial p(x) = (x + x2 + x4 + x5+x8). This step is O(n).
Find the polynomial q = p2, using the Fast Fourier Transform. For the example above, we get the polynomial q(x) = x16 + 2x13 + 2x12 + 3x10 + 4x9 + x8 + 2x7 + 4x6 + 2x5 + x4 + 2x3 + x2. This step is O(n log n).
Ignore all terms except those corresponding to x2k for some k in L. For the example above, we get the terms x16, 3x10, x8, x4, x2. This step is O(n), if you choose to do it at all.
Here's the crucial point: the coefficient of any x2b for b in L is precisely the number of pairs (a,c) in L such that a+c=2b. [CLRS, Ex. 30.1-7] One such pair is (b,b) always (so the coefficient is at least 1), but if there exists any other pair (a,c), then the coefficient is at least 3, from (a,c) and (c,a). For the example above, we have the coefficient of x10 to be 3 precisely because of the AP (2,5,8). (These coefficients x2b will always be odd numbers, for the reasons above. And all other coefficients in q will always be even.)
So then, the algorithm is to look at the coefficients of these terms x2b, and see if any of them is greater than 1. If there is none, then there are no evenly spaced 1s. If there is a b in L for which the coefficient of x2b is greater than 1, then we know that there is some pair (a,c) — other than (b,b) — for which a+c=2b. To find the actual pair, we simply try each a in L (the corresponding c would be 2b-a) and see if there is a 1 at position 2b-a in S. This step is O(n).
That's all, folks.
One might ask: do we need to use FFT? Many answers, such as beta's, flybywire's, and rsp's, suggest that the approach that checks each pair of 1s and sees if there is a 1 at the "third" position, might work in O(n log n), based on the intuition that if there are too many 1s, we would find a triple easily, and if there are too few 1s, checking all pairs takes little time. Unfortunately, while this intuition is correct and the simple approach is better than O(n2), it is not significantly better. As in sdcvvc's answer, we can take the "Cantor-like set" of strings of length n=3k, with 1s at the positions whose ternary representation has only 0s and 2s (no 1s) in it. Such a string has 2k = n(log 2)/(log 3) ≈ n0.63 ones in it and no evenly spaced 1s, so checking all pairs would be of the order of the square of the number of 1s in it: that's 4k ≈ n1.26 which unfortunately is asymptotically much larger than (n log n). In fact, the worst case is even worse: Leo Moser in 1953 constructed (effectively) such strings which have n1-c/√(log n) 1s in them but no evenly spaced 1s, which means that on such strings, the simple approach would take Θ(n2-2c/√(log n)) — only a tiny bit better than Θ(n2), surprisingly!
About the maximum number of 1s in a string of length n with no 3 evenly spaced ones (which we saw above was at least n0.63 from the easy Cantor-like construction, and at least n1-c/√(log n) with Moser's construction) — this is OEIS A003002. It can also be calculated directly from OEIS A065825 as the k such that A065825(k) ≤ n < A065825(k+1). I wrote a program to find these, and it turns out that the greedy algorithm does not give the longest such string. For example, for n=9, we can get 5 1s (110100011) but the greedy gives only 4 (110110000), for n=26 we can get 11 1s (11001010001000010110001101) but the greedy gives only 8 (11011000011011000000000000), and for n=74 we can get 22 1s (11000010110001000001011010001000000000000000010001011010000010001101000011) but the greedy gives only 16 (11011000011011000000000000011011000011011000000000000000000000000000000000). They do agree at quite a few places until 50 (e.g. all of 38 to 50), though. As the OEIS references say, it seems that Jaroslaw Wroblewski is interested in this question, and he maintains a website on these non-averaging sets. The exact numbers are known only up to 194.
Your problem is called AVERAGE in this paper (1999):
A problem is 3SUM-hard if there is a sub-quadratic reduction from the problem 3SUM: Given a set A of n integers, are there elements a,b,c in A such that a+b+c = 0? It is not known whether AVERAGE is 3SUM-hard. However, there is a simple linear-time reduction from AVERAGE to 3SUM, whose description we omit.
When the integers are in the range [−u ... u], 3SUM can be solved in time O(n + u lg u) by representing S as a bit vector and performing a convolution using FFT.
This is enough to solve your problem :).
What is very important is that O(n log n) is complexity in terms of number of zeroes and ones, not the count of ones (which could be given as an array, like [1,5,9,15]). Checking if a set has an arithmetic progression, terms of number of 1's, is hard, and according to that paper as of 1999 no faster algorithm than O(n2) is known, and is conjectured that it doesn't exist. Everybody who doesn't take this into account is attempting to solve an open problem.
Other interesting info, mostly irrevelant:
Lower bound:
An easy lower bound is Cantor-like set (numbers 1..3^n-1 not containing 1 in their ternary expansion) - its density is n^(log_3 2) (circa 0.631). So any checking if the set isn't too large, and then checking all pairs is not enough to get O(n log n). You have to investigate the sequence smarter. A better lower bound is quoted here - it's n1-c/(log(n))^(1/2). This means Cantor set is not optimal.
Upper bound - my old algorithm:
It is known that for large n, a subset of {1,2,...,n} not containing arithmetic progression has at most n/(log n)^(1/20) elements. The paper On triples in arithmetic progression proves more: the set cannot contain more than n * 228 * (log log n / log n)1/2 elements. So you could check if that bound is achieved and if not, naively check pairs. This is O(n2 * log log n / log n) algorithm, faster than O(n2). Unfortunately "On triples..." is on Springer - but the first page is available, and Ben Green's exposition is available here, page 28, theorem 24.
By the way, the papers are from 1999 - the same year as the first one I mentioned, so that's probably why the first one doesn't mention that result.
This is not a solution, but a similar line of thought to what Olexiy was thinking
I was playing around with creating sequences with maximum number of ones, and they are all quite interesting, I got up to 125 digits and here are the first 3 numbers it found by attempting to insert as many '1' bits as possible:
Notice they are all fractals (not too surprising given the constraints). There may be something in thinking backwards, perhaps if the string is not a fractal of with a characteristic, then it must have a repeating pattern?
Thanks to beta for the better term to describe these numbers.
Alas it looks like the pattern breaks down when starting with a large enough initial string, such as: 10000000000001:
I suspect that a simple approach that looks like O(n^2) will actually yield something better, like O(n ln(n)). The sequences that take the longest to test (for any given n) are the ones that contain no trios, and that puts severe restrictions on the number of 1's that can be in the sequence.
I've come up with some hand-waving arguments, but I haven't been able to find a tidy proof. I'm going to take a stab in the dark: the answer is a very clever idea that the professor has known for so long that it's come to seem obvious, but it's much too hard for the students. (Either that or you slept through the lecture that covered it.)
Revision: 2009-10-17 23:00
I've run this on large numbers (like, strings of 20 million) and I now believe this algorithm is not O(n logn). Notwithstanding that, it's a cool enough implementation and contains a number of optimizations that makes it run really fast. It evaluates all the arrangements of binary strings 24 or fewer digits in under 25 seconds.
I've updated the code to include the 0 <= L < M < U <= X-1 observation from earlier today.
This is, in concept, similar to another question I answered. That code also looked at three values in a series and determined if a triplet satisfied a condition. Here is C# code adapted from that:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace StackOverflow1560523
class Program
public struct Pair<T>
public T Low, High;
static bool FindCandidate(int candidate,
List<int> arr,
List<int> pool,
Pair<int> pair,
ref int iterations)
int lower = pair.Low, upper = pair.High;
while ((lower >= 0) && (upper < pool.Count))
int lowRange = candidate - arr[pool[lower]];
int highRange = arr[pool[upper]] - candidate;
if (lowRange < highRange)
lower -= 1;
else if (lowRange > highRange)
upper += 1;
return true;
return false;
static List<int> BuildOnesArray(string s)
List<int> arr = new List<int>();
for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++)
if (s[i] == '1')
return arr;
static void BuildIndexes(List<int> arr,
ref List<int> even, ref List<int> odd,
ref List<Pair<int>> evenIndex, ref List<Pair<int>> oddIndex)
for (int i = 0; i < arr.Count; i++)
bool isEven = (arr[i] & 1) == 0;
if (isEven)
evenIndex.Add(new Pair<int> {Low=even.Count-1, High=even.Count+1});
oddIndex.Add(new Pair<int> {Low=odd.Count-1, High=odd.Count});
oddIndex.Add(new Pair<int> {Low=odd.Count-1, High=odd.Count+1});
evenIndex.Add(new Pair<int> {Low=even.Count-1, High=even.Count});
static int FindSpacedOnes(string s)
// List of indexes of 1s in the string
List<int> arr = BuildOnesArray(s);
//if (s.Length < 3)
// return 0;
// List of indexes to odd indexes in arr
List<int> odd = new List<int>(), even = new List<int>();
// evenIndex has indexes into arr to bracket even numbers
// oddIndex has indexes into arr to bracket odd numbers
List<Pair<int>> evenIndex = new List<Pair<int>>(),
oddIndex = new List<Pair<int>>();
ref even, ref odd,
ref evenIndex, ref oddIndex);
int iterations = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < arr.Count-1; i++)
int target = arr[i];
bool found = FindCandidate(target, arr, odd, oddIndex[i], ref iterations) ||
FindCandidate(target, arr, even, evenIndex[i], ref iterations);
if (found)
return iterations;
return iterations;
static IEnumerable<string> PowerSet(int n)
for (long i = (1L << (n-1)); i < (1L << n); i++)
yield return Convert.ToString(i, 2).PadLeft(n, '0');
static void Main(string[] args)
for (int i = 5; i < 64; i++)
int c = 0;
string hardest_string = "";
foreach (string s in PowerSet(i))
int cost = find_spaced_ones(s);
if (cost > c)
hardest_string = s;
c = cost;
Console.Write("{0} {1} {2}\r", i, c, hardest_string);
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", i, c, hardest_string);
The principal differences are:
Exhaustive search of solutions
This code generates a power set of data to find the hardest input to solve for this algorithm.
All solutions versus hardest to solve
The code for the previous question generated all the solutions using a python generator. This code just displays the hardest for each pattern length.
Scoring algorithm
This code checks the distance from the middle element to its left- and right-hand edge. The python code tested whether a sum was above or below 0.
Convergence on a candidate
The current code works from the middle towards the edge to find a candidate. The code in the previous problem worked from the edges towards the middle. This last change gives a large performance improvement.
Use of even and odd pools
Based on the observations at the end of this write-up, the code searches pairs of even numbers of pairs of odd numbers to find L and U, keeping M fixed. This reduces the number of searches by pre-computing information. Accordingly, the code uses two levels of indirection in the main loop of FindCandidate and requires two calls to FindCandidate for each middle element: once for even numbers and once for odd ones.
The general idea is to work on indexes, not the raw representation of the data. Calculating an array where the 1's appear allows the algorithm to run in time proportional to the number of 1's in the data rather than in time proportional to the length of the data. This is a standard transformation: create a data structure that allows faster operation while keeping the problem equivalent.
The results are out of date: removed.
Edit: 2009-10-16 18:48
On yx's data, which is given some credence in the other responses as representative of hard data to calculate on, I get these results... I removed these. They are out of date.
I would point out that this data is not the hardest for my algorithm, so I think the assumption that yx's fractals are the hardest to solve is mistaken. The worst case for a particular algorithm, I expect, will depend upon the algorithm itself and will not likely be consistent across different algorithms.
Edit: 2009-10-17 13:30
Further observations on this.
First, convert the string of 0's and 1's into an array of indexes for each position of the 1's. Say the length of that array A is X. Then the goal is to find
0 <= L < M < U <= X-1
such that
A[M] - A[L] = A[U] - A[M]
2*A[M] = A[L] + A[U]
Since A[L] and A[U] sum to an even number, they can't be (even, odd) or (odd, even). The search for a match could be improved by splitting A[] into odd and even pools and searching for matches on A[M] in the pools of odd and even candidates in turn.
However, this is more of a performance optimization than an algorithmic improvement, I think. The number of comparisons should drop, but the order of the algorithm should be the same.
Edit 2009-10-18 00:45
Yet another optimization occurs to me, in the same vein as separating the candidates into even and odd. Since the three indexes have to add to a multiple of 3 (a, a+x, a+2x -- mod 3 is 0, regardless of a and x), you can separate L, M, and U into their mod 3 values:
0 0 0
1 2
2 1
1 0 2
1 1
2 0
2 0 1
1 0
2 2
In fact, you could combine this with the even/odd observation and separate them into their mod 6 values:
0 0 0
1 5
2 4
3 3
4 2
5 1
and so on. This would provide a further performance optimization but not an algorithmic speedup.
Wasn't able to come up with the solution yet :(, but have some ideas.
What if we start from a reverse problem: construct a sequence with the maximum number of 1s and WITHOUT any evenly spaced trios. If you can prove the maximum number of 1s is o(n), then you can improve your estimate by iterating only through list of 1s only.
This may help....
This problem reduces to the following:
Given a sequence of positive integers, find a contiguous subsequence partitioned into a prefix and a suffix such that the sum of the prefix of the subsequence is equal to the sum of the suffix of the subsequence.
For example, given a sequence of [ 3, 5, 1, 3, 6, 5, 2, 2, 3, 5, 6, 4 ], we would find a subsequence of [ 3, 6, 5, 2, 2] with a prefix of [ 3, 6 ] with prefix sum of 9 and a suffix of [ 5, 2, 2 ] with suffix sum of 9.
The reduction is as follows:
Given a sequence of zeros and ones, and starting at the leftmost one, continue moving to the right. Each time another one is encountered, record the number of moves since the previous one was encountered and append that number to the resulting sequence.
For example, given a sequence of [ 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 0 ], we would find the reduction of [ 1, 3, 4]. From this reduction, we calculate the contiguous subsequence of [ 1, 3, 4], the prefix of [ 1, 3] with sum of 4, and the suffix of [ 4 ] with sum of 4.
This reduction may be computed in O(n).
Unfortunately, I am not sure where to go from here.
For the simple problem type (i.e. you search three "1" with only (i.e. zero or more) "0" between it), Its quite simple: You could just split the sequence at every "1" and look for two adjacent subsequences having the same length (the second subsequence not being the last one, of course). Obviously, this can be done in O(n) time.
For the more complex version (i.e. you search an index i and an gap g>0 such that s[i]==s[i+g]==s[i+2*g]=="1"), I'm not sure, if there exists an O(n log n) solution, since there are possibly O(n²) triplets having this property (think of a string of all ones, there are approximately n²/2 such triplets). Of course, you are looking for only one of these, but I have currently no idea, how to find it ...
A fun question, but once you realise that the actual pattern between two '1's does not matter, the algorithm becomes:
scan look for a '1'
starting from the next position scan for another '1' (to the end of the array minus the distance from the current first '1' or else the 3rd '1' would be out of bounds)
if at the position of the 2nd '1' plus the distance to the first 1' a third '1' is found, we have evenly spaces ones.
In code, JTest fashion, (Note this code isn't written to be most efficient and I added some println's to see what happens.)
import java.util.Random;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
public class AlgorithmTest extends TestCase {
* Constructor for GetNumberTest.
* #param name The test's name.
public AlgorithmTest(String name) {
* #see TestCase#setUp()
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
* #see TestCase#tearDown()
protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
* Tests the algorithm.
public void testEvenlySpacedOnes() {
// some fun tests
Random random = new Random();
* #param testBits
private boolean isEvenlySpaced(long testBits) {
String testString = Long.toBinaryString(testBits);
char[] ones = testString.toCharArray();
final char ONE = '1';
for (int n = 0; n < ones.length - 1; n++) {
if (ONE == ones[n]) {
for (int m = n + 1; m < ones.length - m + n; m++) {
if (ONE == ones[m] && ONE == ones[m + m - n]) {
System.out.println(" IS evenly spaced: " + testBits + '=' + testString);
System.out.println(" at: " + n + ", " + m + ", " + (m + m - n));
return true;
System.out.println("NOT evenly spaced: " + testBits + '=' + testString);
return false;
I thought of a divide-and-conquer approach that might work.
First, in preprocessing you need to insert all numbers less than one half your input size (n/3) into a list.
Given a string: 0000010101000100 (note that this particular example is valid)
Insert all primes (and 1) from 1 to (16/2) into a list: {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}
Then divide it in half:
100000101 01000100
Keep doing this until you get to strings of size 1. For all size-one strings with a 1 in them, add the index of the string to the list of possibilities; otherwise, return -1 for failure.
You'll also need to return a list of still-possible spacing distances, associated with each starting index. (Start with the list you made above and remove numbers as you go) Here, an empty list means you're only dealing with one 1 and so any spacing is possible at this point; otherwise the list includes spacings that must be ruled out.
So continuing with the example above:
1000 0101 0100 0100
10 00 01 01 01 00 01 00
1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
In the first combine step, we have eight sets of two now. In the first, we have the possibility of a set, but we learn that spacing by 1 is impossible because of the other zero being there. So we return 0 (for the index) and {2,3,4,5,7} for the fact that spacing by 1 is impossible. In the second, we have nothing and so return -1. In the third we have a match with no spacings eliminated in index 5, so return 5, {1,2,3,4,5,7}. In the fourth pair we return 7, {1,2,3,4,5,7}. In the fifth, return 9, {1,2,3,4,5,7}. In the sixth, return -1. In the seventh, return 13, {1,2,3,4,5,7}. In the eighth, return -1.
Combining again into four sets of four, we have:
1000: Return (0, {4,5,6,7})
0101: Return (5, {2,3,4,5,6,7}), (7, {1,2,3,4,5,6,7})
0100: Return (9, {3,4,5,6,7})
0100: Return (13, {3,4,5,6,7})
Combining into sets of eight:
10000101: Return (0, {5,7}), (5, {2,3,4,5,6,7}), (7, {1,2,3,4,5,6,7})
01000100: Return (9, {4,7}), (13, {3,4,5,6,7})
Combining into a set of sixteen:
10000101 01000100
As we've progressed, we keep checking all the possibilities so far. Up to this step we've left stuff that went beyond the end of the string, but now we can check all the possibilities.
Basically, we check the first 1 with spacings of 5 and 7, and find that they don't line up to 1's. (Note that each check is CONSTANT, not linear time) Then we check the second one (index 5) with spacings of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7-- or we would, but we can stop at 2 since that actually matches up.
Phew! That's a rather long algorithm.
I don't know 100% if it's O(n log n) because of the last step, but everything up to there is definitely O(n log n) as far as I can tell. I'll get back to this later and try to refine the last step.
EDIT: Changed my answer to reflect Welbog's comment. Sorry for the error. I'll write some pseudocode later, too, when I get a little more time to decipher what I wrote again. ;-)
I'll give my rough guess here, and let those who are better with calculating complexity to help me on how my algorithm fares in O-notation wise
given binary string 0000010101000100 (as example)
crop head and tail of zeroes -> 00000 101010001 00
we get 101010001 from previous calculation
check if the middle bit is 'one', if true, found valid three evenly spaced 'ones' (only if the number of bits is odd numbered)
correlatively, if the remained cropped number of bits is even numbered, the head and tail 'one' cannot be part of evenly spaced 'one',
we use 1010100001 as example (with an extra 'zero' to become even numbered crop), in this case we need to crop again, then becomes -> 10101 00001
we get 10101 from previous calculation, and check middle bit, and we found the evenly spaced bit again
I have no idea how to calculate complexity for this, can anyone help?
edit: add some code to illustrate my idea
edit2: tried to compile my code and found some major mistakes, fixed
char *binaryStr = "0000010101000100";
int main() {
int head, tail, pos;
head = 0;
tail = strlen(binaryStr)-1;
if( (pos = find3even(head, tail)) >=0 )
printf("found it at position %d\n", pos);
return 0;
int find3even(int head, int tail) {
int pos = 0;
if(head >= tail) return -1;
while(binaryStr[head] == '0')
if(head<tail) head++;
while(binaryStr[tail] == '0')
if(head<tail) tail--;
if(head >= tail) return -1;
if( (tail-head)%2 == 0 && //true if odd numbered
(binaryStr[head + (tail-head)/2] == '1') ) {
return head;
}else {
if( (pos = find3even(head, tail-1)) >=0 )
return pos;
if( (pos = find3even(head+1, tail)) >=0 )
return pos;
return -1;
I came up with something like this:
def IsSymetric(number):
number = number.strip('0')
if len(number) < 3:
return False
if len(number) % 2 == 0:
return IsSymetric(number[1:]) or IsSymetric(number[0:len(number)-2])
if number[len(number)//2] == '1':
return True
return IsSymetric(number[:(len(number)//2)]) or IsSymetric(number[len(number)//2+1:])
return False
This is inspired by andycjw.
Truncate the zeros.
If even then test two substring 0 - (len-2) (skip last character) and from 1 - (len-1) (skip the first char)
If not even than if the middle char is one than we have success. Else divide the string in the midle without the midle element and check both parts.
As to the complexity this might be O(nlogn) as in each recursion we are dividing by two.
Hope it helps.
Ok, I'm going to take another stab at the problem. I think I can prove a O(n log(n)) algorithm that is similar to those already discussed by using a balanced binary tree to store distances between 1's. This approach was inspired by Justice's observation about reducing the problem to a list of distances between the 1's.
Could we scan the input string to construct a balanced binary tree around the position of 1's such that each node stores the position of the 1 and each edge is labeled with the distance to the adjacent 1 for each child node. For example:
10010001 gives the following tree
/ \
2 / \ 3
/ \
0 7
This can be done in O(n log(n)) since, for a string of size n, each insertion takes O(log(n)) in the worst case.
Then the problem is to search the tree to discover whether, at any node, there is a path from that node through the left-child that has the same distance as a path through the right child. This can be done recursively on each subtree. When merging two subtrees in the search, we must compare the distances from paths in the left subtree with distances from paths in the right. Since the number of paths in a subtree will be proportional to log(n), and the number of nodes is n, I believe this can be done in O(n log(n)) time.
Did I miss anything?
This seemed liked a fun problem so I decided to try my hand at it.
I am making the assumption that 111000001 would find the first 3 ones and be successful. Essentially the number of zeroes following the 1 is the important thing, since 0111000 is the same as 111000 according to your definition. Once you find two cases of 1, the next 1 found completes the trilogy.
Here it is in Python:
def find_three(bstring):
print bstring
dict = {}
lastone = -1
zerocount = 0
for i in range(len(bstring)):
if bstring[i] == '1':
print i, ': 1'
if lastone != -1:
if(zerocount in dict):
if len(dict[zerocount]) == 2:
return True, dict
dict[zerocount] = [lastone]
lastone = i
zerocount = 0
zerocount = zerocount + 1
#this is really just book keeping, as we have failed at this point
if lastone != -1:
if(zerocount in dict):
dict[zerocount] = [lastone]
return False, dict
This is a first try, so I'm sure this could be written in a cleaner manner. Please list the cases where this method fails down below.
I assume the reason this is nlog(n) is due to the following:
To find the 1 that is the start of the triplet, you need to check (n-2) characters. If you haven't found it by that point, you won't (chars n-1 and n cannot start a triplet) (O(n))
To find the second 1 that is the part of the triplet (started by the first one), you need to check m/2 (m=n-x, where x is the offset of the first 1) characters. This is because, if you haven't found the second 1 by the time you're halfway from the first one to the end, you won't... since the third 1 must be exactly the same distance past the second. (O(log(n)))
It O(1) to find the last 1 since you know the index it must be at by the time you find the first and second.
So, you have n, log(n), and 1... O(nlogn)
Edit: Oops, my bad. My brain had it set that n/2 was logn... which it obviously isn't (doubling the number on items still doubles the number of iterations on the inner loop). This is still at n^2, not solving the problem. Well, at least I got to write some code :)
Implementation in Tcl
proc get-triplet {input} {
for {set first 0} {$first < [string length $input]-2} {incr first} {
if {[string index $input $first] != 1} {
set start [expr {$first + 1}]
set end [expr {1+ $first + (([string length $input] - $first) /2)}]
for {set second $start} {$second < $end} {incr second} {
if {[string index $input $second] != 1} {
set last [expr {($second - $first) + $second}]
if {[string index $input $last] == 1} {
return [list $first $second $last]
return {}
get-triplet 10101 ;# 0 2 4
get-triplet 10111 ;# 0 2 4
get-triplet 11100000 ;# 0 1 2
get-triplet 0100100100 ;# 1 4 7
I think I have found a way of solving the problem, but I can't construct a formal proof. The solution I made is written in Java, and it uses a counter 'n' to count how many list/array accesses it does. So n should be less than or equal to stringLength*log(stringLength) if it is correct. I tried it for the numbers 0 to 2^22, and it works.
It starts by iterating over the input string and making a list of all the indexes which hold a one. This is just O(n).
Then from the list of indexes it picks a firstIndex, and a secondIndex which is greater than the first. These two indexes must hold ones, because they are in the list of indexes. From there the thirdIndex can be calculated. If the inputString[thirdIndex] is a 1 then it halts.
public static int testString(String input){
//n is the number of array/list accesses in the algorithm
int n=0;
//Put the indices of all the ones into a list, O(n)
ArrayList<Integer> ones = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for(int i=0;i<input.length();i++){
//If less than three ones in list, just stop
return n;
int firstIndex, secondIndex, thirdIndex;
for(int x=0;x<ones.size()-2;x++){
firstIndex = ones.get(x);
for(int y=x+1; y<ones.size()-1; y++){
secondIndex = ones.get(y);
thirdIndex = secondIndex*2 - firstIndex;
if(thirdIndex >= input.length()){
if(input.charAt(thirdIndex) == '1'){
//This case is satisfied if it has found three evenly spaced ones
//System.out.println("This one => " + input);
return n;
return n;
additional note: the counter n is not incremented when it iterates over the input string to construct the list of indexes. This operation is O(n), so it won't have an effect on the algorithm complexity anyway.
One inroad into the problem is to think of factors and shifting.
With shifting, you compare the string of ones and zeroes with a shifted version of itself. You then take matching ones. Take this example shifted by two:
The resulting 1's (bitwise ANDed), must represent all those 1's which are evenly spaced by two. The same example shifted by three:
In this case there are no 1's which are evenly spaced three apart.
So what does this tell you? Well that you only need to test shifts which are prime numbers. For example say you have two 1's which are six apart. You would only have to test 'two' shifts and 'three' shifts (since these divide six). For example:
10000010 (Shift by two)
10000010 (We have a match)
10000010 (Shift by three)
10000010 (We have a match)
So the only shifts you ever need to check are 2,3,5,7,11,13 etc. Up to the prime closest to the square root of size of the string of digits.
Nearly solved?
I think I am closer to a solution. Basically:
Scan the string for 1's. For each 1 note it's remainder after taking a modulus of its position. The modulus ranges from 1 to half the size of the string. This is because the largest possible separation size is half the string. This is done in O(n^2). BUT. Only prime moduli need be checked so O(n^2/log(n))
Sort the list of modulus/remainders in order largest modulus first, this can be done in O(n*log(n)) time.
Look for three consecutive moduli/remainders which are the same.
Somehow retrieve the position of the ones!
I think the biggest clue to the answer, is that the fastest sort algorithms, are O(n*log(n)).
Step 1 is wrong as pointed out by a colleague. If we have 1's at position 2,12 and 102. Then taking a modulus of 10, they would all have the same remainders, and yet are not equally spaced apart! Sorry.
Here are some thoughts that, despite my best efforts, will not seem to wrap themselves up in a bow. Still, they might be a useful starting point for someone's analysis.
Consider the proposed solution as follows, which is the approach that several folks have suggested, including myself in a prior version of this answer. :)
Trim leading and trailing zeroes.
Scan the string looking for 1's.
When a 1 is found:
Assume that it is the middle 1 of the solution.
For each prior 1, use its saved position to compute the anticipated position of the final 1.
If the computed position is after the end of the string it cannot be part of the solution, so drop the position from the list of candidates.
Check the solution.
If the solution was not found, add the current 1 to the list of candidates.
Repeat until no more 1's are found.
Now consider input strings strings like the following, which will not have a solution:
In general, this is the concatenation of k strings of the form j 0's followed by a 1 for j from zero to k-1.
k=2 101
k=3 101001
k=4 1010010001
k=5 101001000100001
k=6 101001000100001000001
Note that the lengths of the substrings are 1, 2, 3, etc. So, problem size n has substrings of lengths 1 to k such that n = k(k+1)/2.
k=2 n= 3 101
k=3 n= 6 101001
k=4 n=10 1010010001
k=5 n=15 101001000100001
k=6 n=21 101001000100001000001
Note that k also tracks the number of 1's that we have to consider. Remember that every time we see a 1, we need to consider all the 1's seen so far. So when we see the second 1, we only consider the first, when we see the third 1, we reconsider the first two, when we see the fourth 1, we need to reconsider the first three, and so on. By the end of the algorithm, we've considered k(k-1)/2 pairs of 1's. Call that p.
k=2 n= 3 p= 1 101
k=3 n= 6 p= 3 101001
k=4 n=10 p= 6 1010010001
k=5 n=15 p=10 101001000100001
k=6 n=21 p=15 101001000100001000001
The relationship between n and p is that n = p + k.
The process of going through the string takes O(n) time. Each time a 1 is encountered, a maximum of (k-1) comparisons are done. Since n = k(k+1)/2, n > k**2, so sqrt(n) > k. This gives us O(n sqrt(n)) or O(n**3/2). Note however that may not be a really tight bound, because the number of comparisons goes from 1 to a maximum of k, it isn't k the whole time. But I'm not sure how to account for that in the math.
It still isn't O(n log(n)). Also, I can't prove those inputs are the worst cases, although I suspect they are. I think a denser packing of 1's to the front results in an even sparser packing at the end.
Since someone may still find it useful, here's my code for that solution in Perl:
# read input as first argument
my $s = $ARGV[0];
# validate the input
$s =~ /^[01]+$/ or die "invalid input string\n";
# strip leading and trailing 0's
$s =~ s/^0+//;
$s =~ s/0+$//;
# prime the position list with the first '1' at position 0
my #p = (0);
# start at position 1, which is the second character
my $i = 1;
print "the string is $s\n\n";
while ($i < length($s)) {
if (substr($s, $i, 1) eq '1') {
print "found '1' at position $i\n";
my #t = ();
# assuming this is the middle '1', go through the positions
# of all the prior '1's and check whether there's another '1'
# in the correct position after this '1' to make a solution
while (scalar #p) {
# $p is the position of the prior '1'
my $p = shift #p;
# $j is the corresponding position for the following '1'
my $j = 2 * $i - $p;
# if $j is off the end of the string then we don't need to
# check $p anymore
next if ($j >= length($s));
print "checking positions $p, $i, $j\n";
if (substr($s, $j, 1) eq '1') {
print "\nsolution found at positions $p, $i, $j\n";
exit 0;
# if $j isn't off the end of the string, keep $p for next time
push #t, $p;
#p = #t;
# add this '1' to the list of '1' positions
push #p, $i;
print "\nno solution found\n";
While scanning 1s, add their positions to a List. When adding the second and successive 1s, compare them to each position in the list so far. Spacing equals currentOne (center) - previousOne (left). The right-side bit is currentOne + spacing. If it's 1, the end.
The list of ones grows inversely with the space between them. Simply stated, if you've got a lot of 0s between the 1s (as in a worst case), your list of known 1s will grow quite slowly.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace spacedOnes
class Program
static int[] _bits = new int[8] {128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1};
static void Main(string[] args)
var bytes = new byte[4];
var r = new Random();
foreach (var b in bytes) {
var bitCount = bytes.Length * 8;
var done = false;
var onePositions = new List<int>();
for (var i = 0; i < bitCount; i++)
if (isOne(bytes, i)) {
if (onePositions.Count > 0) {
foreach (var knownOne in onePositions) {
var spacing = i - knownOne;
var k = i + spacing;
if (k < bitCount && isOne(bytes, k)) {
Console.WriteLine("^".PadLeft(knownOne + 1) + "^".PadLeft(spacing) + "^".PadLeft(spacing));
done = true;
if (done) {
static String getByteString(byte b) {
var s = new char[8];
for (var i=0; i<s.Length; i++) {
s[i] = ((b & _bits[i]) > 0 ? '1' : '0');
return new String(s);
static bool isOne(byte[] bytes, int i)
var byteIndex = i / 8;
var bitIndex = i % 8;
return (bytes[byteIndex] & _bits[bitIndex]) > 0;
I thought I'd add one comment before posting the 22nd naive solution to the problem. For the naive solution, we don't need to show that the number of 1's in the string is at most O(log(n)), but rather that it is at most O(sqrt(n*log(n)).
def solve(Str):
#O(n) setup
for i in range(len(Str)):
if Str[i]=='1':
#O((number of 1's)^2) processing
for i in range(len(indexes)):
for j in range(i+1, len(indexes)):
indexDiff = indexes[j] - indexes[i]
k=indexes[j] + indexDiff
if k<len(Str) and Str[k]=='1':
return True
return False
It's basically a fair bit similar to flybywire's idea and implementation, though looking ahead instead of back.
Greedy String Builder:
#assumes final char hasn't been added, and would be a 1
def lastCharMakesSolvable(Str):
while j-(endIndex-j) >= 0:
if k >= 0 and Str[k]=='1' and Str[j]=='1':
return True
return False
def expandString(StartString=''):
if lastCharMakesSolvable(StartString):
return StartString + '0'
return StartString + '1'
while n<1000000:
if count != lastCount:
print(len(BaseStr), count)
(In my defense, I'm still in the 'learn python' stage of understanding)
Also, potentially useful output from the greedy building of strings, there's a rather consistent jump after hitting a power of 2 in the number of 1's... which I was not willing to wait around to witness hitting 2096.
strlength # of 1's
1 1
2 2
4 3
5 4
10 5
14 8
28 9
41 16
82 17
122 32
244 33
365 64
730 65
1094 128
2188 129
3281 256
6562 257
9842 512
19684 513
29525 1024
I'll try to present a mathematical approach. This is more a beginning than an end, so any help, comment, or even contradiction - will be deeply appreciated. However, if this approach is proven - the algorithm is a straight-forward search in the string.
Given a fixed number of spaces k and a string S, the search for a k-spaced-triplet takes O(n) - We simply test for every 0<=i<=(n-2k) if S[i]==S[i+k]==S[i+2k]. The test takes O(1) and we do it n-k times where k is a constant, so it takes O(n-k)=O(n).
Let us assume that there is an Inverse Proportion between the number of 1's and the maximum spaces we need to search for. That is, If there are many 1's, there must be a triplet and it must be quite dense; If there are only few 1's, The triplet (if any) can be quite sparse. In other words, I can prove that if I have enough 1's, such triplet must exist - and the more 1's I have, a more dense triplet must be found. This can be explained by the Pigeonhole principle - Hope to elaborate on this later.
Say have an upper bound k on the possible number of spaces I have to look for. Now, for each 1 located in S[i] we need to check for 1 in S[i-1] and S[i+1], S[i-2] and S[i+2], ... S[i-k] and S[i+k]. This takes O((k^2-k)/2)=O(k^2) for each 1 in S - due to Gauss' Series Summation Formula. Note that this differs from section 1 - I'm having k as an upper bound for the number of spaces, not as a constant space.
We need to prove O(n*log(n)). That is, we need to show that k*(number of 1's) is proportional to log(n).
If we can do that, the algorithm is trivial - for each 1 in S whose index is i, simply look for 1's from each side up to distance k. If two were found in the same distance, return i and k. Again, the tricky part would be finding k and proving the correctness.
I would really appreciate your comments here - I have been trying to find the relation between k and the number of 1's on my whiteboard, so far without success.
Just wrong, talking about log(n) number of upper limit of ones
Now I found that using Cantor numbers (if correct), density on set is (2/3)^Log_3(n) (what a weird function) and I agree, log(n)/n density is to strong.
If this is upper limit, there is algorhitm who solves this problem in at least O(n*(3/2)^(log(n)/log(3))) time complexity and O((3/2)^(log(n)/log(3))) space complexity. (check Justice's answer for algorhitm)
This is still by far better than O(n^2)
This function ((3/2)^(log(n)/log(3))) really looks like n*log(n) on first sight.
How did I get this formula?
Applaying Cantors number on string.
Supose that length of string is 3^p == n
At each step in generation of Cantor string you keep 2/3 of prevous number of ones. Apply this p times.
That mean (n * ((2/3)^p)) -> (((3^p)) * ((2/3)^p)) remaining ones and after simplification 2^p.
This mean 2^p ones in 3^p string -> (3/2)^p ones . Substitute p=log(n)/log(3) and get
How about a simple O(n) solution, with O(n^2) space? (Uses the assumption that all bitwise operators work in O(1).)
The algorithm basically works in four stages:
Stage 1: For each bit in your original number, find out how far away the ones are, but consider only one direction. (I considered all the bits in the direction of the least significant bit.)
Stage 2: Reverse the order of the bits in the input;
Stage 3: Re-run step 1 on the reversed input.
Stage 4: Compare the results from Stage 1 and Stage 3. If any bits are equally spaced above AND below we must have a hit.
Keep in mind that no step in the above algorithm takes longer than O(n). ^_^
As an added benefit, this algorithm will find ALL equally spaced ones from EVERY number. So for example if you get a result of "0x0005" then there are equally spaced ones at BOTH 1 and 3 units away
I didn't really try optimizing the code below, but it is compilable C# code that seems to work.
using System;
namespace ThreeNumbers
class Program
const int uint32Length = 32;
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.Write("Please enter your integer: ");
uint input = UInt32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
uint[] distancesLower = Distances(input);
uint[] distancesHigher = Distances(Reverse(input));
PrintHits(input, distancesLower, distancesHigher);
/// <summary>
/// Returns an array showing how far the ones away from each bit in the input. Only
/// considers ones at lower signifcant bits. Index 0 represents the least significant bit
/// in the input. Index 1 represents the second least significant bit in the input and so
/// on. If a one is 3 away from the bit in question, then the third least significant bit
/// of the value will be sit.
/// As programed this algorithm needs: O(n) time, and O(n*log(n)) space.
/// (Where n is the number of bits in the input.)
/// </summary>
public static uint[] Distances(uint input)
uint[] distanceToOnes = new uint[uint32Length];
uint result = 0;
//Sets how far each bit is from other ones. Going in the direction of LSB to MSB
for (uint bitIndex = 1, arrayIndex = 0; bitIndex != 0; bitIndex <<= 1, ++arrayIndex)
distanceToOnes[arrayIndex] = result;
result <<= 1;
if ((input & bitIndex) != 0)
result |= 1;
return distanceToOnes;
/// <summary>
/// Reverses the bits in the input.
/// As programmed this algorithm needs O(n) time and O(n) space.
/// (Where n is the number of bits in the input.)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static uint Reverse(uint input)
uint reversedInput = 0;
for (uint bitIndex = 1; bitIndex != 0; bitIndex <<= 1)
reversedInput <<= 1;
reversedInput |= (uint)((input & bitIndex) != 0 ? 1 : 0);
return reversedInput;
/// <summary>
/// Goes through each bit in the input, to check if there are any bits equally far away in
/// the distancesLower and distancesHigher
/// </summary>
public static void PrintHits(uint input, uint[] distancesLower, uint[] distancesHigher)
const int offset = uint32Length - 1;
for (uint bitIndex = 1, arrayIndex = 0; bitIndex != 0; bitIndex <<= 1, ++arrayIndex)
//hits checks if any bits are equally spaced away from our current value
bool isBitSet = (input & bitIndex) != 0;
uint hits = distancesLower[arrayIndex] & distancesHigher[offset - arrayIndex];
if (isBitSet && (hits != 0))
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("The {0}-th LSB has hits 0x{1:x4} away", arrayIndex + 1, hits));
Someone will probably comment that for any sufficiently large number, bitwise operations cannot be done in O(1). You'd be right. However, I'd conjecture that every solution that uses addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division (which cannot be done by shifting) would also have that problem.
Below is a solution. There could be some little mistakes here and there, but the idea is sound.
Edit: It's not n * log(n)
foreach character in the string
if the character equals 1 {
if length cache > 0 { //we can skip the first one
foreach location in the cache { //last in first out kind of order
if ((currentlocation + (currentlocation - location)) < length string)
if (string[(currentlocation + (currentlocation - location))] equals 1)
return found evenly spaced string
remember the location of this character in a some sort of cache.
return didn't find evenly spaced string
C# code:
public static Boolean FindThreeEvenlySpacedOnes(String str) {
List<int> cache = new List<int>();
for (var x = 0; x < str.Length; x++) {
if (str[x] == '1') {
if (cache.Count > 0) {
for (var i = cache.Count - 1; i > 0; i--) {
if ((x + (x - cache[i])) >= str.Length)
if (str[(x + (x - cache[i]))] == '1')
return true;
return false;
How it works:
iteration 1:
// the location of this 1 is stored in the cache
iteration 2:
iteration 3:
a x b
| | |
//we retrieve location a out of the cache and then based on a
//we calculate b and check if te string contains a 1 on location b
//and of course we store x in the cache because it's a 1
iteration 4:
a x b
| | |
iteration 5:
iteration 6:
a x b
| | |
a x b
| | |
//return found evenly spaced string
Obviously we need to at least check bunches of triplets at the same time, so we need to compress the checks somehow. I have a candidate algorithm, but analyzing the time complexity is beyond my ability*time threshold.
Build a tree where each node has three children and each node contains the total number of 1's at its leaves. Build a linked list over the 1's, as well. Assign each node an allowed cost proportional to the range it covers. As long as the time we spend at each node is within budget, we'll have an O(n lg n) algorithm.
Start at the root. If the square of the total number of 1's below it is less than its allowed cost, apply the naive algorithm. Otherwise recurse on its children.
Now we have either returned within budget, or we know that there are no valid triplets entirely contained within one of the children. Therefore we must check the inter-node triplets.
Now things get incredibly messy. We essentially want to recurse on the potential sets of children while limiting the range. As soon as the range is constrained enough that the naive algorithm will run under budget, you do it. Enjoy implementing this, because I guarantee it will be tedious. There's like a dozen cases.
The reason I think that algorithm will work is because the sequences without valid triplets appear to go alternate between bunches of 1's and lots of 0's. It effectively splits the nearby search space, and the tree emulates that splitting.
The run time of the algorithm is not obvious, at all. It relies on the non-trivial properties of the sequence. If the 1's are really sparse then the naive algorithm will work under budget. If the 1's are dense, then a match should be found right away. But if the density is 'just right' (eg. near ~n^0.63, which you can achieve by setting all bits at positions with no '2' digit in base 3), I don't know if it will work. You would have to prove that the splitting effect is strong enough.
No theoretical answer here, but I wrote a quick Java program to explore the running-time behavior as a function of k and n, where n is the total bit length and k is the number of 1's. I'm with a few of the answerers who are saying that the "regular" algorithm that checks all the pairs of bit positions and looks for the 3rd bit, even though it would require O(k^2) in the worst case, in reality because the worst-case needs sparse bitstrings, is O(n ln n).
Anyway here's the program, below. It's a Monte-Carlo style program which runs a large number of trials NTRIALS for constant n, and randomly generates bitsets for a range of k-values using Bernoulli processes with ones-density constrained between limits that can be specified, and records the running time of finding or failing to find a triplet of evenly spaced ones, time measured in steps NOT in CPU time. I ran it for n=64, 256, 1024, 4096, 16384* (still running), first a test run with 500000 trials to see which k-values take the longest running time, then another test with 5000000 trials with narrowed ones-density focus to see what those values look like. The longest running times do happen with very sparse density (e.g. for n=4096 the running time peaks are in the k=16-64 range, with a gentle peak for mean runtime at 4212 steps # k=31, max runtime peaked at 5101 steps # k=58). It looks like it would take extremely large values of N for the worst-case O(k^2) step to become larger than the O(n) step where you scan the bitstring to find the 1's position indices.
package com.example.math;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Random;
public class EvenlySpacedOnesTest {
static public class StatisticalSummary
private int n=0;
private double min=Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
private double max=Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
private double mean=0;
private double S=0;
public StatisticalSummary() {}
public void add(double x) {
min = Math.min(min, x);
max = Math.max(max, x);
double newMean = mean + (x-mean)/n;
S += (x-newMean)*(x-mean);
// this algorithm for mean,std dev based on Knuth TAOCP vol 2
mean = newMean;
public double getMax() { return (n>0)?max:Double.NaN; }
public double getMin() { return (n>0)?min:Double.NaN; }
public int getCount() { return n; }
public double getMean() { return (n>0)?mean:Double.NaN; }
public double getStdDev() { return (n>0)?Math.sqrt(S/n):Double.NaN; }
// some may quibble and use n-1 for sample std dev vs population std dev
public static void printOut(PrintStream ps, StatisticalSummary[] statistics) {
for (int i = 0; i < statistics.length; ++i)
StatisticalSummary summary = statistics[i];
public interface RandomBernoulliProcess // see
public void setProbability(double d);
public boolean getNextBoolean();
static public class Bernoulli implements RandomBernoulliProcess
final private Random r = new Random();
private double p = 0.5;
public boolean getNextBoolean() { return r.nextDouble() < p; }
public void setProbability(double d) { p = d; }
static public class TestResult {
final public int k;
final public int nsteps;
public TestResult(int k, int nsteps) { this.k=k; this.nsteps=nsteps; }
final private int n;
final private int ntrials;
final private double pmin;
final private double pmax;
final private Random random = new Random();
final private Bernoulli bernoulli = new Bernoulli();
final private BitSet bits;
public EvenlySpacedOnesTest(int n, int ntrials, double pmin, double pmax) {
this.n=n; this.ntrials=ntrials; this.pmin=pmin; this.pmax=pmax;
this.bits = new BitSet(n);
* generate random bit string
private int generateBits()
int k = 0; // # of 1's
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
boolean b = bernoulli.getNextBoolean();
this.bits.set(i, b);
if (b) ++k;
return k;
private int findEvenlySpacedOnes(int k, int[] pos)
int[] bitPosition = new int[k];
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < n; ++i)
if (this.bits.get(i))
bitPosition[j++] = i;
int nsteps = n; // first, it takes N operations to find the bit positions.
boolean found = false;
if (k >= 3) // don't bother doing anything if there are less than 3 ones. :(
int lastBitSetPosition = bitPosition[k-1];
for (int j1 = 0; !found && j1 < k; ++j1)
pos[0] = bitPosition[j1];
for (int j2 = j1+1; !found && j2 < k; ++j2)
pos[1] = bitPosition[j2];
pos[2] = 2*pos[1]-pos[0];
// calculate 3rd bit index that might be set;
// the other two indices point to bits that are set
if (pos[2] > lastBitSetPosition)
// loop inner loop until we go out of bounds
found = this.bits.get(pos[2]);
// we're done if we find a third 1!
if (!found)
return nsteps;
* run an algorithm that finds evenly spaced ones and returns # of steps.
public TestResult run()
bernoulli.setProbability(pmin + (pmax-pmin)*random.nextDouble());
// probability of bernoulli process is randomly distributed between pmin and pmax
// generate bit string.
int k = generateBits();
int[] pos = new int[3];
int nsteps = findEvenlySpacedOnes(k, pos);
return new TestResult(k, nsteps);
public static void main(String[] args)
int n;
int ntrials;
double pmin = 0, pmax = 1;
try {
n = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
ntrials = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
if (args.length >= 3)
pmin = Double.parseDouble(args[2]);
if (args.length >= 4)
pmax = Double.parseDouble(args[3]);
catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("usage: EvenlySpacedOnesTest N NTRIALS [pmin [pmax]]");
return; // make the compiler happy
final StatisticalSummary[] statistics;
statistics=new StatisticalSummary[n+1];
for (int i = 0; i <= n; ++i)
statistics[i] = new StatisticalSummary();
EvenlySpacedOnesTest test = new EvenlySpacedOnesTest(n, ntrials, pmin, pmax);
int printInterval=100000;
int nextPrint = printInterval;
for (int i = 0; i < ntrials; ++i)
TestResult result =;
if (i == nextPrint)
nextPrint += printInterval;
StatisticalSummary.printOut(System.out, statistics);
# <algorithm>
def contains_evenly_spaced?(input)
return false if input.size < 3
one_indices = []
input.each_with_index do |digit, index|
next if digit == 0
one_indices << index
return false if one_indices.size < 3
previous_indexes = []
one_indices.each do |index|
if !previous_indexes.empty?
previous_indexes.each do |previous_index|
multiple = index - previous_index
success_index = index + multiple
return true if input[success_index] == 1
previous_indexes << index
return false
# </algorithm>
def parse_input(input) { |c| c.to_i }
I'm having trouble with the worst-case scenarios with millions of digits. Fuzzing from /dev/urandom essentially gives you O(n), but I know the worst case is worse than that. I just can't tell how much worse. For small n, it's trivial to find inputs at around 3*n*log(n), but it's surprisingly hard to differentiate those from some other order of growth for this particular problem.
Can anyone who was working on worst-case inputs generate a string with length greater than say, one hundred thousand?
An adaptation of the Rabin-Karp algorithm could be possible for you.
Its complexity is 0(n) so it could help you.
Take a look
Could this be a solution? I', not sure if it's O(nlogn) but in my opinion it's better than O(n²) because the the only way not to find a triple would be a prime number distribution.
There's room for improvement, the second found 1 could be the next first 1. Also no error checking.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
int findIt(std::string toCheck) {
for (int i=0; i<toCheck.length(); i++) {
if (toCheck[i]=='1') {
std::cout << i << ": " << toCheck[i];
for (int j = i+1; j<toCheck.length(); j++) {
if (toCheck[j]=='1' && toCheck[(i+2*(j-i))] == '1') {
std::cout << ", " << j << ":" << toCheck[j] << ", " << (i+2*(j-i)) << ":" << toCheck[(i+2*(j-i))] << " found" << std::endl;
return 0;
return -1;
int main (int agrc, char* args[]) {
std::string toCheck("1001011");
return 0;
I think this algorithm has O(n log n) complexity (C++, DevStudio 2k5). Now, I don't know the details of how to analyse an algorithm to determine its complexity, so I have added some metric gathering information to the code. The code counts the number of tests done on the sequence of 1's and 0's for any given input (hopefully, I've not made a balls of the algorithm). We can compare the actual number of tests against the O value and see if there's a correlation.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
bool HasEvenBits (string &sequence, int &num_compares)
has_even_bits = false;
num_compares = 0;
for (unsigned i = 1 ; i <= (sequence.length () - 1) / 2 ; ++i)
for (unsigned j = 0 ; j < sequence.length () - 2 * i ; ++j)
if (sequence [j] == '1' && sequence [j + i] == '1' && sequence [j + i * 2] == '1')
has_even_bits = true;
// we could 'break' here, but I want to know the worst case scenario so keep going to the end
return has_even_bits;
int main ()
input = "111";
for (int i = 3 ; i < 32 ; ++i)
HasEvenBits (input, count);
cout << i << ", " << count << endl;
input += "0";
This program outputs the number of tests for each string length up to 32 characters. Here's the results:
n Tests n log (n)
3 1 1.43
4 2 2.41
5 4 3.49
6 6 4.67
7 9 5.92
8 12 7.22
9 16 8.59
10 20 10.00
11 25 11.46
12 30 12.95
13 36 14.48
14 42 16.05
15 49 17.64
16 56 19.27
17 64 20.92
18 72 22.59
19 81 24.30
20 90 26.02
21 100 27.77
22 110 29.53
23 121 31.32
24 132 33.13
25 144 34.95
26 156 36.79
27 169 38.65
28 182 40.52
29 196 42.41
30 210 44.31
31 225 46.23
I've added the 'n log n' values as well. Plot these using your graphing tool of choice to see a correlation between the two results. Does this analysis extend to all values of n? I don't know.
