Has anybody used MVCWizard.Wizard with MVC3? - asp.net-mvc-3

I'm looking to do a multistep webpage with around 5 steps, at least one of which will require a partial view with a grid and filtering.
I've downloaded the MVCWizard from NuGet, and set up my views, however I can find no example code for the controller.
Has anyone used this control? Do you have a sample controller I could see?
Alternatively, is there another wizard control which would do this?
Many Thanks

Sorry. maybe too late for the answers, but I found it now!!! It can help anyone too, so in the nuget page of MVCWizard you can find the example.
Nuget MVCWizard example


How can override the view files of the componenet in joomla

I using the ARI Quiz lite for online quiz. i need to orverride view of quiz listing, but i dont know how to do this. I tried to override listing file
but it's not working. please help me. thx adv....
Try dropping the /view/ from your second file path - it shouldn't be needed.
There's more guidance here: https://docs.joomla.org/Understanding_Output_Overrides but in Joomla 3 you can do this in the back-end, guessing using Milkyway you're still on 1.5 though :(

Joomla show content article in a other article

Does anyone know if it's possible to show the content of one article in another article
I got a page for visitors and i got a page for members (both different template).
both have a link to the same article, is it possible to link them to the same article with keeping their own template?
I think its possible to make a new article to show the content of the original article,
but i dont know how.
Please help!
Please try to make two menu items and set the template selection there.

Google forms - Get a custom form with many pages

I spent the last two hours searching on the Internet how to solve my problem but no one seems to experience this issue.
As many of you know, we can create a form on Google Forms Tool, then get source code and apply it to our own website giving us the ability to customize it.
My problem is: My form is really big so I separated it in different pages (I inserted "page break") and it is working.
But when I go get the source code, apply to my site, and I click "continue" it goes directly to google again...
Is there any way I can solve this?
I tried embed code but then i have another problem: I can't style it with css!!
Thank you, hope you guys can help me :)

Adding Custom Objects in Xcode 4.3

I'm working with Objective-C and Xcode for about a year. I customise a lot of generic objects. Few days ago one of my friend asked me a question, but I couldn't answer him. So I try to do something my self. For example:
I created this Custom View:
How can I add this View to the Object Library?. Here:
I don't really know why do I need this. But I decide to figure out how to do this. I hope you could help me with this.
Thanks in advance!
I don't think this will work. You are putting buttons on "top" of a custom view placeholder. The custom view placeholder is used to be able to use - yeah you guessed right - custom user defined views.
So of which class would your view-with-5-buttons-on-top be? I think you are running into a dead end, because that's just not the way to do it in Xcode. If you want to design your custom view graphically, just create a NIB file for it.
I don't think that you can add your own view objects into the object library. Everything I know of are user-defined code snippets which will show up on the right.
There were things called IB plugins in Interface Builder and Xcode versions prior to 4.
Those were discontinued in Xcode 4 as can be read here for example :
Further searches for IB plugin gives a lot more guys telling the same.

mvc html.serialize to store model in view

Can anyone tell me what happened to the Html.Serialize function mentioned in the url below.
It's not recognized when I try and use it in a MVC2 web app within Visual Studio 2010.
EDIT - I'm using visual studio 2010 which comes with mvc2 'built in' when i try and use Html.serialize on a view or partial view it's not appearing in intellisense. Am i missing a reference or something?
It hasn't gone anywhere. It is right there, wherever you are able to use the html extensions. Eg, Views, PartialViews.
For example:
<%= Html.Serialize("wizardData", Model)%>
Are you trying to use it in a controller? To use it as shown in the article you quote, you need to use it in a view.
You see, we really don't know because you haven't given us any detail to work with. Show us some code, and we will move your earth. Well, try to anyway.
I see you are new, so when asking questions, try to give as much detail as possible. You can edit your post, just mark out what you have done. The more context we get, the more we can help.
I found out why! I was having similar problems too.
You need to download ASP.NET 2 Futures and use the DLLs provided there instead of the usual Mvc DLL.
It is implemented in SerializationExtensions class.
It's in the MVCFutures assembly and not part of the out the box MVC framework. You will need to add the package via nuget or manual download and then add a using/imports statement to Microsoft.Web.Mvc before you can use it in your view.
