Ajax Perl Catalyst FastCGI child processes not dying - ajax

I have an ajax application built in catalyst running through fastcgi. I am noticing that all of my ajax requests spin up another process and that process sticks around indefinitely.
Ideally I would like to have my main page stick around but the ajax pages should just stop and restart as needed.
Is this a common issue and how does one get around this.
How do I tell the server to shut down inactive processes quicker?

The answer is web server dependent (and fastcgi module dependent for apache - as there are at least 2 different fcgi modules). You haven't told us which web server etc, so I can't really answer. (But consult the documentation for your web server / fastcgi module)
An alternative approach would of course be to run the server with external fastcgi, rather than in dynamic mode, which would mean you start a fixed number of processes up-front, but then never create more or less than this number to serve requests..


What are some best practices when calling external executable from ASP.NET WEB API 2

I am in need to call an external *.exe compiled in C++
from ASP.NET WEB API 2 using Process (System.Diagnostics)
This executable does some image processing stuff and use lot of memory.
SO my question is if change my API calls to Async. or implement threads will it help, Or it doesn't matter?
Note: All i have is executable so i can not go for a CLI Wrapper.
You can separate the two. Your api is one thing, it needs to be fast, responsive to be able to serve the clients. Your image processing thing is different.
You could implement a queuing system. The api is responsible for adding a new item to this queue and nothing more. You could keep track of what tasks are being run in a separate sql table let's say. Imagine you have a sql table called Tasks. Your api chucks data in there and the status is "Not Running".
Some other app which lives on another machine entirely keeps an eye on this table and takes care of running that executable for each item. When it starts, it changes the status to Running, when it completes it's Done. You do whatever else you need. You could have an api endpoint which takes the ID of the task so your client can keep calling this endpoint to see what the status is. Or you could raise an event when it's done, depending on your application needs.
Bottom line, keep things separate, you gain nothing for blocking the api while a resources heavy task is running. Think what happens if you start that process 5 times, at the same time. You've just killed your api basically.
The app that does the heavy work, could even be located on a separate machine, so it doesn't affect the api at all.

Is this a correct scenario to use WebSocket?

I have a browser plugin which will be installed on 40,000 dekstops.
This plugin will connect to a backend configuration file available via https, e.g. http://somesite/config_file.js.
The plugin is configured to poll this backend resource once/day.
But there is only one backend server. So if 40,000 endpoints start polling together the server might crash.
I could think of randomize the polling frenquency from the desktop plugins. But randomization still does not gurantee that there will not be a overload at the server.
Is using websocket in this scenario solves the scalability issue?
Polling once a day is very little.
I don't see any upside for Websockets unless you switch to Push and have more notifications.
However, staggering the polling does make a lot of sense, since syncing requests for the same time is like writing a DoS attack against your own server.
Staggering doesn't necessarily have to be random and IMHO, it probably shouldn't.
You could start with a fixed time and add a second per client ID, allowing for ~86K connections in 24 hours which should be easy for any server to handle.
As a side note, 40K concurrent connections might not as hard to achieve as you imagine.
EDIT (relating to the comments)
Websockets vs. Server Sent Events:
IMHO, when pushing data (vs. polling), I would prefer Websockets over Server Sent Events (SSE).
Websockets have a few advantages, such as client side communication which allows clients to ping the server and confirm that the connection is still alive.
The Specific Use-Case:
From the description in the question and the comments it seems that you're using browser clients with a custom plugin and that the updates you wish to install daily might require the browser to be active.
This raises different questions that effect the implementation (are the client browsers open all day? do you have any control over the client browsers and their environment? can you guarantee installation while the browser is closed?).
IMHO, you might consider having the client plugins test for an update each morning as they load for the first time during that day (first access).
People arrive at work in different times and they open their browsers for the first time at different schedules. So the 40K requests you're expecting will be naturally scattered across that timeline (probably a 20-30 minute timespan).
This approach makes sure that the browsers and computers are actually open (making the update possible) and that the update requests are staggered over a period of time (about 33.3 requests per second, if my assumption is correct).
If you're serving a pre-written static configuration file (perhaps updated by the server daily), avoiding dynamic content and minimizing any database calls, than 33 req/sec should be very easy to manage.

Best practice for updating Go web application

I am wondering what would be the best practice for deploying updates to a (MVC) Go web application. Imagine the following scenario :
1) Code and test some changes for my Go Web Application
2) Deploy update without anyone currently using the previous version getting interrupted.
I don't know how to make sure point 2) can be covered - when somebody is sending a request to the server and I rebuild/restart it just in this moment, he gets an error - even if the request just uses a part of the code I did not touch or that is backwards-compatible, or if I just added a new Request-handler.
Maybe I'm missing something trivial or a well-known pattern as I am just in the process of learning go and my previous web applications were ASP.NET- or php-applications where this was no issue as I did not need to restart the webserver on code changes.
It's not just an issue with Go, but in general we can divide the problem into two separate ones:
Making sure current requests do not get terminated and affect user experience.
Making sure there is no down-time in which new requests cannot be handled.
The first one is easier to tackle: You just don't violently kill your server, but tell it to exit, causing a "Drain phase", in which it does not accept new requests and only finishes the currently running requests, and exits. This can be done by listening on signals for example, and entering the app into a special state.
It's not trivial with Go as the default http server doesn't support shutting it down, but you can start a server with a net.Listener, and then keep a reference to it an close it when the time is due.
Now, doing only approach one and then starting the service again will cause new requests not to be accepted while this is going on, and we all know this can take a number of seconds in extreme cases.
So what we need is another instance of the server already running with the new code, the instant the old one is not responding to new requests, right? That can be done in several ways:
Having more than one server, and a load-balancer on top of them, allowing one (or more) server to take the load while we restart another. That's the simplest way, and the way most people do it. If you need N servers to take the load of your users, just keep N+1 and restart one at a time.
Using socket sharing tricks. In Newer Linux kernels, Many processes can listen and accept on the same port. What you do is simply start the new instance and then tell the old one to finish and exit. This way there is no pause. This is done by setting SO_REUSEPORT on the listening socket.
The above can be automated with ready to ship solutions, like Einhorn, that deals with all the details for you, see https://github.com/stripe/einhorn
Another approach is documented in this blog post: http://blog.nella.org/?p=879

How do you troubleshoot all Apache threads becoming occupied and idle?

I have a Drupal 6 site that is frequently (about once a day) going down. The hosting provider is reporting that something in our site code is occupying all Apache threads but keeping them idle, making the server run out of threads to respond to new requests. A simple restart of Apache frees the threads and fixes the issue, though it reoccurs within a few hours or a day.
I have no idea how to troubleshoot this issue and have never come across PHP code doing this. Is there some kind of Apache settings change I can make to capture more information about what might be keeping a thread occupied but idle? What typical PHP routines can cause this behavior? I looked for code that connects to external resources, but didn't see any issues there.
Any hints for what to look at, capture more information, or PHP code that can cause this would be most useful.
With Drupal6 you could have the poormanscron module running sometimes, or even the classical cron (from crontab wget or whatever).
Then you could get one heavy cron operation putting your database under heavy stuff. Then if your database reponse time is becoming very slow every http request will become very slow (as for example sessions are in the database, and several hundreds queries are required for a drupal page). having all reqests slowing down may put all the avĂ ilable php process in a 'occupied state'.
Restarting apache all current process are stoped. If you run the cron via wget and not via drush cron tasks are a nice thing to check (running cron via drush would make it run via php-cli' restarting apache would not kill the cron). You can try a module like elysia cron to get more details on cron tasks and maybe isolate the long ones (you have a report on tasks duration).
This effect (one request hurting bad the database, all requests slowing down, no more process available) could also be done by one bad piece of code coming from any of your installed modules. This would be harder to detect.
So I would ensure slow queries are tracked on MySQL (see my.cnf otinons), then analyse theses requests with tolls like mysqsla. The problem is that sometimes one query is so big that all query becames slow. Se use time of crash te detect the first ones. Use also tho MySQL option to track queries not using indexes.
Another way to get all apache process stalled on php operation with drupal is having a lock problem. Drupal is using is own lock implementation with MySQL. You could maybe add some watchdog (drupal internal debug messages) calls on theses files to try to detect locks problems.
Then you could also have sonme external http requests calls made by drupal. Calling external websites like facebook, google, some tiny url tools, or drupal.org module update things (which always try to find all modules, even the one you write). If the distant website is down or filtering your traffic you'll have problems (but the apache restart would not help you, so it may not be that).

Looking for pattern/approach/suggestions for handling long-running operation tied to web app

I'm working on a consumer web app that needs to do a long running background process that is tied to each customer request. By long running, I mean anywhere between 1 and 3 minutes.
Here is an example flow. The object/widget doesn't really matter.
Customer comes to the site and specifies object/widget they are looking for.
We search/clean/filter for widgets matching some initial criteria. <-- long running process
Customer further configures more detail about the widget they are looking for.
When the long running process is complete the customer is able to complete the last few steps before conversion.
Steps 3 and 4 aren't really important. I just mention them because we can buy some time while we are doing the long running process.
The environment we are working in is a LAMP stack-- currently using PHP. It doesn't seem like a good design to have the long running process take up an apache thread in mod_php (or fastcgi process). The apache layer of our app should be focused on serving up content and not data processing IMO.
A few questions:
Is our thinking right in that we should separate this "long running" part out of the apache/web app layer?
Is there a standard/typical way to break this out under Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP (we're open to using a different language for the processing if appropriate)?
Any suggestions on how to go about breaking it out? E.g. do we create a deamon that churns through a FIFO queue?
Edit: Just to clarify, only about 1/4 of the long running process is database centric. We're working on optimizing that part. There is some work that we could potentially do, but we are limited in the amount we can do right now.
Consider providing the search results via AJAX from a web service instead of your application. Presumably you could offload this to another server and let you web application deal with the content as you desire.
Just curious: 1-3 minutes seems like a long time for a lookup query. Have you looked at indexes on the columns you are querying to improve the speed? Or do you need to do some algorithmic process -- perhaps you could perform some of this offline and prepopulate some common searches with hints?
As Jonnii suggested, you can start a child process to carry out background processing. However, this needs to be done with some care:
Make sure that any parameters passed through are escaped correctly
Ensure that more than one copy of the process does not run at once
If several copies of the process run, there's nothing stopping a (not even malicious, just impatient) user from hitting reload on the page which kicks it off, eventually starting so many copies that the machine runs out of ram and grinds to a halt.
So you can use a subprocess, but do it carefully, in a controlled manner, and test it properly.
Another option is to have a daemon permanently running waiting for requests, which processes them and then records the results somewhere (perhaps in a database)
This is the poor man's solution:
exec ("/usr/bin/php long_running_process.php > /dev/null &");
Alternatively you could:
Insert a row into your database with details of the background request, which a daemon can then read and process.
Write a message to a message queue which a daemon then read and processed.
Here's some discussion on the Java version of this problem.
See java: what are the best techniques for communicating with a batch server
Two important things you might do:
Switch to Java and use JMS.
Read up on JMS but use another queue manager. Unix named pipes, for instance, might be an acceptable implementation.
Java servlets can do background processing. You could do something similar to this technology in a web technology with threading support. I don't know about PHP though.
Not a complete answer but I would think using AJAX and passing the 2nd step to something thats faster then PHP (C, C++, C#) then a PHP function pick the results off of some stack most likely just a database.
