Grabbing the digits of a number without using division or modulus - vhdl

I am trying to implement a 7-segment counter using VHDL.
The counter starts from 0 and increments an integer value to a max of 9999.
The value is passed to a bloc that is supposed to "split" the number into digits so that i can display them on the 7-segment which are multiplexed...
I have already done this on a PIC using many methods such as Interrupts... but now that i am trying to do this on a FPGA (Xilinx Spartan 3E Starter Board to be exact) i noticed while implementing the code i've wrote that i can't use neither division nor modulus because they cannot be implemented...
Edit: I know i could just map the values 0..9999 each alone but that is far far fetched.
Surely there is another way, but i can't think of it.
Any hint on a workaround would be very appreciated!

Well, if your number is in decimal, just extract the bits containing each digit and send them to your display multiplexor. The LSD is num[3:0], the MSD is num[15:12], etc.


Fastest algorithm to convert hexadecimal numbers into decimal form without using a fixed length variable to store the result

I want to write a program to convert hexadecimal numbers into their decimal forms without using a variable of fixed length to store the result because that would restrict the range of inputs that my program can work with.
Let's say I were to use a variable of type long long int to calculate, store and print the result. Doing so would limit the range of hexadecimal numbers that my program can handle to between 8000000000000001 and 7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. Anything outside this range would cause the variable to overflow.
I did write a program that calculates and stores the decimal result in a dynamically allocated string by performing carry and borrow operations but it runs much slower, even for numbers that are as big as 7FFFFFFFF!
Then I stumbled onto this site which could take numbers that are way outside the range of a 64 bit variable. I tried their converter with numbers much larger than 16^65 - 1 and still couldn't get it to overflow. It just kept on going and printing the result.
I figured that they must be using a much better algorithm for hex to decimal conversion, one that isn't limited to 64 bit values.
So far, Google's search results have only led me to algorithms that use some fixed-length variable for storing the result.
That's why I am here. I wanna know if such an algorithm exists and if it does, what is it?
Well, it sounds like you already did it when you wrote "a program that calculates and stores the decimal result in a dynamically allocated string by performing carry and borrow operations".
Converting from base 16 (hexadecimal) to base 10 means implementing multiplication and addition of numbers in a base 10x representation. Then for each hex digit d, you calculate result = result*16 + d. When you're done you have the same number in a 10-based representation that is easy to write out as a decimal string.
There could be any number of reasons why your string-based method was slow. If you provide it, I'm sure someone could comment.
The most important trick for making it reasonably fast, though, is to pick the right base to convert to and from. I would probably do the multiplication and addition in base 109, so that each digit will be as large as possible while still fitting into a 32-bit integer, and process 7 hex digits at a time, which is as many as I can while only multiplying by single digits.
For every 7 hex digts, I'd convert them to a number d, and then do result = result * ‭(16^7) + d.
Then I can get the 9 decimal digits for each resulting digit in base 109.
This process is pretty easy, since you only have to multiply by single digits. I'm sure there are faster, more complicated ways that recursively break the number into equal-sized pieces.

Make a previously unknown number of parallel operations. In VHDL

Im working on a project for which I need to make calculations with vectors (orthogonalizing a matrix using gram schmidt method). The length of this vectors is unknown now, the program must be able to adapt to different lengths. One of such calculations is calculating a new vector (C) which is the result of adding A and B. Each element of the vectors is a number in fixed-point.
I want C(i)=A(i)+B(i). For all the elements of the vector (for i=0 to N, where N is the vector length).
I can find 2 solutions for this but both present some problems:
1- I can declare in the entity, vectors whose length changes according to a generic and then just create a for loop which goes through all the vector.
for I in 0 to N loop
end loop;
The problem with this solution is that the execution would be sequential, and therefore slow. Im not completly sure about this and I dont know how to check it but I guess that the compiler is not smart enough to notice that it can be processed in parallel. In this application speed is a key factor.
2- I can declare vectors which are as long as the maximum possible length for the actual data and fill them with zeroes. Then I could just assign:
This is not an elegant solution and in this application N can be between 3 and 300 therefore it could be a complete waste and tedious to program.
3- I want to find a third solution which could be able to create a number (asigned by the generic) of combinational calculations following a template such as C(i)=A(i)+B(i). Is there any solution like this? It is actually creating a loop which would not be executed sequentially but instead all at the same time.
I know that similar stuff can be done using CUDA but this project is actually a comparison between GPUs and FPGAs, so changing the platform is not a suitable solution either.
Thank you in advance
Edit: I have tought of another unsatisfactory solution but I want to share it in case it is helpful for somebody else checking this in the future. Given that A and B have the same length, you can write them in a 1-D format, that is: A(normal)=[1001,1100,0011], A(1-D)=100111000011. The same would be done with B.
If you know before hand that the sum of any two possible numbers can be expressed with the same amount of bits, there will be no problems. So with 4 unsigned bits you should make sure that in any possible case the numbers in A or B are !>0111 (not higher than 0111). You could just write C(1-D)=A(1-D)+B(1-D) and then just asign C(0)=C(1-D)(3 downto 0), C(1)=C(1-D)(7 downto 4) etc.
If you cannot make sure that the numbers are not higher than 0111 (in the 4 bit case) it wont work.
You might be able to use the length attribute to create a loop depending on the size of your vector.
As mentioned in the comment to the question the loop should be unrolled as long as it is not synchronized to the clock.

Fixed Point Multiplication for FFT

I’m writing a Radix-2 DIT FFT algorithm in VHDL, which requires some fractional multiplication of input data by Twiddle Factor (TF). I use Fixed Point arithmetic’s to achieve that, with every word being 16 bit long, where 1 bit is a sign bit and the rest is distributed between integer and fraction. Therefore my dilemma:
I have no idea, in what range my input data will be, so if I just decide that 4 bits go to integer and the rest 11 bits to fraction, in case I get integer numbers higher than 4 bits = 15 decimal, I’m screwed. The same applies if I do 50/50, like 7 bits to integer and the rest to fraction. If I get numbers, which are very small, I’m screwed because of truncation or rounding, i.e:
Let’s assume I have an integer "3"(0000 0011) on input and TF of "0.7071" ( 0.10110101 - 8 bit), and let’s assume, for simplicity, my data is 8 bit long, therefore:
3x0.7071 = 2.1213
3x0.7071 = 0000 0010 . 0001 1111 = 2.12109375 (for 16 bits).
Here comes the trick - I need to up/down round or truncate 16 bits to 8 bits, therefore, I get 0000 0010, i.e 2 - the error is way too high.
My questions are:
How would you solve this problem of range vs precision if you don’t know the range of your input data AND you would have numbers represented in fixed point?
Should I make a process, which decides after every multiplication where to put the comma? Wouldn’t it make the multiplication slower?
Xilinx IP Core has 3 different ways for Fixed Number Arithmetic’s – Unscaled (similar to what I want to do, just truncate in case overflow happens), Scaled fixed point (I would assume, that in that case it decides after each multiplication, where the comma should be and what should be rounded) and Block Floating Point(No idea what it is or how it works - would appreciate an explanation). So how does this IP Core decide where to put the comma? If the decision is made depending on the highest value in my dataset, then in case I have just 1 high peak and the rest of the data is low, the error will be very high.
I will appreciate any ideas or information on any known methods.
You don't need to know the fixed-point format of your input. You can safely treat it as normalized -1 to 1 range or full integer-range.
The reason is that your output will have the same format as the input. Or, more likely for FFT, a known relationship like 3 bits increase, which would the output has 3 more integer bits than the input.
It is the core user's burden to know where the decimal point will end up, you have to document the change to dynamic range of course.

FPGA random LED blink ( 4 LED)

I am trying to create a vhdl code that will randomly blink four LEDs. After pushing a button that corresponds to the blinking led, a score will be displayed using 7 segment after 60 seconds.
Can anyone help me in generating random LED blink for the 4 LEDs?
Have a look at a Linear Feedback Shift Register. That'll give you a pseudo-random sequence of whatever length you want, and it's both effective and easy to implement in VHDL.
Depending on "how random" you need your sequence to be, you could for instance create a 16 bit long LFSR, and then use four arbitrarily selected bits from this to display (instead of using four consecutive bits, which might make the next value easier to guess, depending on the implementation).

Integer to Binary Conversion in Simulink

This might look a repetition to my earlier question. But I think its not.
I am looking for a technique to convert the signal in the Decimal format to binary format.
I intend to use the Simulink blocks in the Xilinx Library to convert decimal to binary format.
So if the input is 3, the expected output should in 11( 2 Clock Cycles). I am looking for the output to be obtained serially.
Please suggest me how to do it or any pointers in the internet would be helpful.
You are correct, what you need is the parallel to serial block from system generator.
It is described in this document:
This block is a rate changing block. Check the mentions of the parallel to serial block in these documents for further descriptions:
Use a normal constant block with a Matlab variable in it, this already gives the output in "normal" binary (assuming you set the properties on it to be unsigned and the binary point at 0.
Then you need to write a small serialiser block, which takes that input, latches it into a shift register and then shifts the register once per clock cycle with the bit that "falls off the end" becoming your output bit. Depending on which way your shift, you can make it come MSB first of LSB first.
You'll have to build the shift register out of ordinary registers and a mux before each one to select whether you are doing a parallel load or shifting. (This is the sort of thing which is a couple of lines of code in VHDL, but a right faff in graphics).
If you have to increase the serial rate, you need to clock it from a faster clock - you could use a DCM to generate this.
Matlab has a dec2bin function that will convert from a decimal number to a binary string. So, for example dec2bin(3) would return 11.
There's also a corresponding bin2dec which takes a binary string and converts to a decimal number, so that bin2dec('11') would return 3.
If you're wanting to convert a non-integer decimal number to a binary string, you'll first want to determine what's the smallest binary place you want to represent, and then do a little bit of pre- and post-processing, combined with dec2bin to get the results you're looking for. So, if the smallest binary place you want is the 1/512th place (or 2^-9), then you could do the following (where binPrecision equals 1/512):
function result = myDec2Bin(decNum, binPrecision)
isNegative=(decNum < 0);
scaledFracPart=round(fracPart / binPrecision);
if isNegative
The result of myDec2Bin(0.256, 1/512) would then be 0.010000011, and the result of myDec2Bin(-0.984, 1/512) would be -0.111111000. (Note that the output is a string.)
