How to Get the Array of data from json array using WEB API in mvc3? -

I have create web services using Web Api in mvc3,in this i want get the data from json. Json Result like this
{"order": {
"locationid": "1",
"deviceidentifier": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
"ordercontactname": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
"ordercontactphone": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
"ordercontactemail": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
"shipaddress1": "17 Brookfield",
"shipaddress2": "Suite 17",
"shipcity": "Irvine",
"shipstate": "CA",
"shipzipcode": "92604",
"shipphonenumber": "9493742114",
"shipemail": "",
"shipmethod": "pickup",
"billingphonenumber": "1234567891",
"billingemail": "",
"items": [
{"itemid":"1","quantity":"1","price":"2.5","notes":"make it spicy"},
for this i have create Poco class and i get Order data using poco class, but i can't get the items array data how can i get items data
Here is my code
public List<Message> PlaceOrder(PlaceOrder order)
// List<PlaceOrder> entities = (List<PlaceOrder>)JavaScriptConvert.DeserializeObject(json, typeof(List<PlaceOrder>));
int PayOrderID = 0;
List<Message> Result;
Result = new List<Message>();
Order objOrder = new Order();
PayHist objPayhis = new PayHist();
objOrder.LocationId = order.LocationId;
objOrder.DeviceIdentifier = order.DeviceIdentifier;
objOrder.OrderContactName = order.OrderContactName;
objOrder.OrderContactPhone = order.OrderContactPhone;
objOrder.OrderContactEmail = order.OrderContactEmail;
string guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
objOrder.ShipMethod = order.ShipMethod;
objOrder.ShippingDate = Convert.ToDateTime(order.PickupDate);
objOrder.OrderGuid = guid;
entities.AddObject("Orders", objOrder);
int orderId = objOrder.OrderId;
PayOrderID = orderId;
objPayhis.OrderId = orderId;
objPayhis.PayType = order.ShipMethod;
objPayhis.Amount = float.Parse(order.Amount);
entities.AddObject("PayHists", objPayhis);
JavaScriptSerializer ser = new JavaScriptSerializer();
// Order foo = ser.Deserialize<Order>(json);
Message objMessage = new Message();
objMessage.Messagevalue = "Sucess";
return Result;
Please help me..

Try this (you need to fix your Json by replacing the "=" signs by ":" signs" before):
[WebInvoke(Method = "POST", UriTemplate = "")]
public HttpResponseMessage Add(JsonValue json) {
JsonValue order = json["order"];
JsonArray items = (JsonArray) order["items"];
JsonValue item1 = items[0];
var notes1 = item1["notes"];
return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK);

Related Index Settings + Analyzer

i can use elasticsearch 2.3.0 version with C# (Nest)
i want to use the analysis with index,
but index settings doesn't change and i don't know why.
Here's my code:
private void button1_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
var conn = new Uri("http://localhost:9200");
var config = new ConnectionSettings(conn);
var client = new ElasticClient(config);
string server = cmb_Serv.Text.Trim();
if (server.Length > 0)
string ser = server;
string uid = util.getConfigValue("SetUid");
string pwd = util.getConfigValue("SetPwd");
string dbn = cmb_Db.Text;
string tbl = cmb_Tbl.Text;
setWorkDbConnection(ser, uid, pwd, dbn);
string query = util.getConfigValue("SelectMC");
query = query.Replace("###tbl###",tbl);
using (SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand())
using (SqlConnection con1 = new SqlConnection())
con1.ConnectionString = util.WorkConnectionString;
cmd1.CommandTimeout = 0; cmd1.Connection = con1;
cmd1.CommandText = query;
int id_num =0;
SqlDataReader reader = cmd1.ExecuteReader();
while (reader.Read())
{ id_num++;
Console.Write("\r" + id_num);
var mc = new mc
Id = id_num,
code = reader[0].ToString(),
mainclass = reader[1].ToString().Trim()
client.Index(mc, idx => idx.Index("mctest_ilhee"));
client.Alias(x => x.Add(a => a.Alias("mcAlias").Index("mctest_ilhee")));
client.Map<mc>(d => d
.Properties(props => props
.String(s => s
.Name(p => p.mainclass)
.Name(p2 => p2.code).Index(FieldIndexOption.Analyzed).Analyzer("whitespace"))));
} reader.Dispose();
IndexSettings Is = new IndexSettings();
Is.Analysis.Analyzers.Add("snowball", new SnowballAnalyzer());
Is.Analysis.Analyzers.Add("whitespace", new WhitespaceAnalyzer());
Well first of all you code is strange.
Why you are doing mapping in while? Do mapping only once.
Its impossible to help you because you are not even providing error you get. I would recomend to add simple debug method.
protected void ValidateResponse(IResponse response)
if (!response.IsValid ||
(response is IIndicesOperationResponse && !((IIndicesOperationResponse) response).Acknowledged))
var error = string.Format("Request to ES failed with error: {0} ", response.ServerError != null ? response.ServerError.Error : "Unknown");
var esRequest = string.Format("URL: {0}\n Method: {1}\n Request: {2}\n",
response.ConnectionStatus.Request != null
? Encoding.UTF8.GetString(response.ConnectionStatus.Request)
: string.Empty);
All requests such as client.Alias, client.Map returns status. So you can do
var result = client.Map<mc>(.....YOUR_CODE_HERE....)
Then you will see two things, propper error which ES return + request which NEST sends to ES

Connecting xamarin to woocommerce api

I'm trying to create my first app that will connect to a woocommerce api.
Has anyone any experience in this or can point me in the direction as to how to create a connection to pull in the product list?
Since WooCommerce has a REST API, it should be fairly simple to connect using a plain HTTP request, or a library like RestSharp.
There is also a C# client for WooCommerce - I don't know if it plays well with Xamarin, you might need to modify it a bit to get it to build.
var api = new WoocommerceApiClient(StoreUrl, ConsumerKey, ConsumerSecret);
var result = await api.Products.Get();
It's an old post but I had faced a similar issue. I had tries WoocommerceSharp with Xamarin Studio 6.1.1 (mac version); I opened the .sln file, added the missing reference to and it worked perfectly.
If you want make it work in PCL you have to use PCLCrypto in WoocommerceApiUrlGenerator.cs , here the updated version:
namespace SharpCommerce.Web
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using PCLCrypto;
internal class WoocommerceApiUrlGenerator
private const string SignatureMethod = "HMAC-SHA1";
private const string ApiV3RootEndpoint = "wc-api/v3/";
private readonly string baseURI;
private readonly string consumerKey;
private readonly string consumerSecret;
internal WoocommerceApiUrlGenerator(string storeUrl, string consumerKey, string consumerSecret)
if (
string.IsNullOrEmpty(consumerKey) ||
string.IsNullOrEmpty(consumerSecret) ||
throw new ArgumentException("ConsumerKey, consumerSecret and storeUrl are required");
this.consumerKey = consumerKey;
this.consumerSecret = consumerSecret;
// Need '' to be ''
this.baseURI = String.Format("{0}/{1}", storeUrl.TrimEnd('/'), ApiV3RootEndpoint);
internal string GenerateRequestUrl(HttpMethod httpMethod, string apiEndpoint, Dictionary<string, string> parameters = null)
parameters = parameters ?? new Dictionary<string, string>();
parameters["oauth_consumer_key"] = this.consumerKey;
// oauth_timestamp = number of seconds since 1/1/1970 00:00:00 GMT
// must be a positive integer
// must be greater than timestamp of previous requests
parameters["oauth_timestamp"] =
Math.Round(DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)).TotalSeconds).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
// oauth_nonce = a unique random string for the timestamp.
// defends against replay attacks
// service provide will know that this request has never been made before.
// Just going to hash the time stamp.
//parameters["oauth_nonce"] = GenerateNonce(parameters["oauth_timestamp"]);
// Create random 32 char alphnumeric to avoid reused nonces
parameters["oauth_nonce"] = GenerateNonce();
// Declare the hashing method your using
parameters["oauth_signature_method"] = SignatureMethod;
//parameters["oauth_version"] = "1.0";
parameters["oauth_signature"] = UpperCaseUrlEncode(this.GenerateSignature(httpMethod, apiEndpoint, parameters));
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var pair in parameters)
sb.AppendFormat("&{0}={1}", SafeUpperCaseUrlEncode(pair.Key), SafeUpperCaseUrlEncode(pair.Value));
// Substring removes first '&'
var queryString = sb.ToString().Substring(1);
var url = this.baseURI + apiEndpoint + "?" + queryString;
return url;
private string GenerateSignature(HttpMethod httpMethod, string apiEndpoint, Dictionary<string, string> parameters)
// 1) Set the HTTP method for the request.
// set through 'method'
//2) Set your base request URI – this is the full request URI without query string parameters – and URL encode according to RFC 3986:
// need ''
// to become: ''
var encodedBaseRequestURI = SafeUpperCaseUrlEncode(this.baseURI + apiEndpoint);
// 3) Collect and normalize your query string parameters
// percent(%) characters should be double-encoded (e.g. % becomes %25.
var normalizedParameters = NormalizeParameters(parameters);
// 4) Sort the parameters in byte-order
var orderedNormalizedParameters = normalizedParameters.OrderBy(x => x.Key).ToList();
// 5) Join each parameter with an encoded equals sign (%3D):
//var joinedOrderedNormalizedParameters = orderedNormalizedParameters.ConvertAll(x => x.Key + "%3D" + x.Value);
var joinedOrderedNormalizedParameters = new List<string>();
foreach (var x in orderedNormalizedParameters)
joinedOrderedNormalizedParameters.Add(x.Key + "%3D" + x.Value);
// 6) Join each parameter key/value pair with an encoded ampersand (%26):
var joinedParameterPairs = String.Join("%26", joinedOrderedNormalizedParameters);
// 7) Form the string to sign by joining the HTTP method, encoded base request URI, and encoded parameter string with an unencoded ampersand symbol (&):
var stringToSign = string.Format("{0}&{1}&{2}", httpMethod.ToString().ToUpper(), encodedBaseRequestURI, joinedParameterPairs);
// 8) Generate the signature using the string to key and your consumer secret key
var preparedStringToSign = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(stringToSign);
var secret = this.consumerSecret + "&";
var preparedConsumerKey = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(secret);
var signatureHash = Sha1(preparedConsumerKey, preparedStringToSign);
var signatureString = Convert.ToBase64String(signatureHash);
return signatureString;
private static byte[] Sha1(byte[] key, byte[] message)
var mac = WinRTCrypto.MacAlgorithmProvider.OpenAlgorithm(MacAlgorithm.HmacSha1);
//var keyMaterial = WinRTCrypto.CryptographicBuffer.ConvertStringToBinary(key, Encoding.UTF8);
var cryptoKey = mac.CreateKey(key);
var hash = WinRTCrypto.CryptographicEngine.Sign(cryptoKey, message);
return hash;
//return WinRTCrypto.CryptographicBuffer.CreateFromByteArraymessage);
private static Dictionary<string, string> NormalizeParameters(Dictionary<string, string> parameters)
var result = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (var pair in parameters)
var upperCaseUrlEncodedKey = SafeUpperCaseUrlEncode(pair.Key);
var normalizedKey = upperCaseUrlEncodedKey.Replace("%", "%25");
var upperCaseUrlEncodedValue = SafeUpperCaseUrlEncode(pair.Value);
var normalizedValue = upperCaseUrlEncodedValue.Replace("%", "%25");
result.Add(normalizedKey, normalizedValue);
return result;
private static string SafeUpperCaseUrlEncode(string stringToEncode)
return UpperCaseUrlEncode(System.Net.WebUtility.UrlDecode(stringToEncode));
private static string UpperCaseUrlEncode(string stringToEncode)
var basicUrlEncodedString = System.Net.WebUtility.UrlEncode(stringToEncode);
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(basicUrlEncodedString)) return String.Empty;
var upperCaseUrlEncodedString = Regex.Replace(
c => c.Value.ToUpper());
return upperCaseUrlEncodedString;
private static string GenerateNonce()
const string ValidChars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";
var random = new Random();
var nonceString = new StringBuilder();
for (var i = 0; i < 32; i++)
nonceString.Append(ValidChars[random.Next(0, ValidChars.Length - 1)]);
return nonceString.ToString();
and in WoocommerceApiDriver.cs you will have to replace
using (var client = new HttpClient())
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
return await client.GetStringAsync(url);
using (var client = new HttpClient()) // must use to avoid Android freezes after repeated calls
Task<HttpResponseMessage> r = client.GetAsync(url);
HttpResponseMessage m = r.Result;
return await m.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
Et voila ! ca marche ;)

Best way for store data into client

My Put method is as follows:
public void Post([FromBody]RavenUserView view)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
var request = new CreateUserRequest();
request.ID = view.ID;
request.Name = view.Name;
request.UserName = view.UserName;
request.Password = EncryptionDecryption.EncryptString(view.Password);//Encrypt The Password
request.Email = view.Email;
request.Phone = view.Phone;
request.Country = "x";
request.Note = "y";
request.IsActive = view.IsActive;
request.Creator = view.Creator;
request.CreationDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
request.ModificationDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
request.Remarks = "z";
var response = _facade.CreateUser(request);
SaveUserDetailsToCookie(response.RavenUser.ID, response.RavenUser.UserName, EncryptionDecryption.DecryptString(response.RavenUser.Password));//Cookie should be stored Decrypted Format
HttpContext.Current.Session[SessionDataKey.UserId.ToString()] = response.RavenUser.ID.ToString();
HttpContext.Current.Session[SessionDataKey.UserName.ToString()] = response.RavenUser.UserName;
But When I run my project and try to save my information then it throw me an exception "Object Reference is not set to the reference of an object"
I am using Web Api as my controller class.
After reading various documents I found that Api is stateless. Now how can I store my user information for further use.
public void Post([Bind(Include = "ID,Name,UserName,....")] CreateUserRequest request)
var response = _facade.CreateUser(request);
SaveUserDetailsToCookie(response.RavenUser.ID, response.RavenUser.UserName, EncryptionDecryption.DecryptString(response.RavenUser.Password));//Cookie should be stored Decrypted Format
HttpContext.Current.Session[SessionDataKey.UserId.ToString()] = response.RavenUser.ID.ToString();
HttpContext.Current.Session[SessionDataKey.UserName.ToString()] = response.RavenUser.UserName;

How can improve this Linq query expressions performance?

public bool SaveValidTicketNos(string id,string[] ticketNos, string checkType, string checkMan)
bool result = false;
List<Carstartlistticket>enties=new List<Carstartlistticket>();
using (var context = new MiniSysDataContext())
foreach (var ticketNo in ticketNos)
Orderticket temp = context.Orderticket.ByTicketNo(ticketNo).SingleOrDefault();
if (temp != null)
Ticketline ticketline= temp.Ticketline;
string currencyType = temp.CurrencyType;
float personAllowance=GetPersonCountAllowance(context,ticketline, currencyType);
Carstartlistticket carstartlistticket = new Carstartlistticket()
CsltId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
Carstartlist = new Carstartlist(){CslId = id},
LeaveDate = temp.LeaveDate,
OnPointName = temp.OnpointName,
OffPointName = temp.OffpointName,
OutTicketMan = temp.OutBy,
TicketNo = temp.TicketNo,
ChekMan = checkMan,
Type = string.IsNullOrEmpty(checkType)?(short?)null:Convert.ToInt16(checkType),
CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
CreatedBy = checkMan,
NumbserAllowance = personAllowance
bool changeStateResult=ChangeTicketState(context, ticketNos,checkMan);
result = true;
catch (Exception e)
return result;
My code is above. I doubt these code have terrible poor performance. The poor performance in the point
Orderticket temp = context.Orderticket.ByTicketNo(ticketNo).SingleOrDefault();
,actually, I got an string array through the method args,then I want to get all data by ticketNos from database, here i use a loop,I know if i write my code like that ,there will be cause performance problem and it will lead one more time database access,how can avoid this problem and improve the code performance,for example ,geting all data by only on databse access
I forget to tell you the ORM I use ,en ,the ORM is PlinqO based NHibernate
i am looking forward to having your every answer,thank you
using plain NHibernate
var tickets = session.QueryOver<OrderTicket>()
.WhereRestrictionOn(x => x.TicketNo).IsIn(ticketNos)
short? type = null;
short typeValue;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(checkType) && short.TryParse(checkType, out typeValue))
type = typeValue;
var entitiesToSave = tickets.Select(ticket => new Carstartlistticket
CsltId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
Carstartlist = new Carstartlist() { CslId = id },
LeaveDate = ticket.LeaveDate,
OnPointName = ticket.OnpointName,
OffPointName = ticket.OffpointName,
OutTicketMan = ticket.OutBy,
TicketNo = ticket.TicketNo,
ChekMan = checkMan,
CreatedOn = DateTime.Now,
CreatedBy = checkMan,
Type = type,
NumbserAllowance = GetPersonCountAllowance(context, ticket.Ticketline, ticket.CurrencyType)
foreach (var entity in entitiesToSave)
to enhance this further try to preload all needed PersonCountAllowances

syntax to return a number of results per page

I have this linq statement that returns result and i wanted to add the specifications of how many items are displayed per page. I know the default is 10 per page how can i change it to 40?
var _roster = DataCBase.StoredProcedures.GetUser<Users>(userID, r => new Users
Name = RosterColumnMap.Name(r),
Email = RosterColumnMap.Email(r)
Get User
public virtual IEnumerable<T> GetUser<T>(int userId, Func<IDataRecord, T> modelBinder, int resultsPerPage = 10, int pageNumber = 1)
if (userId < 1)
throw new NullReferenceException("The sectionId cannot be null, when retreiving an element");
if (resultsPerPage < 1)
resultsPerPage = 1; // enforce bare minimum result set
if (pageNumber < 1)
pageNumber = 1; // enforce one-based page numbering
SqlCommand _command = new SqlCommand("dbo.GetUser");
_command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
_command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "userId", SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int, Value = userId });
_command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "resultsPerPage", SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int, Value = resultsPerPage });
_command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "pageNumber", SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int, Value = pageNumber });
return DbInstance.ExecuteAs<T>(_command, modelBinder);
Neither Linq nor entity framework have any default number of records 'per page'. But since your GetUser function includes a resultsPerPage parameter, you can just do this:
var _roster = DataCBase.StoredProcedures.GetUser<Users>(userID, r => new Users
Name = RosterColumnMap.Name(r),
Email = RosterColumnMap.Email(r)
}, 40);
To limit the number of results in Linq use the the Enumerable.Take method:
var _roster = DataCBase.StoredProcedures.GetUser<Users>(userID, r => new Users
Name = RosterColumnMap.Name(r),
Email = RosterColumnMap.Email(r)
