How to set global number format in Oracle Apex 3.2.1 - oracle

I'm having trouble with the number formatting in Apex 3.2.1. NLS_TERRITORY is set to GERMANY, NLS_LANGUAGE to GERMAN. However, the default number formatting is wrong and I would like to fix/change it. I'm wondering why there is an application date format setting but no application number format setting. That would have been really helpful right now. So my question is: how can I set a new number format which will be applied everywhere in my application? Is it possible? If not, what would be the least painful way to to apply the new format mask. I'm mainly concerned with interactive reports. Additionally, if it were possible to change the default format mask for the territory in some configuration file, that would also be an option. Thanks for your input in advance.
My problem with the default format is that numbers like 0.34 are being displayed as ",34", but the correct output would be "0,34".

Okay, purely the display then. I don't think there is an easy way to do this for all your fields, but specifying a format mask on those fields, by using for example FM999G999G990D000.
That would be annoying for a lot of fields across the application though, i agree. It is even more annoying when only by specifying a format mask, items are recognised as being number fields. Maybe making a plugin, which is identical to a number field, but with a default format mask may do the trick.
Or query the apex views to find items, then update them (though you will need access to the 'internal' tables of apex, the wwv_* things).
select application_name, page_id, page_name, item_name, display_as, display_as_code, format_mask from apex_application_page_items where page_id = 6
Which you could then transform into an update...
I've nothing else to offer, so far i've always specified the format mask during development...


How to display timestamps in table

I need help. is there a setting to allow the display of timestamps in tables?
the database is part of my job however a senior analyst of mine queried the same code and his managed to show the timestamps next to the date, mine doesnt. he told me there is a setting and asked me to search on my own.
I am using Version of Oracle SQL Developer Build MAIN-20.64
Here is the table
Some GUI have their own settings for things like timestamp formats, and they ignore your NLS settings. (I find that quite annoying. Toad does that, among others.)
SQL Developer is good: it has such settings (you can hunt them down and use them), but you can also change them with standard SQL statements. What you need is something like
alter session set nls_timestamp_format = 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss.ff6';
(assuming you need six decimal places for the second, and the format model is the one you need). Use whatever format you require; but only fools (including, alas, Oracle itself!) use two-digit numbers for the year.
Something to pay attention to though: what is the data type of column created_dt? If it is date, for example, you will need to change nls_date_format (which doesn't take decimals for seconds); if it's timestamp with time zone then you will need to give a format including time zone elements, and you will need to change nls_timezone_tz_format.
You can also find these settings (and change them directly there - the valid formats are the same) in SQL Developer under
>> Tools >> Preferences >> Database >> NLS

Testing the formatting for different locales

How to set the Number columns to format the data based on the region of the client. Suppose if the request comes from USA user the number should be shown like - 1,000,000.99 and if the request comes from France, the number should be shown as - 1 000 000,00.
I am trying to achieve this functionality in the JDeveloper ADF 11g application. I have used on the number columns and set the locale to
Now I want to test this.
Is there a way to make the application pick up the locale from my computer's region settings. I have tried setting my laptop's region to France, but it seems like the JDeveloper is not picking it up. I am still seeing the format as USA number format
In the view tag change the locale attribute to test different locales

how to insert in to db when number is having digits greater than m for number(m,n) in oracle

in DB which i do not have privilege to alter.
a column has number(13,4) and how is it possible to insert 999999999999999999 whose length is more than 13 ? It is throwing exception. Is it possible to convert in to 1.23e3 format and does the db save this format?
no it is not possible because of the rules and limitations you mentioned yourself. The column has that formatting, you cannot change it so you cannot make it fit. period
No it is not possible to insert a number, which is greater than the specified precision and scale of the column.
You have to change the database.
If you don't have permissions to alter the table then simply ask someone who does; you have a valid "business" need to do so.
I would highly recommend not working out some way to "hack" around this limitation. Constraints such as this exist to enforce data quality. Though maybe misapplied in this situation, putting data in two different formats in the same column makes it immeasurably more difficult to retrieve data from the database. Hence why you should always store numbers as numbers etc.
No, unfortunately not. There is no way how to achieve this.

How to increase maximum size of csv field in Magento, where is this located

I have one field when importing that can contain large data, it seems that CSV has unofficial limitation of about 65000 (likely 65535*) character. as both libreoffice calc and magento truncating the data for that particular field. I have investigated well and I'm certain it is not because of a special character or quotes. the data pretty straight forward, the lines are similar in format to each other.
Question: How to increase that size? or at least where I should look to find it?
Note: I counted in libreoffice writer and it was about 65040. but probably with carriage return characters it could reach 65535
I change:
1) in table catalog_category_entity_text
type of field "value" from "text" to "longtext"
2) in file app/code/core/Mage/ImportExport/Model/Import/Entity/Abstract.php
const DB_MAX_TEXT_LENGTH = 65536;
const DB_MAX_TEXT_LENGTH = 16777215;
and all OK
You are right, there is a limitation in Magento, because it sets texts fields as TEXT in MySQL database and, according to MySQL docs, this kind of field supports a maximum of 65535 chars.
So you could change the column type in your Magento database to use MEDIUMTEXT. I guess the correct place is in the catalog_product_entity_text table, where you should modify the 'value' field type to match your needs. But please, keep in mind this is dangerous. Make a full backup before trying. And you may even need to play with core files... not recommended!
I'm having the same issue with 8 products from a list of more than 400, and I think I'm not going to mess with Magento core and database, we can reduce the description strings for those few products.
The CSV could care less. Due to Microsoft Access allowing Memo fields which can contain quite a bit of data, I've exported 2-3k descriptions in CSV format to be imported into Magento quite successfully.
Your limitation is either because you are using a spreadsheet that has a cell limitation or export limitation on cells or because the field you are trying to import into has a maximum character limitation set in its table for that field.
You can determine the latter by using phpMyAdmin to see what the maximum character setting is for that field.

Enterprise Architect Oracle long field column properties

I have a little problem with Enterprise Architect by Sparx System.
Im trying to model database schema for Oracle. I created table with primary key with data type long. But when im trying to modify column properties (set AutoNum = true) I see empty properties. I read documentation of EA and saw that I need to setup this property to generate sequence syntax.
When I change data type to number, or switch database to mysql (for example) everything is alright, there are properties so Im able to modify AutoNum value.
Did you had similar problem and found solution ? or maybe im doing something wrong.
It's becouse Oracle use sequence instead of autoincrement option. I've checked it and I think you have to use NUMBER column type and then set AutoNum property (you have to select Generate Sequences in options to get proper DDL code too). Instead of LONG data type you can set PRECISION and SCALE options on NUMBER type ie NUMBER(8) mean you can have 8 digits number and it can be set up to 38, so if you don't want to store info about every star in the universe will be enought for your scenario :)
