Automatically open a file as binary with Ruby - ruby

I'm using Ruby 1.9 to open several files and copy them into an archive. Now there are some binary files, but some are not. Since Ruby 1.9 does not open binary files automatically as binaries, is there a way to open them automatically anyway? (So ".class" would be binary, ".txt" not)

Actually, the previous answer by Alex D is incomplete. While it's true that there is no "text" mode in Unix file systems, Ruby does make a difference between opening files in binary and non-binary mode:
s ='/tmp/test.jpg', 'r') { |io| }
=> #<Encoding:UTF-8>
is different from (note the "rb")
s ='/tmp/test.jpg', 'rb') { |io| }
=> #<Encoding:ASCII-8BIT>
The latter, as the docs say, set the external encoding to ASCII-8BIT which tells Ruby to not attempt to interpret the result at UTF-8. You can achieve the same thing by setting the encoding explicitly with s.force_encoding('ASCII-8BIT'). This is key if you want to read binary into a string and move them around (e.g. saving them to a database, etc.).

Since Ruby 1.9.1 there is a separate method for binary reading (IO.binread) and since 1.9.3 there is one for writing (IO.binwrite) as well:
For reading:
content = IO.binread(file)
For writing:
IO.binwrite(file, content)
Since IO is the parent class of File, you could also do the following which is probably more expressive:
content = File.binread(file)
File.binwrite(file, content)

On Unix-like platforms, there is no difference between opening files in "binary" and "text" modes. On Windows, "text" mode converts line breaks to DOS style, and "binary" mode does not.
Unless you need linebreak conversion on Windows platforms, just open all the files in "binary" mode. There is no harm in reading a text file in "binary" mode.
If you really want to distinguish, you will have to match File.extname(filename) against a list of known extensions like ".txt" and ".class".


Encoding problems with ruby while reading in command line arguments with optparse

I'm writing a small programm in ruby, which essentially changes some files within a zip-file. The zip-file is specified as a parameter on the command line and interpreted via the OptionParser.
The problem is, that when specifiying a file, which contains non-ascii characters, the file cannot be opened, saying that it could not be found. This problem occurs using cmd.exe under Windows.
Here is a minimal example:
# example.rb
require "zip"
require "optparse"
zip_file_name =
# read and interprete command line arguments: do |opts|
opts.on("-f", "--file FILE", String, "The zip-file, which will be modified") do |f|
zip_file_name = f
# Open the zip file: do |zipfile|
If you create a zip-file and run example.rb -f everything is okay (it does finish without errors). Doing the same with a zip-file tä gives me an error. I tried doing zip_file_name.encode!(Encoding::UTF_8), but this didn't solve the problem.
It seems to be an encoding problem (the encoding of zip_file_name is cp850) but the transcoding does not seem to work correctly.
So my question would be: How can I change my program to also allow non-ascii characters for specifying files on the command line?
Adding zip_file_name.force_encoding(Encoding::Windows_1252) before opening the file solves the issue (on Western Europe Windows).
Apparently, the CP850 file names encoding is a wrong assumption from Ruby. On my Windows system, it seems that filenames are encoded in Windows_1252 (a custom version of Latin1 or ISO 8859-1).

Copy yaml formatting (indent) from one file to another

A translator completely messed up a yaml file by copying everything into word (don't ask).
I have already cleaned up the file using regexes, but the indent (spacing) is now missing; everything starts at the first character:
thank_you_html: "thank you text"
instead of
thank_you_html: "thank you text"
Do you have a good idea on how to automatically copy the format/structure/indent from the correct file (say en.yml) to the corrupt one (say es.yml)? (I'm using textmate 2.0 as editor)
Assuming the original and the translation contain exactly the same strings per line (except for the indentation problem), a quick&dirty script scanning the leading whitespace may solve this:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# encoding: UTF-8
indented = File.readlines(ARGV[0]).map do |l|
l.scan(/^\s+/)[0][1])).map { |e| e.join }.join[1], "w") { |io| io.write(indented) }
Save it, make it executable and call
./script_name.rb en.yml es.yml
Wouldn't mess with Textmate if this is not a regular task, but you could easily transform this to a command and either prompt for the two files via a dialog or select both in the file browser, open one of them in the current tab and differentiate them via environment variables ($TM_FILEPATH, $TM_SELECTED_FILES)

ruby 1.9 wrong file encoding on windows

I have a ruby file with these contents:
# encoding: iso-8859-1'foo.txt', "w:iso-8859-1") {|f| f << 'fòo'}
When I run it from windows command prompt ruby 1.9.3 I get: IBM437
When I run it from cygwin ruby 1.9.3 I get: UTF-8
What I expect to get is: iso-8859-1
Can someone explain what's happening here?
Here's a better description of what I'm looking for:
I understand now thanks to Darshan that by default ruby will load files in
Encoding.default _external, but shouldn't the # encoding: iso-8859-1
line override that?
Should ruby be able to auto-detect a file's encoding? Is there any
filesystem where the encoding is an attribute?
What is my best option to 'remember' the encoding I saved the file
You're not specifying the encoding when you read the file. You're being very careful to specify it everywhere except there, but then you're reading it with the default encoding.'foo.txt', "w:iso-8859-1") {|f| f << 'fòo'.force_encoding('iso-8859-1')}'foo.txt', "r:iso-8859-1") {|f| puts }
# => ISO-8859-1
Also note that you probably mean 'fòo'.encode('iso-8859-1') rather than 'fòo'.force_encoding('iso-8859-1'). The latter leaves the bytes unchanged, while the former transcodes the string.
Update: I'll elaborate a bit since I wasn't as clear or thorough as I could have been.
If you don't specify an encoding with, the file will be read with Encoding.default_external. Since you're not setting that yourself, Ruby is using a value depending on the environment it's run in. In your Windows environment, it's IBM437; in your Cygwin environment, it's UTF-8. So my point above was that of course that's what the encoding is; it has to be, and it has nothing to do with what bytes are contained in the file. Ruby doesn't auto-detect encodings for you.
force_encoding() doesn't change the bytes in a string, it only changes the Encoding attached to those bytes. If you tell Ruby "pretend this string is ISO-8859-1", then it won't transcode them when you tell it "please write this string as ISO-8859-1". encode() transcodes for you, as does writing to the file if you don't trick it into not doing so.
Putting those together, if you have a source file in ISO-8859-1:
# encoding: iso-8859-1
# Write in ISO-8859-1 regardless of default_external'foo.txt', "w:iso-8859-1") {|f| f << 'fòo'}
# Read in ISO-8859-1 regardless of default_external,
# transcoding if necessary to default_internal, if set'foo.txt', "r:iso-8859-1") {|f| puts } # => ISO-8859-1
puts'foo.txt').encoding # -> Whatever is specified by default_external
If you have a source file in UTF-8:
# encoding: utf-8
# Write in ISO-8859-1 regardless of default_external, transcoding from UTF-8'foo.txt', "w:iso-8859-1") {|f| f << 'fòo'}
# Read in ISO-8859-1 regardless of default_external,
# transcoding if necessary to default_internal, if set'foo.txt', "r:iso-8859-1") {|f| puts } # => ISO-8859-1
puts'foo.txt').encoding # -> Whatever is specified by default_external
Update 2, to answer your new questions:
No, the # encoding: iso-8859-1 line does not change Encoding.default_external, it only tells Ruby that the source file itself is encoded in ISO-8859-1. Simply add
Encoding.default_external = "iso-8859-1"
if you expect all files that your read to be stored in that encoding.
No, I don't personally think Ruby should auto-detect encodings, but reasonable people can disagree on that one, and a discussion of "should it be so" seems off-topic here.
Personally, I use UTF-8 for everything, and in the rare circumstances that I can't control encoding, I manually set the encoding when I read the file, as demonstrated above. My source files are always in UTF-8. If you're dealing with files that you can't control and don't know the encoding of, the charguess gem or similar would be useful.

Does Ruby auto-detect a file's codepage?

If a save a text file with the following character б U+0431, but save it as an ANSI code page file.
Ruby returns ord = 63. Saving the file with UTF-8 as the codepage returns ord = 208, 177
Should I be specifically telling Ruby to handle the input encoded with a certain code page? If so, how do you do this?
Is that in ruby source code or in a file which is read with If it's in the ruby source code, you can (in ruby 1.9) add this to the top of the file:
# encoding: utf-8
Or you could specify most other encodings (like iso-8859-1).
If you are reading a file with, you could do something like this:"file.txt", "r:utf-8") {|f| ... }
As with the encoding comment, you can pass in different types of encodings here too.

Read binary file as string in Ruby

I need an easy way to take a tar file and convert it into a string (and vice versa). Is there a way to do this in Ruby? My best attempt was this:
file ="path-to-file.tar.gz")
contents = ""
file.each {|line|
contents << line
I thought that would be enough to convert it to a string, but then when I try to write it back out like this...
newFile ="test.tar.gz", "w")
It isn't the same file. Doing ls -l shows the files are of different sizes, although they are pretty close (and opening the file reveals most of the contents intact). Is there a small mistake I'm making or an entirely different (but workable) way to accomplish this?
First, you should open the file as a binary file. Then you can read the entire file in, in one command.
file ="path-to-file.tar.gz", "rb")
contents =
That will get you the entire file in a string.
After that, you probably want to file.close. If you don’t do that, file won’t be closed until it is garbage-collected, so it would be a slight waste of system resources while it is open.
If you need binary mode, you'll need to do it the hard way:
s =, 'rb') { |f| }
If not, shorter and sweeter is:
s =
To avoid leaving the file open, it is best to pass a block to This way, the file will be closed after the block executes.
contents ='path-to-file.tar.gz', 'rb') { |f| }
how about some open/close safety.
string ='file.txt', 'rb') { |file| }
Ruby have binary reading
data = IO.binread(path/filaname)
or if less than Ruby 1.9.2
data =
on os x these are the same for me... could this maybe be extra "\r" in windows?
in any case you may be better of with:
contents ="e.tgz")
newFile ="ee.tgz", "w")
You can probably encode the tar file in Base64. Base 64 will give you a pure ASCII representation of the file that you can store in a plain text file. Then you can retrieve the tar file by decoding the text back.
You do something like:
require 'base64'
file_contents = Base64.encode64(tar_file_data)
Have look at the Base64 Rubydocs to get a better idea.
Ruby 1.9+ has IO.binread (see #bardzo's answer) and also supports passing the encoding as an option to
Ruby 1.9
data =, {:encoding => 'BINARY'})
Ruby 2+
data =, encoding: 'BINARY')
(Note in both cases that 'BINARY' is an alias for 'ASCII-8BIT'.)
If you can encode the tar file by Base64 (and storing it in a plain text file) you can use"my_tar.txt").each {|line| puts line}
or"name_file.txt", "r").each {|line| puts line}
to print each (text) line in the cmd.
