Randomly sampling unique subsets of an array - ruby

If I have an array:
a = [1,2,3]
How do I randomly select subsets of the array, such that the elements of each subset are unique? That is, for a the possible subsets would be:
I can't generate all of the possible subsets as the real size of a is very big so there are many, many subsets. At the moment, I am using a 'random walk' idea - for each element of a, I 'flip a coin' and include it if the coin comes up heads - but I am not sure if this actually uniformly samples the space. It feels like it biases towards the middle, but this might just be my mind doing pattern-matching, as there will be more middle sized possiblities.
Am I using the right approach, or how should I be randomly sampling?
(I am aware that this is more of a language agnostic and 'mathsy' question, but I felt it wasn't really Mathoverflow material - I just need a practical answer.)

Just go ahead with your original "coin flipping" idea. It uniformly samples the space of possibilities.
It feels to you like it's biased towards the "middle", but that's because the number of possibilities is largest in the "middle". Think about it: there is only 1 possibility with no elements, and only 1 with all elements. There are N possibilities with 1 element, and N possibilities with (N-1) elements. As the number of elements chosen gets closer to (N/2), the number of possibilities grows very quickly.

You could generate random numbers, convert them to binary and choose the elements from your original array where the bits were 1. Here is an implementation of this as a monkey-patch for the Array class:
class Array
def random_subset(n=1)
raise ArgumentError, "negative argument" if n < 0
(1..n).map do
r = rand(2**self.size)
self.select.with_index { |el, i| r[i] == 1 }
#=> [[3, 6, 9], [4, 5, 7, 8, 10], [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9]]
Generally this doesn't perform so bad, it's O(n*m) where n is the number of subsets you want and m is the length of the array.

I think the coin flipping is fine.
ar = ('a'..'j').to_a
p ar.select{ rand(2) == 0 }
An array with 10 elements has 2**10 possible combinations (including [ ] and all 10 elements) which is nothing more then 10 times (1 or 0). It does output more arrays of four, five and six elements, because there are a lot more of those in the powerset.

A way to select a random element from the power set is the following:
my_array = ('a'..'z').to_a
power_set_size = 2 ** my_array.length
random_subset = rand(power_set_size)
subset = []
random_subset.to_i(2).chars.each_with_index do |bit, corresponding_element|
subset << my_array[corresponding_element] if bit == "1"
This makes use of strings functions instead than working with real "bits" and bitwise operations just for my convenience. You can turn it into a faster (I guess) algorithm by using real bits.
What it does, is to encode the powerset of array as an integer between 0 and 2 ** array.length and then picks one of those integers at random (uniformly random, indeed). Then it decodes back the integer into a particular subset of array using a bitmask (1 = the element is in the subset, 0 = it is not).
In this way you have an uniform distribution over the power set of your array.

a.select {|element| rand(2) == 0 }
For each element, a coin is flipped. If heads ( == 0), then it is selected.


Daily Coding Problem 316 : Coin Change Problem - determination of denomination?

I'm going through the Daily Coding Problems and am currently stuck in one of the problems. It goes by:
You are given an array of length N, where each element i represents
the number of ways we can produce i units of change. For example, [1,
0, 1, 1, 2] would indicate that there is only one way to make 0, 2, or
3 units, and two ways of making 4 units.
Given such an array, determine the denominations that must be in use.
In the case above, for example, there must be coins with values 2, 3,
and 4.
I'm unable to figure out how to determine the denomination from the total number of ways array. Can you work it out?
Somebody already worked out this problem here, but it's devoid of any explanation.
From what I could gather is that he collects all the elements whose value(number of ways == 1) and appends it to his answer, but I think it doesn't consider the fact that the same number can be formed from a combination of lower denominations for which still the number of ways would come out to be 1 irrespective of the denomination's presence.
For example, in the case of arr = [1, 1, a, b, c, 1]. We know that denomination 1 exists since arr[1] = 1. Now we can also see that arr[5] = 1, this should not necessarily mean that denomination 5 is available since 5 can be formed using coins of denomination 1, i.e. (1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1).
Thanks in advance!
If you're solving the coin change problem, the best technique is to maintain an array of ways of making change with a partial set of the available denominations, and add in a new denomination d by updating the array like this:
for i = d upto N
a[i] += a[i-d]
Your actual problem is the reverse of this: finding denominations based on the total number of ways. Note that if you know one d, you can remove it from the ways array by reversing the above procedure:
for i = N downto d
a[i] -= a[i-d]
You can find the lowest denomination available by looking for the first 1 in the array (other than the value at index 0, which is always 1). Then, once you've found the lowest denomination, you can remove its effect on the ways array, and repeat until the array is zeroed (except for the first value).
Here's a full solution in Python:
def rways(A):
dens = []
for i in range(1, len(A)):
if not A[i]: continue
for j in range(len(A)-1, i-1, -1):
A[j] -= A[j-i]
return dens
print(rways([1, 0, 1, 1, 2]))
You might want to add error-checking: if you find a non-zero value that's not 1 when searching for the next denomination, then the original array isn't valid.
For reference and comparison, here's some code for computing the ways of making change from a set of denominations:
def ways(dens, N):
A = [1] + [0] * N
for d in dens:
for i in range(d, N+1):
A[i] += A[i-d]
return A
print(ways([2, 3, 4], 4))

How do I solve this question about Pigeonhole Principle (Discrete Mathematics)?

I am not understanding the following question. I mean I want to know the sample input output for this problem question: "The pigeonhole principle states that if a function f has n distinct inputs but less than n distinct outputs,then there exist two inputs a and b such that a!=b and f(a)=f(b). Present an algorithm to find a and b such that f(a)=f(b). Assume that the function inputs are 1,2,......,and n.?"
I am unable to solve this problem as I am not understanding the question clearly. looking for your help.
The pigeonhole principle says that if you have more items than boxes, at least one of the boxes must have multiple items in it.
If you want to find which items a != b have the property f(a) == f(b), a straightforward approach is to use a hashmap data structure. Use the function value f(x) as key to store the item value x. Iterate through the items, x=1,...,n. If there is no entry at f(x), store x. If there is, the current value of x and the value stored at f(x) are a pair of the type you're seeking.
In pseudocode:
h = {} # initialize an empty hashmap
for x in 1,...,n
if h[f(x)] is empty
h[f(x)] <- x # store x in the hashmap indexed by f(x)
(x, h[f(x)]) qualify as a match # do what you want with them
If you want to identify all pigeons who have roommates, initialize the hashmap with empty sets. Then iterate through the values and append the current value x to the set indexed by f(x). Finally, iterate through the hashmap and pick out all sets with more than one element.
Since you didn't specify a language, for the fun of it I decided to implement the latter algorithm in Ruby:
N = 10 # number of pigeons
# Create an array of value/function pairs.
# Using N-1 for range of rand guarantees at least one duplicate random
# number, and with the nature of randomness, quite likely more.
value_and_f = Array.new(N) { |index| [index, rand(N-1)]}
h = {} # new hash
puts "Value/function pairs..."
p value_and_f # print the value/function pairs
value_and_f.each do |x, key|
h[key] = [] unless h[key] # create an array if none exists for this key
h[key] << x # append the x to the array associated with this key
puts "\nConfirm which values share function mapping"
h.keys.each { |key| p h[key] if h[key].length > 1 }
Which produces the following output, for example:
Value/function pairs...
[[0, 0], [1, 3], [2, 1], [3, 6], [4, 7], [5, 4], [6, 0], [7, 1], [8, 0], [9, 3]]
Confirm which values share function mapping
[0, 6, 8]
[1, 9]
[2, 7]
Since this implementation uses randomness, it will produce different results each time you run it.
Well let's go step by step.
I have 2 boxes. My father gave me 3 chocolates....
And I want to put those chocolates in 2 boxes. For our benefit let's name the chocolate a,b,c.
So how many ways we can put them?
And you see something strange? There is atleast one box with more than 1 chocolate.
So what do you think?
You can try this with any number of boxes and chocolates ( more than number of boxes) and try this. You will see that it's right.
Well let's make it more easy:
I have 5 friends 3 rooms. We are having a party. And now let's see what happens. (All my friends will sit in any of the room)
I am claiming that there will be atleast one room where there will be more than 1 friend.
My friends are quite mischievious and knowing this they tried to prove me wrong.
Friend-1 selects room-1.
Friend-2 thinks why room-1? Then I will be correct so he selects room-2
Friend-3 also thinks same...he avoids 1 and 2 room and get into room-3
Friend-4 now comes and he understands that there is no other empty room and so he has to enter some room. And thus I become correct.
So you understand the situation?
There n friends (funtions) but unfortunately or (fortunately) their rooms (output values) are less than n. So ofcourse one of the there exists 2 friend of mine a and b who shares the same room.( same value f(a)=f(b))
Continuing what https://stackoverflow.com/a/42254627/7256243 said.
Lets say that you map an array A of length N to an array B with length N-1.
Than the result could be an array B; were for 1 index you would have 2 elements.
A = {1,2,3,4,5,6}
map A -> B
Were a possible solution could be.
B= {1,2,{3,4},5,6}
The mapping of A -> could be done in any number of ways.
Here in this example both input index of 3 and 4 in Array A have the same index in array B.
I hope this usefull.

Dividing an array into equally weighted subarrays

Algorithm question here.
I have an unordered array containing product weights, e.g. [3, 2, 5, 5, 8] which need to be divided up into smaller arrays.
REQUIRED: Should return 1 or more arrays.
REQUIRED: No array should sum to more than 12.
REQUIRED: Return minimum possible number of arrays, ex. total weight of example above is 23, which can fit into two arrays.
IDEALLY: Arrays should be weighted as evenly as possible.
In the example above, the ideal return would be [ [3, 8], [2, 5, 5] ]
My current thoughts:
Number of arrays to return will be (sum(input_array) / 12).ceil
A greedy algorithm could work well enough?
This is a combination of the bin packing problem and multiprocessor scheduling problem. Both are NP-hard.
Your three requirements constitute the bin packing problem: find the minimal number of bins of a fixed size (12) that fit all the numbers.
Once you solve that, you have the multiprocessor scheduling problem: given a fixed number of bins, what is the most even way to distribute the numbers among them.
There are number of well-known approximate algorithms for both problems.
How about something with an entirely different take on it. Something really simple. Like this, which is based on common horse sense:
module Splitter
def self.split(values, max_length = 12)
# if the sum of all values is lower than the max_length there
# is no point in continuing
return values unless self.sum(values) > max_length
optimized = []
current = []
# start off by ordering the values. perhaps it's a good idea
# to start off with the smallest values first; this will result
# in gathering as much values as possible in the first array. This
# in order to conform to the rule "Should return minimum possible
# number of arrays"
ordered_values = values.sort
ordered_values.each do |v|
if self.sum(current) + v > max_length
# finish up the current iteration if we've got an optimized pair
# reset for the next iteration
current = []
# push the last iteration
return optimized
# calculates the sum of a collection of numbers
def self.sum(numbers)
if numbers.empty?
return 0
return numbers.inject{|sum,x| sum + x }
Which can be used like so:
product_weights = [3, 2, 5, 5, 8]
p Splitter.split(product_weights)
The output will be:
[[2, 3, 5], [5], [8]]
Now, as said before, this is a really simple sample. And I've excluded the validations for empty or non-numeric values in the array for brevity. But it does seem to conform to your primary requirements:
Splitting the (expected: all numeric) values into arrays
With a ceiling per array, defaulting in the sample to 12
Return minimum amount of arrays by collection the smallest numbers first EDIT: after the edit from the comments, this indeed doesn't work
I do have some doubts regarding the comment on "returning minimum possible number of arrays, and balance the weights throughout those as evenly as possible". I'm sure someone else will come up with an implementation of a better and math-proven algorithm that conforms to that requirement, but perhaps this is at least a suitable example for the discussion?

Picking a random option, where each option has a different probability of being picked

Suppose that you are given three "options", A, B and C.
Your algorithm must pick and return a random one. For this, it is pretty simple to just put them in an array {A,B,C} and generate a random number (0, 1 or 2) which will be the index of the element in the array to be returned.
Now, there is a variation to this algorithm: Suppose that A has a 40% chance of being picked, B a 20%, and C a 40%. If that was the case, you could have a similar approach: generate an array {A,A,B,C,C} and have a random number (0, 1, 2, 3, 4) to pick the element to be returned.
That works. However, I feel that it is very inefficient. Imagine using this algorithm for a large amount of options. You would be creating a somewhat big array, maybe with 100 elements representing a 1% each. Now, that's still not quite big, but supposing that your algorithm is used many times per second, this could be troublesome.
I've considered making a class called Slot, which has two properties: .value and .size. One slot is created for each option, where the .value property is the value of the option, and the .size one is the equivalent to the amount of occurrences of such option in the array. Then generate a random number from 0 to the total amount of occurrences and check on what slot did the number fall on.
I'm more concerned about the algorithm, but here is my Ruby attempt on this:
class Slot
attr_accessor :value
attr_accessor :size
def initialize(value,size)
#value = value
#size = size
def picker(options)
slots = []
totalSize = 0
options.each do |value,size|
slots << Slot.new(value,size)
totalSize += size
pick = rand(totalSize)
currentStack = 0
slots.each do |slot|
if (pick <= currentStack + slot.size)
return slot.value
currentStack += slot.size
return nil
50.times do
print picker({"A" => 40, "B" => 20, "C" => 40})
Which outputs:
Is there a more efficient way to implement an algorithm that picks a random option, where each option has a different probability of being picked?
The simplest way is probably to write a case statement:
def get_random()
case rand(100) + 1
when 1..50 then 'A'
when 50..75 then 'B'
when 75..100 then 'C'
The problem with that is that you cannot pass any options, so you can write a function like this if you want it to be able to take options. The one below is very much like the one you wrote, but a bit shorter:
def picker(options)
current, max = 0, options.values.inject(:+)
random_value = rand(max) + 1
options.each do |key,val|
current += val
return key if random_value <= current
# A with 25% prob, B with 75%.
50.times do
print picker({"A" => 1, "B" => 3})
# If you add upp to 100, the number represent percentage.
50.times do
print picker({"A" => 40, "T" => 30, "C" => 20, "G" => 10})
As a first approximation to a more efficient algorithm, if you compute the cumulative distribution function (which is just one pass over the distribution function, computing a running sum), then you can find the position of the randomly chosen integer using a binary search instead of a linear search. This will help if you have a lot of options, since it reduces the search time from O(#options) to O(log #options).
There is an O(1) solution, though. Here's the basic outline.
Let's say we have N options, 1...N, with weights ω1...ωN, where all of the ω values are at least 0. For simplicity, we scale the weights so their mean is 1, or in other words, their sum is N. (We just multiply them by N/Σω. We don't actually have to do this, but it makes the next couple of paragraphs easier to type without MathJax.)
Now, create a vector of N elements, where each element has a two option identifiers (lo and hi) and a cutoff p. The option identifiers are just integers 1...N, and p will be computed as a real number in the range (0, 1.0) inclusive.
We proceed to fill in the vector as follows. For each element i in turn:
If some ωj is exactly 1.0, then we set:
loi = j
hii = j
pi = 1.0
And we remove ωj from the list of weights.
Otherwise, there must be some ωj < 1.0 and some ωk > 1.0. (That's because the average weight is 1.0, and none of them have the average value. Some some of them must have less and some of them more, because it is impossible for all elements to be greater than the average or all elements to be less than the average.) Now, we set:
loi = j
hii = k
pi = ωj
ωk = ωk - (1 - ωj)
And once again, we remove ωj from the weights.
Note that in both cases, we have removed one weight, and we have reduced the sum of the weights by 1.0. So the average weight is still 1.0.
We continue in this fashion until the entire vector is filled. (The last element will have p = 1.0).
Given this vector, we can select a weighted random option as follows:
Generate a random integer i in the range 1...N and a random floating point value r in the range (0, 1.0]. If r < pi then we select option loi; otherwise, we select option hii.
It should be clear why this works from the construction of the vector. The weights of each above-average-weight option are distributed amongst the various vector elements, while each below-average-weight option is assigned to one part of some vector element with a corresponding probability of selection.
In a real implementation, we would map the range of weights onto integer values, and make the total weights close to the maximum integer (it has to be a multiple of N, so there will be some slosh.) We can then select a slot and select the weight inside the slot from a single random integer. In fact, we can modify the algorithm to avoid the division by forcing the number of slots to be a power of 2 by adding some 0-weighted options. Because the integer arithmetic will not work out perfectly, a bit of fiddling around will be necessary, but the end result can be made to be statistically correct, modulo the characteristics of the PRNG being used, and it will execute almost as fast as a simple unweighted selection of N options (one shift and a couple of comparisons extra), at the cost of a vector occupying less than 6N storage elements (counting the possibility of having to almost double the number of slots).
While this is not a direct answer I will show you a source for help you outline this problem: http://www.av8n.com/physics/arbitrary-probability.htm.
Just found a nice source in ruby for that, pickup gem.
require 'pickup'
headings = {
A: 40,
B: 20,
C: 40,
pickup = Pickup.new(headings)
#=> A
#=> B
#=> A
#=> C
#=> C

Compute rank of a combination?

I want to pre-compute some values for each combination in a set of combinations. For example, when choosing 3 numbers from 0 to 12, I'll compute some value for each one:
>>> for n in choose(range(13), 3):
print n, foo(n)
(0, 1, 2) 78
(0, 1, 3) 4
(0, 1, 4) 64
(0, 1, 5) 33
(0, 1, 6) 20
(0, 1, 7) 64
(0, 1, 8) 13
(0, 1, 9) 24
(0, 1, 10) 85
(0, 1, 11) 13
I want to store these values in an array so that given the combination, I can compute its and get the value. For example:
>>> a = [78, 4, 64, 33]
>>> a[magic((0,1,2))]
What would magic be?
Initially I thought to just store it as a 3-d matrix of size 13 x 13 x 13, so I can easily index it that way. While this is fine for 13 choose 3, this would have way too much overhead for something like 13 choose 7.
I don't want to use a dict because eventually this code will be in C, and an array would be much more efficient anyway.
UPDATE: I also have a similar problem, but using combinations with repetitions, so any answers on how to get the rank of those would be much appreciated =).
UPDATE: To make it clear, I'm trying to conserve space. Each of these combinations actually indexes into something take up a lot of space, let's say 2 kilobytes. If I were to use a 13x13x13 array, that would be 4 megabytes, of which I only need 572 kilobytes using (13 choose 3) spots.
Here is a conceptual answer and a code based on how lex ordering works. (So I guess my answer is like that of "moron", except that I think that he has too few details and his links have too many.) I wrote a function unchoose(n,S) for you that works assuming that S is an ordered list subset of range(n). The idea: Either S contains 0 or it does not. If it does, remove 0 and compute the index for the remaining subset. If it does not, then it comes after the binomial(n-1,k-1) subsets that do contain 0.
def binomial(n,k):
if n < 0 or k < 0 or k > n: return 0
b = 1
for i in xrange(k): b = b*(n-i)/(i+1)
return b
def unchoose(n,S):
k = len(S)
if k == 0 or k == n: return 0
j = S[0]
if k == 1: return j
S = [x-1 for x in S]
if not j: return unchoose(n-1,S[1:])
return binomial(n-1,k-1)+unchoose(n-1,S)
def choose(X,k):
n = len(X)
if k < 0 or k > n: return []
if not k: return [[]]
if k == n: return [X]
return [X[:1] + S for S in choose(X[1:],k-1)] + choose(X[1:],k)
(n,k) = (13,3)
for S in choose(range(n),k): print unchoose(n,S),S
Now, it is also true that you can cache or hash values of both functions, binomial and unchoose. And what's nice about this is that you can compromise between precomputing everything and precomputing nothing. For instance you can precompute only for len(S) <= 3.
You can also optimize unchoose so that it adds the binomial coefficients with a loop if S[0] > 0, instead of decrementing and using tail recursion.
You can try using the lexicographic index of the combination. Maybe this page will help: http://saliu.com/bbs/messages/348.html
This MSDN page has more details: Generating the mth Lexicographical Element of a Mathematical Combination.
NOTE: The MSDN page has been retired. If you download the documentation at the above link, you will find the article on page 10201 of the pdf that is downloaded.
To be a bit more specific:
When treated as a tuple, you can order the combinations lexicographically.
So (0,1,2) < (0,1,3) < (0,1,4) etc.
Say you had the number 0 to n-1 and chose k out of those.
Now if the first element is zero, you know that it is one among the first n-1 choose k-1.
If the first element is 1, then it is one among the next n-2 choose k-1.
This way you can recursively compute the exact position of the given combination in the lexicographic ordering and use that to map it to your number.
This works in reverse too and the MSDN page explains how to do that.
Use a hash table to store the results. A decent hash function could be something like:
h(x) = (x1*p^(k - 1) + x2*p^(k - 2) + ... + xk*p^0) % pp
Where x1 ... xk are the numbers in your combination (for example (0, 1, 2) has x1 = 0, x2 = 1, x3 = 2) and p and pp are primes.
So you would store Hash[h(0, 1, 2)] = 78 and then you would retrieve it the same way.
Note: the hash table is just an array of size pp, not a dict.
I would suggest a specialised hash table. The hash for a combination should be the exclusive-or of the hashes for the values. Hashes for values are basically random bit-patterns.
You could code the table to cope with collisions, but it should be fairly easy to derive a minimal perfect hash scheme - one where no two three-item combinations give the same hash value, and where the hash-size and table-size are kept to a minimum.
This is basically Zobrist hashing - think of a "move" as adding or removing one item of the combination.
The reason to use a hash table is that the lookup performance O(n) where n is the number of items in the combination (assuming no collisions). Calculating lexicographical indexes into the combinations is significantly slower, IIRC.
The downside is obviously the up-front work done to generate the table.
For now, I've reached a compromise: I have a 13x13x13 array which just maps to the index of the combination, taking up 13x13x13x2 bytes = 4 kilobytes (using short ints), plus the normal-sized (13 choose 3) * 2 kilobytes = 572 kilobytes, for a total of 576 kilobytes. Much better than 4 megabytes, and also faster than a rank calculation!
I did this partly cause I couldn't seem to get Moron's answer to work. Also this is more extensible - I have a case where I need combinations with repetitions, and I haven't found a way to compute the rank of those, yet.
What you want are called combinadics. Here's my implementation of this concept, in Python:
def nthresh(k, idx):
"""Finds the largest value m such that C(m, k) <= idx."""
mk = k
while ncombs(mk, k) <= idx:
mk += 1
return mk - 1
def idx_to_set(k, idx):
ret = []
for i in range(k, 0, -1):
element = nthresh(i, idx)
idx -= ncombs(element, i)
return ret
def set_to_idx(input):
ret = 0
for k, ck in enumerate(sorted(input)):
ret += ncombs(ck, k + 1)
return ret
I have written a class to handle common functions for working with the binomial coefficient, which is the type of problem that your problem falls under. It performs the following tasks:
Outputs all the K-indexes in a nice format for any N choose K to a file. The K-indexes can be substituted with more descriptive strings or letters. This method makes solving this type of problem quite trivial.
Converts the K-indexes to the proper index of an entry in the sorted binomial coefficient table. This technique is much faster than older published techniques that rely on iteration and it does not use very much memory. It does this by using a mathematical property inherent in Pascal's Triangle. My paper talks about this. I believe I am the first to discover and publish this technique, but I could be wrong.
Converts the index in a sorted binomial coefficient table to the corresponding K-indexes.
Uses Mark Dominus method to calculate the binomial coefficient, which is much less likely to overflow and works with larger numbers.
The class is written in .NET C# and provides a way to manage the objects related to the problem (if any) by using a generic list. The constructor of this class takes a bool value called InitTable that when true will create a generic list to hold the objects to be managed. If this value is false, then it will not create the table. The table does not need to be created in order to perform the 4 above methods. Accessor methods are provided to access the table.
There is an associated test class which shows how to use the class and its methods. It has been extensively tested with 2 cases and there are no known bugs.
To read about this class and download the code, see Tablizing The Binomial Coeffieicent.
It should not be hard to convert this class to C++.
