jquery error while embedding external javascript in drupal 7 - ajax

I have a javascript code which is :
<script type="text/javascript">
(function ($) {
var speed = 50;
var pic, numImgs, arrLeft, i, totalWidth, n, myInterval;
pic = $("#slider").children("img");
numImgs = pic.length;
arrLeft = new Array(numImgs);
for (i=0;i<numImgs;i++){
totalWidth += $(pic[n]).width();
arrLeft[i] = totalWidth;
myInterval = setInterval("flexiScroll()",speed);
function flexiScroll(){
for (i=0;i<numImgs;i++){
arrLeft[i] -= 1;
if (arrLeft[i] == -($(pic[i]).width())){
totalWidth = 0;
for (n=0;n<numImgs;n++){
if (n!=i){
totalWidth += $(pic[n]).width();
arrLeft[i] = totalWidth;
If I remove the embedding function tag (function ($) { i get an error of Uncaught TypeError: Property '$' of object [object DOMWindow] is not a function and if I enclose it in that tag i get Uncaught ReferenceError: flexiScroll is not defined
How to solve this problem?

Is it not supposed to be })(jQuery);?
Not a jQuery expert at all but that's what I have in my scripts?

setInterval() is a standard Javascript Function not JQuery.
You can call it using it like this
myInterval = setInterval(function() {


mithril.js issues with CKEditor

I've written this code using mithril.js + CKEditor
var frm = {};
frm.vm = (function () {
var vm = {};
vm.afterLoad = function () {
CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1' );
vm.btnClick = function () {
return vm;
frm.controller = function () {
frm.view = function (controller) {
return m("div", {config: frm.vm.afterLoad}, [
m("textarea", {id: "editor1"}),
m("button", {onclick: frm.vm.btnClick}, "Click here to see the text you've typed")
m.mount(document.body, frm);
but when I click the button, I see this error:
Uncaught The editor instance "editor1" is already attached to the provided element.
and console.log() prints a blank line.
What am I doing wrong?
I found the problem. To get the value of the CKEditor, one needs to use

lazy load doesnt work with hidden elements

this is my simple test code for lazy load
it works so far .. but the thing is that hidden images in an onclick function for buttons etc. doesnt work!
(watch through my code and scroll to end and push the button)
you can see in the network feedback that it already had load the images.
i could figure out that the problem is "display:none"
.pop {
Because display: none; elements are unknown in position. And the lazyloader doesn't know, when and if you change this. Therefore it decides to eager load it. If you want a lazyloader that automatically detects this use https://github.com/aFarkas/lazysizes/.
As alternative I would recommend justlazy, because it's more lightweight and don't uses jQuery.
1. Define placeholder (similar to that what you have done):
<span data-src="path/to/image" data-alt="alt" data-title="title"
2. Initialize lazy loading after your button click:
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#art").click(function () {
Justlazy.registerLazyLoadByClass("placeholder", {
// image will be loaded if it is 300 pixels
// below the lower display border
threshold: 300
// other code ..
thanks guys! but I also got a working solution on this:
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#art").click(function () {
$(".pop > span, .pop").click(function () {
;(function($) {
$.fn.unveil = function(threshold, callback) {
var $w = $(window),
th = threshold || 0,
retina = window.devicePixelRatio > 1,
attrib = retina? "data-src-retina" : "data-src",
images = this,
this.one("unveil", function() {
var source = this.getAttribute(attrib);
source = source || this.getAttribute("data-src");
if (source) {
this.setAttribute("src", source);
if (typeof callback === "function") callback.call(this);
function unveil() {
var inview = images.filter(function() {
var $e = $(this);
if ($e.is(":hidden")) return;
var wt = $w.scrollTop(),
wb = wt + $w.height(),
et = $e.offset().top,
eb = et + $e.height();
return eb >= wt - th && et <= wb + th;
loaded = inview.trigger("unveil");
images = images.not(loaded);
$w.on("scroll.unveil resize.unveil lookup.unveil", unveil);
return this;
})(window.jQuery || window.Zepto);
$(document).ready(function() {
$("img").unveil(200, function() {
$(this).load(function() {
this.style.opacity = 1;

AJAX works in IE but not in Firefox or Chrome

I'm new to using AJAX and my code works in Internet Explorer but not in Firefox or Chrome.
I do not know what it is exactly what should change in the code ...
// I think that error should be here :-)
function cerrar(div)
document.getElementById(div).style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById(div).innerHTML = '';
function get_ajax(url,capa,metodo){
var ajax=creaAjax();
var capaContenedora = document.getElementById(capa);
if (metodo.toUpperCase()=='GET'){
ajax.open ('GET', url, true);
ajax.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (ajax.readyState==1){
capaContenedora.innerHTML= "<center><img src=\"imagenes/down.gif\" /><br><font color='000000'><b>Cargando...</b></font></center>";
} else if (ajax.readyState==4){
}else if(ajax.status==404){
capaContenedora.innerHTML = "<CENTER><H2><B>ERROR 404</B></H2>EL ARTISTA NO ESTA</CENTER>";
} else {
capaContenedora.innerHTML = "Error: ".ajax.status;
} // ****
function creaAjax(){
var objetoAjax=false;
try{objetoAjax = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");}
catch(e){try {objetoAjax = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");}
catch (E){objetoAjax = false;}}
if(!objetoAjax && typeof XMLHttpRequest!='undefined') {
objetoAjax = new XMLHttpRequest();} return objetoAjax;
//These functions are connected with a form
function resultado(contenido){
var url='ajax/buscar.php?'+ contenido +'';// Vota Resultado
var capa='resultado';
var metodo='get';
function paginas(contenido){
var url='ajax/paginar.php?'+ contenido +'';// Vota Paginas
var capa='paginas';
var metodo='get';
Strongly suggest that you use a lib like jQuery that encapsulates a lot of what you're doing above, masking cross-browser issues (current and future). Even if you don't want to use jQuery site-wide, you could still use it just for its AJAX functionality.

event click Handlebars

Using Handlebars and OpenDatabase i have small problem. When you click on a link and nothing happens
my JS.
db.transaction(function (tx) {
tx.executeSql('SELECT * FROM exhibition', [], function (tx, results) {
var source = document.querySelector("#exhibition-template").innerHTML;
var data = [];
template = Handlebars.compile(source);
for(var i=0;i < results.rows.length; i++) {
var context = (data);
if (language == 'pl')
var html = template({o:context,language_pl:true});
var html = template({o:context,language_en:true});
document.querySelector("#template").innerHTML = html;
}, null);
$(".exl").on("click", function(){
alert('event click!');
and my html
{{#each o}}
<a href='' class='exl'>{{name_pl}}</a>
You're probably binding events before the generated DOM is appended to the page. So, you can either wait for Handlebars template to be rendered (In your case this mean binding event in the callback from tx.executeSql). Or you can use event delegation with jQuery:
$(document).on("click", ".exl", function(){
alert('event click!');

Slideshow using Prototype and Scriptaculous

I wrote my first scriptaculous script to create a slideshow between some div element :
var SlideShow = Class.create({
initialize:function(element, delayStart){
this.element = element;
this.delayStart = delayStart;
this.slides = this.element.childElements();
this.numberOfSlides = this.slides.size();
this.numberActiveSlide = 1;
start_slideshow: function()
switch_slides: function()
if (this.numberActiveSlide == this.numberOfSlides) { this.numberActiveSlide = 1; } else { this.numberActiveSlide = this.numberActiveSlide + 1; }
Effect.Appear.delay(this.slides[this.numberActiveSlide], 850);
this.switch_slides.delay(this.delay + 850);
document.observe("dom:loaded", function(){
var slideshows = $$('div.slideshow');
function(slideshow) {
s = new SlideShow(slideshow, 2);
But I always get this error and It's been hours I can't figure it out where my problem is!
Undefined is not an object (evaluating this.slides[this.numberActiveSlide]);
Thanks you !
99% sure it's a context issue. Make sure you bind your function calls so that this is retained throughout your code.
Debug what this is in switch_slides: it should be the same thing as this in start_slideshow. If it's not, bind your call to switch_slides to your instance:
start_slideshow: function()
You'll probably have to do the same in switch_slides where it calls itself.
