event click Handlebars - events

Using Handlebars and OpenDatabase i have small problem. When you click on a link and nothing happens
my JS.
db.transaction(function (tx) {
tx.executeSql('SELECT * FROM exhibition', [], function (tx, results) {
var source = document.querySelector("#exhibition-template").innerHTML;
var data = [];
template = Handlebars.compile(source);
for(var i=0;i < results.rows.length; i++) {
var context = (data);
if (language == 'pl')
var html = template({o:context,language_pl:true});
var html = template({o:context,language_en:true});
document.querySelector("#template").innerHTML = html;
}, null);
$(".exl").on("click", function(){
alert('event click!');
and my html
{{#each o}}
<a href='' class='exl'>{{name_pl}}</a>

You're probably binding events before the generated DOM is appended to the page. So, you can either wait for Handlebars template to be rendered (In your case this mean binding event in the callback from tx.executeSql). Or you can use event delegation with jQuery:
$(document).on("click", ".exl", function(){
alert('event click!');


Call from one widget to another widget using odoo js

Js Xml Path : module_name-static-src-xml:
<div t-name="widget_1">
<button type="button" id = "button_1" >Click</button>
<div id = "test"> </div>
<div t-name="widget_2">
<p>Second Widget</p>
odoo.define("module_name.name", function(require) {
"use strict";
var Widget = require("web.Widget");
var Widget_Extend = Widget.extend({
template: "widget_1",
start: function() {
var self = this;
$(document).on("click", "#button_1", function() {
var widget_call = '';
widget_call = '<div id ="test"></div>'
widget_call + = '<t t-call="widget_2"/>'
core.action_registry.add("module_name.name", Widget_Extend);
I have tried to call "widget_2" using js but i could not get what i expect. I am not sure this the way to call the widget but i have tried a lot. If any one have some other way to call the 2nd widget from 1st widget using js kindly let me know.
Anticipating all kind of information about this problem.
you can inherited a widget to another widget As an example, it may look like this:
// in file a.js
odoo.define('module.A', function (require) {
"use strict";
var A = ...;
return A;
// in file b.js
odoo.define('module.B', function (require) {
"use strict";
var A = require('module.A');
var B = ...; // something that involves A
return B;

how to load a partial view inside an anchor tag which has been generated via Ajax

I have a form with a dropdownlist. When selecting an option, I make an ajax call to dynamically add a list of links in the view. When I click on one of the links, I want to update the existing page with a partial view returned by the PostListSubCategory() method.
Currently, clicking on one of the links does a redirect and shows the partial view in a new page. How can I update the the existing page?
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function GetSubCategory(_categoryId) {
var procemessage = "<a='0'> Please wait...</a>";
var url = "/Posts/GetSubCategoryById/";
url: url,
data: { categoryid: _categoryId },
cache: false,
type: "POST",
success: function (data) {
var markup = "";
for (var x = 0; x < data.length; x++) {
var num = data[x].Text;
markup += "<a href='/posts/postlistsubcategory?subcategoryid=" + data[x].Text + "'>" + data[x].Text + "</a><br />";
// markup += "<a href=" + Url.Action("postlistsubcategory", new { subcategoryid = num });
error: function (reponse) {
alert("error : " + reponse);
url: "/Posts/PostListCategory",
data: { categoryid: _categoryId },
cache: false,
type: "POST",
success: function (data) {
error: function (reponse) {
alert("error : " + reponse);
#using (Html.BeginForm())
#Html.ListBoxFor(m => m.CategoryModel, new SelectList(Model.CategoryModel, "CategoryId", "Name"), new { #id = "ddlcategory", #style = "width:200px;", #onchange = "javascript:GetSubCategory(this.value);" })
<br />
<br />
<div id="SubCategoryID" name="SubCategoryID" style="width: 200px"></div>
<br /><br />
In the controller
public PartialViewResult PostListSubCategory(string subcategoryid)
if (subcategoryid == null)
return PartialView(db.Posts.ToList());
return PartialView("PostList", db.Posts.Include(i => i.SubCategory).Where(p => p.SubCategory.Name == subcategoryid));
You currently dyamically generating links with an href attribute so clicking on them will do a redirect. You need to handle the click event of those links using event delegation and then use ajax to update the existing DOM. There a some other bad practices in your code and I suggest you use the following
#using (Html.BeginForm())
// no need to override the id attribute and use Unobtrusive Javascript (don't pollute markup with behavior)
#Html.ListBoxFor(m => m.CategoryModel, new SelectList(Model.CategoryModel,"CategoryId", "Name"))
<div id="SubCategoryID"></div> // no point adding a name attribute
<div id="postList"></div>
var subcategories = $('#SubCategoryID');
$('#CategoryModel').change(function() {
var url = '#Url.Action("GetSubCategoryById", "Posts")'; // don't hard code url's
var category = $(this).val();
subcategories.empty(); // clear any existing links
$.post(url, { categoryid: category }, function(data) { // this could be a GET?
$.each(data, function(index, item) {
subcategories.append($('<a></a>').text(item).attr('href','#').addClass('subcategory')); // see note below
Note: Since your ajax only needs one property to generate the links (the value to display in the link), then your GetSubCategoryById() should be returning IEnumerable<string> not a collection of complex objects (you current code suggest your returning other data which you never use). If you do need to return a collection of objects, then change the above to use .text(item.Text). The above code will generate
for each item you return. Then add an additional script to handle the .click() event of the links (since the links are dynamically added, you need event delegation using the .on() method)
var posts = $('#postList');
$('#SubCategoryID').on('click', '.subcategory', function() {
var url = '#Url.Action("postlistsubcategory", "posts")';
var subcategory = $(this).text();
posts.load(url, { subcategoryid: subcategory });

can.Model with can.view to populate DOM dynamically or once records are loaded

There is the following can.Model:
var CaseModel = can.Model.extend({
findAll: function(args){
var def = $.Deferred();
args.sobject.retrieve(args.criteria, function(err, records) {//records should be populated into view
if(err) def.reject(err);
else def.resolve(records);
return def;
}}, {});
How should I implement the can.Control with init method to populate can.view with deffered=CaseModel.findAll({sobject: new SObjectModel.Case()}) like here:
this.element.html(can.view('recipes', Deffered));
and how these records are looped in mustache template:
{{#each ???? }}
Here is an example of how to do it with deferreds:
var CaseModel = can.Model.extend({
findAll: function(args){
var def = $.Deferred();
setTimeout(function () {
def.resolve([{name: 'sam'}]);
}, 1000);
return def.promise();
}}, {});
var Control = can.Control({
init: function (ele, options) {
var self = this;
var pro = CaseModel.findAll({});
can.view('view', {records: pro})
.then(function(frag) {
var control = new Control('.app');
<script type="text/mustache" id="view">
{{#each records}}
And here is a demo
You should be able to adapt this to include your args.sobject.retrieve instead of the setTimeout in the example.

Youtube API v3 - Select menu to access public channel video data without Oauth

I want to access and view public Youtube videos (simple read only) from any Youtube channel without resorting to Oauth, just with plain API key. I haven't found a decent layman example on how to go about with API v3 ;-(
I have this to juggle with which I cannot get to work. Basically, a Select menu contains options whose values are existing channel IDs. When an option containing a channel ID is selected, it should trigger requestUserUploadsPlaylistId(). Then, when NEXTbutton or PREVIOUSbutton are activated, function requestVideoPlaylist() would kick in. Is there a better way to do this? I get the following error messages in Firebug:
TypeError: response.result is undefined (When I choose an option from SELECTmenu).
TypeError: response.result is undefined (After I click on buttons).
Here is what I am struggling with (am new to API v3 and kinda used to API v2 (sigh)):
<HTML is here>
$('#NEXTbutton').prop('disabled', true).addClass('disabled');
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://apis.google.com
var dd, playlistId, nextPageToken, prevPageToken;
function onJSClientLoad() {
gapi.client.load('youtube', 'v3', function(){
$('#NEXTbutton').prop('disabled', false).removeClass('disabled');
// Calling the following function via selected option value of select menu
// I am using "mine: false," since it's an unauthenticated request ??
function requestUserUploadsPlaylistId() {
var dd = $("#SELECTmenu option:selected").val();
var request = gapi.client.youtube.channels.list({
mine: false, // is this legit?
channelId: dd, // Variable is preset chosen value of SELECTmenu options
part: 'contentDetails,id'
request.execute(function(response) {
playlistId = response.result.items[0].contentDetails.relatedPlaylists.uploads;
channelId = response.result.items[0].id;
function requestVideoPlaylist(playlistId, pageToken) {
var requestOptions = {
playlistId: playlistId,
part: 'snippet,id',
maxResults: 5
if (pageToken) {
requestOptions.pageToken = pageToken;
var request = gapi.client.youtube.playlistItems.list(requestOptions);
request.execute(function(response) {
// Only show the page buttons if there's a next or previous page.
nextPageToken = response.result.nextPageToken;
var nextVis = nextPageToken ? 'visible' : 'hidden';
$('#NEXTbutton').css('visibility', nextVis);
prevPageToken = response.result.prevPageToken
var prevVis = prevPageToken ? 'visible' : 'hidden';
$('#PREVIOUSbutton').css('visibility', prevVis);
var playlistItems = response.result.items;
if (playlistItems) {
$.each(playlistItems, function(index, item) {
} else {
$('#CONTAINER').html('Sorry, no uploaded videos available');
function displayResult(videoSnippet) {
for(var i=0;i<response.items.length;i++) {
var channelTitle = response.items[i].snippet.channelTitle
var videoTitle = response.items[i].snippet.title;
var Thumbnail = response.items[i].snippet.thumbnails.medium.url;
var results = '<li><div class="video-result"><img src="'+Thumbnail+'" /></div>
<div class="chantitle">'+channelTitle+'</div>
<div class="vidtitle">'+videoTitle+'</div></li>';
function nextPage() {
requestVideoPlaylist(playlistId, nextPageToken);
function previousPage() {
requestVideoPlaylist(playlistId, prevPageToken);
$('#NEXTbutton').on('click', function() { // Display next 5 results
$('#PREVIOUSbutton').on('click', function() { // Display previous 5 results
$("#SELECTmenu").on("change", function() {
if ($("#SELECTmenu option:selected").val().length === 24) { //Channel ID length
} else {
return false;
I'm surely missing something here, any pointers will be greatly appreciated.
A few updates later and I've finally answered my question after playing with the awesome Google APIs Explorer tool. Here is a sample working code allowing access to Youtube channel video-related data from a Select menu for read-only without using OAUTH, just an API key. The Select menu, based on a selected option's value (which contains a channel id), posts a video thumbnail, the thumbnail's channel origin; and the video's title. Should be easy to make the thumbnail clickable so as to load video in iframe embed or redirect to Youtube page. Enjoy!
// Change values and titles accordingly
<select id="SELECTmenu">
<option value="selchan">Select channel ...</option>
<option value="-YOUR-24digit-ChannelID-">Put-channel-title-here</option>
<option value="-YOUR-24digit-ChannelID-">Put-channel-title-here</option>
<button id="NEXTbutton">NEXT</button>
<button id="PREVIOUSbutton">PREV</button>
<ol id="CONTAINER"></ol> // Loads video data response
<script type="text/javascript"
var playlistId, nextPageToken, prevPageToken;
function onJSClientLoad() {
gapi.client.setApiKey('INSERT-YOUR-API-KEY'); // Insert your API key
gapi.client.load('youtube', 'v3', function(){
//Add function here if some action required immediately after the API loads
function requestUserUploadsPlaylistId(pageToken) {
// https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs/channels/list
var selchan = $("#SELECTmenu option:selected").val();
var request = gapi.client.youtube.channels.list({
id: selchan,
part: 'snippet,contentDetails',
filter: 'uploads'
request.execute(function(response) {
playlistId = response.result.items[0].contentDetails.relatedPlaylists.uploads;
channelId = response.result.items[0].id;
requestVideoPlaylist(playlistId, pageToken);
function requestVideoPlaylist(playlistId, pageToken) {
var requestOptions = {
playlistId: playlistId,
part: 'snippet,id',
maxResults: 5 // can be changed
if (pageToken) {
requestOptions.pageToken = pageToken;
var request = gapi.client.youtube.playlistItems.list(requestOptions);
request.execute(function(response) {
// Only show the page buttons if there's a next or previous page.
nextPageToken = response.result.nextPageToken;
var nextVis = nextPageToken ? 'visible' : 'hidden';
$('#NEXTbutton').css('visibility', nextVis);
prevPageToken = response.result.prevPageToken
var prevVis = prevPageToken ? 'visible' : 'hidden';
$('#PREVIOUSbutton').css('visibility', prevVis);
var playlistItems = response.result.items;
if (playlistItems) {
} else {
$('#CONTAINER').html('Sorry, no uploaded videos.');
function displayResult(playlistItems) {
for(var i=0;i<playlistItems.length;i++) {
var channelTitle = playlistItems[i].snippet.channelTitle
var videoTitle = playlistItems[i].snippet.title;
var videoThumbnail = playlistItems[i].snippet.thumbnails.medium.url;
var results = '<li>
<div><img src="'+videoThumbnail+'" /></div>
function nextPage() {
$('#CONTAINER').empty(); // This needed here
requestVideoPlaylist(playlistId, nextPageToken);
function previousPage() {
$('#CONTAINER').empty(); // This needed here
requestVideoPlaylist(playlistId, prevPageToken);
$('#NEXTbutton').on('click', function() { // Display next maxResults
$('#PREVIOUSbutton').on('click', function() { // Display previous maxResults
// Using as filtering example Select option values which contain channel
// ID length of 24 alphanumerics/symbols to trigger functions just in case
// there are other option values in the menu that do not refer to channel IDs.
$("#SELECTmenu").on("change", function() {
if ($("#SELECTmenu option:selected").val().length === 24) {
return false;
} else {
return false;
Remember, code sample above is built based on what API v3 provided at the time of this posting.
TIP: It's better to make sure that the buttons be disabled during API call and re-enabled after API has posted the expected results. If you press those buttons while processing, you may get compounded and/or unexpected results. ~ Koolness

subpage loaded through ajax is killing jquery functionality

I'm working on a site, http://teneo.telegraphbranding.com/, and I am hoping to load the pages via ajax so that the sidebar and its animation remain consistent.
When the 'About' link is clicked I need it to load about2.php via a jquery ajax function. But I'm not having any luck. When I can get the page to load via ajax it kills all the jquery functionality on the page. From what I've read I think I need to call the jquery upon successful completion of the ajax call.
I've tried everything it seems and can't get it work. What I need is about2.php to load when the link is clicked and the jquery to dynamically size the divs, like it does on the homepage.
I tried this, but it won't even load the page:
$(document).ready(function () {
var dropDown = $('.dropdown');
$('h3.about').on('click', function() {
dropDown.slideDown('fast', function() {
var url = 'about2.php'
$.get(url, function(data) {
//anything in this block runs after the ajax call
var missionWrap = $('#mission-wrap');
var w = $(window);
w.on('load resize',function() {
missionWrap.css({ width:w.width(), height:w.height()});
var missionContent = $('#mission-content');
var w = $(window);
w.on('load resize',function() {
missionContent.css({ width:w.width() - 205 });
And then this loads the page, but kills all the jQuery associated with it:
var dropDown = $('.dropdown');
$('h3.about').on('click', function() {
dropDown.slideDown('fast', function() {
Thank you very much.
I also tried this and it just broke everything:
$(document).ready(function () {
var dropDown = $('.dropdown');
$('h3.about').on('click', function () {
dropDown.slideDown('fast', function () {
type: 'GET',
url: 'about2.php',
success: function () {
var missionWrap = $('#mission-wrap');
var w = $(window);
w.on('load resize', function () {
width: w.width(),
height: w.height()
var missionContent = $('#mission-content');
var w = $(window);
w.on('load resize', function () {
width: w.width() - 205
This should work.
function resize_me () {
var w = $(window);
var missionWrap = $('#mission-wrap');
var missionContent = $('#mission-content');
missionWrap.css({ width:w.width(), height:w.height()});
missionContent.css({ width:w.width() - 205 });
$(document).ready(function () {
$(window).on('load resize', function () {
var dropDown = $('.dropdown');
$('h3.about').on('click', function() {
dropDown.slideDown('fast', function() {
var url = 'about2.php'
$.get(url, function(data) {
I believe that the problem was that the load event that you were attaching to the window object was not being triggered by the successful load of the $.get.
This is a rough outline of how to structure your application to handle this correctly.
Assuming your HTML looks something like this:
<div id="index-wrap">
<!-- this is the reloadable part -->
You need to refactor all the jQuery enhancements to the elements inside #index-wrap to be in a function you can call after a reload:
function enhance(root) {
$('#some-button-or-whatever', root).on('click', ...);
(I.e. look up all the elements under the root element that was loaded using AJAX.)
You need to call this function when the page is first loaded, as well as after the AJAX call in the completion callback:
$('#index-wrap').load('/foo.php', function() {
You can also potentially get rid of some of this using delegated ("live") events, but it's best to hit the jQuery documentation on how those work.
As for events bound to window or DOM elements which aren't loaded dynamically, you shouldn't need to rebind them at all based on which subpage is loaded, just check which of your elements loaded is in a handler that you set up once:
$(window).on('load resize', function() {
var $missionContent = $('#missionContent');
if ($missionContent.length) {
