Build Fails With TFS 2010 Build but passes with VS 2010 - visual-studio-2010

I have a Website Project in Visual Studio 2010 along with a Class Library Project. When I try to build the Solution from Visual Studio 2010 it builds successfully but fails in TFS 2010 Build. I have some custom .dll files added to website and it throws error in my class that following method is undefined. The same thing builds 100% ok in VS 2010. Earlier I had a different project structure but since then I even changed the project and file structure following this article on MSDN for TFS 2010 Version control.
The Build fails and it drops a log file in the drop folder.
Some of the errors in the log files are related like this.
error BC30451: 'AutoCompleteExtender' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level.
error BC30002: Type 'IFileNameGenerator' is not defined.
These errors don't show up in VS2010.

This problem could occur when you are referencing a DLL from your solution that is not installed on the server or is somewhere in your project structure but not included in your TFS source control.
If you look at your build summary in TFS you have a 'View Log' option that shows more details. You can also specify a log verbosity in your buil;d definition template. Increasing this could give you some hints.

Read the log file. Searching for :error usually helps

Had the same problem with a contract in a nuget package. Turns out it was a bad merge. Compare the csproj/vbproj files and see if there are any differences in package versions


Visual Studio 2019: Builds succeed even if Content files are missing

I have a project in Visual Studio 2019 and I met a situation, when there were files with Build Action set to Content missing on a disk but present in project (listed in .csproj file). My local build finished successfully, but when I checked this code to TFS, build on the server failed because of missing files.
I wonder if there is any instrument to force VS compiler to look at Content files and check if they exist.
Thanks in advance for any advice.
Maybe you should have a look at the Visual Studio Plugin Show Missing Files 2019.
Disclaimer: I do not have any experience with this plugin myself, it just seems to fit your situation.

Encountering "The application which this project type is based on was not found." after migrating solution to Visual Studio 2019

I am trying to open a solution that involves an MVC project in Visual Studio that was developed in VS 2010. After I open the solution, I get this error:
This version of Visual Studio is unable to open the following projects. The project types
may not be installed or this version of Visual Studio may not support them.
For more information on enabling these project types or otherwise migrating your assets,
please see the details in the "Migration Report" displayed after clicking OK.
The migration report contains this message:
The application which this project type is based on was not found.
Please try this link for further information:
I tried the following approaches (in no particular order)
Repair VS
Run devenv /Setup in the solution directory
Delete the .user file associated with the project
Repeat of all of those steps after rebooting my computer
Install MVC 3 and create an MVC project as described in the link in the migration report. Here, the described files (e.g /Views/Web.config) don't seem to exist.
What changes do I need to make to make the MVC project compatible?
Not sure what code/config files I would need for this, but please comment on any further info that could be helpful.

TFS 2010: Project file gets deleted on Get Latest Version

We have a standard installation of TFS 2010 with a handful of developers. We do have a number of projects with a number of branches but nothing to crazy. Frequently we will go to get the latest version of a solution and TFS will delete the project file (csproj) of one of the projects, a MVC 3 web project. Looking at the Source Control logs we see the following error:
One or more source control bindings for this solution are not valid and are listed below.
Source control bindings can be modified by selecting File, Source Control, Change Source Control from the main menu.
If we go into the pending changes view and undo the deleting of the project file everything works fine. Does anyone know what the error message means and know what it is that we are doing that is causing it?
TFS 2010
VS 2012
SQL Server 2008

Missing bin/EntityFramework.xml file in Visual Studio 2010 and EF 4.1 DB First

Main Goal - To deploy a live version of my solution on an IIS. I am currently attempting to do so by building a deployment package through Visual Studio 2010.
Issue - When attempting to build a deployment package or publish my project within Visual Studio 2010, I get an error stating that 'bin/EntityFramework.xml' is missing.
I've done quite a bit of research and have not been able to find any information on how this file could have gone missing or how to restore/regenerate the file.
Questions - Is there any way to restore or regenerate the 'bin/EntityFramework.xml' file? Or, is there a simpler approach for deploying my VS 2010 solution to an IIS?
(FYI, I've already attempted copying the file structure to an IIS manually. This caused assembly issues, which is why I'm currently avoiding that approach.)
To answer the specific question first, you can easily regenerate this file by creating a new project of the same type (e.g. ASP.NET MVC3), then building that new project. EntityFramework.xml will appear in the new project's bin folder. You may then copy it over to your existing project.
However, you can just 'Exclude from Project' the missing file (via right-click in Solution Explorer), since it is not required to build, then you will achieve your goal of publishing the project through VS2010.

Source control binding status is invalid: Visual Studio 2005 and VSS

I had my VB.NET project and associated solution (developed in Visual Studio 2005) in Visual Source Safe.
Recently started working with another developer and needed to clean up.
Somewhere along the way I broke a binding. I went into
File -> Source Control -> Change Source Control
and tried to bind things correctly.
I unbound the project that was incorrectly bound, and tried to rebind it. I have two projects in the solution. This is what I get:
Solution/Project Server Name Server Binding Connected Status
Solution: MySoln.sln X:\TheSource $/Tools/MySoln checked Valid
Project1 X:\TheSource $/Tools/MySoln checked Valid
Project2 X:\TheSource $/Tools/MySoln (C:\) checked Invalid
Where else would I look to try to get the bindings correct?
I may not have given enough information, but this is all I know to give.
Thanks as always!
The little question mark button is occasionally helpful.
Needed to check in that project to source control, and the binding became valid.
which version of VSS are you using?
In older versions of Visual SourceSafe (before 6.0c), after adding a solution of Visual Studio to its source control, the binding information was stored directly in the .sln and .proj files.
Since VSS 6.0c, all binding information is kept locally in files named MSSCCPRJ.SCC on the developer's machine.
My guess, the server path for project2 is incorrect. Double check the .prj file is under $/Tools/MySoln.
