Missing bin/EntityFramework.xml file in Visual Studio 2010 and EF 4.1 DB First - visual-studio-2010

Main Goal - To deploy a live version of my solution on an IIS. I am currently attempting to do so by building a deployment package through Visual Studio 2010.
Issue - When attempting to build a deployment package or publish my project within Visual Studio 2010, I get an error stating that 'bin/EntityFramework.xml' is missing.
I've done quite a bit of research and have not been able to find any information on how this file could have gone missing or how to restore/regenerate the file.
Questions - Is there any way to restore or regenerate the 'bin/EntityFramework.xml' file? Or, is there a simpler approach for deploying my VS 2010 solution to an IIS?
(FYI, I've already attempted copying the file structure to an IIS manually. This caused assembly issues, which is why I'm currently avoiding that approach.)

To answer the specific question first, you can easily regenerate this file by creating a new project of the same type (e.g. ASP.NET MVC3), then building that new project. EntityFramework.xml will appear in the new project's bin folder. You may then copy it over to your existing project.
However, you can just 'Exclude from Project' the missing file (via right-click in Solution Explorer), since it is not required to build, then you will achieve your goal of publishing the project through VS2010.


Error publishing .NET MAUI project: the target "_GenerateAppxPackage" does not exist

I have a .NET MAUI project that was created with VS2022 Preview 2, and it builds without errors or warnings and works as expected in the debugger. Prior to updating Visual Studio to Version 17.4.0 Preview 4.0 I was able to publish the project as a sideloadable MSIX from within VS.
Since updating, I get the following error when I click Create in the Create App Packages wizard:
MSB4057 The target "_GenerateAppxPackage" does not exist in the project.
The error is listed against the MAUI project's .csproj file.
I've tried creating a separate new, default MAUI project in the new preview - this publishes ok and (as far as I can see) doesn't contain _GenerateAppxPackage anywhere within its files or project structure. So for now I'm assuming this isn't something new that was added with the preview.
I found some references to _GenerateAppxPackage on the web but they appear to refer to Azure integration. My project is a stand-alone data transformation app that doesn't even access the net.
I'm at a loss what to try next. I don't know what this target refers to, where it should "exist" within the project, or what it does. Can anyone help me understand the problem and/or point me to a solution?
Update: 2022-10-28:
I tried deleting the project structure and creating it from scratch with File -> New Project, then adding back only the .cs and .xaml files. Publishing the recreated project gives me the same error.
I also tried uninstalling the VS preview and re-downloading and installing it. Again, publishing the project gives me the same error.
I still have no idea what is causing this, or even where to start looking.
I faced with the same problem at Visual Studio 2022 17.4.0 (net6.0-windows10.0.19041.0).
The simplest solution for me was be using the command dotnet publish directly.
At root of project just write in terminal:
dotnet publish -f net6.0-windows10.0.19041.0 -c /p:RuntimeIdentifierOverride=win10-x64
I learned today that MAUI is now in the mainline Visual Studio 2022 edition, I've tried using that instead of the preview, and I can confirm that the problem goes away. I wish I'd known about this earlier...

How to stop Microsoft Visual Studio from complaining when missing multiple projects from solution file

I am working with Microsoft Visual Studio and have a problem when opening a solution file. The solution file consists of a core project and multiple plugin projects. During development, there may be instances where every plugin project is not extracted with the core.
When opening this solution file during development, Visual Studio will complain about missing plugin projects and will have a separate pop-up window for each missing project. Is there some setting in Visual Studio to turn off this warning? Ideally, I do not want to have multiple instances of the solution file or create a script to modify the solution file every time a new project is extracted from our repository. I looked through all of the settings and could not find a flag or warning to turn off.
You might have build the project in the previous version (i.e 2008) and trying to open in the newer version (i.e 2010).

Can open MVC4 solution in VS2010, but not in VS2012

Looked through some similar questions, could not find one that fits my case.
I have a solution that I created some time ago in VS 2010 (maybe originally in MVC2), and eventually upgraded to MVC4.
The solution works properly when opened with VS 2010, builds and runs - everything as expected.
To confirm that I use MVC4, I checked the properties of my System.Web.Mvc.dll. It appears to be
From this I assume that I have MVC4 successfully installed on the machine.
However, when I try to open the solution with VS 2012 I get the following infamous error
Full text:
Unsupported This version of Visual Studio does not have the following
project types installed or does not support them. You can still open
these projects in the version of Visual Studio in which they were
originally created.
- Recipes, "C:\ ... Copy\Recipes\Recipes.csproj"
I can also create a new MVC4 project using VS 2012, so I'm assuming I don't lack any tools VS 2012 needs.
What else could be the problem?
There's probably an entry in the <ProjectTypeGuids> element of the .csproj file that VS2012 doesn't recognize. I have a vague recollection there was some tooling identifier change but I can't recall specifically.
My suggestion would be to create a new project from scratch and then compare the <ProjectTypeGuids> elements in each .csproj file to try to figure out which one from the VS2010 project it doesn't like in VS2012. It's likely going to require some trial-and-error tweaking of the list so make a backup of the file first so you don't get yourself into a situation where you can't open it at all.
If you don't want to take that approach another option would be to create a new empty project and then import the individual files from the old project into the new, but that could obviously be quite time-consuming if it's a large project.

Opening a Visual Studio 2010 project in 2012 what creates the backup folder and how to control it?

I have an issue. We are upgrading to VS 2012 at work. When we open a VS 2010 project Visual Studio converts the project. This is fine, because VS 2010 can still use the project (yay microsoft). However, there is a \Backup folder created in the solution directory. Is this being created as part of the migration? Is there any way to control it?
The reason I ask is that the process that makes this folder copies web.config files into the folder. If you then try to build the solution (these are MVC projects), we get a "It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level. This error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an application in IIS." error. The cause is that there is a web.config file in a subfolder instead of the root folder. We did not make and do not want this change, and cannot figure out how to control it. Deleting the Backup\Web.config file fixes the error. Renaming it from web.config to web.config.bak fixes the problem.
I don't really want to have to personally open and convert every single project, and don't want random people bumping into this problem. Any idea how to either stop VS from creating the Backup folder, or how to make it create them in the my documents studio folder etc? I can't find any setting to control this and can't find any good info.
By chance, are you using the MvcBuildViews property to pre-compile your views at build time? If so, this is why you're encountering this (since it does the pre-compile in the same directory, it doesn't filter out any of the files below the project directory).
Note that you will also encounter this issue if you use the Publish feature for this project. Publish copies the web.config under your intermediate build output directory (by default, obj/) before and after applying web.config transforms.
The good news is that in VS2012, or in VS2010 with the latest Azure SDK installed, pre-compile is now supported for Web Application Projects (including MVC). These settings are currently in the project properties, under the Package/Publish Web tab.
(this doesn't directly address your question about the Backup folder, but it was too long for a comment.)
There is no way to control it that I found. We had to go ahead and run through and convert every project to 2012 and delete the backup folders to prevent any other team from running into it.

Solution file vs. Project file in Visual Studio

Can someone briefly explain to me the difference between Visual Studio's solution file (.sln) and project file (.vcproj).
It seems to me opening either one open the correct solution/project in Visual Studio. Is one the super-set of the other?
Note: I am currently using Visual Studio 2008 working on a project that was brought forward from Visual Studio 2005 (I believe).
A solution is a set of projects. If you need more than one project in your software, then go with solutions. I.E.: A Class Library Project + A Web Application Project.
A project file typically corresponds to a single module: EXE or DLL or LIB. A solution manages a collection of project files.
A solution is a collection of projects. Visual Studio is made so that it cannot function without a solution, so if you open a bare project, it will generate the solution automatically (or try to find one).
One solution can contain zero or more projects. Everything is in projects, so a solution with zero projects doesn't contain anything at all besides the solution properties.
Visual studio keeps track of where the projects are used, so if you open a project file, it will open (IIRC) the last solution where it was used.
When you create a project from scratch, a solution is also created, but it's not shown until you add another project to it. It looks like you have only the project open, but it's actually a solution containing the project that is open.
Specifically project files are intended to contain the data required to build the files in the project into an exe or dll. This file is utilized by the local compilers or with systems such as Team Foundation system and server side build agents.
Solutions are a client (IDE) construct designed to manage collections of projects, which in effect is a collection of different build definitions and associated files.
Solution files are typically made up of multiple project files.
