Install MathLink program with arbitrary PATH environment - interop

Is it possible to use Install[] to start a MathLink program with a custom PATH environment variable?
I am trying to use mEngine to connect Mathematica to MATLAB on Windows. It only works if mEngine.exe is launched when the PATH environment variable includes the path to the MATLAB libraries. Is it possible to modify the PATH for launching this program only, without needing to modify the system path? Or is there another way to launch mEngine.exe?

#acl's solution to wrap mEngine.exe in a batch file, and temporarily modify the PATH from there, works correctly:
I used this as the contents of mEngine.bat:
set PATH=c:\path\to\matlab\bin\win32;%PATH%
start mEngine.exe %*
*% ensures that all command line arguments are passed on to mEngine.exe
start is necessary to prevent the command window from staying open until mEngine.exe terminates
It can be started using Install["mEngine.bat"].
Since all the information that is needed for the kernel to communicate with mEngine.exe is passed by Install[] as command line arguments, all we need to do is launch mEngine.exe with these arguments. It is not necessary for Install[] to know the location of mEngine.exe, the important thing is that the process gets launched with the correct command line arguments, which is ensured by %*.


Instead of giving command for batch mode, give .scm file path?

It is possible to supply batch commands directly with the -b flag, but if the commands become very long, this is no longer an option. Is there a way to give the path to an .scm script that was written to a file, without having to move the file into the scripts directory?
No as far as I know. What you give in the -b flag is a Scheme statement, which implies your function has already been loaded by the script executor process. You can of course add more directories that are searched for scripts using Edit>Preferences>Folders>Scripts.
If you write your script in Python the problem is a bit different since you can alter the Python path before loading the script code but the command line remains a bit long.

Windows Batch variables available outside a script

I'm creating a script that is to create a variable called http_proxy. The script does a bit more than just set the proxy, it has a few statements in there as well as a prompt for user password on load.
I have set up a shortcut to cmd.exe with an extra parameter /k ".set_http_proxy.bat" to run on startup, which sets this variable.
Once the script exits, the command prompt remains open for the user to run their scripts. My problem is, the variable http_proxy has vanished now and no trace that it was set in the script that just ran.
Is there a way to set a variable that will remain in use for that session until the command prompt window is closed? I think in bash we just use export which is great!
current code is simply...
set http_proxy=http://proxy.address
If that's all, then it should work exactly as you expect, and in fact it did so for me when I tried it out.
Unless you use setlocal or launch another process for running a batch file, then environment variables persist even after the batch file finishes.

Why won't an external executable run without manual input from the terminal command line?

I am currently writing a Python script that will pipe some RNA sequences (strings) into a UNIX executable, which, after processing them, will then send the output back into my Python script for further processing. I am doing this with the subprocess module.
However, in order for the executable to run, it must also have some additional arguments provided to it. Using the method, I have been trying to run:
import subprocess
seq= "acgtgagtag"
output= subprocess.Popen(["./DNAanalyzer", seq])
Despite having my environmental variables set properly, the executables running without problem from the command line of the terminal, and the subprocess module functioning normally (e.g. subprocess.Popen(["ls"]) works just fine), the Unix executable prints out the same output:
Failed to open input file
Requesting input manually.
There are a few other Unix executables in this package, and all of them behave the same way. I even tried to create a simple text file containing the sequence and specify it as the input in both the Python script as well as within the command line, but the executables only want manual input.
I have looked through the package's manual, but it does not mention why the executables can ostensibly be only run through the command line. Because I have limited experience with this module (and Python in general), can anybody indicate what the best approach to this problem would be?
The Popen() is actually a constructor for an object – that object being a "sub-shell" that directly runs the executable. But because I didn't set a standard input or output (stdin and stdout), they default to None, meaning that the process's I/O are both closed.
What I should have done is pass subprocess.PIPE to signify to the Popen object that I want to pipe input and output between my program and the process.
Additionally, the environment variables of the script (in the main shell) were not the same as the environment variables of the subshell, and these specific executables needed certain environment variables in order to function (in this case, it was the path to the parameter files in its package). This was done in the following fashion:
import subprocess as sb
seq= "acgtgagtag"
my_env= {BIOPACKAGEPATH: "/Users/Bobmcbobson/Documents/Biopackage/"}
p= sb.Popen(['biopackage/bin/DNAanalyzer'], stdin=sb.PIPE, stdout=sb.PIPE, env=my_env)
strb = (seq + '\n').encode('utf-8')
data = p.communicate(input=strb)
After creating the Popen object, we send it a formatted input string using communicate(). The output can now be read, and further processed in whatever way in the script.

Is it possible to change environment variables within Batch and utilize them without restarting CMD prompt?

I want to setup a system wide environment variable within my batch script script running within the CMD prompt, I have been able to achieve this by calling:
setx MyEnvVar "C:\<Some Path>" /M
However when I do:
echo "MyEnvVar is %MyEnvVar%"
afterwards the statement that outputs at prompt is "MyEnvVar is" although the variable has been setup with setx and I can observe it through looking at the Windows - system properties - environment variables GUI.
I know this is because the CMD prompt has to be restarted for it to pick up the new environment variables however I don't want to stop the execution of my batch script and tell the user to manually restart the CMD prompt window and re-run my script so the environment variables are picked up. Is there some other way of getting around this?
It would be better if I could get around this without utilizing the "call" method and breaking the script to two segments
batchfileA - Code up until and including the call to change the environment variables thereafter utilize call method to call batchfileB
batchfileB- The rest of the original code placed inside batchfileB and called with call method within batchfileA
I had tried using set after the setx and echoed the result and the variable was null so I assumed that the value was not taking because I had to restart the CMD prompt what I forgot was I had enabled DelayedExpansion and had to use ! (exclamation marks) instead of % (percent) signs around my variable names

VB6 Debugger - Command line arguements

In the VB6 IDE there is a window were you can specify command line arguements (for debugging). If you create a .exe with arguements specified, will they be published with the application? I don't believe they will.
No, they will not. This is just for testing your application if it uses command line arguments. It allows you to specify your command line arguments and step through exactly like if the program was called with those command line arguments.
For example, you normally pass parameters by simply calling your EXE and providing the parameters at the same time. So, if you normally call your program like such
C:\test.exe /test /inet /copy
You would simply set the command-line arguments to
/test /inet /copy
in the VB6 IDE
