Setting OS variable from rule - makefile

I am trying to build a shared library with one set of code, and everything works, except for this issue with my Makefile. Here's my (simplified) Makefile thus far:
OBJS = bar.o OS = LINUX # These don't seem to happen
libfoo.dll: OS = WINDOWS
# Linux
ifeq ($(OS), LINUX)
CC = gcc
# Windows
else ifeq ($(OS), WINDOWS)
CC = i686-pc-mingw32-gcc
all: libfoo.dll clean $(OBJS)
libfoo.dll: clean $(OBJS)
bar.o: bar_$(OS).c bar.h
So, when you type make, I expect it to set OS = LINUX first. Then, when it gets to bar.o (it is a dependency of libfoo) it should know which bar_$(OS).c to use. However, I get the error:
make: *** No rule to make target `bar_.c', needed by bar.o. Stop.
Which tells me that when it tries to make bar.o, $(OS) is not set. But shouldn't that be the first thing that happens when I try to make, and that rule is evaluated?

Target-specific variables are available in the body of the rule, not in its prerequisites. But even if you could get this to work, you'd be asking for trouble: if you build one library and then the other, there's no way for Make to know that the bar.o that was made for the first is wrong for the second and should not be used.
There are several ways to get the effect you want, but none is perfect. I'd suggest using two different object file names, like bar_unix.o and bar_windows.o.

If you want to set a target-specific variable, and then have that variable available outside the body of that rule, you can recursively call the Makefile, after exporting the variable:
OBJS ?= foo.o # Use ? so it isn't blown away on recursive call OS = LINUX OBJS += linux_only.o
$(MAKE) -s build_libfoo_linux
build_libfoo_linux: $(OBJS)
#echo "OS = $(OS)" # Should print "OS = LINUX"
export OS # Can be anywhere
You have to remember to export the variables you want to "persist" after the recursive make call. And also, as shown above, if you append to any variables before the call, you'll want to make their initial assignment with ?= so they aren't set the second time.

You might want to detect the OS using uname and then conditionally compile. This explains


makefile target-specific changing srcs files

I'm trying to write a Makefile with a rule to make the project with another main.cpp file, because I'm testing my code with different options
I have different versions of the main function, that I put inside differents files : main.cpp, main_1.cpp, main_2.cpp, ..., to test different versions of my code, and they all have the same dependencies
first I was just commenting and un-commenting the Makefile variable MAIN that define the main.cpp file, but I was hoping there is a way to choose the one I want to try with a specific rule ?
I tried something with target-specific variables but it didn't work :
# # # # # # #
# # # # # # #
NAME = my_program
VPATH = srcs
CXX = c++
CXXFLAGS = -I ./headers
OBJS = $(SRCS:%.cpp=%.o)
MAIN = main.cpp
#MAIN = main_1.cpp
SRCS = $(MAIN) file.cpp
# # # # #
# # # # #
all: $(NAME)
# target-specific variables
test-1: MAIN = main_1.cpp
test-1: re
$(NAME) : $(OBJS)
$(CXX) $(OBJS) -o $(NAME)
rm -f $(OBJS)
fclean: clean
rm -f $(NAME)
re: fclean all
.PHONY : all clean fclean re
the error output for main test_1 is :
c++ -I ./headers -c -o main.o srcs/main.cpp
c++ -I ./headers -c -o file.o srcs/file.cpp
c++ main_1.o Webserv.o -o my_program
c++: error: main_1.o: No such file or directory
Makefile:21: recipe for target 'my_program' failed
make: *** [my_program] Error 1
I think, then, that target-specific is not the right tool for what I'm trying to do.
Does Make provide a way to accomplish that (modifying the list of srcs files when calling a specific rule, and having the compilation working great with the new srcs files) ?
I'm vaguely thinking something like this.
test-%: main_%.cpp file.cpp
Now, make test-1 will produce an executable with that name from main_1.cpp instead of main.cpp, and similarly test-2 from main_2.cpp, etc.
If you have subsequent targets which hardcode my_program which should actually depend on which version you made, this might not be suitable, or at a minimum, you'd have to refactor those to use the current output executable. Similarly, you might want to add test-[1-9] to the files to remove in the clean target (or perhaps add a realclean target to remove them too).
Tangentially, several of your make variables don't seem to serve any immediate purpose. Putting stuff in variables makes sense for things you want to be able to override at compile time, or vaguely for making a general-purpose Makefile which can be applied with only minor modifications across several projects; but in isolation, these seem like unnecessary complexities you should probably avoid for the time being.
Your immediate problem could perhaps be solved by refactoring the dependency chain, but on the whole, I'd recommend keeping it as simple as possible. make already knows how to compile common source formats; all you really need to put in the Makefile are the dependencies which are not trivially obvious and any .PHONY targets, and overrides to select e.g. a specific default action.

GNU make target-specific variables, want single assignment, getting many

Given the following GNU Makefile:
OBJS = a.o b.o
LIB = libX.a
$(LIB): $(OBJS)
$(AR) cr $# $^
$(LIB): CPPFLAGS = $(shell P)
When I build $(LIB), I can see that external program P is called twice, once each to build a.o and b.o (I have it just printing getpid() to stderr).
In my case, P will always produce the same result, so it's wasted cycles/time having P called for creation of every .o . LIB could be made of MANY .o's of course, and the problem worse.
Is there a way to get target-specific variables to only be evaluated once, i.e evaluated for the target $(LIB) and that VALUE, verbatim, be passed to the prerequisite recipes (.o from .c)? Or am I misunderstanding their usage (I suspect that I am!)
Tried various variable assignment syntaxes, e.g. = and :=, even ::=, all by trial and error. Read the manual over and over.
Is there a way to get target-specific variables to only be evaluated once, i.e evaluated for the target $(LIB) and that VALUE, verbatim, be passed to the prerequisite recipes (.o from .c)? Or am I misunderstanding their usage (I suspect that I am!)
The docs don't seem to specify the exact semantics of when and how target-specific variables are set for building the affected target's prerequisites. Your best bet for the behavior you want was to use simple variable assignment (:= or ::=), but you say that doesn't work. make seems to be behaving as if the variable assignment were included, separately, in the rule for each prerequisite, and that makes sense because in general, there is no guarantee that the prerequisites will all be built one after another or immediately before the main target, and where they aren't all built one right after another, the variable must resume its global value between.
Really, I'd like to encourage you to minimize your use of features specific to GNU make. Every one of them is a convenience, not a necessity, though occasionally, some of them are very convenient indeed. You might consider instead deploying Autoconf +/- Automake to (semi-)dynamically insert flags into your makefile.
But if you must use $(shell) in your makefile, and you want to be certain that the command is executed only once per make run, then your best bet is probably to run it outside any rule. If you don't want to modify the global CPPFLAGS then store the result instead in some other variable:
OBJS = a.o b.o
LIB = libX.a
X_CPPFLAGS := $(shell P)
$(LIB): $(OBJS)
$(AR) cr $# $^

Re-evaluating GNU make makefile variable

I have inherited a large branched project? that requires a volatile set of .a archives $(LIB_FILES) to be included into link target, located in some directories $(LIB_DIRS). I can write an expression like this:
LIBDEP = $(foreach ldir, $(LIB_DIRS), \
$(filter $(addprefix %/, $(LIB_FILES)), $(wildcard $(ldir)/* )))
The problem is that they might not exist at moment of make's invocation and would be built by invoking $(MAKE) inside of another target's rule, which is a prerequisite to the link step.
The problem is actual list of files that should be created varies on external factors determined at their build steps, that I can't hard-code it properly, without turning makefile into a spaghetti mess and said variable is not re-evaluated at the moment of link command invocation.
I have suspicion that $(eval ) function can be used somehow, but manual is not very forthcoming as well as I didn't found examples of its use in this way.
Toolchain: GCC and binutils, make 3.81
Another solution is to create an explicit dependency of your make script on the output of the step which currently creates the variable $(LIB_FILES). This is what the manual is dealing with in the chapter How makefiles are remade and it aims at the technique which make is best at, namely deriving dependencies from the existence and timestamp of files (instead of variables). The following hopefully depicts your situation with the process of deducing a new set of libraries simulated by the two variables $(LIBS_THIS_TIME) and $(LIB_CONFIG_SET).
LIBS_THIS_TIME = foo.a:baz.a:bar.a
include libdeps.d
#echo I am linking $^ now
touch $#
libdeps.d: $(LIB_CONFIG_SET)
-rm libdeps.d
$(foreach lib,$(subst :, ,$(LIBS_THIS_TIME)),echo linkstep: $(lib) >> libdeps.d;)
touch $#
If make finds that libdeps.d is not up to date to your current library configuration it is remade before make executes any other rule, although it is not the first target in the makefile. This way, if your build process creates a new or different set of libraries, libdeps.d would be remade first and only then make would carry on with the other targets in your top makefile, now with the correct dependecy information.
It sometimes happens that you need to invoke make several times in succession. One possibility to do this is to use conditionals:
ifeq ($(STEP),)
$(MAKE) STEP=2 $#
else ifeq ($(STEP),2)
$(MAKE) STEP=3 $#
else ifeq ($(STEP),3)
In each step you can generate new files and have them existing for the next step.

Need help in understanding Makefile for Kernel Module

I am a newbie in Kernel Development. I was trying to understand the following makefile for Hello World! program. But I am not able to figure it out completely.
obj-m += hello.o
sudo make -C /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build M=$(PWD) modules
sudo make -C /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build M=$(PWD) clean
I am not able to understand what is meant by 'obj-m += hello.o' . I know m here means module and thats it.
Also why are we not defining the dependencies of hello.o
And lastly I am not able to figure out completely the compiling rules defined under all: and clean:
Any help would be highly appreciated.!!
obj-m is a Makefile variable. It actually consists of 2 parts: 'obj' means that the referred target is a kernel object, while 'm' part means that the object is to be build like a module.
The variable is considered by kernel build rules. As kernel modules follow a certain convention, running your Makefile will result in creation of module hello.ko from source file hello.c (if everything works properly).
The 'obj' variable may take different suffixes as well. For example 'obj-y' will try to link the referred object into the main kernel image, instead of creating a module. The suffix may also refer to a kernel .config file variable, like this:
obj-$(CONFIG_HOTPLUG) += hotplug.o
In this case, if CONFIG_HOTPLUG is set to 'y' the hoplug object will be compiled into the main kernel; if set to 'm' then a separate hotplug.ko loadable module will be created. If not set to anything (resulting in 'obj-'), hotplug will be omitted outright.

Compiling with different flags in Makefile?

I have a single program used to interact with a joystick. It uses conditional compilation to specify a specific joystick. We do this right now by just hard coding the correct flag into the Makefile.
I'd like to make it so it uses a different flag based on the command given to the Makefile. So for example, I currently have this:
.PHONY: saitek
saitek: $(SOURCES)
.PHONY: logitech
logitech: $(SOURCES)
I want only one of these commands to ever be run, and I want them all to make the same executable. But if I rerun 'make' it will compile the program again. I'd like it to recognize that it's already built the program.
Is there anyway to do this with a Makefile?
If you're using GNUMake, this will do what you're asking. It uses a different flag based on the command given to Make, and it doesn't rebuild the program unnecessarily.
.PHONY: saitek logitech
# Suppose the actual name of your executable is "program"
saitek logitech: program
program: $(SOURCES)
GNU make inherits variables from its environment, so if you specify
in your shell, and use
in your makefile.
I question the necessity of this. You could just call make as something like make CFLAGS=-DSAITEK or use autoconf and substitute in the correct defines.
That said, how about something like this:
saitek logitech: program
.PHONY: saitek logitech
ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),saitek)
ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),logitech)
program: $(OBJS)
# Whatever
