Maven deploy + source classifiers - maven

I'm trying to deploy a Maven artifact with a classifier. Since I need both the sources and the JAR (I'm using it from GWT), I would like to get artifact-version-classifier.jar and artifact-version-classifier-sources.jar. However, it works fine with the compiled JAR, but fails with the sources (the output sources JAR has a wrong name).
This is the configuration that I have so far:
And this is the output I'm getting for mvn deploy:
Uploading: http://juicebox:8080/archiva/repository/snapshots//ar/com/nubing/afip-connector/1.0-SNAPSHOT/afip-connector-1.0-SNAPSHOT-prod.jar
237K uploaded (afip-connector-1.0-SNAPSHOT-prod.jar)
But this one has a wrong name:
Uploading: http://juicebox:8080/archiva/repository/snapshots//ar/com/nubing/afip-connector/1.0-SNAPSHOT/afip-connector-1.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar
228K uploaded (afip-connector-1.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar)

Sadly, attaching a source JAR with an arbitrary classifier is not supported by the source plugin. When the source artifact is attached, the classifier is hardcoded (as of version 2.1.2 of source plugin).
You can work around the issue by getting the source plugin to generate the JAR but not attach, and attach it with the build helper plugin's attach artifact goal.

Used the same workaround as prunge for this. But that's no longer necessary. This is a reported Bug that was fixed in version 2.2 in June 2012: Just set the property <classifier>. Tested with 2.2.1 .

A bit more of an updated answer, using sources and javadoc


How to release all artifacts under the target folder?

I am using the following commands
mvn release:prepare release:perform
This goal runs fine but only deploys the main jar for the project.
What have I tried ?
I tried using the deploy plugin with its deploy-file goal but it is uploading the artifact to jetbrains repository.
mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:3.0.0-M1:deploy-file -Dfile="target/foo-bar-jar-with-dependencies.jar" -Durl="<my-repo-url>" -Darguments=-DskipTests -DrepositoryId="repo-id"
Here is the output
Uploading to repo-id: <my-repo-url>/org/jetbrains/annotations/13.0/annotations-13.0.jar
I have hidden some parameters and named within <> for privacy
Here are the artifacts in my target folder
|______ foo-bar.jar <<< this is the main jar
|______ foo-bar-jar-with-dependencies.jar
Question ?
How do I upload additional artifacts using maven ?
By default deploy plugin was picking up some other settings (saw it using -X with maven) so I had to explicitly mention the path to my pom (yes, even though it was in pwd). That seems to work.
Here is what I saw in the debug logs
[DEBUG] Using META-INF/maven/org.jetbrains/annotations/pom.xml as pomFile
Adding the pomFile attribute with deploy plugin does the trick. Here is the updated command.
mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:3.0.0-M1:deploy-file -Dfile="target/foo-bar-jar-with-dependencies.jar" -Durl="<my-repo-url>" -Darguments=-DskipTests -DrepositoryId="repo-id" -DpomFile="pom.xml"
Here is my build section for the pom
<!-- this is done to avoid infinite loop of builds -->
<scmCommentPrefix>[skip ci]</scmCommentPrefix>

Maven shade plugin is not called automatically for goal "package"

I've spent quite a bit of time figuring out how to invoke Maven shade plugin to build a uber-jar (with all dependencies).
Most of the google-able info that I found (including numerous examples, and Maven documentation) suggests that all I have to do is include the plugin into pom.xml:
and then "mvn package" (or any other goal that eventually invokes "package") will automatically trigger this plugin.
But no matter what I tried - the only way to actually invoke the plugin appears to be: running "mvn package shade:shade" (which seems to defeat the purpose of config-driven build). Same results whether running Maven from within Eclipse (STS Version: 3.8.2.RELEASE), or from command line (Apache Maven 3.3.9).
Am I missing anything?
UPD: solved, see answer by GauravJ.
I have managed to reproduce your problem. In your pom.xml, you must have defined plugin like below,
instead of
This will probably fix your problem.

Modifying jar filename using maven

I have a requirement that all the artifacts created by maven bear a build number.
The build number is stored in a properties file. I'm successful with controlling the names of generated EAR and WAR artifacts but not the JAR. Here are the relevant excerpts from pom.xml.
I expected the maven-jar-plugin configuration to work but it does not, I end up with jar always named SelfService-2.jar, whereas when contains buildNumber=40, maven generates SelfService-2.40.war and SelfService-2.40.ear.
How do I get the build number into the jar name?
Thanks in advance.
I got what I was after by using the following configuration of maven-jar-plugin:

Maven: Extract dependency resources before test

I have a multimodule Maven project. One subproject hosts XSL/XML resource files. The other project hosts Java code that needs to use these files in its unit tests.
In the dependency's jar, the resources lie in the folder xml-resources.
I found this example and tried to change it for my needs:
This doesn't do anything when I run the process-test-resources phase. Am am sure that there are some errors in there - I do not see where I can specify the dependency the resources should be taken from, and <classifier> does not seem to actually specify the source where the resources should be copied from.
I'm lost here, can somebody tell me how to do this right?
Try something like this
<includes>foobar.txt, loremipsum.xml</includes>
Have a look at the unpack-dependencies parameters for detailed explanation or further information.

Unable to get unpack-dependencies to run before jar:jar,

I cannot get maven-dependency-plugin/unpack-dependencies to run before maven-jar-plugin/jar when running mvn clean install from the command line.
Every time, I see it running jar:jar before the unpack stuff runs, I saw in my googling some talk of adding a pre-package phase to the maven lifecycle, doesn't seem to be working thought.
Basically I want to create a single jar file containing all necessary classes (all 2600 of them). This jar gets a Manifest which enables it to be run in the manner of:
java -jar blah.jar
If I ever get it to work...
And here's the xml snippet...
In your original question, replace the phase with the following phase.
this will cause the jars to be extracted first. For your problem, the shade solution is better, but I will still post this here as a reference for other with similar problems where shade does not help.
The output path is set to make sure that jar's contents end up in dir that the jar:jar goal packages (target/classes).
Full plugin execution xml snippet:
I had similiar issue with single jar creation.
My solutions incorporates standard maven-dependency plugin with unpack goal (unpacks all dependencies during compile process and move it into custom outputDirectory.
The secret is, JAR plugin takes all from target/classes directory and packs as a one JAR.
That's why I defined custom outputDirectory. Have a look at the code below:
You may run it by identifying the goal sequentially as
"mvn clean dependency:unpack jar:jar install"
I hope this may help you to achieve the requirement
Charlee Ch.
