Maven shade plugin is not called automatically for goal "package" - maven

I've spent quite a bit of time figuring out how to invoke Maven shade plugin to build a uber-jar (with all dependencies).
Most of the google-able info that I found (including numerous examples, and Maven documentation) suggests that all I have to do is include the plugin into pom.xml:
and then "mvn package" (or any other goal that eventually invokes "package") will automatically trigger this plugin.
But no matter what I tried - the only way to actually invoke the plugin appears to be: running "mvn package shade:shade" (which seems to defeat the purpose of config-driven build). Same results whether running Maven from within Eclipse (STS Version: 3.8.2.RELEASE), or from command line (Apache Maven 3.3.9).
Am I missing anything?
UPD: solved, see answer by GauravJ.

I have managed to reproduce your problem. In your pom.xml, you must have defined plugin like below,
instead of
This will probably fix your problem.


Plugin 'maven-clean-plugin:' not found in Intellij IDE

I added the following in my pom.xml.
Intellij IDE complains that:
Plugin 'maven-clean-plugin:' not found
Also note that in the auto complete also it does not appear.
What am I doing wrong here?

Get the semantic versioning components within a Maven POM [duplicate]

Is it possible to get the major version (<Major>.<Minor>.<Patch>) of the project.version?
For example if my version is 1.3.4, I'd like to get 1 to later use it in a configuration of the same pom.xml
Something like:
If not, what are the alternatives?
Found it. The build-helper-maven-plugin has the ability to parse-out the components of the version.
<echo>[version] ${project.version}</echo>
<echo>[majorVersion] ${parsedVersion.majorVersion}</echo>
This works on Maven 3.3.9:
Versions don't necessarily come in the structure you describe.
Maven has conventions for trailing numbers, but you don't have to use them.
If you have a convention that you like that you want to disassemble, you can write your own maven plugin that sets several properties to the several pieces as you define them.

Maven jarsigner plugin

I just tried to configure the maven jarsigner plugin for signing a jar project.
As far as I can understand, the plugin should run automatically when I run mvn clean package but it doesn't.
I must run mvn clean package jarsigner:sign for the plugin to be executed.
I could find the error on my own. The configuration element has to be within the execution element.

Maven deploy + source classifiers

I'm trying to deploy a Maven artifact with a classifier. Since I need both the sources and the JAR (I'm using it from GWT), I would like to get artifact-version-classifier.jar and artifact-version-classifier-sources.jar. However, it works fine with the compiled JAR, but fails with the sources (the output sources JAR has a wrong name).
This is the configuration that I have so far:
And this is the output I'm getting for mvn deploy:
Uploading: http://juicebox:8080/archiva/repository/snapshots//ar/com/nubing/afip-connector/1.0-SNAPSHOT/afip-connector-1.0-SNAPSHOT-prod.jar
237K uploaded (afip-connector-1.0-SNAPSHOT-prod.jar)
But this one has a wrong name:
Uploading: http://juicebox:8080/archiva/repository/snapshots//ar/com/nubing/afip-connector/1.0-SNAPSHOT/afip-connector-1.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar
228K uploaded (afip-connector-1.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar)
Sadly, attaching a source JAR with an arbitrary classifier is not supported by the source plugin. When the source artifact is attached, the classifier is hardcoded (as of version 2.1.2 of source plugin).
You can work around the issue by getting the source plugin to generate the JAR but not attach, and attach it with the build helper plugin's attach artifact goal.
Used the same workaround as prunge for this. But that's no longer necessary. This is a reported Bug that was fixed in version 2.2 in June 2012: Just set the property <classifier>. Tested with 2.2.1 .
A bit more of an updated answer, using sources and javadoc

How to get the semver Major part of a Maven version?

Is it possible to get the major version (<Major>.<Minor>.<Patch>) of the project.version?
For example if my version is 1.3.4, I'd like to get 1 to later use it in a configuration of the same pom.xml
Something like:
If not, what are the alternatives?
Found it. The build-helper-maven-plugin has the ability to parse-out the components of the version.
<echo>[version] ${project.version}</echo>
<echo>[majorVersion] ${parsedVersion.majorVersion}</echo>
This works on Maven 3.3.9:
Versions don't necessarily come in the structure you describe.
Maven has conventions for trailing numbers, but you don't have to use them.
If you have a convention that you like that you want to disassemble, you can write your own maven plugin that sets several properties to the several pieces as you define them.
