Search Query with wildcards in Date - oracle

I'm trying to search DB for records based on Date. But the search is based in month and year. i.e mm/yyyy and dd is to be wild-card.
My search query looks like this:
Select ucid, uc_name, From (UC_Table1)
where UC_Date like To_Date('11/*/2011','mm/dd/yyyy')
this gives me the following error:
ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected, So obviously it doesn't like * or % or _ or ? as wild-cards for dd.

Wildcards do not work like that within a function. The To_Date() function parses out the * before the LIKE has a chance to see it. Consider:
SELECT ucid, uc_name
FROM UC_Table1
WHERE UC_Date >= To_Date('11/01/2011', 'mm/dd/yyyy')
AND UC_Date < To_Date('12/01/2011', 'mm/dd/yyyy')


Oracle change string to decimal

I need to convert string to decimals.
So the string value is: 89,333,22.2345
So i want to keep all decimal places and convert it to: 8933322.2345.
I tried the following query:
select to_number(replace(nvl(89,333,22.2345),0),',','') from dual;
This rounds it to 893322. But i want result with all decimals:
If i try running this query:
select to_number((replace(nvl(89,333,22.2345),0),',',''),'9999.99') from dual;
it throws error.
Try this:
select to_number('89,333,22.2345','99,999,99.9999') from dual;
I think you're passing the number as a parameter. Otherwise why would you use nvl. Then I see the query you need is going to be similar like that
select to_number(replace(nvl('89,333,22.2345','0'),',','')) from dual;
Things were wrong at your code:
since number is a varchar, it has to be placed between apostrophes
nvl takes parameters divided by a comma. And there was one closing bracket too much
nvl(89,333,22.2345),0) -> nvl('89,333,22.2345',0)

How substr works on dates

I am trying to understand a query in my application where it uses substr function.
I have gone through the documentation for substr, which looks simple and clear.
Now below is my query without using substr:
select last_day(to_date(to_char(add_months(TO_DATE('2004/10/25', 'yyyy/mm/dd'),1),'YYYY')||'0201','YYYYMMDD')) from dual;
This gives me result as 2/29/2004. The above query just returns last day of Feb in simple words.
Now I am using substr as below:
select substr(last_day(to_date(to_char(add_months(TO_DATE('2004/10/25', 'yyyy/mm/dd'),1),'YYYY')||'0201','YYYYMMDD')),5,1) from dual;
So here the start value is 5 & length is 1, so I am expecting output as 2 looking at 2/29/2004. but the actual output is E, I am not clear from where this E is coming as result.
You cannot use SUBSTR() on DATE values. SUBSTR() works only on strings!
When you run SUBSTR({DATE_VALUE}, ...) then Oracle actually does following:
{DATE_VALUE}, (SELECT VALUE FROM nls_session_parameters WHERE parameter = 'NLS_DATE_FORMAT')
), ...
FROM dual;
What is the purpose of this query? Do you like to find out whether input year is a leap-year?
Try this instead -
select substr(to_char(last_day(to_date(to_char(add_months(TO_DATE('2004/10/25', 'yyyy/mm/dd'),1),'YYYY')||'0201','YYYYMMDD')),'dd/mm/yyyy'),5,1)
from dual;

Oracle: filter query on datetime

I need to restrict a query with a
... ;
in order to achieve that I am using as result of the select a timestamp (if I instead use a datetime I get nothing from my select probably because the format I am using trims the datetime at the second).
Sadly this is not working because these kindo of queries:
select DISTINCT TO_DATE(TO_TIMESTAMP(TO_DATE('25-10-2017 00:00', 'dd-MM-yyyy HH24:MI'))) from DUAL;
return an
ORA-01830: date format picture ends before converting entire input string
how to deal with timestamp to date conversion?
If you want to just compare and check only he dates use trunc on both LHS and RHS.
WHERE trunc(my_date)=(select trunc(RESULT) FROM A)
... ;
This will just compare the dates by truncating the timestamp values
You can use the combination of "TRUNC" and "IN" keywords in your query to achieve what you are expecting. Please check the below query sample as a reference.
SELECT * FROM customer WHERE TRUNC(last_update_dt) IN (select DISTINCT (TRUNC(last_update_dt)) from ... )
Cheers !!

Compare date to month-year in Postgres/Ruby

I have a date column in my table and I would like to 'filter'/select out items after a certain year-month. So if I have data from 2010 on, I have a user input that specifies '2011-10' as the 'earliest date' they want to see data from.
My current SQL looks like this:
select round(sum(amount), 2) as amount,
date_part('month', date) as month
from receipts join items
on receipts.item = items.item
where items.expense = ?
and date_part('year', date)>=2014
and funding = 'General'
group by items.expense, month, items.order
order by items.order desc;
In the second part of the 'where', instead of doing year >= 2014, I want to do something like to_char(date, 'YY-MMMM') >= ? as another parameter and then pass in '2011-10'. However, when I do this:
costsSql = "select round(sum(amount), 2) as amount,
to_char(date, 'YY-MMMM') as year_month
from receipts join items
on receipts.item = items.item
where items.expense = ?
and year_month >= ?
and funding = 'General'
group by items.expense, year_month, items.order
order by items.order desc"
and call that with my two params, I get a postgres error: PG::UndefinedColumn: ERROR: column "year_month" does not exist.
Edit: I converted my YYYY-MM string into a date and passed that in as my param instead and it's working. But I still don't understand why I get the 'column does not exist' error after I created that column in the select clause - can someone explain? Can columns created like that not be used in where clauses?
This error: column "year_month" does not exist happens because year_month is an alias defined the SELECT-list and such aliases can't be refered to in the WHERE clause.
This is based on the fact that the SELECT-list is evaluated after the WHERE clause, see for example: Column alias in where clause? for an explanation from PG developers.
Some databases allow it nonetheless, others don't, and PostgreSQL doesn't. It's one of the many portability hazards between SQL engines.
In the case of the query shown in the question, you don't even need the to_char in the WHERE clause anyway, because as mentioned in the first comment, a direct comparison with a date is simpler and more efficient too.
When a query has a complex expression in the SELECT-list and repeating it in the WHERE clause looks wrong, sometimes it might be refactored to move the expression into a sub-select or a WITH clause at the beginning of the query.

Oracle Select where NCLOB is Like some string

I have an Oracle table, and in this table I have a column of type NCLOB. I would like to perform a SELECT LIKE on it like so:
LIKE '%Turning on the%'
But it isn't working, I get an error saying:
String buffer too small
But I don't understand how can that be, cause I know for a fact that there aren't that many characters in that column for that particular record!
You can use DBMS_LOB.INSTR function to search for strings in the lob. Like this:
Apart from DBMS_LOB.INSTR, you could also use Regular Expressions:
WHERE regexp_like(issue_description, 'Turning on the')
