File not found exception, access is denied - windows

I'm trying to run a program in windows 7 environment. It is giving me this error,
Exception unloading sessions to persistent storage C:\Program Files\dir...
How do i give permissions in windows 7 for the directory dir?

Windows prevents applications from writing to the "Program Files" directory as a matter of policy. Choose a different location to store your files.
If this error is being generated by the Java framework itself, upgrade it.


Special character fails installation of Oracle Weblogic Server 12x

I'm trying to install "Oracle WebLogic Server" on Windows 10 with
java -jar fmw_12. command run on Git Bash. Problem is my folder account name (let's say UserŃame) has special characters and I cannot change that. This is error message that I've got:
The directory path "C:\Users\User▒ame\AppData\Local\Temp\OraInstall2022-01-05_04-13-52PM" contains invalid characters.
Unable to locate or create a temporary directory for the Oracle Universal Installer.
Are there any tricks to bypass this extraction to temp folder maybe?
I'm trying setup new local account with admin privileges but after creation I cannot log in to it... this is different problem.
You can try to set a different temp dir with this JVM property

Windows 10 - How can I fix - C:\ Ace entries not in canonical order

I have run into an issue with my windows backup software that I believe is due to an issue with permissions on my C:\ drive. I am using cygwin which can cause issues.
The problem manifests itself by the Veritas SRS software not being able to snapshot the C:\ drive due to issues with VSS.
When attempting to run a utility that diagnoses and fixes issues with VSS (vss-doctor by Acronis), it indicates that the SYSTEM account does not have Full Control access to C:\
When I try to run the fix, the utility complains that that the access control list is not in canonical order. I can confirm this by running:
C:\>icacls C:\ /verify
C:\: Ace entries not in canonical order.
Successfully processed 0 files; Failed processing 0 files
When I try to reset, I receive this error (I am running the command prompt in Administrator mode):
C:\>icacls C:\ /reset
C:\: Access is denied.
Successfully processed 0 files; Failed processing 1 files
What can I do to correct this problem?

Disable abrtd for executables stored in project directory

I have the following problem with the abrt daemon:
For a tuning application I am executing the same program over and over again. A lot of the times the program I am executing fails. That is no problem and actually expected, but after thousands of fails abrtd runs at 100% CPU usage.
Because I don't need the error reporting from abrt I would like to configure it to ignore all crashes that happen from executables stored in my project directory. I found the BlackListedPaths configuration keyword, but I can not access the configuration file under /etc because I do not have admin privileges.
Is there a way to to configure abrtd as described above without admin rights?
Many thanks in advance!
I was able to disable the abrt error reporting without admin rights by creating a file under ~/.config/abrt/abrt.conf with BlackListedPaths = /path/to/project/ as its content.

TeamCity installed successfully, but unable to restart after shutdown

I have managed to install TeamCity successfully, with a BuildAgent running.
However, after running runall stop, followed by runall start, I get the following error:
error in script file line: 41 file input/output errorerror C:\ProgramData\JetBrains\TeamCity\system\ (Access is denied) opening file - file C:/ProgramData/JetBrains/TeamCity/system/
SQL exception: error in script file line: 41 file input/output errorerror C:\ProgramData\JetBrains\TeamCity\system\ (Access is denied) opening file - file C:/ProgramData/JetBrains/TeamCity/system/
The file exists in the directory What could be the issue?
I am using TeamCity 8.1
Looks like the problem is one of folder permissions which causes me to suspect that the user that the TeamCity Windows service runs as doesn't have read/write access to the folder where you chose to store your TeamCity data.
I had the same problem for my local windows installation. The solution is easy run startup.but script as administrator.
The answer is the oldest trick in the book..
After restarting the computer, it works.

Permissions in Vista

I am making a call to:
and this call works fine in Windows XP.
When I run it in Vista I get:
Exception: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: An error occurred loading a configuration file: Access to the path 'C:\Windows\system32\2lqfj0cv.tmp' is denied. (C:\Windows\system32\MsiExec.config) ---> System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'C:\Windows\system32\2lqfj0cv.tmp' is denied.
Now I guss the pertinent fact here is that I am running the call above from a Windows Installer MSI (call to a managed DLL). I guess I need to do something to up the user permissions? I really don't know a lot about Vista permissions?
Try using run as admin. Also do you mean to be editing the MSIEXEC.config?
