Windows 10 - How can I fix - C:\ Ace entries not in canonical order - windows

I have run into an issue with my windows backup software that I believe is due to an issue with permissions on my C:\ drive. I am using cygwin which can cause issues.
The problem manifests itself by the Veritas SRS software not being able to snapshot the C:\ drive due to issues with VSS.
When attempting to run a utility that diagnoses and fixes issues with VSS (vss-doctor by Acronis), it indicates that the SYSTEM account does not have Full Control access to C:\
When I try to run the fix, the utility complains that that the access control list is not in canonical order. I can confirm this by running:
C:\>icacls C:\ /verify
C:\: Ace entries not in canonical order.
Successfully processed 0 files; Failed processing 0 files
When I try to reset, I receive this error (I am running the command prompt in Administrator mode):
C:\>icacls C:\ /reset
C:\: Access is denied.
Successfully processed 0 files; Failed processing 1 files
What can I do to correct this problem?


Unified Write Filter Causes Kernel Mode Exception When Enabled on Iot Core Version 10.0.17763.107

After installing the unified write filter packages on Iot Core version 10.0.17763.107 which is running on a Raspberyy Pi 3 version B, an unhanded kernel mode exception (blue screen) occurs after the UWF is enabled.
The UWF packages were installed from the Windows10_IoTCore_Packages_ARM32_en-us_17763Oct.iso from the semi-annual servicing channel download link.
The following steps were derived from the article "Using the Unified Write Filter (UWF) on Windows 10 IoT Core."
This process worked on Iot Core version 10.0.17134, however, the UWF package file names are different for the 17763 packages.
After installing the Windows_10_IoT_Core_ARM_Packages.msi from the iso, the packages:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\MSPackages\retail\arm\fre\
C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\MSPackages\retail\arm\fre\
were copied to the device into the folder u:\UnifiedWriteFilter
The following commands were ran from a remote powershell session:
cd UnifiedWriteFilter
applyupdate –stage
applyupdate –stage
applyupdate –commit
The device then appears to install the packages successfully.
Upon restart, the following commands were ran from a remote SSH session:
uwfmgr.exe volume protect c:
uwfmgr.exe volume protect u:
uwfmgr.exe filter enable
shutdown -r -t 0
When the device restarts, the "Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart. We''l restart for you" screen appears with:
Stop code: KMODE exception not handled.
What failed: vwififlt.sys
This process has been repeated using two different SD cards.
Is there something that I am doing incorrectly to install and enable UWF for version 17763?
I have tested with the commands in your post. I can reproduce this issue. It seems that you can not protect the data volume(U:) via command 'uwfmgr.exe volume protect u:'. But it can be protected using the GUID for the volume.
Use putty or other tool to connect with the device through SSH, and then redirect to the root of partition C:;
Get the volume information via command dir /AL,you will get the GUID for the data volume:
Run the command to protect the volume with GUID which got from last step:
uwfmgr.exe volume protect \\?\Volume {GUID}

How to resolve 'INS 30131 Initial setup required for the execution of installer validation failed' in Oracle installation?

This error occurred during installation of Oracle on Windows Server 2008.
Cause - Failed to access the temporary location.
Action - Ensure that the current user has required permissions to access the temporary location.
Additional Information:
 - PRVG-1901 : failed to setup CVU remote execution framework directory C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\CVU_12.\ on nodes "rgfindbd"
 - Cause:  An operation requiring remote execution could not complete because
the attempt to set up the Cluster Verification Utility remote
execution framework failed on the indicated nodes at the
indicated directory location because the CVU remote execution
framework version did not match the CVU java verification
framework version. The accompanying message provides detailed
failure information.
 - Action:  Ensure that the directory indicated exists or can be created and
the user executing the checks has sufficient permission to
overwrite the contents of this directory. Also review the
accompanying error messages and respond to them.
Summary of the failed nodes rgfindbd
 - Version of exectask could not be retrieved from node "rgfindbd"
 - Cause: Cause Of Problem Not Available
 - Action: User Action Not Available
 - Version of exectask could not be retrieved from node "rgfindbd"
 - Cause: Cause Of Problem Not Available
 - Action: User Action Not Available
In the folder, where your setup.exe is, run:
setup -ignorePrereq -J"-Doracle.install.db.validate.supportedOSCheck=false"
In administrator cmd go to your setup folder then:
For a client installation:
For a server installation:
-ignorePrereq -J"-Doracle.install.db.validate.supportedOSCheck=false"
I can suggest you to
check if RemoteExecService.exe is running from your temp location,
for example C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Temp\oraremservice.
If it does, then kill the process and delete the oraremservice folder.
Rerun your installation
this work in my case
# chmod 777 -R /tmp
Run cmd as administrator
Locate the folder of the setup
And use this
setup -ignorePrereq -J"-Doracle.install.db.validate.supportedOSCheck=false"
Delete the oraremservicev2 folder in *C:\Users\{name}\AppData\Local\Temp* location and continue the installation. Working fine

Wbadmin backup failed due to a file system limitation

I'm trying to setup and learn the Wbadmin command line prompts for making my own backups. I'm created a test on Server 2008 R2 in VMWare, I've created a separate B: drive for backups. I'm trying to target specific files, and I've created 6 testFile# .txt files in the C drive under the !Test folder.
The command that I've used is:
wbadmin start backup -backupTarget:\\localhost\NetworkShare -include:C:\!Test\testFile*
The process starts, but ends up crashing. Screenshot attached below. The logs for both the backup and the error are blank. The main error message is:
There was a failure in updating the backup for deleted items.
The requested operation could not be completed due to a file system limitation
What am I doing wrong? B: was formatted to NTFS, and I've followed the instructions exactly.
So after some research, I found the cause of the error message. The proplem came from within the Virtual Machine itself. The VM or the Operating System was not configured, so Wbadmin would not accept the destination of //localhost/NetworkShare
When I tried backing up to a real network drive, everything worked as planned. The * wildcard, hoping to grab only the 6 testFiles numbered 1-6, worked correctly. However in real practice listing each individual file name after a comma: , will probably be more useful for others. Here is the command that worked:
wbadmin start backup -backuptarget:\\(IP address of network)\Public -inlcude:C:\!Test\testFile*
Here was the log report:
Backed up C:\
Backed up C:\!Test\
Backed up C:\!Test\testFile1.txt
Backed up C:\!Test\testFile2.txt
Backed up C:\!Test\testFile3.txt
Backed up C:\!Test\testFile4.txt
Backed up C:\!Test\testFile5.txt
Backed up C:\!Test\testFile6.txt
I hope this helps someone else

File not found exception, access is denied

I'm trying to run a program in windows 7 environment. It is giving me this error,
Exception unloading sessions to persistent storage C:\Program Files\dir...
How do i give permissions in windows 7 for the directory dir?
Windows prevents applications from writing to the "Program Files" directory as a matter of policy. Choose a different location to store your files.
If this error is being generated by the Java framework itself, upgrade it.

PostgreSQL 9 install on Windows: "Unable to write inside TEMP environment path."

I am attempting to install PostgreSQL 9 (postgresql-9.0.3-1-windows.exe) on my WinXP machine and get the following error at the start:
Some googling around yielded some advice that suggested Windows Scripting Host might be disabled. I've checked and WSH is definitely enabled, so it must be something else. Question is, what?
I can see a file called prerun_checks.vbs is created in %TEMP% and when I try to run this manually, I get the following:
Which looks like a permissions error. However, I am an Admin, and I've given myself full control of the temp folder and it's still not working.
Any help appreciated.
In my case the solution was related to NotePad++ being the default application for opening .vbs files. If you have the same situation, here's an elaborate solution:
In a nutshell, in the registry, you need to go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.vbs, and set the (Default) entry back to the string VBSFile.
This is a an old thread, but I just had the same problem on windows 10:
Unable to write inside TEMP environment path
Solve by the following steps
Check that the problem is related to Windows Script Host.
From cmd run wscript.exe
If you get an error Windows Script Host is not enabled then you can solved it by running the following from cmd
Fix for Current User
REG DELETE "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings" /v Enabled /f
Fix for Local Machine
REG DELETE "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings" /v Enabled /f
Now you can install psql
As I was finishing off my question above, our IT chap turned up and knew what the problem was immediately: it's McAfee. It prevents anything from running in a TEMP folder, including Windows Scripting Host scripts. Disabling McAfee for the duration of the installation fixed the problem for me.
So if you see this problem, try disabling your anti-virus.
The answer in the following page helpped me.
run-> regedit and take backup of registry using export
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE->SOFTWARE->Classes->CLSID->B54F3741-5B07-11cf-A4B0-00AA004A55E8} -> InprocServer32
Modify registry entry with new value as C:\Windows\System32\vbscript.dll
In fact, I found there are 3 entries of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE->SOFTWARE->Classes->CLSID->B54F3741-5B07-11cf-A4B0-00AA004A55E8}, and set the first one as above, it works.
If anyone else is searching for information on this and doesn't have any luck here, you might want to look at:
For follow-ups to the mailing list please read:
Well, in my case nothing worked, and disabling McAffee needed a special ticket with my company's security team to actually do... so I installed using the binaries, by following this guide Helpful Guide.
In summary, download the binary from here, unzip it, go inside the pgsql folder, create log and data directories in there, and then open a command prompt, navigate to where the pgsql\bin folder is, and run initdb -U postgres -A password -E utf8 -W -D POSTGRESQL_ROOT\data
You can start and stop the server by running
"POSTGRESQL_ROOT/bin/pg_ctl" -D "POSTGRESQL_ROOT/data" -l "POSTGRESQL_ROOT/log/pgsql.log" start
"POSTGRESQL_ROOT/bin/pg_ctl" -D "POSTGRESQL_ROOT/data" -l "POSTGRESQL_ROOT/log/pgsql.log" stop
where POSTGRESQL_ROOT is the full path to the pgsql folder.
All the above did not work for me. I was getting an error like:
Script output:
CScript Error: Windows Script Host access is disabled on this machine. Contact your administrator for details.
so after a couple of googling i found the solution:
Navigate to the following key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings
In the right panel, you will see Enabled. If you see the entry 0, it means that the Windows Script Host access is disabled on your Windows machine.
Double Click on it and give it Value Data 1 to enable it.
A value of 1 will enable Windows Script Host
A value of 0 will disable Windows Script Host.
for windows 10 navigate to
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings
To prevent further problems you should also exclude the data directory (where Postgres puts its data) from being scanned by your virus-scanner
In my case it was another application that caused the problem. Not Notepad++. To others who encounter this problem, you can diagnose it by first deleting all files in C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Local Settings\Temp so that you'll be able to find the bitrock_installer.log easily when you try installing postgresql again and view the instructions in it. Changing the (Default) key in the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, .vbs section of the registry to VBSFile solved it.
I had this issue when trying to install the 32 bit version on Windows 7 64 bit.
Trying the install kit for 64 bit presented no errors, but the solutions presented by others are also valid.
In my case I've downloded McAfee removal tool
MCPR (McAfee Consumer Product Removal)
which cleaned up some tailings after McAfee uninstallation.
Some registry entries which previously had InprocServer32 values like 'c:\program files\common files\mcafee\systemcore\...' changed back to its original values:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{B54F3741-5B07-11cf-A4B0-00AA004A55E8}\InprocServer32\(default) = vbscript.dll
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{B54F3741-5B07-11cf-A4B0-00AA004A55E8}\InprocServer32\(default) = C:\Windows\SysWow64\vbscript.dll
After that I successfully installed PostgreSQL 9.3
it happens when Notepad++ associates .vbs file types.
you can open notepad++ -> Preferences -> fileAssociation
Remove the .vbs from the registered exts.
Close the notepad++. Try installing Postgres again.
In my case Changing the (Default) key in the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, .vbs section of the registry to VBSFile solved it. BlueFish is grab .vbs file association.
In the temp directory, my bitrock_installer.log file had the following:
Executing cscript //NoLogo "C:\Users\MyUser\Local
Script exit code: 1
Script output:
Input Error: Can not find script file "C:\Users\MyUser\Local
Turns out that Windows has a symlink between the following directories:
C:\Users\cpetrie\Local Settings\Temp
For some reason my "TMP" and "TEMP" user variables were referencing the "Local Settings" path instead of the "AppData" path. Changing this fixed my install issue.
My problem was Smad-Av which disables Windows Scripts from running,
Only after going through this thread i remembered.
I just right clicked the Smad-Av icon and selected Allow Windows-Script & Office-Macro (Permanent).
I had the same problem with installing PostgreSQL (Unable to write in TEMP environment variable path), the problem was in Windows Script Host which was disabled (check the log file to see if this is your problem). enable it with register editor (run-->regedit) at this location Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings by setting its value at 1
For more details check this web link:
I had the same problem in Windows 10 and the culprit was the OS's permission, or rather the lack thereof, on allowing the executable to write on the User dedicated Temp folder.
Solved it by following my gut and changing the User Temp folder to the same with the system's : Win + Pause/Break to have the Computer Properties window appear (you can do that manually by right-click on Computer icon on Desktop -> Properties) -> click on Advanced System Settings on the panel on the left -> click on Environment Variables and
under "System variables" - Variables, find the TEMP and TMP ones and copy their paths. Then, under "User variables for Administrator" - Variables, find the TEMP and TMP ones and paste the paths. It's most always "C:\Windows\TEMP" anyways ;)
There's this site I read :
search for "Registery Editor" and run it.
choose HKEY_CURRENT_USER => SOFTWARE => Microsoft => Windows script host => Setting (Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings)
open "Enabled" and change value data to "1".(you will find it with a vlaue of 0).
Happy coding!
Check the log in the system's TEMP directory (provided the installer is able to write into it).
There's lot of information about the errors.
My issue was that VBS files were associated with a text editor (probably the anti virus software is the culprit) .
Here you can find some reg edit scripts to revert to the default behaviour:
My solution is similiar to #5, with an Explantion of how and why McAfee ruins your vbscript registration.
Apparently, when I had McAfee antivirus software on my computer, it bashed the vbscript.dll registration that Windows Scripting Host needs to run .VBS files.
In the exported .REG file:
#="C:\Program Files\Common Files\McAfee\SystemCore\ScriptSn.20120327211246.dll"
That SHOULD be changed back to "C:\Windows\System32\vbscript.dll" now.
McAfee apparently installs a DLL that hijacks the vbscript.dll in order to try to protect bad scripts from running. When I uninstalled McAfee in favor of Microsoft
Security Essentials, McAfee did not restore the registry paths ("not
my problem"), and the McAfee DLL, of course, was removed from the location during uninstall, so the vbscript.dll registration in fact pointed to NOWHERE and NOTHING.
There has to be a better way to write Antivirus software so that it doesn't disable the user's operating system when it is uninstalled, or when features
are turned off, or replace registration. See the following:
I have a 64-bit OS. The registry path was changed in a number of locations.
The regular class ID should point to the "C:\Windows\System32\vbscript.dll" 64-bit file.
The "Wow6432Node" registry paths should point to the "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\vbscript.dll" 32-bit file.
Yes, the 64-bits are in the "32" folder and the 32-bits are in the "SysWOW64" folder. Microsoft didn't want to change the name of the main "System32" execution folder when it migrated to 64-bits.
Before you start messing with the registry, check if WSH is actually disabled or not. To do that run wscript.exe in the DOS box.
If you see a dialog box called "Windows Script Host Settings", WSH is enabled, and your problem with PostgreSQL installation must be related to something else.
If you get an error box that says "Windows Script Host access is disabled on this machine. Contact your administrator for details", WSH is disabled, and your problem with PostgreSQL installation may be related to it (or may be not).
For me, my problem was related to Windows script. I resolved this by right-clicking on smadav icon in the hidden icons in the task bar and checked "Allow Windows-script and Office-Macro (Permanent)". Then double click on the PostgreSQL setup again.
First go to registry Editor then choose HKEY_CURRENT_USER > software > Microsoft > Windows script host > setting > default > add value data to 1 and click Ok. done!
After disabling Smad Av, it still did not work. So, I right clicked on the Smad Av tray icon and I selected 'Allow Windows-Script & Office-Macro (Permanent)' and it worked.
