Get original image url Magento ( - magento

I have the following piece of code:
$cProduct = Mage::getModel("catalog/product");
foreach($products_id as $product_id) {
$product = $cProduct->load($product_id);
//$products_image[] = Mage::getBaseUrl(Mage_Core_Model_Store::URL_TYPE_MEDIA).str_replace(Mage::getBaseUrl('media'),"", $product);
//$products_image[] = $product->getMediaConfig()->getMediaUrl($_product->getData('image'));
$products_image[] = $product->getImageUrl(); //product's image url
As you can see, I've tried several ways to get the original image url. Currently I'm using getImageUrl(), but it retrieves the base image, which is a cropped version. How can I retrieve the original image??
Thanks in advance.
Seriously appears there isn't a function for it, been Googling for hours straight (also before posting here). So I've written my own function.
function get_original_image_url($base_image_url) {
$exploded = explode("/", $base_image_url);
$image_name = $exploded[count($exploded) - 1];
$original_image_url = "" . $image_name[0] . "/" .
$image_name[1] . "/" . $image_name;
return $original_image_url;
I call it with:
$original = get_original_image_url($product->getImageUrl());
Works for me, though it isn't a nice way to do it.

You should use the catalog product media config model for this purpose.
//your code ...
echo Mage::getModel('catalog/product_media_config')
->getMediaUrl( $product->getImage() ); //getSmallImage(), getThumbnail()
Hope this helps.

Other faster way:
$cProduct = Mage::getModel("catalog/product");
$baseUrl = Mage::getBaseUrl('media') . 'catalog/product/';
foreach($products_id as $product_id) {
$product = $cProduct->load($product_id);
$products_image[] = $baseUrl . $product->getImage();


laravel Backpack Original Image Name

I am using laravel backpack for my site and i need to upload some images, i copy the code from their website and works fine, but i need the original name on the images, i tried some things, but is not working.
public function setImageAttribute($value)
$attribute_name = "image";
$disk = "uploads";
$destination_path = 'storage/services/' .date('FY').DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
if ($value==null) {
// set null in the database column
$this->attributes[$attribute_name] = null;
if (str_starts_with($value, 'data:image'))
$file = $value;
$filename = $this->generateFileName($file, $destination_path);
$image = InterventionImage::make($file)->orientate();
$fullPath = $destination_path.$filename.'.'.$file->getClientOriginalExtension();
$this->attributes[$attribute_name] = $fullPath;
protected function generateFileName($file, $destination_path)
$filename = basename($file->getClientOriginalName(), '.'.$file->getClientOriginalExtension());
$filename = Str::random(20);
while (Storage::disk('uploads')->exists($destination_path.$filename.'.'.$file->getClientOriginalExtension())) {
$filename = Str::random(20);
return $filename;
why value alwys take image base64
is there any way to git image original name?
As far as I know, you won't be able to retrieve the filename, as it's always a base64 file. But maybe this work around helps you:
Image fields blade file can be found at:
You can overwrite it by making a file on the same name at:
You can change anything there, maybe you can add a hidden input with the file name.

spatie / laravel-sitemap | Adding new url replacing the previous file completely

I am using spatie/laravel-sitemap package to generate sitemap. I am able to generate sitemap nicely but when i try to add some new url it is replacing the previous urls completely. I am using the code below. Any suggestion would be very much appreciated.
$keywords = Keyword::all();
$sitemap = SitemapGenerator::create(config('app.url'))
$location = Location::where('id', $location_id)->select('id', 'name', 'city_id')->with('city:id,name')->first();
foreach ($keywords as $keyword) {
$url = Url::create("/toptechnicians/{$keyword->keyword}/{$location->city->name}/{$location->name}");
$url2 = Url::create("/topbusinesses/{$keyword->keyword}/{$location->city->name}/{$location->name}");

Intervention\Image\Exception\NotWritableException Can't write image data to path

I'm trying to put a image on a folder than i generate with a timestamp.
This give me the error in the title.
Can't write image data to path (/Users/me/Sites/test/public/uploads/images/1573905600/title-1.jpg)
This is my code :
$photoPaths = $request->get('photo_paths');
if (isset($photoPaths)){
$photos = explode(';', $photoPaths);
$path = storage_path('tmp/uploads/');
$newPath = public_path('/uploads/images/').strtotime('12:00:00')."/";
$arrayPhoto = array();
foreach($photos as $photo){
$photoPath = $path . $photo;
if (File::exists($photoPath)) {
$newPhotoName = Str::slug($request->get('titre')."-".$i,"-").".jpg";
$newPhotoFullPath = $newPath . $newPhotoName;
$photo = Image::make($photoPath);
// $photo->resize(1400, 1050);
$photo->resize(null, 1050, function ($constraint) {
$photo->encode('jpg', 85);
Storage::disk('public')->makeDirectory($newPath); //It seems it doesn't work
$saved = $photo->save($newPhotoFullPath); //Create the Exception
What i am doing wrong ?
check this that this folder is already created or not.
then give it permission to write
sudo chmod -R 666 /public/upload/images //give permission your choice either it 666 or 775 or 777
$newPath = public_path('/uploads/images/').strtotime('12:00:00')."/";
if (!file_exists($newPath)) {
mkdir($newPath, 0755);
Check out this line of code
$newPhotoName = Str::slug($request->get('titre')."-".$i,"-").".jpg";
is it suppose to be
$newPhotoName = Str::slug($request->get('title')."-".$i,"-").".jpg";
I mean $request->get('title') instead of $request->get('titre').
You can check out your input name from blade against your request validation and also your model fillable if they are same.
I hope this helps.

How to set Component parameters in J2.5?

I've created a J2.5 component with some config fields using config.xml in the admin folder of the component.
How can I set parameters in the config programatically?
I've tried the code bellow, but it obviously doesn't save the result to the DB:
$params = & JComponentHelper::getParams('com_mycomponent');
$params->set('myvar', $the_value);
Could anyone please show some examples of how to achieve this?
The safest way to do this would be to include com_config/models/component.php and use it to validate and save the params. However, if you can somehow validate the data params yourself I would stick with the following (much more simple solution):
// Get the params and set the new values
$params = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_mycomponent');
$params->set('myvar', $the_value);
// Get a new database query instance
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
// Build the query
$query->update('#__extensions AS a');
$query->set('a.params = ' . $db->quote((string)$params));
$query->where('a.element = "com_mycomponent"');
// Execute the query
Notice how I cast the params to a string (when building the query), it will convert the JRegistry object to a JSON formatted string.
If you get any caching problems, you might want to run the following after editing the params:
From a model:
Or, else where:
$conf = JFactory::getConfig();
$options = array(
'defaultgroup' => '_system',
'cachebase' => $conf->get('cache_path', JPATH_SITE . '/cache')
$cache = JCache::getInstance('callback', $options);
The solution is here...
You can replace in Joomla 2.5+ the
// check for error
if (!$table->check()) {
$this->setError('lastcreatedate: check: ' . $table->getError());
return false;
if (!$table->store()) {
$this->setError('lastcreatedate: store: ' . $table->getError());
return false;
if (!$table->save()) {
$this->setError('Save Error: ' . $table->getError());
return false;

Auto refresh content in Mediawiki

I added a new tag (<news />) to my mediawiki to list the last modified pages.
Unfortunately the list is not updated unless I modify the page where the tag is.
I'm looking for a way to do it, and I think of AJAX. But I didn't manage to make AJAX refreshing my list.
Does anyone know a simple way to add an auto refresh feature on my Mediawiki ?
Here is my extension code :
$wgHooks['ParserFirstCallInit'][] = 'replaceTags';
function replaceTags( Parser $parser ) {
$parser->setHook( 'news', 'newsRender' );
return true;
function newsRender( $input, array $args, Parser $parser, PPFrame $frame ) {
// Titre =News=
$output = $parser->parse( "=News=", $parser->mTitle, $parser->mOptions, false, false )->getText();
$nb = 5;
$querySQL = "SELECT page_namespace, page_title, page_id, page_latest, rev_timestamp
FROM page, revision
WHERE page.page_latest = revision.rev_id
AND page_namespace = 0
ORDER BY rev_timestamp
DESC LIMIT 0,$nb";
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
$res = $dbr->query( $querySQL );
$count = $dbr->numRows( $res );
if( $count > 0 ) {
$output .= "<ul>";
while( $row = $dbr->fetchObject( $res ) )
$pageTitle = $row->page_title;
$nicerPageTitle = str_replace("_", " ", $pageTitle);
$pageNamespace = $row->page_namespace;
$title = Title::makeTitleSafe( $pageNamespace, $pageTitle );
$url = $title->getFullURL();
$date = $row->rev_timestamp;
$date = wfTimestamp( TS_RFC2822, $date );
$output .= "<li>$nicerPageTitle $date</li>";
$output .= "</ul>";
} else {
$output .= "A l'ouest rien de nouveau !!!";
return $output;
Thanks to nischayn22, I go into the cache problem in depth.
And I found that it's possible to deactivate it :
I tried it, and it works !!!
This probably happens because MediaWiki uses Cache for pages. What you could rather do is make a SpecialPage for the feature needed. AFAIK Special Pages are not cached (confirm this on irc #mediawiki).
Also you might already find a similar implementation done by someone if you search the extensions that exist on .(Otherwise I would be happy to build one for you :)
Update: Extensions you could use Dynamic List(used in wikinews) and news . There could be more if you search
