Intervention\Image\Exception\NotWritableException Can't write image data to path - laravel

I'm trying to put a image on a folder than i generate with a timestamp.
This give me the error in the title.
Can't write image data to path (/Users/me/Sites/test/public/uploads/images/1573905600/title-1.jpg)
This is my code :
$photoPaths = $request->get('photo_paths');
if (isset($photoPaths)){
$photos = explode(';', $photoPaths);
$path = storage_path('tmp/uploads/');
$newPath = public_path('/uploads/images/').strtotime('12:00:00')."/";
$arrayPhoto = array();
foreach($photos as $photo){
$photoPath = $path . $photo;
if (File::exists($photoPath)) {
$newPhotoName = Str::slug($request->get('titre')."-".$i,"-").".jpg";
$newPhotoFullPath = $newPath . $newPhotoName;
$photo = Image::make($photoPath);
// $photo->resize(1400, 1050);
$photo->resize(null, 1050, function ($constraint) {
$photo->encode('jpg', 85);
Storage::disk('public')->makeDirectory($newPath); //It seems it doesn't work
$saved = $photo->save($newPhotoFullPath); //Create the Exception
What i am doing wrong ?

check this that this folder is already created or not.
then give it permission to write
sudo chmod -R 666 /public/upload/images //give permission your choice either it 666 or 775 or 777
$newPath = public_path('/uploads/images/').strtotime('12:00:00')."/";
if (!file_exists($newPath)) {
mkdir($newPath, 0755);

Check out this line of code
$newPhotoName = Str::slug($request->get('titre')."-".$i,"-").".jpg";
is it suppose to be
$newPhotoName = Str::slug($request->get('title')."-".$i,"-").".jpg";
I mean $request->get('title') instead of $request->get('titre').
You can check out your input name from blade against your request validation and also your model fillable if they are same.
I hope this helps.


laravel Backpack Original Image Name

I am using laravel backpack for my site and i need to upload some images, i copy the code from their website and works fine, but i need the original name on the images, i tried some things, but is not working.
public function setImageAttribute($value)
$attribute_name = "image";
$disk = "uploads";
$destination_path = 'storage/services/' .date('FY').DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
if ($value==null) {
// set null in the database column
$this->attributes[$attribute_name] = null;
if (str_starts_with($value, 'data:image'))
$file = $value;
$filename = $this->generateFileName($file, $destination_path);
$image = InterventionImage::make($file)->orientate();
$fullPath = $destination_path.$filename.'.'.$file->getClientOriginalExtension();
$this->attributes[$attribute_name] = $fullPath;
protected function generateFileName($file, $destination_path)
$filename = basename($file->getClientOriginalName(), '.'.$file->getClientOriginalExtension());
$filename = Str::random(20);
while (Storage::disk('uploads')->exists($destination_path.$filename.'.'.$file->getClientOriginalExtension())) {
$filename = Str::random(20);
return $filename;
why value alwys take image base64
is there any way to git image original name?
As far as I know, you won't be able to retrieve the filename, as it's always a base64 file. But maybe this work around helps you:
Image fields blade file can be found at:
You can overwrite it by making a file on the same name at:
You can change anything there, maybe you can add a hidden input with the file name.

I need webp image on Opencart 3. It is possible?

Is it possible to use webp images in opencart 3? I mean automatic generation.
Not all the browsers accept WEBP image format
but you can type a code to check if the browser accept WEBP format then you will have to make a new images cache and convert the existing images to webp
on the fir dir catalog/model/tool/image.php
$image_new_webp = 'cachewebp/' . utf8_substr($filename, 0, utf8_strrpos($filename, '.')) . '-' . (int)$width . 'x' . (int)$height . '.webp';
after this
$image_new = 'cache/'
to check if the browser accept image.webp and to create your new images cache
in the same file: catalog/model/tool/image.php
add this code:
$gd = gd_info();
if ($gd['WebP Support']) {
if (!is_file(DIR_IMAGE . $image_new_webp) || (filectime(DIR_IMAGE . $image_new) > filectime(DIR_IMAGE . $image_new_webp))) {
$path = '';
$directories = explode('/', dirname($image_new_webp));
foreach ($directories as $directory) {
$path = $path . '/' . $directory;
if (!is_dir(DIR_IMAGE . $path)) {
#mkdir(DIR_IMAGE . $path, 0777);
$image_webp = new Image(DIR_IMAGE . $image_old);
$image_webp->resize($width, $height);
$image_webp->save_webp(DIR_IMAGE . $image_new_webp);
before this line: $image_new = str_replace(
now you need a function to save the images in new format
on file dir: system/library/image.php
add this function:
public function save_webp($file, $quality = 90) {
if (is_resource($this->image)) {
imagewebp($this->image, $file, $quality);
before this line: public function save($file, $quality = 90) {
output the webp images format
add this function on file system/library/response.php
public function webpRebuild($output) {
$gd = gd_info();
if ($gd['WebP Support']) {
$uri = '';
if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
if (stripos($uri, 'admin') === false) { // admin is your dashboard url if you have different name jst change it
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT']) && isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
if( strpos( $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'], 'image/webp' ) !== false ) {
$re = '/(cache)(.*)(\.jpg|\.png|.jpeg)/U';
$subst = '$1webp$2.webp';
$this->output = preg_replace($re, $subst, $this->output);
before this line: private function compress($data, $level = 0)
on the same file you have to output the webpRebuild function so add this code:
after this line: $output = $this
Search the OpenCart extension marketplace for "webp":
Here are a couple, both free:
The best solution is at Design Cart. The extension generates additional webp images and displays them if the user's browser supports webp. Download.

want to change image in codeigniter

I want to change an image in Codeigniter, replace the previously uploaded image and also delete previous image from folder :
Here is my Controller . But its not working:
public function changeImage(){
//$user_id = $this->profile_model->changeImage();
/************* File Upload ************/
$config['upload_path'] = './uploads/user_pic/';
$config['allowed_types'] = 'gif|jpg|png|jpeg';
$filetype = $_FILES['user_pic']['type'];
$file_name = $_FILES['user_pic']['name'];
if($filetype == "image/jpg")
else if ($filetype == "image/gif")
else if($filetype == "image/jpeg")
else if($filetype == "image/pjpeg")
else if($filetype == "image/png")
$up_dtat = array('user_pic' => $_FILES['user_pic']['name']);
if you need to update the profile picture in your store file, first you need to remove the old file, fetch the old file name on the bases of user id.
Then give the file name with this code.
unlink("your_path/filename.jpg"); //don't use base_url() just give the path like profile_pic/xxxxx.png
This code will delete the specified file from that folder.
Now i have code that i had use for the file uploads so it will also work for you try this.
$imgpath='uploads/profile_pic/';//path where do you want to store image
if($_FILES["profile_pic"]['name'])//input type that you have use in file upload
$path_parts = pathinfo($_FILES["profile_pic"]["name"]);
$image_path = $path_parts['filename'].'_'.time().'.'.$path_parts['extension'];
$data['cm_user_profile_pic']=$all_img;//store filename in array to update in database
If you want to replace the previous image only but set file name same then
First method is :
get old file name from table
$sql = "SELECT user_pic FROM tbl_users WHERE user_id=?";
$get_image = $this->db->query($sql,array($user_id))->row_array();
set new file name as assigned to old
$config['file_name'] = $get_image['user_pic'];
$config['overwrite'] = TRUE; // this will overwrite your image
$this->load->library('upload', $config);
But in this case, old file and new file extension must be same
If both extensions are different then maybe image will be crashed after upload
The second method is
Get user_pic data from DB
And Unlink that picture
And check file is upload or not
if ( ! $this->upload->do_upload('user_pic')) {
$error = array('error' => $this->upload->display_errors());
else {
$data = array('upload_data' => $this->upload->data());

multi image upload in custom component for joomla

I have tried but first it shows Error: 500 after some research I have removed code
"'.$session->getName().'" : "'.$session->getId().'",
"format" : "raw"
and error is gone. Now Image is not uploading anywhere (I have set path '/images/' folder) I am confuse in code for uploading image PART 5 where to use this code?
function storeImageFile()
jimport('joomla.filesystem.folder' );
$path = 'PATH_GOES_HERE'.'designs'.DS;
$folder_permissions = "0755";
$folder_permissions = octdec((int)$folder_permissions);
//create folder if not exists
if (!JFolder::exists($path)){
JFolder::create($path, $folder_permissions);
$file = JRequest::getVar('design_images', null, 'files',
$count = count($file['name']);
//$i is the array position of the $_FILES array
return false;
//Clean up filename to get rid of strange characters like spaces etc
$filename = JFile::makeSafe($file['name'][$i]);
//setting source and destination
$temporary_name = $file['tmp_name'][$i];
$filename = str_replace(' ', '_', $file['name'][$i]);
$dest = $path.$filename;
if(JFile::upload($temporary_name, $dest))
echo "File Upload Successful";
return true;

Get original image url Magento (

I have the following piece of code:
$cProduct = Mage::getModel("catalog/product");
foreach($products_id as $product_id) {
$product = $cProduct->load($product_id);
//$products_image[] = Mage::getBaseUrl(Mage_Core_Model_Store::URL_TYPE_MEDIA).str_replace(Mage::getBaseUrl('media'),"", $product);
//$products_image[] = $product->getMediaConfig()->getMediaUrl($_product->getData('image'));
$products_image[] = $product->getImageUrl(); //product's image url
As you can see, I've tried several ways to get the original image url. Currently I'm using getImageUrl(), but it retrieves the base image, which is a cropped version. How can I retrieve the original image??
Thanks in advance.
Seriously appears there isn't a function for it, been Googling for hours straight (also before posting here). So I've written my own function.
function get_original_image_url($base_image_url) {
$exploded = explode("/", $base_image_url);
$image_name = $exploded[count($exploded) - 1];
$original_image_url = "" . $image_name[0] . "/" .
$image_name[1] . "/" . $image_name;
return $original_image_url;
I call it with:
$original = get_original_image_url($product->getImageUrl());
Works for me, though it isn't a nice way to do it.
You should use the catalog product media config model for this purpose.
//your code ...
echo Mage::getModel('catalog/product_media_config')
->getMediaUrl( $product->getImage() ); //getSmallImage(), getThumbnail()
Hope this helps.
Other faster way:
$cProduct = Mage::getModel("catalog/product");
$baseUrl = Mage::getBaseUrl('media') . 'catalog/product/';
foreach($products_id as $product_id) {
$product = $cProduct->load($product_id);
$products_image[] = $baseUrl . $product->getImage();
