Joomla 1.5 install without domain - joomla

So, I installed a new joomla 1.523 (via Fantastico) on my server, but event though I have the domain name set, I haven't registered it yet. Now I need to acess joomla, and I can't.
I already did this with a Moodle server, and I know I had to change a config file to set the url to the IP. So basically I should acess it with:
(This ip doesen't exist, just making an example).
But I always get an error trying to acess it, even though I get redirected to:
Anyone know what I need to change to get this to work?
(I tried messing around with the configuration.php file in the root of my server, but there is nothing there like a url path variable to change, I think)

After installing Joomla, the installation folder needs to be removed (or moved, or renamed), otherwise any access will be redirected there.


Setup Site in IIS cant be Displayed in Browser

I setup a new Site in the IIS8. I've gone trough the setup wizard and placed the Files on the Path i referenced in the Wizard.
Even though when i want to access it in the Browser with the Hostname i entered it says that the page cant be displayed.
It's all local so i dont need to access it from another location.
Any clues what i might have forgotten?
I already checked here to look if i forgot something but i didnt see anything
I forgot to make an entry in the hosts file.
Because of that i wasn't reachable.
Make the entry and it works fine.

Jomsocial transfer from one server to another

I am trying to transfer my website with jomsocial from one server to another.
Previous server steps:
Backup all the files from public_html folder.
Backup the DB from php my admin.
New server steps:
Install joomla, entered the prefix in DB of the previous DB prefix.
Deleted all files from public html and extract the backup from the previous server.
Export the DB from the previous server, to the new one.
Changed the configuration.php file with the new user/dbname/password.
Now when i try to enter the new server at this IP address
and i login ok.
It loads the main page
but when i try to enter a profile i get a 404 Error.
Although when i try to see the profile
i can see it.
But not from the correct link that i had in the previous server
Any idea why this happens?
You probably haven't copied the .htaccess file from the old website, you will need to copy it from the old Joomla website to the new one. This typically happens because the .htaccess file is considered to be a hidden file and as such does not get copied over automatically.
First of all, installing a clean Joomla first is totally unnecessary. As for why you are getting the 404 error pages, this is because you probably have URL rewrite enabled in global configuration, while there is not a proper .htaccess file sitting in your new server.
With proper I mean either no .htaccess at all, or one that was setup for your old hosting. I rather tend to think the second.
To test that your moved correctly your site, disable url rewrite from global configuration.
If you would want to test with url rewrites enabled, then I would suggest to edit the hosts file in your computer and point your domain to the ip address of the new server.
Google Search: How to edit my hosts file - choose the resource for your OS.

Localhost is no longer working properly

I just built a site using Xampp and it worked great. I just transferred my site (that I used to develop by updating to live server) to localhost, and it isn't working right at all.
The images do not show and the pages are not refreshing properly.
I had to change the CSS images to /folder/x instead of just x, which I can understand I guess, but why are my HTML images suddenly not working?
One of the pages, the paths are even absolute, but the page just isn't updating even though it's saved in the local folder.
What gives? All I did differently was added a password to root user in MySQL and tried (and failed) at some mod_rewrites, which I removed.
It points the images from localhost/ instead of localhost/folder, even adding folder/x doesn't work.
You probably forgot to convert a link or made a mistake.
Remember that /images/x.png means that it's trying to find the folder images from root and not from the current folder your site is located in. Try using ./images/x.png instead.
Perhaps you could post an example from your site?
Try looking at the Apache access logs and see whether you can find a request for an image with the wrong path.

Moved joomla site to another host but doesn't work

I have recently moved my joomla site to another hosting. But now the site doesn't work. Shows blank page. Though the administrator's page (/administrator) is shown and works correctly. Have any ideas for what reason it can be?
Remove the .htaccess altogether
clear the cache and tmp folders
make sure db name, login and password are correct in the configuration.php
make sure the server path (tmp and logs folders) are correct
if you still get an empty page, make sure you're looking at the right log file. Turn php error logging on or display them.
post some more details here...

Magento multistore issue when switching from secondary store

I have set up 2 stores under one Magento installation using this method:
Each store has it's own URL ie. and (add on domain in cpanel)
If I navigate to to mainstore and then switch to secondarystore using the store switcher everything works as expected. I can log in on the secondary and remain there.
The problems arise if I navigate directly to secondarystore in the beginning. If I do this and then try logging in I get automatically redirected to
Does anyone know why things only work correctly if I navigate to and then switch to the secondary store?
I've noticed that if I access the secondary store using instead of just it works perfectly. Anyone know how to get the same results without needing the ?_store=secondstore?
You need to setup seperate Apache vhost entries for each URL. You use the same document root for both. In each one, you should have a set of lines like:
SetEnv MAGE_RUN_TYPE=website
Change 'base' with the actual website code you set in the admin for the second site.
