Jomsocial transfer from one server to another - joomla

I am trying to transfer my website with jomsocial from one server to another.
Previous server steps:
Backup all the files from public_html folder.
Backup the DB from php my admin.
New server steps:
Install joomla, entered the prefix in DB of the previous DB prefix.
Deleted all files from public html and extract the backup from the previous server.
Export the DB from the previous server, to the new one.
Changed the configuration.php file with the new user/dbname/password.
Now when i try to enter the new server at this IP address
and i login ok.
It loads the main page
but when i try to enter a profile i get a 404 Error.
Although when i try to see the profile
i can see it.
But not from the correct link that i had in the previous server
Any idea why this happens?

You probably haven't copied the .htaccess file from the old website, you will need to copy it from the old Joomla website to the new one. This typically happens because the .htaccess file is considered to be a hidden file and as such does not get copied over automatically.

First of all, installing a clean Joomla first is totally unnecessary. As for why you are getting the 404 error pages, this is because you probably have URL rewrite enabled in global configuration, while there is not a proper .htaccess file sitting in your new server.
With proper I mean either no .htaccess at all, or one that was setup for your old hosting. I rather tend to think the second.
To test that your moved correctly your site, disable url rewrite from global configuration.
If you would want to test with url rewrites enabled, then I would suggest to edit the hosts file in your computer and point your domain to the ip address of the new server.
Google Search: How to edit my hosts file - choose the resource for your OS.


How to enable module rewrite in Apache configuration

I'm trying to copy website made in Magento in my localhost and finished another steps:
copied whole website via flash drive,
import database from server,
change parameters for database in local.xml (post root for user and
empty field for password),
clear cache in Magento var folder,
change base_url value in database
When I try to open it in browser, Homepage looks ok, but any link in page give me Error 404 - Object not found. I can't access to admin panel. Anything what I type URL after localhost/nameOfMyProject, I get Error 404.
I have another Magento project in my localhost and they work correctly, but that I installed from fresh Magento installation and then add new themes for that.
Here is different situation. I need to add whole existing project from server in localhost. I can't add this website on same way, because developer who made it changed files into core section. Project is too big it's not possible at the moment to change that, so any way is to download whole project in localhost.
Does anyone has some suggestion what to do?
If you are using XAMPP or WAMP as your web server, you may face a common problem that is the rewrite module (mod_rewrite) does not work properly. It is because the rewrite module is not enabled by default in Apache’s configuration settings. But you can enable it manually by following some simple steps:
1- Open apache’s configuration file using your favorite text editor. The configuration file is generally located at:
If you are using XAMPP or WAMP package then you will find the file at:
2- Search for the following string:#LoadModule rewrite_module modules/ and uncomment it (remove the ‘#’ sign).
3- Now search for another string AllowOverride None and replace it by AllowOverride All
4- Finally save the changes, close your text editor and restart your apache server.

Magento sub-domain redirecting to main domain even in separate server and DB

I have live magento site configured using nginx in linux AWS AMI its using AWS RDS for database.
For the development purpose i have created the development server from the current live server image and for the development purpose
i have created a sub-domain and for the development also i created a new RDS server and the dumped the live server databases content.
I have changed both the secure to insecure URL from to in the core-config-data and upadted the dev database details in the local.xml
config file also and clear the cache and session folder.
The issue is if I load the means its taking me to
I put new index.php containing "Hi this test"vinstead of magento index.php in the root directory means i can see Hi this test in the browser when i load
Is there any configuration in nginx like return or redirect to resolve this issue.
and if anyone tell me this nginx related problem or magento files related problem. It will be very helpful for me to check further.
I working on this 2 days.
I would check all the values in core_config_data to see if is still in there. You may have missed a config or there could be a customization redirecting you.
Also check your .htaccess for any redirect rules that shouldn't be there.
Also make sure you've cleared the contents of var/cache/ and var/full_page_cache/.

Move magento from one url to another on the same server

I have developed a site in the url on now i want to move the site to on the same server what are the steps that are to be taken to move the site on the same server with the same database.
Just copy all the files from demo folder to root folder. Since Database configuration in file will be same, so you don't need to change those.
In database Run this query
SELECT * FROM core_config_data WHERE path = 'web/unsecure/base_url' OR path = 'web/secure/base_url';
change base secure and unsecure url to
Clear the cache and your are ready with
I do a similar thing to you. I have a subsite set up for testing before I push to production. I simply copy the files (using git) and the database whenever I want to update production. However, these are two distinct sites with their own directory structure and database.
So, in order to keep things "simple" (ie I don't need to redo things every time), I have untracked versions of app/etc/local.xml so each site connects to the right database and on the production system I have a module to set my secure and unsecure urls (see here for more detail than you probably want: Unable to set base url from config file).
Good luck

Magento front end links not working

I am trying to create a test environment for a Magento site. I downloaded all the files and the database and restored to XAMPP. I changed the two base urls in the core_config_data table to http://magento.local/magento/ and modified the Magento config file to connect to the local database. I also added magento.local in the hosts file. I'm using magento.local as I read Magento must have a . in the domain name. The site almost works except on the front end when on http://magento.local/magento/ and try and go to a different page it tries to access http://magento.local/pagename/ and gives a 404 error, i can access through http://magento.local/magento/index.php/pagename. I have also disabled Web Server Rewrites in the backend as I read that is supposed to fix this problem. Any suggestions much appreciated.

Error when duplicating Joomla setup

I have a Joomla installation set up on my local server. I have duplicated with a new name the top-level Joomla folder so that all the information I have already put into the database can be edited slightly, whilst still keeping the original intact.
I have copied the database files over to a new database and made the relevant changes in Joomla admin. I've opened up configuration.php and changed all the file paths to the new one.
However, now I'm getting a server error when trying to access the web page and admin area. Are there any other files I need to edit with the new path to enable it to work under the new parent folder?
You shouldn't have to edit any files with any paths to make it work other than the tmp and log folders and the root folder line in htaccess if you have SEF URLs turned on. Turn off SEF URLs and see if the site starts working, if it does, then you need to edit htaccess. Since your admin is not working, my guess is that you messed up your configuration.php. Copy over the original unedited version to the copy site, it should work. You can then adjust the tmp and log paths within the admin in the global configuration.
