What is the proper way to change scenes? - webos

Back when I did LUA i used to run dofile("..."); to load other lua files and such. Later to find out that this is a very bad practice and can lead to applications breaks.
Now that I am on my way to developing a WebOs application, i want to make sure I am properly changing scene before i pick up bad programming habit.
At the moment this is what I use:
label2Tap: function(inSender, event) {
Which works great to get to my LogicAndArithmetic scene, is this the best practice to do such?

The scene model in the Mojo framework of webOS works like a stack. When the app starts you call pushScene to display your main scene. Normally, you then make additional pushScene calls to add scenes to the stack on top, and then when you are done with them they are popped, typically when the user performs the 'back gesture', bringing back the previous scene. Eventually you will be back at your main scene.
The swapScene call is equivalent to calling popScene and then pushScene for a different scene. In your case you are calling popScene then swapScene, so that is the equivalent of popping two scenes from the stack and then pushing back one. It probably works because you have only one scene, but if you had more it would not work correctly.
BTW, why are you working with Mojo and not Enyo?

While this is technically correct, it is most likely not how the user would expect your app to behave. In general, when a user presses a button that opens a new scene, it is placed on the stack, as Miguel said. The user will expect to be able to go back and pop the scene off of the stack. This happens automatically, you do not need to listen for this input. You do this by calling Mojo.Controller.pushScene("sceneName");. While there are some applications where swapScene makes sense, your app can probably be conceptualized as a stack of scenes, with a logical "back" scene.
I would reccommend playing around with some existing apps to get a feel for how they behave. Also, while Miguel suggested moving to Enyo, it is worth noting that Enyo apps are not officially supposed to work on webOS 2 devices (phones), only on the touchpad. It is possible to run them on webOS 2 devices, but I do believe that they will be rejected from the app catalog.


Is there a reason to not create your own navigation stack in Swift?

In a project I am working with in Swift, I have a huge form that needs to be filled out. I found the best way to present the form was by combining many table views in a Modal Popover that takes over 75%ish of the screen. Using animation and a custom build Array of ViewControllers, I created something very similar to a Navigation Stack that never kept any views in it if they were data intensive by keeping them at the top or second to the top of the stack. It would push them onto the left or right side of the modal, all being done with a simple one liner outside of the Container Controller. Is this implementation bad to use for any reason? I feel like I might have bypassed a natural way of making this work without realizing it was an option.
My skills in Swift have been skyrocketing since I left my college in December, but I don't work directly with anyone more knowledgeable than me in Swift. This makes some of the more complex questions hard to answer without intense amounts of research. (which I am not opposed to if I can find an answer) I am expected to provide a quality working product in the end though, so I need to be assured that I am not making any mistakes that are at the backbone of my project.

Using GUI causes "Sleep?" making Audio stutter/stop

Okay, as Title says.
For example, i use NAudio to playback what i record (loopback if you want).
And if i click on the GUI (the top part, so i can move the window).
It will cause a "sleep", and when that happens the current activity (Audio playback) stops.
And then it continues afterwards.
But i want to remove that, as i don´t know any other application that has it, so it´s probably something to do with how i am programming.
Please keep it simple, i am extremely new to c#.
I am guessing on Bakckgroundworker or something, but i couldn´t get it to work.
So hopping for a more concrete answer.
This was just me not understanding that using the Main Thread in a window form will cause anything on the GUI to be run on it.
Meaning, if i move the GUI, that movement will be Priority over the rest of the code, so everything else will get paused if run on that thread.
Perhaps it differ from object to object, but in this scenario it was the case, so i just moved it to a separate thread and it´s solved.

What could possibily slow down my flex mobile application?

I am working with flex for the last two years on some desktop apps. Until now I never had any performance related issues but today as we completed a mobile application for the iPad, I'm facing a challenge, the application is incredibly slow on the iPad.
Slow, means that when I press a button in the menu to change the splitview I must wait something like 5s. Then scrolling is really slow two, with less than one fps and my TextInput starts to bug (the text is not in his box anymore).
I started to read a lot of blog post and presentation about optimisation for the mobile platform and then I rewrite some of the components I use. I removed the SkinnableContainer for instance and replaced it by a VGroup including some actionScript based drawing.
Now what you see is a VGroup (the dark grey one) containing some others VGroup (the group with title here) and then each widget is an HGroup with a label and a Widget. I only use Label and TextInput for the text.
Creation time is slow even (several seconds to create the view) for another page where there is only 4 text widget on it, or another one with only a list with a custom item renderer where each row is a set of 4 labels.
The whole things is cabled with RobotLegs, with nothing fancy, one models is injected in the view and at the beginning I set a member variable on the view with this object to bind my variables.
Frankly my thinking right now is : it smells fishy because if I've done everything right it is impossible to have such low performance and thinks that flex is competitive on the mobile platform. So right now I'm trying to disable the application piece by piece to try to locate what could slow it like that. I've got a couple suspects to check, for instance I've got some binding warning to check, and then see if robotlegs has got its share of the problem.
So my main question here is what do you think, and could you have some ideas about "is there a problem" and "how do we solve it".
Run profiler for startup and separatelly for each operation that takes longed that it needs. Then prioritize the problems and try to solve them with basic optimization techniques.
Some problems you will not be able to solve fast - e.g. time for creating big components. The only option there is to rewrite those components with AS3 without MXML, styles and anything. I'm sure that flash.text.TextField is created many times faster than mx.controls.Label. The same for other components.
When component is created, it can be reused at a very low price. In your app there must be a lot of places where you recreate while you can reuse old components. It will save you memory and time.
Layouts tend to redraw even when it's not needed. If you have a lot of nested layouts, find the most critical places and replace a series of layouts with one custom layout or even component.
This all is very developer time consuming. At the end you will not get a smooth app anyway, but I believe that it can become usable.

mouse moved events are not detected by NSView

I am trying to make a simple application in which there is a empty red rectangle and whenever the mouse is moved over the upper half border of the rectangle the cursor will become closed hand.
I started with selecting the foundation command line project.Made a transparent NSWindow and embedded a NSView in it with the rectangle, made window to accept mouse moved events(by method: -setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents). I have overridden -canBecomeKeyWindow and -canBecomeMainWindow window to return YES. But somehow none of the -mouseMoved events are being received by NSView.
When I put the same code by making a cocoa application project and creating my window in -applicationDidFinishLaunching method , my view was able to receive -mouseMoved events.
why is it not receiving mouse moved events when I use foundation command line utility project ?
I have also observed that whenever I make a window(carbon or cocoa) through foundation cmd line utility project , the window doesn't become key even on clicking the title bar.On clicking the title bar color remains light grey instead of becoming dark grey. Why is this happening?
I have overridden -canBecomeKeyWindow and -canBecomeMainWindow of NSwindow to return YES.
I would agree with what Joshua has already said. Any application that is going to show a user interface, be it a faceless background process or one which shows up in the Dock, should be in the form of an application bundle, not a plain old Mach-O executable like the Foundation tool template will create.
Also, there are reasons why views do not respond to mouseMoved: events by default:
Mouse moved events can quickly flood the event queue
There is generally little reason to use mouseMoved:, as tracking areas are
far more effective and efficient.
A while back, I wrote a little test app that demonstrates the differences between these 2 approaches:
Moving your mouse around the upper view for roughly 20 seconds results in 1000 events, while in the lower view, which uses tracking areas, less than 50.
Sample GitHub project: https://github.com/NSGod/MouseMoved-vs-TrackingAreas
Again, as Joshua mentioned, it would be helpful if you could describe what you're trying to accomplish. If your app needs to be a background app (LSUIElement == 1), and present an interface without appearing in the Dock, then there are ways to do that (as Josh mentioned, a command-line, non-bundled app is not the way).
You have no event loop to detect events and pass them to your window because your program does not start an NSApplication. See the main.m file of a typical Cocoa application.
It might be helpful to describe what you're trying to accomplish by taking this approach. My guess is you're building a daemon but want a GUI interface to manage the otherwise "headless" daemon. That or you're building a new login management system. In either case, there are specific ways to do both and this isn't it. :-)

How is GUI and Game Program Flow compared to Web programs

I've been developing Web applications for a while now and have dipped my toe into GUI and Game application development.
In the web application (php for me), a request is made to the file, that file includes all the necessary files to process the info into memory, then the flow is from Top to Bottom for each request. (mainly)
I know that for Games the action happens within the Game Loop, but how are all the different elements of a game layered into that single loop (menu system, gui, loading of assets and the 3d world) with the constant loading and unloading of certain things.
Same for GUI programs, i believe there's an "application loop" of some sorts.
Are most of the items called into memory and then accessed, are the items linked in and loaded into memory when needed?
What helped me develop web applications faster is when i understood the flow of the program, it doesn't have to be detailed, just the general idea or pseudo code.
There's almost always a loop in all of these - but it's not something you would tend to think about during most of your development.
If you take a step back, your web applications are based around a loop - the Web Server's accept() loop:
while(listening) {
get a socket connection;
handle it;
.. but as a Web developer, you're shielded from that, and write 'event driven' code -- 'when someone requests this URL, do this'.
GUIs are also event driven, and the events are also detected by a loop somewhere:
while(running) {
get mouse/keyboard/whatever event
handle it
But a GUI developer doesn't need to think about the loop much. They write 'when a mouse click occurs here, do this'.
Games, again the same. Someone has to write a loop:
while(game is in progress) {
invoke every game object's 'move one frame' method;
poll for an input event;
... while other code is written in a more event-driven style: 'when a bullet object coincides with this object, trigger an explosion event'.
For applications and to a lesser extent Games the software is event driven. The user does "something" with the keyboard or mouse and that event is sent to the rest of the software.
In Games the Game Loop is important because is focused on processing the screen and the game state. With many Games needing real time performance. With modern 3D Graphics API much of the screen processing is able to be dumped onto the GPU. However the Game State is tracked by the main loop. Much of the effort of a team for a game is focused on making the processing of the loop very smooth.
For application typically heavy processing is spawned on onto a thread. It is a complex subject because of the issues surrounding two things trying to access the same data. There are whole books on the subject.
For applications the sequence is
user does X, X and associated information (like X,Y coordinates) is sent to the UI_Controller.
The UI decides which command to execute.
The Command is Executed.
The model/data is modified.
The Command tells the UI_Controller to update various areas of the UI.
The UI_Controller redraws the UI.
The Command returns.
The Application waits for the next event.
There are several variants of this. The model can allow listeners to wait for changes in the data. When the data the listener execute and redraws the UI.
As far as game programming went I was merely a hobbyist, however this is what I usually did:
I had an object that represented a very generic concept of a "Scene" in the game. All the different major sections of the game derived from this Scene object. A scene could really be anything, depending on what type of game it is. Anyway, each more specific scene that derived from scene had a procedure to Load all of the necessary elements for that scene.
When the game was to change scenes, the pointer to the active scene was set to a new scene, which would then load all of its needed objects.
The generic Scene object had virtual functions such as Load, Draw, and Logic that were called at particular times in the game loop from the active scene pointer. Every specific scene had its own ways of implementing these methods.
I don't know if that's how it's supposed to be done or not, but it was a very easy way for me to control the flow of things. The scene concept also made it easy to store multiple scenes as collections. With multiple scene pointers stored in a stack of sorts at one time, scenes could be stored in reserve and maintain their full state when returned to, or even do things like dim but to continue to draw while the active scene drew over them as an overlay of sorts.
So anyway, if you do it like that it's not precisely like a web page but I guess if you think about it the right way it's similar enough.
