paging using query? - syntax

I'm using to produce an index and search it. I'm actually using the API indirectly through the Examine project on codeplex. I currently have everything working and the paging logic in place, however the current logic pages the results after the search has been completed. I don't like this because it means the search will possibly return thousands of records and only then does my code take the 10-20 records it needs and discards the rest which is a major waste of resources. Even if each SearchResult item is just a tiny 3KB the amount of memory to execute these searches will grow with time and become a huge memory hog. My shared host is only guaranteeing 1GB of dedicated memory so this is a big concern for my website.
So the question is: How do i limit the results of the results in a paged manner using lucene query language alone? I looked at the apache lucene project, which is ported from, and I don't see any syntax that lets me do what I'm looking for. Basically I want the equivalent of what sql server has to limit the rows at the query language level.
E.g. (this is how we would do paging in sql and it only returns 20 records not every record that matches the where clause)
Select * from (select Row_Number() OVER (ORDER BY OrderDate) as RoNum,
FROM SalesOrders
WHERE OrderCustomerName like 'Davis%') O
WHERE RowNum BETWEEN 1 and 20

I don't think that there is a major waste of resources, since search is (making it simple) nothing more than calculating the Bitvector & scores. What is costly is the reading of docs from the index. (Except the deprecated Hits class) search results don't read the docs, instead just return the docid's, so there isn't much overhead in skipping the first N result.
The exception for this is when you want to sort the result according to some field. Then all docs in the search result list must be read from the index, to be able to return them in correct order.


Neo4J Cypher: performance of matching multiple properties and creating relationships

A little context: I'm experimenting with Neo4J (as a newbie, but experienced in other database technologies) for possible use as a master data management system within our business of identity intelligence, in particular looking at building up a graph of places, identity attributes (eg: email addresses, telephone numbers, electoral roll data, etc.) with relationships between these nodes that express something meaningful, for example where an email address has been used, or where a telephone number is registered.
Desired system properties: I would like this system to have some specific properties that are valuble to us:
Fast ingestion of information from a significant number of providers (100+), this precludes lengthy (hours) ETL processes, short ones are ok!
On line at all times, this precludes use of the batch importer, we are most likely to use a fault tolerant cluster, sharding would be good :)
Capacity to eventually ingest ~30G records / year (~1000/second) and retain them, creation and retention of ~100G relationships / year, right now we are ingesting ~1/10 of this load.
Where I'm stuck: I have been experimenting with a single node in Azure, 32GB RAM, 4 cores, with non-local disk, running Debian 8 and Neo4J 3.1.1. This happily ingests and relates back together the UK postal address file (PAF), around 29M records, in a few 10s of minutes using either LOAD CSV or home-brew Java and bolt. I have also ingested but not related a test set of email address data, around 20M records, and now need to build relationships based on matching postcodes, building numbers, and possibly other fields between the two data sets. This is where things get much slower when using Cypher, here's the fastest query I have been able to create thus far:
UNWIND {list} AS i
WHERE upper(e.Building) = s.SBNA WITH e,s
WHERE trim(split(e.Postcode,' ')[0]) = m.OUTC AND
trim(split(e.Postcode,' ')[1]) = m.INCO AND
right('0000'+e.HouseNo,4) = m.BNUM AND
CREATE (e)-[r:USED_AT]->(m)
Indexes are:
Please note that the {list} parameter is being supplied through bolt from a Java client that has already enumerated all the ~20M DDSEMAIL nodes, and is batching into transactions (typically 1000 IDs at a time).
This is taking between 100-200msecs per ID, over a test run of 157000 IDs it took 7.3 hours, indicating a full execution time of ~760 hours or >1 month. The underlying machine appears CPU bound (no significant IO wait time).
Looking at the EXPLAIN for this query, there are no full scans, it's all schema index matching (once I had included the explicit index statement), so I'm not sure where to look for more speed..
(edited to add this PROFILE output):
PROFILE part 1
PROFILE part 2
This shows that the match to both parts of the postcode is filtering a lot of rows (56k), it may be better to re-order these fields to reduce the filter input size.
(end of edit)
As a (very unfair) comparision, I pushed both sets of data from CSV files into a custom Bloom filter written in C#/.NET, which performs similar field reformatting as above then concatenates to generate textual keys, and matches these keys together. This completed convolving all 20M email records against all 29M PAF records in under 5 minutes on a single core of my laptop. It was largely IO bound.
Right now I'm considering using an external application or a user procedure to perform the record matching, and just creating relationships using Cypher, but it feels wrong to avoid a well-written query engine that should be able to do this much, much quicker than it is.
What should I be looking at to improve performance please?
If I recall correctly, the index won't be utilized correctly when there are transformations occurring on the comparison values (such as UPPER() or LOWER() or TRIM()) when they're sourced from another node property. You may need to perform these operations first and alias them, then do the match.
Providing the index hint gets around this, I think, so your match to s.SBNA should be correctly using the index, but if there's an index on any of the matched properties on m:MAINFILE, that may not be using the index.
Test to see if this makes a difference, comparing this query to the older query on a smaller data set:
UNWIND {list} AS i
WITH e, upper(e.Building) as SBNA
WITH e,s, trim(split(e.Postcode,' ')[0]) as OUTC,
trim(split(e.Postcode,' ')[1]) as INCO,
right('0000'+e.HouseNo,4) as BNUM
CREATE (e)-[r:USED_AT]->(m)
Also, if you could add a screenshot of a PROFILE or EXPLAIN of the query to your description (after expanding all plan nodes) that may help to see where things could improve.
As you mentioned in your description, batching these may be a good idea. APOC Procedures has apoc.periodic.iterate(), which may help here.
Let's see if we can apply that to your query. Try this out:
WITH {list} AS list
CALL apoc.periodic.iterate('
UNWIND {list} as list
', '
WITH {list} as i
WITH e, upper(e.Building) as SBNA
WITH e,s, trim(split(e.Postcode,' ')[0]) as OUTC,
trim(split(e.Postcode,' ')[1]) as INCO,
right('0000'+e.HouseNo,4) as BNUM
MERGE (e)-[:USED_AT]->(m)
', {batchSize:1000, iterateList:true, params:{list:list}}) YIELD batches, total, committedOperations, failedOperations, failedBatches, errorMessages
RETURN batches, total, committedOperations, failedOperations, failedBatches, errorMessages
We have to sacrifice returning the total number of relationships created, however, as we can't return values from the batched query.

performance issues while processing 2 tables in lockstep based on orderedBy from-to

Title is probably not very clear so let me explain.
I want to process a in-process join (nodeJs) on 2 tables*, Session and SessionAction. (1-N)
Since these tables are rather big (millions of records both) my idea was to get slices based on an orderBy sessionId (which they both share), and sort of lock-step walk through both tables in batches.
This however proves to be awefully slow. I'm using pseudo code as follows for both the tables to get the batches:
table('x').orderBy({index:"sessionId"}.filter(row.sessionId > start && row.sessionId < y)
It seems that even though I'm essentially filtering on a attribute sessionId which has got an index, the query planner is not smart enough to see this and every query does a complete tablescan to do the orderby before filtering afterwards (or so it seems)
Of course, this is incredibly wasteful but I don't see another option. E.g.:
Order after filter is not supported by Rethink.
Getting a slice of the ordered table doesn't work either, since slice-enumeration (i.e.: the xth until the yth record) for lack of a better work doesn't add up between the 2 tables.
Is my approach indeed expected to be slow, due to having to do a table scan at each iteration/batch?
If so, how could I design my queries to get it working faster?
*) It's too involved to do it using Rethink Reql only.
filter is never indexed in RethinkDB. (In general a particular command will only use a secondary index if you pass index as one of its optional arguments.) You can write that query like this to avoid scanning over the whole table:
r.table('x').orderBy({index: 'sessionID'}).between(start, y, {index: 'sessionId'})

Joomla getItems default Pagination

Can anyone tell me if the getItems() function in the model automatically adds the globally set LIMIT before it actions the query (from getListQuery()). Joomla is really struggling, seemingly trying to cache the entire results (over 1 million records here!).
After looking in /libraries/legacy/model/list.php AND /libraries/legacy/model/legacy.php it appears that getItems() does add LIMIT to setQuery using $this->getState('list.limit') before it sends the results to the cache but if this is the case - why is Joomla struggling so much.
So what's going on? How come phpMyAdmin can return the limited results within a second and Joomla just times out?
Many thanks!
If you have one million records, you'll most definitely want to do as Riccardo is suggesting, override and optimize the model.
JModelList runs the query twice, once for the pagination numbers and then for the display query itself. You'll want to carefully inherit from JModellist to avoid the pagination query.
Also, the articles query is notorious for it's joins. You can definitely lose some of that slowdown (doubt you are using the contacts link, for example).
If all articles are visible to public, you can remove the ACL check - that's pretty costly.
There is no DBA from the West or the East who is able to explain why all of those GROUP BY's are needed, either.
Losing those things will help considerably. In fact, building your query from scratch might be best.
It does add the pagination automatically.
Its struggling is most likely due to a large dataset (i.e. 1000+ items returned in the collection) and many lookup fields: the content modules for example join as many as 10 tables, to get author names etc.
This can be a real killer, I had queries running for over one second with a dedicated server and only 3000 content items. One tag cloud component we found could take as long as 45 seconds to return a keywords list. If this is the situation (a lot of records and many joins), your only way out is to further limit the filters in the options to see if you can get some faster results (for example, limiting to articles in the last 3 months can reduce the time needed dramatically).
But if this is not sufficient or not viable, you're left with writing a new optimized query in a new model, which ultimately will bring the best performance optimization of any other optimization. In writing the query, consider leveraging the database specific optimizations, i.e. adding indexes, full-text indexes and only use joins if you really need them.
Also consider that joins must never grow with the number of fields, translations or else.
A constant query is easy for the db engine to optimize and cache, whilst a dynamic query will never be as efficient.

Full-text indexing sluggish. Looking for alternatives

I have a table that I've created a Full Text Catalog on. The table has just over 6000 rows. I've added two columns to the index. The first could be considered a unique identifier of sorts and the second could be considered the content for that item (there are 11 other columns in my table that aren't part of the Full Text Catalog). Here is an example of a couple of rows:
TABLE: data_variables
ROW unique_id label
1 A100d1 Personal preference of online shopping sites
2 A100d2 Shopping behaviors for adults in household
In my web application on the front end, I have a text box that the user can type into to get a list of items that match whatever terms they're searching for in the UNIQUE ID or LABEL columns. So, for example, if the user typed in sho or a100 then a list would be populated with both of the rows above. If they typed in behav then a list would be populated with only row 2 above.
This is done via an Ajax request on each keyup. PHP calls a Stored Procedure on the SQL server that looks like:
SELECT TOP 50, + ': ' + dv.label,
dv.type_id, dv.grouping, dv.friendly_label
FROM data_variables dv
WHERE (CONTAINS((dv.unique_id, dv.label), #search))
(#search is the text from the user that is passed into the Stored Procedure.)
I've noticed that this gets pretty sluggish, especially when I wasn't using TOP 50 in the query.
What I'm looking for is a way to speed this up either directly on the SQL Server or by abandoning the full-text indexing idea and using jQuery to search through an array of the searchable items on the client-side. I've looked a bit into the jQuery AutoComplete stuff and some other jQuery plugins for AutoComplete, but haven't yet tried to mock up anything. That would be my next step, but I wanted to check here first to see what advice I would get.
Thanks in advance.
Several suggestions, based around the fact that you have only 6000 rows, so the database should eat this alive.
A. Try using Like operator, just in case it helps. Not expecting it too, but pretty trivial to try. There is something else going on here overall for you to detect this is slow given these small volumes.
B. can you cache queries in advance? With 6000 rows, there are probably only 36*36 combinations of 2 character queries, which should take virtually no memory and save the database any work.
C. Moving the selection out to the client is a good idea, depends on how big the 6000 rows are overall, vs network latency for individual lookups.
D. Combining b and c will give you really good performance I suspect, but with some coding effort required. If the server maintains a list of all single character results in cache, and clients download the letter cache set after first keystroke, then they potentially have a subset of all rows, but won't need to do more network IO for additional keystrokes.
I would advise against a LIKE, unless you're using a linear index (left-to-right) and you're doing queries like LIKE 'work%'. If you're doing something like LIKE '%word%' a regular index isn't going to help you. You typically want to use a Full-Text index when you want to search for words inside a paragraph.
With a lot of data, typically the built-in Full-Text engines in databases aren't very stealer. For the best performance you typically have to go with an external solution that is built specifically for Full-Text.
Some options are Sphinx, Solr, and elasticsearch, just to name a few. I wouldn't say that any of these options are better than the other. There are definitely pros and cons to consider:
What kind of data do you have?
What language support do these solutions have?
What database engines do these solutions support?
The best thing you can do is benchmark these solutions against your existing data. Testing each and every individual component (unit testing) can help you identify the real problems and help you find good solutions.
I had the same problem and went for the LIKE solution. I found too that the or operator to be too taxing and divide the query into two selects with an union all (fastest, and in my scenario it was impossible to find the same text in the index column and the data).
Yours will be like
SELECT TOP 50 from (
select, + ': ' + dv.label,
dv.type_id, dv.grouping, dv.friendly_label
FROM data_variables dv
WHERE dv.unique_id like '%'+#search+'%'
select, + ': ' + dv.label,
dv.type_id, dv.grouping, dv.friendly_label
FROM data_variables dv
WHERE dv.label like '%'+#search+'%'
Oh!! And test the performance in SQL Server, not the web!
If You plan to increase amount of data it will be best way to use reverse index for full-text searching.
Look at Apache Solr - best fulltext search engine at this moment.
You can simply periodically index Your database data and use solr as search-engine,
it provide simple ajax api and can be queried directly from frontend.
If you really need performance may want to look at; FTS3 and FTS4 ...
snip... from another forum...
For example, if each of the 517430 documents in the "Enron E-Mail Dataset" is inserted into both an FTS table and an ordinary SQLite table created using the following SQL script:
CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE enrondata1 USING fts3(content TEXT); /* FTS3 table /
CREATE TABLE enrondata2(content TEXT); / Ordinary table */
Then either of the two queries below may be executed to find the number of documents in the database that contain the word "linux" (351). Using one desktop PC hardware configuration, the query on the FTS3 table returns in approximately 0.03 seconds, versus 22.5 for querying the ordinary table.

ADO Search Performance

Because I am not familiar with ADO under the hood, I was wonder which of the two methods of finding a record generally yields quicker results using VB6.
Use a 'select' statement using 'where' as a qualifier. If the recordset count yields zero, the record was not found.
Select all records iterating through records with a client-side cursor until record is found, or not at all.
The recordset is in the range of 10,000 records and will grow. Also, I am open to anything that will yield shorter search times other than what was mentioned.
SELECT count(*) FROM foo WHERE some_column='some value'
If the result is greater than 0 the record satisfying your condition was found in the database. It is unlikely you would get any faster than this. Proper indexes on the columns you are using in the WHERE clause could considerably improve performance.
In every case I can think of, selecting using the where clause is faster.
Even in situations where the client code will iterate through the whole database (file-based databases like Access, for example), you will have optimized code written in c or c++ doing the selection (in the database driver.) This is always faster than VB6.
For Database engines (SQL, MySQL, etc), the performance increase can even be more profound. By using the where clause, you limit the amount of data that must be transmitted over the network, vastly improving the response.
Some additional performance tips:
Select only the fields you want.
Build indexes on frequently used fields
Watch what kind of recordset you are returning. Use Forward-only cursors if you are just returning data from a database.
Lastly, I was shocked by VB.NET's database performance, it being several times faster than the fastest VB6 code.
