Full-text indexing sluggish. Looking for alternatives - performance

I have a table that I've created a Full Text Catalog on. The table has just over 6000 rows. I've added two columns to the index. The first could be considered a unique identifier of sorts and the second could be considered the content for that item (there are 11 other columns in my table that aren't part of the Full Text Catalog). Here is an example of a couple of rows:
TABLE: data_variables
ROW unique_id label
1 A100d1 Personal preference of online shopping sites
2 A100d2 Shopping behaviors for adults in household
In my web application on the front end, I have a text box that the user can type into to get a list of items that match whatever terms they're searching for in the UNIQUE ID or LABEL columns. So, for example, if the user typed in sho or a100 then a list would be populated with both of the rows above. If they typed in behav then a list would be populated with only row 2 above.
This is done via an Ajax request on each keyup. PHP calls a Stored Procedure on the SQL server that looks like:
SELECT TOP 50 dv.id, dv.id + ': ' + dv.label,
dv.type_id, dv.grouping, dv.friendly_label
FROM data_variables dv
WHERE (CONTAINS((dv.unique_id, dv.label), #search))
(#search is the text from the user that is passed into the Stored Procedure.)
I've noticed that this gets pretty sluggish, especially when I wasn't using TOP 50 in the query.
What I'm looking for is a way to speed this up either directly on the SQL Server or by abandoning the full-text indexing idea and using jQuery to search through an array of the searchable items on the client-side. I've looked a bit into the jQuery AutoComplete stuff and some other jQuery plugins for AutoComplete, but haven't yet tried to mock up anything. That would be my next step, but I wanted to check here first to see what advice I would get.
Thanks in advance.

Several suggestions, based around the fact that you have only 6000 rows, so the database should eat this alive.
A. Try using Like operator, just in case it helps. Not expecting it too, but pretty trivial to try. There is something else going on here overall for you to detect this is slow given these small volumes.
B. can you cache queries in advance? With 6000 rows, there are probably only 36*36 combinations of 2 character queries, which should take virtually no memory and save the database any work.
C. Moving the selection out to the client is a good idea, depends on how big the 6000 rows are overall, vs network latency for individual lookups.
D. Combining b and c will give you really good performance I suspect, but with some coding effort required. If the server maintains a list of all single character results in cache, and clients download the letter cache set after first keystroke, then they potentially have a subset of all rows, but won't need to do more network IO for additional keystrokes.

I would advise against a LIKE, unless you're using a linear index (left-to-right) and you're doing queries like LIKE 'work%'. If you're doing something like LIKE '%word%' a regular index isn't going to help you. You typically want to use a Full-Text index when you want to search for words inside a paragraph.
With a lot of data, typically the built-in Full-Text engines in databases aren't very stealer. For the best performance you typically have to go with an external solution that is built specifically for Full-Text.
Some options are Sphinx, Solr, and elasticsearch, just to name a few. I wouldn't say that any of these options are better than the other. There are definitely pros and cons to consider:
What kind of data do you have?
What language support do these solutions have?
What database engines do these solutions support?
The best thing you can do is benchmark these solutions against your existing data. Testing each and every individual component (unit testing) can help you identify the real problems and help you find good solutions.

I had the same problem and went for the LIKE solution. I found too that the or operator to be too taxing and divide the query into two selects with an union all (fastest, and in my scenario it was impossible to find the same text in the index column and the data).
Yours will be like
SELECT TOP 50 from (
select dv.id, dv.id + ': ' + dv.label,
dv.type_id, dv.grouping, dv.friendly_label
FROM data_variables dv
WHERE dv.unique_id like '%'+#search+'%'
select dv.id, dv.id + ': ' + dv.label,
dv.type_id, dv.grouping, dv.friendly_label
FROM data_variables dv
WHERE dv.label like '%'+#search+'%'
Oh!! And test the performance in SQL Server, not the web!

If You plan to increase amount of data it will be best way to use reverse index for full-text searching.
Look at Apache Solr - best fulltext search engine at this moment.
You can simply periodically index Your database data and use solr as search-engine,
it provide simple ajax api and can be queried directly from frontend.

If you really need performance ..you may want to look at; FTS3 and FTS4 ...
snip... from another forum...
For example, if each of the 517430 documents in the "Enron E-Mail Dataset" is inserted into both an FTS table and an ordinary SQLite table created using the following SQL script:
CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE enrondata1 USING fts3(content TEXT); /* FTS3 table /
CREATE TABLE enrondata2(content TEXT); / Ordinary table */
Then either of the two queries below may be executed to find the number of documents in the database that contain the word "linux" (351). Using one desktop PC hardware configuration, the query on the FTS3 table returns in approximately 0.03 seconds, versus 22.5 for querying the ordinary table.


Postgres tsvector_update_trigger sometimes takes minutes

I have configured free text search on a table in my postgres database. Pretty simple stuff, with firstname, lastname and email. This works well and is fast.
I do however sometimes experience looong delays when inserting a new entry into the table, where the insert keeps running for minutes and also generates huge WAL files. (We use the WAL files for replication).
Is there anything I need to be aware of with my free text index? Like Postgres maybe randomly restructuring it for performance reasons? My index is currently around 400 MB big.
Thanks in advance!
Given the size of the WAL files, I suspect you are right that it is an index update/rebalancing that is causing the issue. However I have to wonder what else is going on.
I would recommend against storing tsvectors in separate columns. A better way is to run an index on to_tsvector()'s output. You can have multiple indexes for multiple languages if you need. So instead of a trigger that takes, say, a field called description and stores the tsvector in desc_tsvector, I would recommend just doing:
CREATE INDEX mytable_description_tsvector_idx ON mytable(to_tsvector(description));
Now, if you need a consistent search interface across a whole table, there are more elegant ways of doing this using "table methods."
In general the functional index approach has fewer issues associated with it than anything else.
Now a second thing you should be aware of are partial indexes. If you need to, you can index only records of interest. For example, if most of my queries only check the last year, I can:
CREATE INDEX mytable_description_tsvector_idx ON mytable(to_tsvector(description))
WHERE created_at > now() - '1 year'::interval;

Joomla getItems default Pagination

Can anyone tell me if the getItems() function in the model automatically adds the globally set LIMIT before it actions the query (from getListQuery()). Joomla is really struggling, seemingly trying to cache the entire results (over 1 million records here!).
After looking in /libraries/legacy/model/list.php AND /libraries/legacy/model/legacy.php it appears that getItems() does add LIMIT to setQuery using $this->getState('list.limit') before it sends the results to the cache but if this is the case - why is Joomla struggling so much.
So what's going on? How come phpMyAdmin can return the limited results within a second and Joomla just times out?
Many thanks!
If you have one million records, you'll most definitely want to do as Riccardo is suggesting, override and optimize the model.
JModelList runs the query twice, once for the pagination numbers and then for the display query itself. You'll want to carefully inherit from JModellist to avoid the pagination query.
Also, the articles query is notorious for it's joins. You can definitely lose some of that slowdown (doubt you are using the contacts link, for example).
If all articles are visible to public, you can remove the ACL check - that's pretty costly.
There is no DBA from the West or the East who is able to explain why all of those GROUP BY's are needed, either.
Losing those things will help considerably. In fact, building your query from scratch might be best.
It does add the pagination automatically.
Its struggling is most likely due to a large dataset (i.e. 1000+ items returned in the collection) and many lookup fields: the content modules for example join as many as 10 tables, to get author names etc.
This can be a real killer, I had queries running for over one second with a dedicated server and only 3000 content items. One tag cloud component we found could take as long as 45 seconds to return a keywords list. If this is the situation (a lot of records and many joins), your only way out is to further limit the filters in the options to see if you can get some faster results (for example, limiting to articles in the last 3 months can reduce the time needed dramatically).
But if this is not sufficient or not viable, you're left with writing a new optimized query in a new model, which ultimately will bring the best performance optimization of any other optimization. In writing the query, consider leveraging the database specific optimizations, i.e. adding indexes, full-text indexes and only use joins if you really need them.
Also consider that joins must never grow with the number of fields, translations or else.
A constant query is easy for the db engine to optimize and cache, whilst a dynamic query will never be as efficient.

make better LinQ queries mvc3

I had a question in my mind, to get the better performance of a linq query , is it better to use the select extension to select just the fields we need, not the whole fields?!!!
I have a table "News" and it has fileds ( id, title, text, regtime,regdate,username,...) which the text field is very long text and it has to have a big size for each row.
so i decided to change this query in the index page which does not show the text of news from this
var model=db.News.ToList();
to this one
var model=db.News.Select(n=>new NewsVM(){ id=r.id, title=r.title, regtime=r.regtime,...});
and i fiddler both queries and the Bytes Received was the same
Fiddler doesn't monitor the data sent from the Sql Server to the webserver. Fiddler will only show you the size of the HTML that the view generates.
So to answer your question, YES! The performance is much better if you ask only for the fields you need rather than either asking for all of them, or blindly using the select method. The Sql Server should/may run the query faster. It may be able to retrieve all the fields you are asking for directly from an index rather than having to actually read each row. There are many other reasons as well, but they get more technical.
As for the webserver, it too will execute faster since it doesn't have to recieve as much data from the sql server, and it will use less memory (leaving more memory available for caching, etc).
A good analogy would be asking if I ask you for the first word of the first 10 books in your library, would it be faster if you had to copy the entire content of each book to your notebook first, then give me the first word, or if it would be faster if you just wrote down the first word of each book. Both answers are only 10 words long.

How to optimize "text search" for inverted index and relational database? [closed]

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Update 2022-08-12
I re-thought about it and realized I was overcomplicating it. I found the best way to enhance this system is by using good old information retrieval techniques ie using 'location' of a word in a sentence and 'ranking' queries to display best hits. The approach is illustrated in this following picture.
Update 2015-10-15
Back in 2012, I was building a personal online application and actually wanted to re-invent the wheel because am curious by nature, for learning purposes and to enhance my algorithm and architecture skills. I could have used apache lucene and others, however as I mentioned I decided to build my own mini search engine.
Question: So is there really no way to enhance this architecture except by using available services like elasticsearch, lucene and others?
Original question
I am developing a web application, in which users search for specific titles (say for example : book x, book y, etc..) , which data is in a relational database (MySQL).
I am following the principle that each record that was fetched from the db, is cached in memory , so that the app has less calls to the database.
I have developed my own mini search engine , with the following architecture:
This is how it works:
a) User searches a record name
b) The system check what character the query starts with, checks if query there : get record. If not there, adds it and get all matching records from database using two ways:
Either query already there in the Table "Queries" (which is a sort of history table) thus get record based on IDs (Fast performance)
Or, otherwise using Mysql LIKE %% statement to get records/ids (Also then keep the used query by the user in history table Queries along with the ids it maps to).
-->Then It adds records and their ids to the cache and Only the ids to the inverted index map.
c) results are returned to the UI
The system works fine, however I have Two main issues, that i couldn't find a good solution for (been trying for the past month):
First issue:
if you check point (b) , case where no query "history" is found and it has to use the Like %% statement : this process becomes time consuming when the query matches numerous records in the database (instead of one or two):
It will take some time to get records from Mysql (this is why i used INDEXES on the specific columns)
Then time to save query history
Then time to add records/ids to cache and inverted index maps
Second issue:
The application allows users to add themselves new records, that can immediately be used by other users logged in the to application.
However to achieve this, inverted index map and table "queries" have to be updated so that in case any old query matches to the new word. For example if a new record "woodX" is being added, still the old query "wood" does map to it. So in order to re-hook query "wood" to this new record, here is what i am doing now:
new record "woodX" gets added to "records" table
then i run a Like %% statement to see which already existing query in table "queries" does map to this record(for example "wood"), then add this query with the new record id as a new row: [ wood, new id].
Then in memory, update inverted index Map's "wood" key's value (ie the list), by adding the new record Id to this list
--> Thus now if a remote user searches "wood" it will get from memory : wood and woodX
The Issue here is also time consumption. Matching all query histories (in table queries) with the newly added word takes a lot of time (the more matching queries, the more time). Then the in memory update also takes a lot of time.
What i am thinking of doing to fix this time issue, is to return the desired results to the user first , then let the application POST an ajax call with the required data to achieve all these UPDATE tasks. But i am not sure if this is a bad practice or an unprofessional way of doing things?
So for the past month ( a bit more) i tried to think of the best optimization/modification/update for this architecture, but I am not an expert in the document retrieval field (actually its my first mini search engine ever built).
I would appreciate any feedback or guidance on what i should do to be able to achieve this kind of architecture.
Thanks in advance.
Its a j2ee application using servlets.
I am using MySQL innodb (thus i cannot use full-text search option)
I would strongly recommend Sphinx Search Server, wchich is best optimized in full-text searching. Visit http://sphinxsearch.com/.
It's designed to work with MySQL, so it's an addition to Your current workspace.
I do not pretend to have THE solution but here is my ideas.
First, I though like you for time-consuming queries LIKE%% : I would execute a query limited to a few answers in MySQL, like a dozen, return that to user, and wait to see if user wants more matching records, or launch in background the full-query, depending on you indexation needs for future searches.
More generally, I think that storing everything in memory could lead, one day, to too-much memory consumption. And althrough the search-engine becomes faster and faster when it keeps everything in memory, you'll have to keep all these caches up-to-date when data is added or updated and it will certainly take more and more time.
That's why I think the solution I saw a day in an "open-source forum software" (I couldn't remember its name) is not too bad for text searching in posts : each time a data is inserted, a table named "Words" keeps tracks of every existing word, and another table (let's say "WordsLinks") the link between each word and posts it appears in.
This kind of solution has some drawbacks:
Each Insert, Delete, Update in database is a lot slower
Data selection for search engine must be anticipated : if you choose to keep two letter words you never kept, it is too late for already recorded data, unless you launch a complete data re-processing.
You must take care of DELETE as well as UPDATE and INSERT
But I think there are some big advantages:
Computing time is probably the same than the "memory solution" (eventually), but it is divided in each database Create/Update/Delete, rather than at query time.
Looking for a whole word, or words "starting with" is instantaneous : when indexed, searching in "Words" table is dichotomic. And "WordLinks" table query is very fast either with an index.
Looking for multiple words at the same time could be simple : gather a group of "WordLinks" for each found Word, and execute an intersection on them to keep only "Database Ids" common to all these groups. For example with the words "tree" and "leaf", the first one could give Table records {1, 4, 6}, and the second one could give {1, 3, 6, 9}. So with an intersection it is simple to keep only common parts : {1, 6}.
A "Like %%" in a single-column table is probably faster than a lot of "Like %%" in different fields of different tables. And each database engine handles some cache : "Words" table could be little enough to be kept in memory
I think there is a small risk of performance and memory problems if data becomes huge.
As every search is fast, you can even look for synonyms. For example search "network" if user didn't find anything with "ethernet".
You can apply rules, like splitting camel case words to generate for example the 3 words "wood", "X", "woodX" from "woodX". Each "word" is very lightweight to store and find, so you can do a lot of things.
I think the solution you need could be a blend of methods : for example you can keep lightweight UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE, and launch "Words" and "WordsLinks" feeding from a TRIGGER.
Just for anecdote, I saw a software developped by my company in which it was decided to keep "everything" (!) in memory. It leads us to recommend to our customers to buy servers with 64GB RAM. A little bit expensive. It explains why I am very prudent when I see solutions that could lead, eventually, to memory filling.
I have to say, I don't think your design fits the problem very well. The issues that you see now are consequences of that. And apart from that, your current solution doesn't scale.
Here is a possible solution:
Redesign your database to only contain authoritative data, but no derived data. So all cache entries must vanish from MySQL.
Keep data only for the duration of a request in memory within your application. This makes the design of your application much simpler (think race conditions) and enables you to scale to a sensible number of clients.
Introduce a caching layer. I'd strongly recommend to use an established product, rather than building this yourself. This frees you of all the custom built caching logic in your application and even does the job much better.
You can take a look at Redis or Memcached for the caching layer. I think an LRU strategy should fit here. Depending on how complex your queries become, a dedicated indexed search mechanism like Lucene might make sense as well.
I'm sure this can be implemented in MySQL but it would be a lot less effort to just use an existing search-oriented database such as Elasticsearch. It uses Lucene library to implement the inverted index, has extensive documentation, supports horizontal scaling, fairly simple query language and so forth. I guess it has been quite a lot of work to get this far, and it will be even more work to handle caches, race conditions, bugs, performance issues etc. to make the solution "production grade".

Should I store reference data in my application memory, or in the database?

I am faced with the choice where to store some reference data (essentially drop down values) for my application. This data will not change (or if it does, I am fine with needing to restart the application), and will be frequently accessed as part of an AJAX autocomplete widget (so there may be several queries against this data by one user filling out one field).
Suppose each record looks something like this:
The autocomplete query will need to check the input string against 4 fields in each record and discrete parameters against the category and effective/expiration dates, so if this were a SQL query, it would have a where clause that looks something like:
... WHERE category = ?
AND effective_date < ?
AND expiration_date > ?
AND (colA LIKE ? OR colB LIKE ? OR colC LIKE ?)
I feel like this might be a rather inefficient query, but I suppose I don't know enough about how databases optimize their indexes, etc. I do know that a lot of really smart people work really hard to make database engines really fast at this exact type of thing.
The alternative I see is to store it in my application memory. I could have a list of these records for each category, and then iterate over each record in the category to see if the filter criteria is met. This is definitely O(n), since I need to examine every record in the category.
Has anyone faced a similar choice? Do you have any insight to offer?
EDIT: Thanks for the insight, folks. Sending the entire data set down to the client is not really an option, since the data set is so large (several MB).
Definitely cache it in memory if it's not changing during the lifetime of the application. You're right, you don't want to be going back to the database for each call, because it's completely unnecessary.
There's can be debate about exactly how much to cache on the server (I tend to cache as little as possible until I really need to), but for information that will not change and will be accessed repeatedly, you should almost always cache that in the Application object.
Given the number of directions you're coming at this data (filtering on 6 or more columns), I'm not sure how much more you'll be able to optimize the information in memory. The first thing I would try is to store it in a list in the Application object, and query it using LINQ-to-objects. Or, if there is one field that is used significantly more than the others, or try using a Dictionary instead of a list. If the performance continues to be a problem, try using storing it in a DataSet and setting indexes on it (but of course you loose some code-simplicity and maintainability this way).
I do not think there is a one size fits all answer to your question. Depending on the data size and usage patterns the answer will vary. More than that the answer may change over time.
This is why in my development I built some intermediate layer which allows me to change how the caching is done by changing configuration (with no code changes). Every while we analyze various stats (cache hit ratio, etc.) and decide if we want to change cache behavior.
BTW there is also a third layer - you can push your static data to the browser and cache it there too
Can you just hard-wire it into the program (as long as you stick to DRY)? Changing it only requires a rebuild.
