PHP Pagerank Class - pagerank

I have a AMPPS Stack for Mac and I am trying to make a PageRank webtool which will allow to show the PageRank of any site.
I have the following Class :
When I use this code :
$rank = new PageRank('');
It returns an Object which looks like this in print_r() :
PageRank Object ( [host] => )
As per the code it should give the returned output right ?

You cannot return information from the object constructor. There's a return statement in the constructor (it returns file_get_contents(something)) which will get ignored.
Use a function instead.


Model's scope function is showing wrong value, but only in production server

I'm facing a weird problem which only happen in the production server (It's 100% normal in my local). I'm using Laravel 8, and have a model named Student. Inside the model, I created several scope methods like this:
public function scopeWhereAlreadySubmitData($query)
return $query->where('status_data_id', '!=', 1);
public function scopeWhereAlreadySubmitDocument($query)
return $query->where('status_document_id', '!=', 1);
Then I use the methods above in an AJAX controller to chain it with count method. Something like:
public function getAggregates()
$student = Student::with(['something', 'somethingElse']);
$count_student_already_submit_data = $student->whereAlreadySubmitData()->count();
$count_student_already_submit_document = $student->whereAlreadySubmitDocument()->count();
return compact('count_student_already_submit_data', 'count_student_already_submit_document');
Here's is where the weird thing happens: while the controller above produce the correct value in my local, in production count_student_already_submit_data has a correct value but count_student_already_submit_document has zero value. Seeing at the database directly, count_student_already_submit_document should have value more than zero as there are many records has status_document_id not equals to 1.
I've also tried to use the scopeWhereAlreadySubmitDocument method in tinker. Both in local and production, it shows the correct value, not just zero.
Another thing to note is that Student model actually had 4 scope methods like the above, not just 2. 3 of them is working correctly, and only 1 is not. Plus, there's another controller using all the scope methods above and all of them are showing the correct value.
Have you ever face such thing? What could be the problem behind this? Your input is appreciated.
Turns out this is because the query builder is effected by the given chain. The weird thing I mentioned about "local vs production" is likely doesn't gets noticed in the local because its only has a few records. I should've use clone() when chaining the builder. See the topic below for more information.
Laravel query builder - re-use query with amended where statement

Laravel update query use

I used this query to update the status column.
vehicles::where('id' , '=' , $veh_status)->update(['status' => $val]);
But when I submitted the status value doesn't change.
you can trace your query by using ->toSql() method !
try this to find whats happening in back
Not sure what the problem is there because you haven't given much info to work with, but you can check these suggestions:
Check if the column is set to be mass assignable in the model class, that is, it is in the fillable[] array.
make sure the id you pass to the where() function is valid.
Try using another function, save() which will achieve the same results you seek, like this;
// filter the vehicle
$vehicle = vehicles::where('id', '=', $veh_id)->first();
$vehicle = vehicles::find($veh_id);
$vehicle->status = 1;
Lastly, I noticed your id variable you pass to the where the () function is called $veh_status "presumably - vehicle status" and not $veh_id, "presumably - vehicle id" so probably check that out.
Ref: Laravel Model Update documentation

Eloquent Collections Where Condition

I want to get alternative products pictures.
When die and dump i get this result.
I need to get only the picture which is main. If main equals to 1. It is main picture.
When I write
dd($alternativeProduct->pictures->where('main', 1))
I got an empty array.
Here is my relation with Product and Picture relation
public function pictures(){
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\ProductPicture');
What can i do ?
The where method in a collection has three parameters: $key, $value and $strict, the last one defaults to true if not passed when calling the method. When $strict is true the comparison is done via === which does not do type coercion, meaning "1" === 1 is false.
From your dump data, I can see that "main" => "1" which means it's a string and you're passing an integer 1 to the where method, resulting in what I described above as a false condition and returning an empty result set. You can fix that by disabling strict comparison:
$alternativeProduct->pictures->where('main', 1, false);
// or the equivalent helper whereLoose
$alternativeProduct->pictures->whereLoose('main', 1);
Or passing a string as the value:
$alternativeProduct->pictures->where('main', "1");
That being said, if that's the only place you're using that collection in that request's context, I suggest that you filter the results at the database level, not after they are fetched, like so:
$alternativeProduct->pictures()->where('main', 1)->get();
Accessing the relations as a method ->pictures(), instead of as a property ->pictures, will return a Query Builder instance that allows you to add conditions to the database query and only fetch the actual items you need from the database, instead of fetching them all and filtering them out afterwards.
You may want to use whereLoose instead:
dd($alternativeProduct->pictures->whereLoose('main', 1))
From the Laravel docs:
The where method uses strict comparisons when checking item values. Use the whereLoose method to filter using "loose" comparisons.

Grails chained drop down

I'm trying to implement chained drop down boxes using the tutorial here. My classes are not as straight forward as the ones in the tutorial though.
I want to chain the drop down boxes for the create.gsp view in the Load class. Each load belongs to an account from the Account class, and each account belongs to a user from the User class, and each user has several cargo destinations from the Address class.
My goal is to have the cargo destination field up date based on which account is selected.
I am having trouble understanding the AJAX function in the tutorial (step 3), and how it relates to the Grails function (step 4).
Here is the AJAX code:
function respondToSelect(event)
new Ajax.Updater("memberSelect",
{method:'get', parameters: {selectedValue : $F("familySelect")} }
Here is the Grails method:
def updateSelect = {
def familySelected = Family.find("from Family as family where family.surname=:surname", [surname:params.selectedValue])
render (template:"selectMember", model : ['familySelected' : familySelected])
If someone could just explain what the third parameter of the AJAX function is doing I think I can figure the Grails part out.
{method:'get', parameters: {selectedValue : $F("account")}}
If someone could just explain what the third parameter of the AJAX
function is doing
The third argument is an object of parameters that get passed to the Updater that tell it how to make the HTTP request to the server.
Make the request an HTTP GET request:
Pass the following named query parameters:
{selectedValue: $F("account")}
$F is a prototype shortcut to retrieve the value of an element. In this case, it's getting the selected value of the DOM element with id account.
This ultimately results in something like the following request:
GET /chainedSelect/family/updateSelect?selectedValue=someValue
Where "someValue" is the currently-selected item in the "account" select list.

Cannot form a select statement for query in silverlight

I want to do something like
from table1
where col5="abcd"
select col1
I did like
query_ = From g In DomainService.GetGEsQuery Select New GE With {.Desc = g.codDesc}
"This cause a runtime error, i tried various combinations but failed"
please help.
I'm assuming your trying to do this on the client side. If so you could do something like this
DomainService.Load(DomainService.GetGEsQuery().Where(g => g.codDesc == "something"), lo =>
if (lo.HasError == false)
List<string> temp = lo.Entities.Select(a => a.Name).ToList();
}, null);
you could also do this in the server side (which i would personally prefer) like this
public IQueryable<string> GetGEStringList(string something)
return this.ObjectContext.GE.Where(g => g.codDesc == something).Select(a => a.Name);
Hope this helps
DomainService.GetGEsQuery() returns an IQueryable, that is only useful in a subsequent asynchronous load. Your are missing the () on the method call, but that is only the first problem.
You can apply filter operations to the query returned using Where etc, but it still needs to be passed to the Load method of your domain context (called DomainService in your example).
The example Jack7 has posted shows an anonymous callback from the load method which then accesses the results inside the load object lo and extracts just the required field with another query. Note that you can filter the query in RIA services, but not change the basic return type (i.e. you cannot filter out unwanted columns on the client-side).
Jack7's second suggestion to implement a specific method server-side, returning just the data you want, is your best option.
