Eloquent Collections Where Condition - laravel

I want to get alternative products pictures.
When die and dump i get this result.
I need to get only the picture which is main. If main equals to 1. It is main picture.
When I write
dd($alternativeProduct->pictures->where('main', 1))
I got an empty array.
Here is my relation with Product and Picture relation
public function pictures(){
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\ProductPicture');
What can i do ?

The where method in a collection has three parameters: $key, $value and $strict, the last one defaults to true if not passed when calling the method. When $strict is true the comparison is done via === which does not do type coercion, meaning "1" === 1 is false.
From your dump data, I can see that "main" => "1" which means it's a string and you're passing an integer 1 to the where method, resulting in what I described above as a false condition and returning an empty result set. You can fix that by disabling strict comparison:
$alternativeProduct->pictures->where('main', 1, false);
// or the equivalent helper whereLoose
$alternativeProduct->pictures->whereLoose('main', 1);
Or passing a string as the value:
$alternativeProduct->pictures->where('main', "1");
That being said, if that's the only place you're using that collection in that request's context, I suggest that you filter the results at the database level, not after they are fetched, like so:
$alternativeProduct->pictures()->where('main', 1)->get();
Accessing the relations as a method ->pictures(), instead of as a property ->pictures, will return a Query Builder instance that allows you to add conditions to the database query and only fetch the actual items you need from the database, instead of fetching them all and filtering them out afterwards.

You may want to use whereLoose instead:
dd($alternativeProduct->pictures->whereLoose('main', 1))
From the Laravel docs:
The where method uses strict comparisons when checking item values. Use the whereLoose method to filter using "loose" comparisons.


changing a query result value according to wherehas condition in laravel

I am using laravel
I want to change the value of a column according to a specific condition.
if a condition is satisfied in wherehas then change the value of specific column to 1 let's say.How could i do it.
if i can call a function in the model inside the wherehas function to change the value how could I do it ??
i can iterate the result set using a 2 for loops and change it, however I want to decrease the complexity by changing the value while retrieving the data
Course::with('stages','stages.levels')->whereHas('stages.levels', function($query)use ($levelsarray){
$query->wherenotIn('id', $levelsarray);
here I want to change a column value in table levels
Here is a general way,
Assuming you have Three models, Course, Stage, Level
When you are retrieving data from Level model, add an accessor,
For more info click here.
On Level.php model,
public function getColumnNameAttribute($value) // replace ColumnName with column name
//write application logic here.
return $value;

Fetch the value of a given column in Eloquent

I am trying to get the value of a single column using Eloquent:
MyModel::where('field', 'foo')->get(['id']); // returns [{"id":1}]
MyModel::where('field', 'foo')->select('id')->first() // returns {"id":1}
However, I am getting anything but the value 1. How can get that 1?
NOTE: It is possible that the record with field of foo does not exist in the table!
I am ideally looking for a single statement that either returns the value (e.g. 1) or fails with a '' or null or other. To give you some more context, this is actually used in Validator::make in one of the rules:
'input' => 'exists:table,some_field,id,' . my_query_above...
Using Adiasz's answer, I found that MyModel::where('field', 'foo')->value('id') does exactly what I need: returns an integer value or an empty string (when failed).
Laravel is intuitive framework... if you want value just call value() method.
MyModel::where('field', 'foo')->first()->value('id');
You're using the Eloquent query builder, so by default, it'll return an Eloquent model with only the value you wish.
The method you're looking for is pluck() which exists in the normal query builder (of which the Eloquent one extends) so your code should look as follows:
MyModel::where('field', 'foo')->pluck('id'); // returns [1]
The value() method that is being used in the other answers is an Eloquent model method. Using that means that the framework queries the database, hydrates the model and then returns only that value. You can save yourself a few keystrokes and few CPU cycles by using pluck() and have it handled simply in one query.

Laravel WHERE on same column

How I can query using Laravel Eloquent the following:
I need to get the items with the type of shirt and glass
The above works with 1 Where on the same column. If I place the 2nd Where (glass), nothing is returned.
My desired query, as SQL:
WHERE items.type == "shirt" || items.type == "gass"
Use the orWhere method.
->where('items.type', 'shirt')->orWhere('items.type', 'glass')
It's documented on https://laravel.com/docs/5.2/queries#where-clauses.
You may chain where constraints together, as well as add or clauses to the query. The orWhere method accepts the same arguments as the where method:
You can also use the whereIn method.
->whereIn('items.type', ['shirt', 'glass'])
The whereIn method verifies that a given column's value is contained within the given array:
If you want a OR condition, you should wrap it within a where!
->whereIn('items.type', ['shirt', 'glass'])

laravel database query Does `where` always need `first()`?

I am new to laravel and confused about some query methods.
find($id) is useful and returns a nice array, but sometimes I need to select by other fields rather than id.
The Laravel document said I could use where('field', '=', 'value') and return a bunch of data, which is fine.
What I can't understand is why I need to add ->first() every time, even if I am pretty sure there is only one single row matches the query.
It goes like this:
$query->where(..)->orderBy(..)->limit(..) etc.
// you can chain the methods as you like, and finally you need one of:
->get($columns); // returns Eloquent Collection of Models or array of stdObjects
->first($columns); // returns single row (Eloquent Model or stdClass)
->find($id); // returns single row (Eloquent Model or stdClass)
->find($ids); // returns Eloquent Collection
// those are examples, there are many more like firstOrFail, findMany etc, check the api
$columns is an array of fields to retrieve, default array('*')
$id is a single primary key value
$ids is an array of PKs, this works in find method only for Eloquent Builder
// or aggregate functions:
// just examples here too
So the method depends on what you want to retrieve (array/collection or single object)
Also the return objects depend on the builder you are using (Eloquent Builder or Query Builder):
User::get(); // Eloquent Colleciton
DB::table('users')->get(); // array of stdObjects
even if I am pretty sure there is only one single row matches the query.
Well Laravel cant read your mind - so you need to tell it what you want to do.
You can do either
User::where('field', '=', 'value')->get()
Which will return all objects that match that search. Sometimes it might be one, but sometimes it might be 2 or 3...
If you are sure there is only one (or you only want the first) you can do
User::where('field', '=', 'value')->first()
get() returns an array of objects (multiple rows)
first() returns a single object (a row)
You can of course use get() when you know it will return only one row, but you need to keep that in mind when addressing the result:
using get()
$rez = \DB::table('table')->where('sec_id','=','5')->get();
//will return one row in an array with one item, but will be addressed as:
$myfieldvalue = $rez[0]->fieldname;
using first()
$rez = \DB::table('table')->where('sec_id','=','5')->first();
// will also return one row but without the array, so
$myfieldvalue = $rez->fieldname;
So it depends on how you want to access the result of the query: as an object or as an array, and also depends on what "you know" the query will return.
first() is the equivalent of LIMIT 1 at the end of your SELECT statement. Even if your query would return multiple rows, if you use first() it will only return the first row

Eloquent Collection: Counting and Detect Empty

This may be a trivial question but I am wondering if Laravel recommends a certain way to check whether an Eloquent collection returned from $result = Model::where(...)->get() is empty, as well as counting the number of elements.
We are currently using !$result to detect empty result, is that sufficient? As for count($result), does it actually cover all cases, including empty result?
When using ->get() you cannot simply use any of the below:
if (empty($result)) { }
if (!$result) { }
if ($result) { }
Because if you dd($result); you'll notice an instance of Illuminate\Support\Collection is always returned, even when there are no results. Essentially what you're checking is $a = new stdClass; if ($a) { ... } which will always return true.
To determine if there are any results you can do any of the following:
if ($result->first()) { }
if (!$result->isEmpty()) { }
if ($result->count()) { }
if (count($result)) { }
You could also use ->first() instead of ->get() on the query builder which will return an instance of the first found model, or null otherwise. This is useful if you need or are expecting only one result from the database.
$result = Model::where(...)->first();
if ($result) { ... }
Notes / References
->first() http://laravel.com/api/4.2/Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Collection.html#method_first
isEmpty() http://laravel.com/api/4.2/Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Collection.html#method_isEmpty
->count() http://laravel.com/api/4.2/Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Collection.html#method_count
count($result) works because the Collection implements Countable and an internal count() method: http://laravel.com/api/4.2/Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Collection.html#method_count
Bonus Information
The Collection and the Query Builder differences can be a bit confusing to newcomers of Laravel because the method names are often the same between the two. For that reason it can be confusing to know what one you’re working on. The Query Builder essentially builds a query until you call a method where it will execute the query and hit the database (e.g. when you call certain methods like ->all() ->first() ->lists() and others). Those methods also exist on the Collection object, which can get returned from the Query Builder if there are multiple results. If you're not sure what class you're actually working with, try doing var_dump(User::all()) and experimenting to see what classes it's actually returning (with help of get_class(...)). I highly recommend you check out the source code for the Collection class, it's pretty simple. Then check out the Query Builder and see the similarities in function names and find out when it actually hits the database.
Laravel 5.2 Collection Class
Laravel 5.2 Query Builder
I think you are looking for:
This is different from empty($result), which will not be true because the result will be an empty collection. Your suggestion of count($result) is also a good solution. I cannot find any reference in the docs
I agree the above approved answer. But usually I use $results->isNotEmpty() method as given below.
//do something
It's more verbose than if(!results->isEmpty()) because sometimes we forget to add '!' in front which may result in unwanted error.
Note that this method exists from version 5.3 onwards.
There are several methods given in Laravel for checking results count/check empty/not empty:
$result->isNotEmpty(); // True if result is not empty.
$result->isEmpty(); // True if result is empty.
$result->count(); // Return count of records in result.
I think better to used
The isEmpty method returns true if the collection is empty; otherwise,
false is returned.
According to Laravel Documentation states you can use this way:
The isEmpty method returns true if the collection is empty; otherwise, false is returned.
I think you try something like
// $result is not empty
// $result is empty
or also use
if (!$result) { }
if ($result) { }
You can do
$result = Model::where(...)->count();
to count the results.
You can also use
if ($result->isEmpty()){}
to check whether or not the result is empty.
so Laravel actually returns a collection when just using Model::all();
you don't want a collection you want an array so you can type set it.
(array)Model::all(); then you can use array_filter to return the results
$models = (array)Model::all()
$models = array_filter($models);
do something
this will also allow you to do things like count().
You can use: $counter = count($datas);
The in_array() checks if a value exists in an array.
public function isAbsolutelyEmpty($value)
return in_array($value, ["", "0", null, 0, 0.0], true);
You want to check these two cases of count().
If the result contains only a single row (one record) from the database by using ->first().
if(count($result)) {
// record is exist true...
If result contain set of multiple row (multiple records) by using ->get() or ->all().
if($result->count()) {
//record is exist true...
