Yahoo pipes guru help to extract a string and output correctly - yahoo-pipes

I would like to extract a date which is a string in item.description and the output it as
Can someone help me?

Pull out a loop and put a string regex inside it.
Choose item.description and assign results to date
What you put in the replace box depends on the format of your date.
For dates like this:
you would put .*(\d{2})/(\d{2})/(\d{2}).*
For dates like this:
you would put .*(\d{2})-(\d{2})-(\d{4}).*
in the with box put $1/$2/$3


Regex: Grouping with OR

I'm new here, so please don't scold me for misspellings etc.
What I need to do is to rename a bunch of files with a date in different formats at the beginning of their names, like:
Instead of writing a different expression for each formatting, eg.
^(\d{2})\.(\d{2}).(\d{4})(.+) => $3-$2-$1$4
02.11.2022-abc.pdf => 2022-11-02-abc.pdf
I'd like to do it in one fell swoop using the OR operator "|" but I have no idea how to formulate the groupings etc. Can one have nested groupings in regex?
Any ideas? Thank in advance!
#The fourth bird:
No (.+) needed. You're right, I condensed my actual expression and could have taken it out.
The different date 'formats' I mean are and respectively, and I need to convert both to yyyy-mn-dd
So,if the format is I have to flip the string, so to say, else I just need to replace the dots by hyphens.
The OS is Android, and for this operation I use Solid Explorer multi search & replace using regex.
I hope I made myself clear this time around ;-)

Transform a string into ISO datetime format | Freemarker

So I get the date and time which is, for example, 17.11.2021 and 12:44. Now I want to convert this date and time into the formate which Freemarker is using (yyyy-MM-dd hh:dd:mm:ss). However the problem here is that I can't convert it properly. I tried like:
${myDateTime?datetime.iso?string("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")}
But this wont work. I always get an error message. Can anyone explain or show me the correct formation in this case ?
Assuming myDateTime is a String (and not already a Date object), and it looks like 17.11.2021 12:44, you can convert it to ISO format like this:
${myDateTime?datetime("dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm")?string.iso}
Above myDateTime?datetime("dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm") converts the string to a Date (which is a format-independent representation), and then ?string.iso formats the Date with ISO format.
Note that it would be much cleaner if myDateTime was a Date, not a String. Then you just do this: ${myDateTime?string.iso}

return line of strings between two strings in a ruby variable

I would like to extract a line of strings but am having difficulties using the correct RegEx. Any help would be appreciated.
String to extract: KSEA 122053Z 21008KT 10SM FEW020 SCT250 17/08 A3044 RMK AO2 SLP313 T01720083 50005
For Some reason StackOverflow wont let me cut and paste the XML data here since it includes "<>" characters. Basically I am trying to extract data between "raw_text" ... "/raw_text" from a xml that will always be formatted like the following:
However, the Station name, in this case "KSEA" will not always be the same. It will change based on user input into a search variable.
Thanks In advance
if I can assume that every strings that you want starts with KSEA, then the answer would be:
using ? would let .* match as less as possible.

Print before space from the string in Smarty

I have a date string in smarty template ( {$date[s].d} ) which includes date and time like this:
Dec-23-2012 09:00:00 AM
i want to remove everything after space so it would be like this
i can do it in php but i need to do it in smarty template, is it possible?
Well as an answer to my own question,
i managed to use |truncate, count 11 characters and remove the remaining
this prints the following
if any one has a better idea i'll be happy to hear

Replacing manually written date with a string containing it

I have these 2 things I am working with:
CSV.foreach('datafile.csv','r') {|row| D_Location << row[0]}
In the first line I would like to change the datafile.csv to something like a string so I can change one string and it changes for all of these codes. I have many, each controlling 1 csv column.
In the second one I would like to replace the actual date written, and replace it with a string. This is so that can be automatic, because the string will be generated based on other criteria.
I trust the mods will ban me if I'm being too much of a noob hehe. Then I'll toughen up and find these answers myself eventually. But so far I've solved a lot, but not this. Thanks in advance!
Make a function which takes in a string representing a weekday, and returns a number. Call this function later in your code:, 05, yourfun('Tuesday')).cwday
For the first part of your question, you're already working with a string. I think what you mean is that you want it to be in a variable:
csv_file = 'datafile.csv'
CSV.foreach(csv_file,'r') {|row| D_Location << row[0]}
For the second part of your question, Date.parse() works with strings, but they need to be in a format that it can recognize. If your date strings use commas, you can replace them with hyphens:
date_str = "2003,05,02"
Date.parse(date_str.gsub(",", "-")).cwday # => 5
It's not clear where your date strings will be coming from or what format they'll be in, but the general concepts you need to understand are that you can use variables, and that you can transform strings.
