not able to do ruby string comparision - ruby

I have been trying to do ruby string comparision which doesnt seem to work
max == "value"
if == max
I also tried using the eql method but nothing seems to work
This is not working althought the values are same.
What could be the reason?

This is because of white spaces. Try doing
if == max
strip will remove all the white spaces

Ruby use the same semantics as C when it comes to assignment versus comparison.
x = y
will assign x the value of y Even if this is done inside an if expression.
The second attempt to use eql (which really should be eql?) will fail, as x.eql?(y) returns true if the x and y are the same object. It is not sufficient that they have the same value.
Note, that in a language like Ruby, many variables can be bound to the same object. If you update the object destructively, this will be reflected on all variables bound to the same object. On the other hand, it will not affect variables bound the another object, even if that object happened to have an equal value as the first object.
Update: The poster changed the question after this answer was posted.


"NoMethodError: undefined method '-#' for ["some-text"]:Array" when inside while loop [duplicate]

The pre/post increment/decrement operator (++ and --) are pretty standard programing language syntax (for procedural and object-oriented languages, at least).
Why doesn't Ruby support them? I understand you could accomplish the same thing with += and -=, but it just seems oddly arbitrary to exclude something like that, especially since it's so concise and conventional.
i = 0 #=> 0
i += 1 #=> 1
i #=> 1
i++ #=> expect 2, but as far as I can tell,
#=> irb ignores the second + and waits for a second number to add to i
I understand Fixnum is immutable, but if += can just instanciate a new Fixnum and set it, why not do the same for ++?
Is consistency in assignments containing the = character the only reason for this, or am I missing something?
Here is how Matz(Yukihiro Matsumoto) explains it in an old thread:
In message "[ruby-talk:02706] X++?"
on 00/05/10, Aleksi Niemelä <> writes:
|I got an idea from
|and thought to try. I didn't manage to make "auto(in|de)crement" working so
|could somebody help here? Does this contain some errors or is the idea
(1) ++ and -- are NOT reserved operator in Ruby.
(2) C's increment/decrement operators are in fact hidden assignment.
They affect variables, not objects. You cannot accomplish
assignment via method. Ruby uses +=/-= operator instead.
(3) self cannot be a target of assignment. In addition, altering
the value of integer 1 might cause severe confusion throughout
the program.
One reason is that up to now every assignment operator (i.e. an operator which changes a variable) has a = in it. If you add ++ and --, that's no longer the case.
Another reason is that the behavior of ++ and -- often confuse people. Case in point: The return value of i++ in your example would actually be 1, not 2 (the new value of i would be 2, however).
It's not conventional in OO languages. In fact, there is no ++ in Smalltalk, the language that coined the term "object-oriented programming" (and the language Ruby is most strongly influenced by). What you mean is that it's conventional in C and languages closely imitating C. Ruby does have a somewhat C-like syntax, but it isn't slavish in adhering to C traditions.
As for why it isn't in Ruby: Matz didn't want it. That's really the ultimate reason.
The reason no such thing exists in Smalltalk is because it's part of the language's overriding philosophy that assigning a variable is fundamentally a different kind of thing than sending a message to an object — it's on a different level. This thinking probably influenced Matz in designing Ruby.
It wouldn't be impossible to include it in Ruby — you could easily write a preprocessor that transforms all ++ into +=1. but evidently Matz didn't like the idea of an operator that did a "hidden assignment." It also seems a little strange to have an operator with a hidden integer operand inside of it. No other operator in the language works that way.
I think there's another reason: ++ in Ruby wouldn't be remotely useful as in C and its direct successors.
The reason being, the for keyword: while it's essential in C, it's mostly superfluous in Ruby. Most of the iteration in Ruby is done through Enumerable methods, such as each and map when iterating through some data structure, and Fixnum#times method, when you need to loop an exact number of times.
Actually, as far as I have seen, most of the time +=1 is used by people freshly migrated to Ruby from C-style languages.
In short, it's really questionable if methods ++ and -- would be used at all.
You can define a .+ self-increment operator:
class Variable
def initialize value = nil
#value = value
attr_accessor :value
def method_missing *args, &blk
#value.send(*args, &blk)
def to_s
# pre-increment ".+" when x not present
def +(x = nil)
x ? #value + x : #value += 1
def -(x = nil)
x ? #value - x : #value -= 1
i = 5
puts i #=> 5
# normal use of +
puts i + 4 #=> 9
puts i #=> 5
# incrementing
puts i.+ #=> 6
puts i #=> 6
More information on "class Variable" is available in "Class Variable to increment Fixnum objects".
I think Matz' reasoning for not liking them is that it actually replaces the variable with a new one.
a =
def a.go
# at this point, you can call a.go
# but if you did an a++
# that really means a = a + 1
# so you can no longer call a.go
# as you have lost your original
Now if somebody could convince him that it should just call #succ! or what not, that would make more sense, and avoid the problem. You can suggest it on ruby core.
And in the words of David Black from his book "The Well-Grounded Rubyist":
Some objects in Ruby are stored in variables as immediate values. These include
integers, symbols (which look like :this), and the special objects true, false, and
nil. When you assign one of these values to a variable (x = 1), the variable holds
the value itself, rather than a reference to it.
In practical terms, this doesn’t matter (and it will often be left as implied, rather than
spelled out repeatedly, in discussions of references and related topics in this book).
Ruby handles the dereferencing of object references automatically; you don’t have to
do any extra work to send a message to an object that contains, say, a reference to
a string, as opposed to an object that contains an immediate integer value.
But the immediate-value representation rule has a couple of interesting ramifications,
especially when it comes to integers. For one thing, any object that’s represented
as an immediate value is always exactly the same object, no matter how many
variables it’s assigned to. There’s only one object 100, only one object false, and
so on.
The immediate, unique nature of integer-bound variables is behind Ruby’s lack of
pre- and post-increment operators—which is to say, you can’t do this in Ruby:
x = 1
x++ # No such operator
The reason is that due to the immediate presence of 1 in x, x++ would be like 1++,
which means you’d be changing the number 1 to the number 2—and that makes
no sense.
Some objects in Ruby are stored in variables as immediate values. These include integers, symbols (which look like :this), and the special objects true, false, and nil. When you assign one of these values to a variable (x = 1), the variable holds the value itself, rather than a reference to it.
Any object that’s represented as an immediate value is always exactly the same object, no matter how many variables it’s assigned to. There’s only one object 100, only one object false, and so on.
The immediate, unique nature of integer-bound variables is behind Ruby’s lack of pre-and post-increment operators—which is to say, you can’t do this in Ruby:
x++ # No such operator
The reason is that due to the immediate presence of 1 in x, x++ would be like 1++, which means you’d be changing the number 1 to the number 2—and that makes no sense.
Couldn't this be achieved by adding a new method to the fixnum or Integer class?
$ ruby -e 'numb=1;puts'
returns 2
"Destructive" methods seem to be appended with ! to warn possible users, so adding a new method called next! would pretty much do what was requested ie.
$ ruby -e 'numb=1;!; puts numb'
returns 2 (since numb has been incremented)
Of course, the next! method would have to check that the object was an integer variable and not a real number, but this should be available.

what is the meaning of "?" and "!" in Ruby [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What is the purpose of "!" and "?" at the end of method names?
(5 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I am seeing this type code in Ruby often but I don't understand it.
I am talking about the "?" and "!" character. For the examples below,
are they being used as just part of the function name or is it some kind of operators ?
unless n.is_a? Integer
prime_array = [] if prime_array.nil?
Ruby's syntax allows you to postfix a single ? or ! to your method names (both or more than one of each is invalid).
This is to support a couple of deeply ingrained conventions:
A method that returns a boolean and doesn't modify its receiver's state should use a ?. For example, if you want to "ask" whether a container is sorted, you might use my_obj.sorted?. If you want to "ask" whether a container is empty, you might use my_obj.empty?. Neither of these methods would modify their receiving object's state. See String for many examples of ? methods being used to interrogate an object without modifying it, such as start_with? and end_with?.
A method that has a ! at the end destructively modifies its objects state. By extension, when a method might destructively transform an object's state, there are often two versions of the method provided, with and without a !. In the case of an array, you might have a pair of methods called sort and sort!. sort will return a copy of the array, in sorted order, without modifying the original copy. After calling sort, you will have two copies, including an unmodified version of the original. sort! however, will sort the array in-place, overwriting the original array.
Again, referring to String, we have methods such as capitalize which returns a capitalized copy of a string, and capitalize! which capitalizes the string in-place:
x = "what"
y = x.capitalize
puts x # "what"; x is unchanged
puts y # "What"
x = "what"
y = x.capitalize!
puts x # "What"; x is changed in-place
puts y # "What"
It's worth noting that Rails has its own conventions for the semantics of !. In Rails, a method that can fail (such as a database write) will typically return true or false. Rails uses a ! to indicate that the method should fail with an exception, instead of a false return value. For example, will return false on failure;! will raise an exception.
These are parts of method names. Ruby convention is that methods returning boolean values are named with ? on the end, while possibly harmful methods are named with !.

Ruby if vs end of the line if behave differently?

Why doesn't this code work?
b if b = true
Error: undefined local variable or method `b'
But this does:
if b = true
Shouldn't they be the same?
This is a very good question. It has to do with the scoping of variables in Ruby.
Here is a post by Matz on the Ruby bug tracker about this:
local variable scope determined up to down, left to right. So a local variable first assigned in the condition of if modifier is not effective in the left side if body. It's a spec.
In the first version as soon as k is hit, the parser pukes because it hasn't been seen yet.
In the second version, k is part of an assignment expression, and is parsed differently.
I don't know the reason but the problem that the interpreter tries to lookup the variable k before evaluating the condition.
If you write it like this, there won't be any error and works as you expected:
k = nil
h = {k: 1}
v = k if k = h.delete(:k)
you have put only one '='
Try with '=='
Then you will get error
In second example, you are assigning 'true' to b.
Because the Ruby interpreter creates a local variable when it sees an assignment
In the second case, it hasn't yet seen the assignment, so the variable doesn't exist when the expression is parsed.
To be more precise, a method is first parsed into an internal representation, and then, perhaps, the code will eventually be called and actually executed.
Local variables are created in that parsing pass. It's a matter of declaration, it just means that the interpreter becomes aware of them. They won't be created in the sense of being given space or a value until the surrounding method is called by someone.

Ruby: Best way to parse a conditional array element

I'm doing API calls that will conditionally return a couple different elements. My code is currently:
if array['productId']
value = array['productId'][0]
I feel like there is a more succinct way of doing this. Some Ruby magic.
A better way :
value = array['productId'][0] if array['productId']
However, array['productId'][0] is not ruby natural. What does your array consist of ?
Since Ruby 2.3.0, the shortest way is Array#dig:
array.dig('productId', 0)
I am not sure if you are using value just temporarily or actually using it later, and what you want to do with value when the condition is not met. If you want to return nil for missing keys, then
can work. Otherwise, SpyrosP's answer will be the best.
This might be a bit pedantic, but to make sure it works in all circumstances, you should not check 'not-nil', but rather that it is indexable; something like this:
value = array['productId'][0] if array['productId'].is_a? Array
Or even better:
value = array['productId'][0] if array['productId'].respond_to? '[]'
Otherwise your code will fail if array['productId'] == 2 (which on the other hand seems reasonable, given the key used - I would have gone product_ids instead).
You could use a ternary:
value = array['productId'].nil? ? nil : array['productId'][0]
Your code pattern looks OK; it's possible to be slightly shorter...
value = (t = x['productId']) && t[0]
Using the maybe pattern of Ick, terse and explicit:
value = array['productId'].maybe[0]
While I think your code is fine (although I'd prefer SpyrosP's one-line version), you have some possibilities:
Rails has Object#try, which would let you do either array['productId'].try(:[], 0) or array['productId'].try(:at, 0).
Some people like the andand gem, which defines Object#andand and is used like array['productId'].andand[0].
Ha, I love all the options here. But since I didn't see what I use most, I'll add one more!
value = array['productId'] && array['productId'].first
(I prefer .first to [0] because it reads a little better)
This presumes you'll have an array in array['productId'], which is the right way to do it (rather than type-checking).
Otherwise, the biggest diference between this and your original code, is that this results in value having nil assigned to it if the array doesn't have anything, whereas your original results in value not being defined (which may cause errors, depending on how you use it down the road).
Hope that helps!

Why doesn't Ruby support i++ or i--​ (increment/decrement operators)?

The pre/post increment/decrement operator (++ and --) are pretty standard programing language syntax (for procedural and object-oriented languages, at least).
Why doesn't Ruby support them? I understand you could accomplish the same thing with += and -=, but it just seems oddly arbitrary to exclude something like that, especially since it's so concise and conventional.
i = 0 #=> 0
i += 1 #=> 1
i #=> 1
i++ #=> expect 2, but as far as I can tell,
#=> irb ignores the second + and waits for a second number to add to i
I understand Fixnum is immutable, but if += can just instanciate a new Fixnum and set it, why not do the same for ++?
Is consistency in assignments containing the = character the only reason for this, or am I missing something?
Here is how Matz(Yukihiro Matsumoto) explains it in an old thread:
In message "[ruby-talk:02706] X++?"
on 00/05/10, Aleksi Niemelä <> writes:
|I got an idea from
|and thought to try. I didn't manage to make "auto(in|de)crement" working so
|could somebody help here? Does this contain some errors or is the idea
(1) ++ and -- are NOT reserved operator in Ruby.
(2) C's increment/decrement operators are in fact hidden assignment.
They affect variables, not objects. You cannot accomplish
assignment via method. Ruby uses +=/-= operator instead.
(3) self cannot be a target of assignment. In addition, altering
the value of integer 1 might cause severe confusion throughout
the program.
One reason is that up to now every assignment operator (i.e. an operator which changes a variable) has a = in it. If you add ++ and --, that's no longer the case.
Another reason is that the behavior of ++ and -- often confuse people. Case in point: The return value of i++ in your example would actually be 1, not 2 (the new value of i would be 2, however).
It's not conventional in OO languages. In fact, there is no ++ in Smalltalk, the language that coined the term "object-oriented programming" (and the language Ruby is most strongly influenced by). What you mean is that it's conventional in C and languages closely imitating C. Ruby does have a somewhat C-like syntax, but it isn't slavish in adhering to C traditions.
As for why it isn't in Ruby: Matz didn't want it. That's really the ultimate reason.
The reason no such thing exists in Smalltalk is because it's part of the language's overriding philosophy that assigning a variable is fundamentally a different kind of thing than sending a message to an object — it's on a different level. This thinking probably influenced Matz in designing Ruby.
It wouldn't be impossible to include it in Ruby — you could easily write a preprocessor that transforms all ++ into +=1. but evidently Matz didn't like the idea of an operator that did a "hidden assignment." It also seems a little strange to have an operator with a hidden integer operand inside of it. No other operator in the language works that way.
I think there's another reason: ++ in Ruby wouldn't be remotely useful as in C and its direct successors.
The reason being, the for keyword: while it's essential in C, it's mostly superfluous in Ruby. Most of the iteration in Ruby is done through Enumerable methods, such as each and map when iterating through some data structure, and Fixnum#times method, when you need to loop an exact number of times.
Actually, as far as I have seen, most of the time +=1 is used by people freshly migrated to Ruby from C-style languages.
In short, it's really questionable if methods ++ and -- would be used at all.
You can define a .+ self-increment operator:
class Variable
def initialize value = nil
#value = value
attr_accessor :value
def method_missing *args, &blk
#value.send(*args, &blk)
def to_s
# pre-increment ".+" when x not present
def +(x = nil)
x ? #value + x : #value += 1
def -(x = nil)
x ? #value - x : #value -= 1
i = 5
puts i #=> 5
# normal use of +
puts i + 4 #=> 9
puts i #=> 5
# incrementing
puts i.+ #=> 6
puts i #=> 6
More information on "class Variable" is available in "Class Variable to increment Fixnum objects".
I think Matz' reasoning for not liking them is that it actually replaces the variable with a new one.
a =
def a.go
# at this point, you can call a.go
# but if you did an a++
# that really means a = a + 1
# so you can no longer call a.go
# as you have lost your original
Now if somebody could convince him that it should just call #succ! or what not, that would make more sense, and avoid the problem. You can suggest it on ruby core.
And in the words of David Black from his book "The Well-Grounded Rubyist":
Some objects in Ruby are stored in variables as immediate values. These include
integers, symbols (which look like :this), and the special objects true, false, and
nil. When you assign one of these values to a variable (x = 1), the variable holds
the value itself, rather than a reference to it.
In practical terms, this doesn’t matter (and it will often be left as implied, rather than
spelled out repeatedly, in discussions of references and related topics in this book).
Ruby handles the dereferencing of object references automatically; you don’t have to
do any extra work to send a message to an object that contains, say, a reference to
a string, as opposed to an object that contains an immediate integer value.
But the immediate-value representation rule has a couple of interesting ramifications,
especially when it comes to integers. For one thing, any object that’s represented
as an immediate value is always exactly the same object, no matter how many
variables it’s assigned to. There’s only one object 100, only one object false, and
so on.
The immediate, unique nature of integer-bound variables is behind Ruby’s lack of
pre- and post-increment operators—which is to say, you can’t do this in Ruby:
x = 1
x++ # No such operator
The reason is that due to the immediate presence of 1 in x, x++ would be like 1++,
which means you’d be changing the number 1 to the number 2—and that makes
no sense.
Some objects in Ruby are stored in variables as immediate values. These include integers, symbols (which look like :this), and the special objects true, false, and nil. When you assign one of these values to a variable (x = 1), the variable holds the value itself, rather than a reference to it.
Any object that’s represented as an immediate value is always exactly the same object, no matter how many variables it’s assigned to. There’s only one object 100, only one object false, and so on.
The immediate, unique nature of integer-bound variables is behind Ruby’s lack of pre-and post-increment operators—which is to say, you can’t do this in Ruby:
x++ # No such operator
The reason is that due to the immediate presence of 1 in x, x++ would be like 1++, which means you’d be changing the number 1 to the number 2—and that makes no sense.
Couldn't this be achieved by adding a new method to the fixnum or Integer class?
$ ruby -e 'numb=1;puts'
returns 2
"Destructive" methods seem to be appended with ! to warn possible users, so adding a new method called next! would pretty much do what was requested ie.
$ ruby -e 'numb=1;!; puts numb'
returns 2 (since numb has been incremented)
Of course, the next! method would have to check that the object was an integer variable and not a real number, but this should be available.
